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Red Wine On Her Yellow Dress


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She wasn't a happy wife when she came to Stephanie and me and said, "I've had enough of this place and I'm going home now."

I introduced the ladies and told Stephanie that my wife wanted to go home and thanked her for a pleasant evening.

Stephanie thanked me for the pleasant evening, said that it was high time to see her husband and told Emmelie, "You have a great husband, be proud of him."

I didn't hear any reply.

We walked home in silence and went to bed in silence. I suspected that the evening hadn't been what Emmelie had expected it to be.

Emmelie paid back with interest next morning after breakfast. Her French friends were already at the pool when she took her sun-bed and placed it between theirs. Then she took off her bikini top to put suntan-lotion on her breasts and belly. After that she gave the lotion bottle to Friday and lay down on her belly. After a nervous look at me and when he noted that I didn't rise up from my chair, Friday began to massage lotion on her back.

I decided to stop caring about what she did and didn't interfere. Friday continued with her arms, sides and I think he even touched her breasts before he lifted up the band of her bikini bottoms and put his hand slightly inside. Then he worked on her legs and even then I had no intentions of interfering, but I took my cell phone with camera and went closer for good pictures of Friday's dark hands on her tights and to see if he fingered her pussy.

Asterix saw me and warned the others. Emmelie shouted, "Robin don't do anything stupid?"

"Only taking holiday pictures for your friends and family, don't let that disturb your pleasures."

Pictures with dark hands caressing Emmelie's tights were obviously not her favorite souvenirs from Grand Canaria because she sat up and screamed, "Don't do that!!"

My next picture was a good one with Emmelie sitting topless close to her dark skinned friend. Then my cell phone rang and I regarded the call to be more important than taking more photos of Emmelie with my camera because I doubted that she would dare to let him continue with the "massage" while I stood there, so I went inside to take the call.

It was Tony who asked if everything was fine between Emmelie and me again. I told him that it was worse than ever and only a miracle would prevent our divorce now because Emmelie was lying topless at the pool between her French admirers and she had no objections when her dark skinned friend caressed her breasts and bottoms and probably even her pussy after I had left them . I promised to send him some pictures via MMS.

I continued, telling him that I had interfered several times when she had gone too far with the French but didn't care to do it any longer because I had found out why Emmelie had turned into a nasty bitch and accused me of cheating and had humiliated me the whole time here by totally ignoring me in favor for her dark skinned French friend. The answer could only be that she had met and fell in love with somebody at home and she wanted to get rid of me.

Tony had some doubts when I said that Emmelie didn't wanted to destroy her high morale reputation by dumping me for a lover so she did her best to harass me into dumping her so that nobody could blame her finding a new man. I told Tony that I would pack her suitcase and throw it to her French friends apartment. I myself would go for windsurfing training during the days and partying at Playa de Ingles at nights. Our divorce would be as sure as amen in a church.

When looking out to the pool again via a quick stop at the WC, I noted that she had moved her sun-bed five meters from Friday and stood on the other side of the pool talking on her cell phone, now with her bikini top on.

Obviously my pictures had calmed down Emmelie's hot feelings for her French friends and got her to move away. Or had Friday been too rough with the suntan lotion massage after I had gone into the apartment? But that wasn't my problem and why should I care.

I went in again, laid Emmelie's suitcase on her bed and started packing. My intention was to throw it into the French guys room and tell Emmelie that she could stay there and do whatever she wanted to do.

But I was interrupted by a scream from Emmelie who had come in and gave me a hug and said "Oh My God, What are you doing Robin, I'm a silly bitch, please forgive me?"

"Packing your suitcase so you can move into your lover-boys' apartment. I don't want you stay here any longer and I promise to file for divorce as soon as we are at home."

"Oh my God, please stop it Robin, it is not what you think. Please Robin, please let me explain."

"Isn't that just what all cheating sluts say?"

"I don't object if you call me slut because I have acted just like a slut but I have never cheated you and I've been a silly stupid girl who thought that you cheated on me. I was totally wrong. Please let me explain before you throw me out."

