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Red Wine On Her Yellow Dress

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A tale told from both sides.
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Many thanks to snowbear for the editing of this story.



It was a bad day. It really was a very bad day for me, indeed. I had lost my job and I had lost my apartment. Though none of these matters were my fault, they happened with the worst possible timing.

Only one week ago my girlfriend of one and a half years and I had agreed that we were not mature enough for a long lasting and faithful relationship and parted without any hard feelings by saying, without really meaning it, "It would be nice to see you again in a year or two."

And now all my plans about happy single life had turned to crap. Of course it wasn't my fault that fewer people bought their homes at the estate broker company where I worked and the company rule for such a situation was "Last in - first out" and "Last in" was me. Neither was it my fault that the guy who owned the apartment where I was living decided to quit his UN job in Kenya after only six months, instead the three years he had planned to stay there. I couldn't blame him that he had written such a condition in our contract, which I had accepted.

What should I do?

I, Robin Swensson, did just the same thing as many other single 25 year old Scandinavian guys would have done; I invited three of my best friends to my place for a dinner before going out for a fun Friday evening.

The dinner was with take away food from a nearby Thai restaurant and good supply of well-chilled booze. About eleven o'clock in the evening we once again discovered that boys are boys and we need some pussy to be happy. We went to the best place in town where such pleasures might be found.

One of the hotels in our town had a dance band in their bar that evening and somehow we managed to bribe our way past the bouncer at the entrance door and got inside.

As soon as we entered I saw two nice girls sitting at a table sharing a bottle of red wine. One of them was a real "dream girl" in my opinion. She was tall, blond with her hair nicely done and dressed in a yellow dress. Of course, I wanted to dance with her.

But something happened as I walked towards her. I lost my balance and fell over their table, which almost fell on the blond. As her wine spilled in her lap, she began screaming.

Only a few seconds later I found myself thrown out and sitting on the pavement outside the hotel bar. Some further seconds later I found a furious blonde with a soiled short yellow dress standing besides me and shouting, "You damn bastard, look what you did. You know that you have to pay for it."

I remained sitting, doing my best to calm her down and replied, "Yes, of course, no problems. I'm sorry and will fix it, please no hard feelings?"

"Nothing harder than I wish you burning slowly in the hell."

"I'm sorry, yes I'm very sorry, indeed."

She had very nice legs and sitting down I even tried to see under her dress when she was standing close to me. Her legs were really nice so I could not resist the temptation to say, "Damn nice legs."

She teased me by remaining standing close to me and said, "Shut up and be serious. Show me an ID."

I decided to make some kind of attempt to get acquainted with her and gave her my driver's license and business card as ID and said. "Choose a mall and I'll drive you there tomorrow and I will pay for a dress, lunch and everything."

"Are you insane? You can't drive tomorrow, but I'll keep your license until you have paid for the damages and we are even."

"Would you like to drive my car tomorrow then, please do?"

She said, "I'll think about it and be sure that I'll call you for a solution. By the way, what car?"

"Audi A4"

"Okay or junk?"

"One year old."

A taxi arrived and she opened a door and shouted, "I call you tomorrow morning"

She called promptly at eight thirty in the morning and asked me, "Are you ready within a half hour?"

I found out that I had a terrible hangover, but I did remember the reason why an unknown girl asked me if I was ready. I asked, "You are the beauty in the yellow dress, are you?"

"Not really, I'm wearing blue jeans, but you soiled my yellow dress yesterday."

"I'm sorry and yes, I will be ready in thirty minutes."

After an ice cold shower and two aspirin as breakfast, I was standing on the street outside my home just as the blond girl arrived on a bike. She said, "You look better than expected."

"You look great too. By the way, do you have a driver's license?

"Yes, of course. My name is Emmelie Landgren, if that was your reason to see it?

Obviously she was a clever girl and we went away. She was a good driver and I could take it easy and relax along the way. I looked at Emmelie and found out that she was a very handsome girl even in bright daylight.

