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Rehearsal with Mom


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More days pass and filming continues. We finally reach the first true sex scene between Margot and Sebastian, the one on the balcony, the one that Mom and I rehearsed. My attire is a really dapper tuxedo. Isabella is wrapped in a flowy, silver gown that encases her body like living mist, like she's naked but still covered, but only by mistake. And though Isabella, or Margot Delacroix, looks stunning in her satin, all that's on my mind is Mom.

I recall unbuttoning and removing Mama's tight top as I slide down Isabella's bodice, exposing her firm breasts. With her implants, her tits stand higher than Mom's decidedly larger and slightly saggy breasts, but I still replace the elastic feel of Isabella's boobs with the forbidden memory of Mom's weighty, fleshy tear drops. When the time comes, Margot's dress comes down, exposing Isabella's nakedness, but my mind is filled instead with the vision of Mom's impossibly tight jeans scandalously pulled down to her knees.

Sebastian fucks his mistress from behind, and I relive a sweet, glorious night with my sexy mother. Freely indulging in the fantasy drives my performance and the scene reaches erotic perfection, and also makes me incredibly horny.

After filming is finished, I leave the closed set and find Mom waiting outside the room with the rest of the cast and crew. I hug her and kiss her lips as always (except I forget to make sure no one's watching), pushing down the urge to grope her or pry at her mouth with my tongue. I successfully release Mom, unmolested, but my cock stiffens anyway.

Mom feels it, there's no way she doesn't, then glances down briefly before asking, "how did it go?"

"I think it went great." I look Mom up and down. She's wearing a pair of black leather pants that are so tight they look painted on, and a black mesh long sleeve blouse that reveals her black bra, encasing and lifting her large breasts underneath. As usual, Mom exudes confidence and sensuality. It's in the way she dresses. It's in the way she walks. It's in her bedroom eyes and her flirtatious smile and even her voice. I had always noticed, but now it entices me.

Mom sees the lust in my eyes and surveys the hallway. "Sex scene with Isabella got you hot, I see."

I sigh and admit, "yeah, a little bit."

Mom smirks. "She is a beautiful woman. I don't blame you for getting a little turned on."

I am not brave enough to tell my mother it was her who turned me on. The night I admitted I fantasize about her during scenes still gives me anxiety. I can't even believe I told her that. "Yeah, just being that close to her, y'know, and simulating sex. I just have to get used to it."

"Well, the real feelings help make the scene. So if Isabella turns you on, use it. The hotter you are for her, the hotter the scene."

"I guess all the sex scenes from now on are gonna be crazy hot," I chuckle lightly and nervously.

"Hm," Mom hums shortly. And there's something in that little hum, just as there was in that little smirk of hers. Jealousy? No. Not my mom. "Looks like you won't be needing me to help prep for any more scenes then, huh?"

I laugh nervously, "I guess not." What am I supposed to say? That I need Mama to rehearse with me so I can envision having sex with her every scene?

"Well, it's pretty late," Mom says abruptly, disappointment in her tone. "I'm gonna go home. See you tomorrow?"

"O- okay," I say, slightly confused. Mom turns and walks away from me as I try to understand what just happened. Mom leaves the mansion, and I stay to talk with the producers for a little while. They tell me how great our sex scene was and that they're trying to think of ways to make the show even hotter. I half listen as my brief conversation with Mom tugs at the back of my mind.

Eventually, I leave the mansion too and instead of going home, I head over to Mom's estate. I quietly knock on her closed bedroom door. "Yes?" she answers from the other side.

"Can I come in?"

She hesitates momentarily. "Yeah, I'm decent." I gingerly step into the room and Mom's sitting in bed, covers pulled up well above her breasts, book in her hand. "Or close enough," she adds, "what's up?"

"I uh..., you're not, like..., mad at me or something, are you?"

"No," she says flatly, lifting her book up to her face.

"So what's..., all this?"

Mom lowers the book again and stares at me with a serious look. "Nothing," she says after a long pause and lifts the book back up to her face.

"Mom, it's definitely something. Just tell me." At this point I'm almost sure it's some form of jealousy, but I need her to say it, just in case I'm wrong.

Mom sighs and drops the book again, readjusts her heavy blanket to cover even more skin and stares at me, eyes softening. "I... don't know," she says, sounding almost guilty. "It's stupid, really."