Then I heard that somebody came into the living room and said "Emmelie" and to my great surprise I could see that it was Asterix. When he saw me, he said in very good English, "I'm sorry but I must know that Emmelie is okay, is she?"

I lifted my hands and shouted back in English, "Piss off damn asshole before I strangle you."

He rushed out and I told Emmelie to get out and tell her slimy creep friends that I will never hurt her but they ought to stay away or I might hurt them."

She went out so they could see her and shouted, now in English, that she was okay. She was back a few seconds later saying, "Dear Robin, please calm down and let me explain. Everything is not their fault."

"No, of course not, as always, act like assholes to a husband when they want to seduce and fuck his wife. It is only their normal behavior, which impressed you, no fault of theirs. Please try to understand that I can't take any more crap because I've already had more than enough. Enough is enough and you can feel free to do whatever you want. If you prefer that worm Friday better than me, then take your suitcase and go, I don't intend to stop you."

She began to cry and then she sobbed, "Please listen to me before you kick me out. I'm ashamed of my nasty behavior against you. The fault is mine only mine because I have been an idiot and trusted somebody I thought was a real friend. It hurts to understand how naive I've been and how badly I must have hurt the man I love so much with all my heart."

I told her, "Okay, I'll listen to what you have to say but the only thing I can promise you is that I never will neither use nor threaten you with any kind of violence, doesn't matter what you are going to say here and now, just go on."

I remained silent while she told her story. She skipped all parts where her story was almost equal to mine. I must agree that I was surprised about some parts of it and decided that we have serious problems to solve.

Emmelie ended her explanation with, "Please start packing your own suitcase and come with me to a comfortable big hotel for our remaining days here."

Only a half hour later a lovely girl dressed in our tour agency's uniform knocked on our door and asked if we were ready. We were and left the apartment.

I didn't see Friday and Asterix during our remaining stay in San Agustin and I had to believe Emmelie when she told me that they had no pone calls or sent any messages. I had promised to tell Stephanie how it ended and sent her a text message that we were had moved away from the apartment. I called Tony and told him that divorce was out of the question but many problems remained back home.

We had a pleasant and comfortable stay at a big hotel and did our best to behave without arguing too much about what had happened. Instead we tried to find solutions for the future. In my opinion the whole trip was a fiasco but Emmelie was happy because we were closer now than when we left home.

Emmelie didn't complain that I had lost my interest in sex with her for the time being.

After a pleasant dinner at one of the restaurants at the hotel we agreed to write a story about our love and problems. It was decided that I would write from our first meeting when I spoiled her dress and my version of our serious problems until that very dinner.

It was up to Emmelie to write her version of our problems and end the story with everything that happened after coming back home. Going back to happiness or going towards a divorce?


I will never forget how easy a happy marriage can turn to a living hell and how it can be done with very limited efforts. My problems began when Marianne Axelsson, one of my very best childhood friends rang me and said that she was in my present hometown and wanted to see me in an important matter.

I accepted to see her immediately after my job and invited her to my home. She came, told me that she was in a hurry, and went straight to her errand: Marianne's sister Johanna had felt terrible remorse after cheating her husband on two occasions that she had confessed to Marianne. One of the occasions had been at a hotel in our town with a real estate broker by named Robin Swenson.

Marianne said that she had doubted it at first but Johanna had told her things about this Robin that she could hardly know if she didn't know him very well. Johanna had even promised to show some photos of them together as soon as she would get them from the processing company.

Now I made a common mistake and acted the easiest way. Marianne had been very convincing and I felt threatened and angry, so I acted the easiest way and began planning to do terrible things to Robin.

But to my great luck I calmed down a little and used at least a few percent of my common sense when I took that, in my opinion, unexpected strange decision to give my marriage a chance. Though I have a reputation as a cheater hating Mrs. Prudish, it felt a quite different matter when it was my own husband who had not been able to resist the temptation.

