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Remote Control


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"You finish your milk young lady and I might even let you watch cartoons," Maggie got up and took the dirty dishes to the kitchen.

"Hi there, bunny," Betty loudly announced her entrance and hugged me. "You know what? You my dear are the sweetest thing I've ever met. Especially when you are stoned to the gills," she kissed me on the lips, "And you will never believe what I got for you."

"Is it a full pardon, warden?" I asked with a cowboy, uh... cowgirl accent.

"Nope! Better," she took a pink paper wrapped package with little white rabbits all over it from behind her back, "I know you had a deprived childhood having to grow up an icky boy and all, so I don't' think you would have been given one, at least not after you were five years old. I hope you like it."

"What's it for? It's not my birthday, or anything," I asked.

"Well, you made me feel so loved when you were stoned, I just had to get it for you. So clam up and accept it in the spirit in which it is given, sweetie," and she kissed me again.

Just as I was about to open it, Maggie walked in telling me, "Hold it!" She walked over to Betty and they exchanged whispers rapidly, then she said, "Okay, I just had to have a rapid sister exchange, girl stuff you know. Go ahead, see what it is."

That rather unnerved me for a second, but I shook it off and opened the gift. There inside the box was a beautifully made, soft, fuzzy stuffed bunny, all for me.

I started crying happy tears, and hugged Betty, "Thank you so much. I love it!" I held it up to my soft, feminine cheek and tickled my skin with my new bunny, still balling and oh, so happy.

"Can we feel too?" Maggie asked in little girlish tones and giggling.

"Oh God, I think this girly body of mine has taken over my psyche. This kind of stuff would have made me really uncomfortable when I as a guy, now I just seem to love it. Betty, you had better hurry with that paper. I don't think I'll be able to help much longer," I admitted as those two goofs pushed me down on the bed and started tickling me.

Damn if it isn't weird, tickling never used to do much for me, but now the more I giggled, the hotter I got. Is this like a girl thing or what?

"Stop! Are you two trying to get me to orgasm? Another five minutes of this and there's going to be a mess to clean up," I warned them, though I was completely at their mercy.

"I've heard about girls like you, but you have to be the first one I've ever tickled," Maggie's grinning face had a rather devilish look on it, as if she was scheming. The look that she shared with Betty made me think that there might be methods of communication sisters share and the newly transformed female might not be on the same wavelength. However, she only said, "We wouldn't want to start anything that will cause a mess, especially not until you regain your strength. Our sexual athletics would be all too brief," and licked her lips hungrily, making me feel like a prime rib.

"I need to examine the results of your hips splaying and see if we should run you back into the hospital for X-Rays or if I just need to take some blood to be sure you chemistry isn't upset. Do you think that you can stand up on your own and take a few steps or do you want one of us to help?" I could tell the Doctor had returned, and was on the job and damned if she didn't even have a clipboard too.

"If you can remove this red headed growth that I seemed to have developed on my legs I think that I can," I reached over and grabbed her face and kissed her lips, before her look of righteous indignation could completely coagulate on her face.

When she was free she said, "I'll growth you," and tweaked my nipple.

"Ooh baby, I need to insult you more often, if you're going treat my like that," I cooed while she bounced up off the bed, "Here goes nothing," I announced and slid my feet to the floor. When I went to boost my butt off the mattress, I noticed just how far my little hands were apart on the bed, "Fuck...!"

"Not now dear, maybe after we check you out. Why don't you hold up there and we can remove your nightie, I want to watch the hipbones move in your pelvis," and she began stripping me.

"Okay my lovely, you can stand now, although I wish I had a video camera right now. Do you have any Idea how much I could get for video of this on the Internet?" she let out a dirty laugh.

I sat there giving her the evil eye.

"Not as much, as it's worth keeping all to ourselves. Betty I'm ashamed of you, with the money you make pushing pills and lancing boils we can afford to be extravagant," and then to me, "Diane, just ignore this woman of poor taste and go ahead. Let's see you stand up," she suppressed the urge to slap Betty on the ass.

So I boosted myself up, feet together, and stood there naked for their perusal, "Shit Maggie, my knees won't even come together."

Betty and Maggie exchanged knowing looks and then Betty picked up a short box of Kleenex from the nightstand, held it on its side, and slid it between my thighs and I couldn't keep it from slipping through.