Once again she read my mind and asked, "Am I okay?"

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to offend you. Yes you are a very handsome girl, indeed."

"You said it even yesterday when you sat on the pavement and tried to look under my skirt."

"You teased me by standing so close that I couldn't resist the great view. I'm sorry if that offended you."

Now she gave me a smile and she said, "You are forgiven for that, but is it your common behavior on the weekend to be as boozed as you were yesterday?"

"No, of course not but please show some mercy to a poor sinner who has lost his girlfriend, job and apartment all within two weeks. I do agree that consulting 'Doctor Bottle' caused me new problems instead of solving any of my old problems. But I will never regret that I called you a handsome girl."

"It wasn't my intention to offend you and of course I was flattered by your kind comments."

I understood that she would do her shopping in a city about 60 kilometers from home and during the remaining driving time we talked about ourselves. Emmelie had recently dumped a boyfriend after she had found him cheating. She was 24 years old and worked as teacher and had got a job in my hometown. Both her parents were teachers and living in a town about 40 kilometers away.

The simple reason why I hadn't seen her before was that she had spent most of her spare time in her old hometown. But only a month ago she had rented a nice three-room apartment in our town and she intended to spend more weekends in our town now that she was single.

I had always regarded shopping together with my ex to be rather boring but somehow it was quite different with Emmelie. To my great surprise I found out that it was amusing and we had fun together. After some searching in several stores, she found a very nice brown dress, which I paid for without any complaints though it was quite expensive.

After a lunch at a nice place, Emmelie asked me if I would mind if she tried to find nice shoes for her new dress. I accepted and only two hours later she had found both nice shoes and stockings.

I suggested that she join me for dinner at a popular Italian restaurant that evening but Emmelie suggested that we cook a dinner at her place instead, but only if I accepted her condition about "No intentions or attempts to have sex nor even talk about sex during the evening". What could I do? I wasn't very happy about that condition but accepted it without any complaints.

After some shopping for our dinner at a supermarket I drove Emmelie to her apartment. She gave me a quick kiss before she left the car with her bags. So far my day had been much better than expected because I had really enjoyed my time together with Emmelie. She was a lovely girl and obviously she had no hard feelings left against me after I paid my debts to her.

We had agreed about seven o'clock for the dinner and "on the dot " I rang Emmelie's doorbell. She opened her door dressed in a nice black top and a knee length red skirt. I gave her a bunch of red roses and a bottle of wine and got a quick kiss.

Her apartment was in good order with rather expensive furniture. After looking around for a while she took me to the kitchen where she gave me a hug and said, "I didn't dare to tease you with a shorter skirt."

What could I say? I said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome and now it's time for us to cook the dinner."

She took two pink frilled aprons with a pattern of red flowers, gave me one and put one on herself and said, "Put it on!"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Because my ancestors were fearsome Vikings and they would turn in their graves if they saw me dressed as a sissy."

"Don't be silly, my ex used it."

"You dumped him."

"Yes I did, but it was for a quite different reason. Your choice is to wear the apron or go home."

I couldn't stop thinking that this apron was some kind of a silly wimp-test and replied, "So, in your opinion is my refusing to wear a sissy apron equal to cheating? You are a lovely girl Emmelie and many thanks for the pleasant time you gave me today."

I began to go towards the door but Emmelie ran past me and stood between me and the door saying, "Please Robin, don't be stupid."

"What can I do? I have already agreed to be as a monk during this date with the loveliest girl I ever met and I had intended to keep my promise to be a good guy."

I gave her a bright smile and continued, "One thing is for sure, you can't dump me for cheating."

Even Emmelie smiled now when she replied, "No, I can't dump you for anything until we have some kind of a relation. Is sex the only reason for you to be together with a girl?"

"No, of course not. You are a very lovely girl and I really enjoyed our time together today and had no intentions to offend you with any sex attempts tonight. I will never be a saint but I do keep my promises."

She hugged me and whispered in my ear, "Please come back to the kitchen and help me with the dinner. No apron and no need to be a monk, but I have my period so sex will be out of question anyway."