Robin is a good father and a good husband so one fling could probably be forgiven after keeping him in quarantine for a few weeks once he confessed everything and swore never to do it again.

My best friend Elise had serious doubts about Robin's cheating but promised to keep our children overnight and I was ready for a serious talk with Robin. But when he came home in a jolly mood with nice cake I got the impression that the cake was a compensation for his remorse. I forgot all intention of polite behavior, got frantic and threw the cake in his face.

Then Tony came and succeeded to give me some sane thoughts. But, because he insisted that Robin was innocent, I refused to tell him any further information. That was my big mistake, because, with advise from Tony, we would have been able to solve the whole mess in a couple of hours.

A bargain holiday week sounded like a good idea but turned into a mess the first morning at the Grand Canaria when I met our French-speaking neighbors and persuaded them to help me punish Robin for his cheating.

They were from French Guyana but now in France for some education for their job as technicians for a French company. The one with the darkest skin, Pierre told me that he was gay so he would not have any intentions to seduce me. Pierre agreed to help me humiliate Robin by flirting with me during the whole day and I planned to forgive him at a romantic dinner in the evening.

My co-operation with Pierre and Jacques went fine until Robin and I met my French friends at the beach where Robin didn't do as I told him and shouted in loud voice so a large number of Scandinavian people there could hear that I was slut who had an affair with Pierre.

I had never seen Robin so angry before and I noted that Pierre got scared. I decided it wasn't the right time for a romantic dinner. Instead I agreed with Pierre to punish Robin for his behavior at the beach with a dinner where the three of us ignored him by only speaking French.

Even that dinner went wrong when my French friends began teasing Robin, who threatened to begin a fight if I didn't immediately leave the restaurant with him. I did it because I didn't want my French friends hurt by my fault.

The coach tour around the island the next day was a real pain because a woman, drunken already early in the morning, shouted so the whole couch could hear that I was a slut wife who had cheated my husband at the beach with an Arab. I felt ashamed when several of our co-travelers stared at us and I had a terrible day.

During a stop I had a long talk with our tour guide and she made arrangements for us to move to a big comfortable four-star hotel the next day for our remaining stay on the island. But that would be a surprise for Robin until he was forgiven.

The guide even told me about a good dance band at one of the big hotels in Playa de Ingles. I had promised myself to forgive Robin for his cheating that very evening but not before he was paid for my shame during the coach tour. Robin and I went to the hotel, had dinner at one of their restaurants and thereafter went to the dance. But Robin didn't know that my French friends and I had exchanged text messages during the day and they had agreed to see me at the dance so I could tease Robin for a short time by dancing only with them.

I saw my friends sitting at a round table together with two other men. Pierre fixed me a chair and I told Robin to fix me a drink, which he didn't do. Instead he remained at the bar talking with a beautiful woman and fixed her a fancy drink. My simple plan had been to remain only a short time with my friends and dance a few tunes with them before I joined Robin, had a pleasant evening with him, forgiving him for his cheating and ending it with great sex.

To my disappointment Robin didn't care a shit about me, he ignored me at the dance floor, where he danced closer and closer with that beautiful woman or chatted with her at a table in a darkest parts of dance hall. Of course all intentions of forgiving him that night were out of my mind though it was me who had acted as a silly cow against him.

Sometime after midnight I had enough and went to Robin and told him that I would go home. He walked with me back to our apartment but sex was a forgotten pleasure for both of us.

All my attempts to forgive Robin for his cheating had ended in a fiasco and though the fault was mine, I always accused him of creating the mess, even for my fiasco at the dance.

My intentions had been to forgive Robin on Monday evening and now on Wednesday morning it still remained undone. Robin had not begged me to forgive him and I had used Pierre for assisting me in acting as a bitch against Robin even though I loved him with all my heart.

I had paid for a better accommodation for us so Robin did not have to see my French friends during our remaining stay at the island. I intended to tell Robin that at noon and that he was forgiven without any conditions and I would be his loving wife again. But until then there still were a few hours left to give Robin a last reminder of how bad it felt to have been cheated.