"She looks to be about four inches across the vulva, but the added spread has given her a luscious concaved abdomen and her hard butt cheeks spread out at about a forty-five degree angle. Don't be startled Diane, I'm going to touch you several places. Tell me if there's any pain or soreness," and she felt my mons, hips, between my thighs, and then grasped my firm butt with both hands.

"Oh god, I've been wanting to feel these so bad. Ooh Maggie, this is one terrific butt. Come over here and feel," her face was flushed and she was rubbing her crotch up against me, dry humping me.

Maggie slipped up behind me and took hold as well, but then slid her hands up my thighs, briefly clasped them around my tiny waist, her fingers closer together than they ever should be, considering the hips she had just slid them past, and then slowly moved on up and cupped my 'DD's. "Yes, that is an exceptional butt, although I like these much better. Looks like we get to share and we each get what we like most, all to ourselves."

"Hey you two, stop talking about me like I'm a piece of meat. I'd rather you talk about me as if I'm a tasty cream puff. This is not fair you know. You made me get naked under false pretenses, and you two are still completely dressed," I protested, but not really very hard, "Hey stop that, it tickles!" and then I really did start to squirm.

"She looks strong enough now to me Betty, what's your professional opinion?" she continued to tickle even harder.

"I'd prescribe some serious tickling, followed by sex and orgasms," she pushed me down on the bed and started tickling me seriously.

I couldn't even fight back for some reason, I just lay there like a puppy, you know when you scratch just the right place, their tongue starts licking at nothing and they get that blissful look on their faces? That's me when, I'm tickled. (There's one good reason, nobody gets my real address, from my story) I'm completely defenseless and submissive when tickled, now that I'm a girl, and this is how I learned about it.

"Oh look Maggie, she's completely helpless. I just love a 'helpless maiden.' Hand me her bunny, please," Betty took my traitorous bunny and used her to tickle my neck, and damned if my hips didn't start thrusting toward an invisible lover with me moaning in pre- orgasmic delight.

"God Betty, just watching her has me ready to cum in my panties. I just love to see this sweet girl in the throws of passion, don't you?" Maggie had stopped tickling, leaving that job to Betty, and she started suckling my 'DD' boobs.

"Ooogle oof," I exclaimed incoherently licking my lips and spasming all over, completely unable to move in any way, except involuntarily.

"Oh Supergirl? I've found your kryptonite. You are completely in my power. You are now, Betty's bunny slave," she giggled wildly at her own joke.

"Oh take me. Take me, please! Ohhh, Uhhh, oh yes," I screamed, as I had a massive gushing orgasm, my eyeballs rolled up into the top of my head, muscles locked arching my back, and vaginal muscles clutching at a nonexistent penis.

The two of them stopped their torture finally and found the whole situation insanely funny.

They do deserve some credit though, they kissed, cuddled, and nuzzled me for at least a half an hour, and didn't complain one bit about having to change the sheets, all of the bedding, my nightie, my panties, and all of their clothes too.

Betty dressed me in a pretty and lacy baby-doll nightie and even hushed up Maggie when she was worried how I might take it after our earlier intense conversation.

My prison guards still wouldn't let me out of bed and they kept pumping fluids and electrolytes into me. They even put on nighties themselves and told me we were having a pajama party. Lousy screws! (Screws: Jailhouse slang for Prison guards. They smell nice though. Great kissers too.)

Maggie made me a delicious fruit salad with plenty of bananas, (She said I needed the potassium.) and a platter of different kinds of cheeses, topped off with a big glass of whole milk.

I began to feel almost human once again when the phone rang.

"Maggie here," was the first thing said.

"Oh, I'm shocked to know your name, Maggie Mae Burnheart, RN, the nurse with the big boob fetish. (Mad Giggling)," and she was gone again.

"Uh Betty...? My baby doll is filling up pretty rapidly. I bet I know what she told you Mags," I said, as my eyes looked to be the size of silver dollars, gaping at my porn star sized, and still enlarging, boobs.

They finally quit when they held the top of the baby doll so far out the hem barely fell over my giant nipples.

I fainted again. Hell, who wouldn't? I'm going to need a wide-angle lens mirror to look at my own boobs.


Once again, I was in bed with Maggie holding vigil, only this time I couldn't see my toes.

"Maggie? Where did you put my feet?" damn I'm funny when I first wake up.