I followed her to the kitchen, where I used a towel instead of her apron. We worked well together and cooked a delicious dinner, which we ate by candlelight with soft music on the stereo. It was a very romantic dinner and afterwards we ended up necking on the sofa.

Due to wine during our dinner I couldn't drive home and Emmelie offered to let me stay overnight. Jokingly she asked me, "In the guest room or sharing my bed with me?"

As a sane man my choice was limited to one alternative and I followed her to the bedroom where she took off everything except her panties. Though the light was dimmed down to almost darkness, there was no doubt that she had very nice breasts. I quickly undressed myself and got into her bed with only my small black underwear on me.

Emmelie didn't say anything about "no sex" and she had no objections when I tenderly caressed her nice breasts and began to suck and kiss the hard nipples. When she felt how hard I was, she began to take off my underwear and when I was naked she moved down and began kissing my hard cock.

Only a few seconds later she had taken it in her mouth and began slowly sucking more and more of it into her mouth, which was a new sensation for me because my ex had never taken more than the head during the few times she had sucked.

Now I got the best blowjob of my life and it was a great feeling. I told her when I was about to come but she kept sucking the whole way. Then she went to the bathroom to spit it out and brush her teeth. She had given me a completely unexpected pleasure, which got me thinking about how she could be such an experienced cocksucker.

She had obviously read my mind because when she was back in the bed she asked, "Do you regard me as a whore after what I did to you during our first date?"

"No, both of us are dancing the same tango."

"I did it because I already love you so much. My ex had to wait two months before he got any sex and much longer for a blowjob. You are special and I really wanted to reward you and hope that I haven't scared you away."

"I love you too. You are my dream girl."

We slept well that night and Emmelie had a breakfast ready when I woke up in the morning. After she had accepted my invitation for lunch I went home to clean up my apartment just in case she wanted to see it.

Though my expected wild single days seemed to have come to an end on the first Friday I went out as a single, I was happy, very happy to have met Emmelie. Of course I feared that she had only used me for revenge against her cheating ex.

However, we had pleasant Sunday with a meal at a popular inn outside the town and a long walk on a path around a lake before we ended up in my apartment. Emmelie stayed the night with me and once again she gave me great head as she had done the evening before. When I drove her back to her own apartment in the morning, she, to my great surprise and pleasure, said something about, "Living together in the future would be an advantage."

I agreed and though we had only been together for two days I began to hope that she was as serious about our relation as I was. We found out that at least one of us had already planned to do something every evening during the next week so we couldn't see each other before Friday evening.

We had agreed to send discrete text messages instead of phone calls. As the week went on, the messages got hotter and hotter.

But Thursday evening Emmelie rang me and invited me for dinner at her place Friday evening and asked if she could have my car on Saturday because her cousin had been involved in an car accident and she wanted to see her at the hospital on Saturday. Later in the evening there would be a family dinner. Emmelie suspected that even her ex would be invited so she didn't want to stay longer than necessary and listen to his begging to be forgiven.

Of course I had no objections to let her have the car and really looked forward to her dinner on Friday evening. I knew that this Friday would be one of the most important days in my life because whatever people say about sex, it is an important matter in a relation and that evening would be the first chance for Emmelie and me to make love. I had to be as good as Emmelie expected me to be.

Whether she intended to or not, she would compare me with her ex. Emmelie had made a great impression on me with her good sucking skills and now it would be time for me to pay back, hopefully with interest. I began to feel some performance anxiety already on Friday morning.

However, at Friday evening I rang her doorbell and gave her a big bunch of red roses and a nice cake from the bakery. A sexy looking Emmelie in a short red dress opened the door greeted me with a hug and a warm kiss.

Once again we had a romantic dinner and I could almost feel how the tension between us increased until both of us felt that it was time for action.