I chuckle a little, stepping forward. "From 'nothing' to 'something stupid.' We're making progress. Tell me. Please."

Mom places the book on the nightstand. She pauses, takes a deep breath like she's going to speak, and then pauses again. "I... don't really know what to say. Our relationship is getting..., complicated."

"Yeah," I sigh in agreement.

"We've just been so close lately, and that feels..., good. Maybe too good sometimes, y'know, and- and- I think some signals got crossed somewhere and when you told me how Isabella turns you on, I just felt, like, animosity toward her." Mom surveyed me for a reaction. I tried to hide the pride her admission brought me and kept a sincere expression.

"Mom, there is no reason to be jealous. I only said that so I wouldn't have to admit the truth."

"The truth?" she asks.

My heart jumps in my chest. "Yeah, the truth..., the truth that..., I..., love you."

Mom smiled, almost laughing. "I know you love me. I love you too, baby boy."

I wasn't sure she caught my meaning. "Like, I love you, love you. I..., I want you." I said it! Oh, god that feels good and terrifying!

Mom pauses and looks at me almost incredulously, and then blurts, "I know that already. I didn't think you were trying to stick your tongue in my mouth and grab my ass for nothing!" Mom laughs. "I've known you had a crush on me for years. The way you kiss me. The way your hands always linger over my body. How you look me up and down all the time, checking out my titties and my ass..."

"For years? Then you knew before I did, huh!" I was surprised and genuinely amused by the notion.

"A mother always knows. And it's more normal than you think for boys to want their moms. What I didn't know and what's not so normal is that..., is that I feel the same way. When we rehearsed the first scene together, I just really wanted to help you..., and maybe to get a reaction out of you. I wanted to see what you would do if you were given permission. I didn't quite expect you to lick my pussy though.

"But the night we- we... did what we did, I knew it was different. I liked it too much to be in denial. And my jealously tonight just made it more clear, made it so I can't deny it - I am definitely, very attracted to you. My own son! Now I'm scared we've gone too far and my feelings are all twisted up." Mom sighs, a pained expression on her face.

"But..., don't you like us being close? I mean, not close like that night, but close like after."

"I love it. But that's the danger. What if we go too far?"

"We won't." I'm not sure if I believe it, but I'm willing to convince myself if it means I get to be close with Mom. Even if it means we'll never have sex. I need her more than I want her body, regardless of how many times I've imagined it dripping with honey as I lick it off her radiant skin.

"I'm not so sure."

"I am. We just need to have control, that's all." I really don't want to give up our affectionate relationship. "It's okay if we get each other a little..., excited, as long as we don't do anything about it. Even when we were drunk we knew not to cross certain boundaries."

Mom thinks for a second, like I was beginning to make sense and she's contemplating buying in. "Are you sure you can control yourself?"

Probably not. "Yes. I can if you can."

Mom laughs, "That's the problem. I'm not sure if I can." She pauses for a few moments and then sighs with a smile. "But, I think I might be willing to risk it. If you are."

I smile wide. "Yeah, I think it's worth the risk. And if you get too frisky, I'll set you straight. If my hands start to get a mind of their own, you'll set me straight. We'll be fine."

Mom smiles gorgeously. "Okay then... Wanna sleep together?" she says in a seductive voice and raises her eyebrows comically. That, too, is very sexy.

"Hell yeah." I start unbuttoning my shirt. Mom lets the covers fall from in front of her breasts and steps out of bed, completely nude. I try to stay focused on the task of stripping to my underwear, keeping Mom in the corner of my vision and glancing occasionally at her divine figure. She opens the closet, I silently take a step to keep her in view, she walks in and bends over to reach for something. I cannot avert my wide eyes away from her large, luscious ass.

Mom reaches into a decorative paper bag on the floor of her closet and after sorting through it, pulls out a gray strip of cloth. I look away and work on my shoes as she straightens. "I went shopping earlier for some comfy PJ's," she says from inside the walk-in closet. "I tried to be modest. I think I succeeded but I'm used to being naked in bed so... Wha'd'ya think?"

When I look up, my mother is wearing a thin cotton bodysuit that covers her breasts, tummy and between her legs. It's similar to a swimsuit, only made of soft-looking cotton. Though there's substantial cleavage showing and her heavy breasts are made to swell the material enticingly, nipples jutting, it's relatively modest.