She's funny too. She tickled one of them and my body locked up into submissive mode, "Is this them? You really should keep better track of your body parts, especially the ones you can't see."

She stopped after only five or six seconds, but by then I was panting like a bitch in heat, "Oh baby, you sure know how to wake a budding, lesbian bimbo up."

"Oh, and when did you become a bimbo, my sweet?" she teasingly inquired.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"Three hours this time," she answered.

"About three hours ago," I answered back, seriously.

"You my dear, sweet, confused, and lovable, darling girl, are not a bimbo," she admonished. "How do you define a 'bimbo'?"

"It's not so much a definition, as a look. With these udders it will be nearly impossible to achieve any fashionable look but bimbo," I bemoaned my situation, and new undeniable assets.

"Nearly impossible is not, impossible. Betty and I know quite a few large busted women who are not bimbos. They will be able to help us pick out a wardrobe for you, which will not scream, 'bimbo,' to anyone. So, relax and enjoy the knowledge that you have a body that would have given you such a tremendous woody before your forest burned down. Anyway, call me perverse, but I happen to really like them. I think they look incredible, in fact it took nearly all of my will power not to ravish you while you were unconscious," Maggie admitted solemnly, holding my hand and staring deeply into my eyes, so I knew that every word was the truth.

"So, can I?" Maggie begged, with intense girlish excitement.

"Can you, what?" I teased, wide-eyed and as innocent looking, as I could muster.

"You weren't listening, were you?" she accused, her lower lip jutting out far enough that I could have sat on it.

"Yes I was, okay... you may ravish me to your hearts content lover, but you will have to change the sheets," I warned her, and then lay there prone, positioned in my finest submissive, 'go ahead and fuck me if you must,' pose.

"Done, and done," then, "Come here, my pretties," she said, in her superlative, wicked witch impersonation, not even looking toward my face. I think she was talking directly to my boobs. Just like each of my girls were self-aware and just attached to me by coincidence.

"Oh Dudley, save me," I squealed, in a voice high pitched enough, to shatter crystal.

"Don't fret Nell. Dudley, to the rescue," it was Betty, who had apparently been eavesdropping outside of the bedroom door.

"You look just as bad as Snidely here, are you sure you're here to rescue me?" I inquired suspiciously, with one hand on each of my own cheeks.

"I most certainly am, ma'am," she replied, her hand up in a scout salute, causing a very sexy jiggle of her 'C' cups.

"Then get the hell out and leave me and Snidely here to get down to some serious sex, unless of course you plan to join in. Sometimes a girl doesn't want to be rescued," I giggled my fool head off!

"Oh, Natasha! I loave it, ven you talk like dat," Betty quickly changed cartoons, and sides. Then she jumped into the bed with me, causing a boob quake that would have caused little boys to ejaculate like fuel injectors in a dragster if they had seen it.

"I was promised first dibs, sister dear. So back off them boobs before I scratch your eyes out. You can play in a minute. I've been patiently here waiting, nearly drowning in a pool of my own saliva," Maggie warned, as she oh so slowly and gently pealed my over- strained baby doll top back up and off of my erect, engorged nipples and then in actual fact, drooled onto my nipple. She smeared it around with her continuously dripping saliva covered tongue, and then gently blew on it.

It felt like a mousetrap sprung closed, my nipples clenched so fast and so hard. Then I felt her hands stroking the sides of my mountains, reverently, almost as if they were too ood to be true. A look I had seen only one time before in my life crossed her face. I had seen that very expression on the face of a one-year-old girl who had been, plopped down in front of a whole cake just for her and was left to enjoy her self. Some of the cake even went inside her mouth, too.

She lost all control and screamed as she plunged her face deeply into my unbelievable cleavage.

My boobs were so huge that they almost closed back together behind the red hair crowning her buried head, leaving no trace that she was drowning in tits.

I saw her overjoyed face peek up from my cleavage and she said, "Oh God! You can take me now. I have been to the mountaintop and I have seen the light. Say amen, sisters," giggled, and disappeared again.

I have to say that I was very turned on, but she was so funny that I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

Every once in a while her face would poke out with the look of someone who had truly found heaven. Even Betty was rolling around on the floor laughing at her oh so happy booby diving sister.

Finally, Betty was able to breathe well enough that when Maggie's face popped up one time that she was able to ask, "Can I play now?"