We went into her almost dark bedroom where I slowly took off her red dress and bra before I laid her down on the bed. Then I took off her pantyhose but let her panties remain while I quickly undressed myself. Lying down beside her I kissed my way down to her panties. I noted the she lifted up her bottom to make it easier for me to take off her panties.

When she was naked I could feel that she had shaved her pussy. I kissed in several ways before I began a tender licking of her clit with my tongue, which got her wriggling forth and back groaning.

Rather soon she began begging me, "Come Robin, come in me darling in, in."

I did as she suggested and she had a wet but rather tight pussy. To my great relief I managed to keep my load until she had an intense orgasm. Only seconds after she had calmed down, I let it go and the feeling was so intense that I think that I saw stars.

It was the fuck of my life and even Emmelie felt the same because she began to cry from happiness. About one hour later we did it again and even that time was great.

Early in the morning Emmelie left for her hometown and promised to come to my place when she was back in town again. To my great surprise she was back already at half past nine in the evening and we had a great night again.

Everything went fast after that great weekend. I moved into Emmelie's apartment and everything went fine between us. But to my great surprise Emmelie's parents, especially her mom didn't like me at all. She told me that she had preferred Emmelie's ex much better than me and even let me know that if I expected her to pay for a big wedding, it would be better for me to forget that. The only thing I cared to do was to tell her that I appreciated her being honest in the matter.

Though Emmelie's mother disliked me, Emmelie and I got married one year after we had met and our son Emil, who was one of the reasons for our marriage, was born seven months after the romantic wedding at a small chapel witnessed only by our best friends. Our daughter Lisa was born fourteen months after Emil.

Emmelie's ex found a new girl and married her but Emmelie's mother didn't change her opinion about me and made no secret about not liking me or my children, which caused the relation between Emmelie and her mom to be rather chilly.

I had not been unemployed very long, but made good money in my new job and we bought a house in a nice area. Emmelie and I had a happy family life and I'm sure that both of us were satisfied with our marriage.

But all of our friends weren't as happy as we. Emmelie was sorry for a long time when Elise, who was one of her fellow teachers and best friends, with kids the same age as ours, got involved in a messy divorce. The cheating husband had forgotten his cell phone in the charger when he had gone out bowling and when the wife had heard the signal of an incoming message she had been curious and read it. It had been a sex message from one of the husband's married female fellow workers who wanted to repeat a great sex session.

Two divorces gained as a result of a horny cheating wife's text message to a cell phone forgotten in a charger. Even cheap cell phones can be expensive in the end.

Elise's divorce caused Emmelie to have a long talk with me about faith in a marriage and we agreed that if we got problems, we should talk about it and do our best to fix it within the marriage. If that would be impossible, we should file for divorce before dating any new lover.

When we were at home we used to keep our phones in a cupboard in the kitchen and I don't think Emmelie ever investigated mine for secret sex messages, nor did I investigate hers.

We shared a PC at home but I had never read her mail nor did I think she read mine though we had our passwords written down and hidden at the same place just in case that we would forget any of them, which I usually did.

Elise rather soon met a good guy, a police officer named Tony, and married him. Rather soon Tony and I were pals and did many things together.

The rumors say that the seventh year is the most risky year in a marriage, but I had never suspected that any such problems would happen for Emmelie and me. But it did, and it hit me as hard as if I had been hit with a lightning bolt from a clear blue sky.

It was Emmelie who acted as the lightning. I can still remember it as though it had just happened. I had sold an expensive house, made a good commission and, on my way home, bought a nice cake covered with whipped cream. At home neither Emmelie nor the kids where in the kitchen so I took the cake from the box and laid it on the kitchen table and shouted, "I'm home."

A strange looking, teary eyed Emmelie came out from our bedroom, saw the cake on the table, took it and threw it in my face and shouted, "You damn bastard."

After the first surprise I shouted back, "What the hell are you doing, are you drunk or drugged?"

Now she threw a plate at me and shouted, "You damn bastard, are you happy now?"

I understood that something serious had happened and gripped her arms and shouted at her, "Where are the children? What have you done to them? Where are they?"

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