But then Mom turns around. Thin straps make an "X" crossing from her shoulders down to her waist, leaving her back mostly uncovered, and the material comes back around to cover her hips but narrow between her butt. A thong.

"I like it," I answer simply.

Mom twirls back around with a grin on her lips. "It's not too revealing or too sexy?" she asks, rubbing her hands all over her lush body and the super soft cloth. "I won't wake up to find something stiff inside me?"

I chuckle. "No. I think you're in the safe zone. Close to the line maybe, but you're in there. Unless I get can hard enough to poke through cotton."

"You wouldn't have to," she says, "you could just unsnap the button here, see." Mom demonstrates by easily popping the button between her legs, momentarily freeing her bald mons and clit piercing, and then snapping it back together. I stand staring, jaw dangling from my face. "Sorry. I shouldn't tease."

"No, it's okay," I finally say, trying to sound nonchalant. "Nothing I haven't already seen."

Mom gets in the bed, lying on her back and picks up her book from the nightstand. "You gonna take off your clothes and get in bed or what?" I pull off my pants, not slowly, and mom lifts the blanket to let me in her bed. I get in and Mom pulls me on top of her, opening her legs up to let me lie in between, my head resting on her pillow-soft breasts. Mom gently strokes my back with soft, soothing fingers, eliciting low, contented hums.

I rest in Mom, drifting along in her embrace. She touches my skin, making me tingle, tracing lines across my back with lazy fingers, caressing my head, playing gently with my ear. I can't keep the boyish smile off my lips. I could lie here all year.

My mother eventually puts her book away and switches off the light on her nightstand. She readjusts her body, engulfing me into her embrace. Her soft body feels amazing underneath mine and she smells heavenly. "I love this," mom sighs, and then kisses my head. "I love you."

I kiss the middle of her chest. "I love you too, Mom." I kiss her again, on her neck as I move up her body. "I love you," I whisper again before I kiss Mom's tender lips. We kiss, mother and son, in her bed, cuddling, way longer than we know we should. But it feels so damned good. Mom moans as she kisses me back, squeezing me in her arms, her nails rasping against the skin of my back as her legs spread apart more, knees high.

My desire is kindling. I caress Mom's thigh with a hand as we kiss, pressing myself to her body to let her feel my hard, engorged cock. "We should stop," mom breathes then presses her soft lips back to mine, turning us on our side.

"Mmm, mhm," I moan as we kiss, slipping my hand up her thigh to her big soft bottom, squeezing her flesh hard with desperation.

"Oh God!" Mom gasps against my lips as my hand slides between her rear cleft, her blessed body pressed tightly into mine. "We gotta stop, baby."

"Yeah," I pant as I follow Mom's rear split down between her thighs, snatching apart the button. I know I need to stop. My body simply does not obey. My fingers slide against Mom's slit. She's slick as gel.

"Stop," Mom sighs sharply as her hips begin to gyrate against my sneaky fingers. I'm unsure if she's talking to me or her own rebellious body. Neither of us are listening.

Finally, my mother clinches my wrist tight, takes my hand from between her legs and presses it to the bed as she turns me over onto my back and straddles me. "Fuck!" she curses as she feels the determination of my throbbing cock beneath her lustful, unclad pussy. Mom shuts her eyes tight, panting and pressing her motionless weight down onto me so that I can't move.

"Okay..., okay," I breathe, remembering myself.

Mom takes a few shaky deep breaths, inhaling deeply and then blowing out the air. "I'm sorry, Shawn. I just lost control for a second." Mom finally rolls aside, lying next to me. "We are a mess," she says in a little laugh, shaking her head.

"A complete mess," I agree as my stiff cock begins to deflate just a little.

As we lie in dark silence, we both finally seem to be staring at the giant elephant in the room; the fact that whenever we're alone together, we are a hair away from committing incest. And also the fact that we never want to be apart, evidenced by the fact that we cuddle up again even though the very action is what began our little incestuous episode not 20 minutes before. A light breeze could blow us over the edge of true perversion, and we both know it.


Mom and I awake the next morning in a tangle of familiar flesh. We're lying on our sides, Mom's face in my chest. I gently comb through her feathery hair as I hold her. My early erection pokes into her tummy. My knee rests between her legs, thigh pressed up into her sticky labia. As precum dampens my underwear, I'm tempted to play but I keep myself under control. After all, a man can't have sex with his own mother and a woman shouldn't make love to her son.