My French friends had suggested how to do it and I had agreed. Pierre and Jacques had laid their sun-beds at the pool with a two-meter gap between them. Immediately after our early breakfast I took my sun-bed and laid it between theirs, took off my bikini top and began to spread suntan-lotion on my breasts and belly before lying down and asking Pierre to put suntan oil on my back

When he began to do it on my thighs Jacques warned us noted Robin standing beside us taking photos with his cell phone from close distance so I immediately told Pierre to stop. Then Robin's phone rang and he went into the apartment to take the call but he didn't close the sliding door.

Thanks to the thick sun protecting curtains he couldn't see me when I stood listening outside the door. Robin was angry and spoke in a loud voice so I could hear him tell somebody back home that he would send MMS pictures of me necking topless at the pool with a dark skinned man from some French colony for teasing him to divorce me so I could be together with my lover back home, which had obviously been my goal the whole time since I began acting as a silly bitch against him.

Robin continued his phone call by saying that he intended to pack my suitcase and throw me out of the apartment.

I was shocked about what Robin thought and said about me and rushed to my sun-bed to catch my things and told Pierre that our game had turned to a terrible disaster for me.

While moving my sun-bed several meters from Pierre, my cell phone rang. It was an angry Elise who asked, "What the hell are you doing? Robin told Tony that you are sitting topless at a pool and necking with a black French man. Have you gone totally mad?"

"It is not what Robin thinks. Pierre is gay. He is light brown, not black, from French Guyana and I've only used him to tease Robin for his cheating and most of it has gone wrong. I've decided to forgive Robin today at noon when I've arranged for us to move away from my French friends and this apartment into a big comfortable four star hotel."

Elise sounded very worried, "Have you told Robin that yet? It is better you ask Robin to forgive you because he thinks you have an affair here at home and you are forcing him to divorce you because you don't want to destroy your reputation as Mrs. High Morale. Please hurry because in this very moment he is packing your suitcase to throw you out."

I got really worried, "I'm having affair? That's completely weird."

"In my opinion that it is as weird as you accusing Robin of cheating because both Tony and I are convinced that he is innocent. We are sure about that, so both of us dare to bet one month salary on his innocence."

"My old childhood friend Marianne told me that her sister Johanna had confessed an affair with Robin and she would show me pictures within a week or two."

Now Elise sounded even more worried, "But you haven't checked out anything by yourself or seen any pictures, have you?"

"No, not yet."

"But you prefer to believe people you hardly know rather than your husband. My dear friend, if I were in your panties, I would beg Robin to forgive me before it will be too late. Can't you understand that you are crushing your marriage. For heavens sake, beg Robin to forgive you and do it now!!"

I ran to the apartment where Robin was packing my suitcase, surprised him by giving him a hug, told him that I regretted being a stupid bitch and begged him to forgive me.

After some arguing Robin agreed to listen to my story, which he did without saying a word to me during my whole confession. However, to my great pleasure he agreed to come with me to the four star hotel I had booked.

Now we at least were on speaking terms again though Robin's interest in sex with me for the time being was down to zero.

Back home again, the first thing I did was to go to Elise to get the children. Elise was far from her best mood when she told me, or better to say screamed at me, what a stupid bitch I was by doing what I had done to Robin.

Then Tony had a long talk with me about what to do and how to do it to find out the real truth about Robin's cheating. Neither Tony nor Elise believed that Robin had done that and they said that their offer about a month salaries remained.

I took the next day off from my job and the first thing in the morning I went to see Marianne and Johanna's parents who told me where to find Johanna.

She worked at a small furniture factory's office. I went straight in and found her sitting behind a desk in a small room.

After the usual greetings I told her that Marianne had told me about her cheating with my husband Robin.

Johanna replied with a smile, "Marianne told you that and so what?"

"So what? Yes indeed, there's a lot. Robin fights the divorce so my lawyer demands me to collect evidence. I want to know when and where you did it and who paid the hotel?"

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