"Oh sure, plenty of room for everybody in here. Come on in, the boobies are fine," she reached her arms through with her head, snagged Betty's face and dragged her into my cleavage.

"Mmphf, mmphff mph!" the struggling Betty, declared.

Of course, Betty being pulled in through the top, left one of her best assets vulnerable and ripe for the taking, so I pantsed her, which hobbled her feet so that when she fell over, her pussy was mine. (He, He, He.)

Betty was, forced up toward the peaks of my mountains, screaming in ecstasy, toying with my mammaries and generally thrashing about as she was, driven into orgasmic bliss by my talented mouth muscle.

I felt, no ah... I think I felt Maggie slipping her fingers inside my drooling wet cunt and some other fingers, perhaps Betty's, began to deftly manipulate my clit, bringing forth a fountainous gush of vaginal lubrication.

All of us were screaming and writhing in a sea of pussy juice and tits.

When things finally calmed down, Maggie was nuzzling at my ear, whispering, "I've never had this much sex at one time in my life. Moreover, never in my wildest dreams would I ever believe it could be this good. I can't help myself. You've made me your love slave. I can't even think of a life without you in it. I love you so much."

Then I heard the doorbell and panicked. 'How do I answer the door, covered in cum?' I thought.

Betty bobbed up, slipped on a robe, and allowed the elevator to open the door.

The delivery boy left with a two-dollar tip and a woody that he would have to beat down with a ball peen hammer!

Betty brought the package into the bedroom with us, "It's addressed to all of us."

"Well, open it," Maggie and I told her in chorus.

"Okay, all ready. You two don't have to get bitchy about it. I just wanted to be fair about who gets to open it, sheeze," she explained plopping back down on the bed with us.

"After the boner you sent that poor delivery boy away with, you earned it," I giggled, having been on the other side of that kind of situation. "In fact Betty, he should have paid you the two dollars."

Maggie joined me giggling, at the poor boys fate.

"He was kind of cute, maybe I should offer the two of you up to alleviate his discomfiture?" she threatened.

"I'd put money on the fact that it's already too late. I hope he followed his mother's advice and had a spare pair of clean panties in his purse. Oh damn, I guess mothers don't tell their sons that, do they?" Maggie asked me.

"Nope, fathers just tell their sons to suffer, it's good for the soul," I straightened out her misconception, by confusing her with the truth. It worked in my favor too.

"Oh my poor darling. Well momma Betty and momma Maggie are here to compensate for your lost girlhood. We're going to pamper you so much, you'll think you're a princess that had been a frog, but was released by the kiss of two wicked sisters," Maggie made up quite a cute little fairy tale for me.

"Not long ago, I might have shot myself at the mere prospect of a thing like that, but now I think I would really like it," I kissed them both. "Haven't you gotten that box open yet?"

'I sure did, but it's really puzzling. There's nothing in it, but a remote control and a note. Why don't you read it Mags," Betty offered.

Betty narrated:

To Diane Toyavich, and the Burnheart sisters;

By the time you read this note, I will be dead. I will have accomplished my revenge on Howard Samuels, the womanizing coward that allowed my sensitive and loving sweet brother to be unprotected, resulting in his being, beaten to death. Therefore, I will end my tortured existence with the knowledge of what I have done to you and with a cyanide capsule.

My corpse can be found two floors down in condo number 666. I wouldn't want to stink up the place as much as your presence already does!

I hope you enjoy the life I have trapped you into, leaving you a tiny, weak, lesbian, giant tittied, bimbo nymphomaniac.

Every time you leave that condo you will be at risk from, homophobes, lechers, dykes, perverts, serial killer, aids and a whole assortment of venereal diseases. Pimps who will want to make you part of their stable, men who want to exploit your over endowed body, or men who want to fuck you in a multitude of ways you would have nightmares remembering!

Of course, as a consolation you have been left with a lovely condo building, which will provide you with a good income so you will be able to afford those expensive, custom made brassieres you need now, along with an assortment of need fully custom fitted dresses, etc.

You're so big up top that you're going to have to wear a corset all of the time just to support the top half of you or you'll end up with crippling back pains.

I can see you now in my minds eye, undulating, and jiggling, everywhere you go, the object of gawkers and the petty jealousies of so many women who will either be envious of your enormous endowments or more likely, grossed out and feeling nothing but pity for a freak like you.

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