As I caress the soft skin of my mother's shoulder and back, I wonder how long it will be before both of us give in to the tremendous weight of lust. My touches tour her body, sliding down her back, around her side, down her waist to her hip and eventually to her plump behind. Mom then sighs, "I think it's time for us to get out of bed." I thought she was sleeping, but she apparently was just enjoying the serenity of our intimacy.

"Just a few more minutes. I don't have to be on set until ten. We can stay in bed at least another hour."

"I'm too horny to stay in bed with you when your hands keep going where they don't belong."

Mom then tries to roll away from me, but I grasp her and hold her to myself. "Another ten minutes then," I plead.

"No. If I stay another two minutes that big dick you keep poking me with is going right in my mouth. Sorry kiddo." And with that, Mom pushes me away and rolls out of bed. She takes off her comfy little cotton onesie and tosses it in my face before prancing out of the room naked, giggling and jiggling. Mama is such a tease.

Later that day we shoot more scenes for the show, nothing sexual, just the great drama. When we finish up, both Mom and I get called aside by the executive producer, Ellen Sapp, and we follow her into a small office.

"Great work Shawn," says the tall, handsome, middle aged woman in her fashionable pants suit. "You've really exceeded our expectations. I gotta be honest, I wasn't sure we made the right choice at first, what with the whole kiss scene debacle, but now? I think your career's gonna be as lucrative as you mother's if you keep up those types of performances. You know what I mean?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Sapp," I say. "I know it started a bit rocky with the first intimate scene, but I have been working really hard at getting it right and I think it's been paying off."

"It surely has," the boss smiles. "Tell me Shawn, in your estimation, what makes a television show popular these days?"

Slightly odd question to ask an actor... "Great characters, I think. Good, solid storytelling, drama, that addictive quality that keeps you dying to know what's next-"

"Sure," she says in a way that makes me believe she thinks my answers are wrong. "All those things make a show good, but, unfortunately, they don't necessarily make it popular. Even if they do make it popular, those things take time to build. It's only by the fourth or fifth season that people start to notice and your viewership goes up. What makes a show popular from beginning, or even before the beginning, is publicity."

"Okay," I say hesitantly, wondering where this conversation is going. "So..., we do appearances or...?"

"No. That's not enough. All of the thousand and one new television shows send their actors and directors and writers on a tour before the premieres. That doesn't really work the way we need it to. Y'see, the coming seasons swell up the budget pretty big. I've seen the tentative script. Did you know there are nine new central characters introduced in the next two seasons? All of whom need to be top notch because they all have tons of screen time.

"And then there are more locations we need to shoot in, more magic that requires quite a bit of special effects to pull off, and all of these things cost money. Money we'll need to secure in less than four or five seasons. We need to secure that budget within the lifetime of the first season, or else...," Mrs. Sapp sighs, "we may not have the budget to continue this project."

"So, what does Shawn have to do to contribute to the life and success of the show?" my mother asks. "He's definitely a team player and will be more than willing to do whatever it takes to ensure all our success."

"Yeah," I agree, "anything. Just name it."

Ellen smiles warmly. "I'm glad to hear it." She pauses for a few moments, grinning and glancing back and forth between Mom and me, making me nervous. "We need a rumor to surface that you had intercourse with Isabella Monroe during a scene."

"What?" I object, surprised.

"I know. But hear me out. You have such a large social media following. Did you know that your gym videos from a couple months ago all are above a million views? And Isabella is considered one of the top three sexiest women in television? What if..., and please hear me out, what if, a week or so before the season premiere airs, a rumor leaks that you, America's sexy-boy sweetheart Shawn Tennant has a real live sex scene with the world's sexiest MILF, Isabella Monroe? The premiere numbers would be off the charts, that's what would happen!

"And then all your Twitter followers would tune in every week just to see the scene to judge for themselves if the rumors are true. Trying to see a piece of that pretty-boy cock..., uh..., sorry, Ms. Tennant. But men too would love to see Isabella Monroe in real live action on TV. The scandal would make us instantly popular, hooking the curious minded, the sequence of sexy scenes would keep them interested and the storyline and drama would grow the fan base. We just need to cast the net first, catch as many fish as we can from the beginning and the show quality will keep them on the boat. You, Shawn Tennant, will be the net. You and the world's sexiest woman over 40."

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