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Retirement Living - Kendra


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The next morning, Kendra had to sneak back to her apartment to change out of her nightgown. When she joined Mitch at the table for breakfast, they were both beaming so much that their friends all knew that something good had happened last night. After breakfast, Kendra's friends cornered her in the lounge and asked for the details. Kendra said that there are no details to share other than the fact that we are in love with each other. As she was saying this, she had a huge smile on her face.

That night after dinner, Kendra came back to Mitch's apartment. She closed the door and locked it behind her. She told Mitch, we will not be going anywhere tonight. She ginned at him and told him that tonight is the night as she walked back to the bedroom and started to undress. It took only a second for Mitch to realize what she had just said and then he raced in behind her, closed the bedroom door and started pulling his clothes off as fast as he could. He threw down the bedspread and sheets and barely beat Kendra into bed.

Since they both knew that they had all evening and wanted their first time together to be memorable, they took their time. Kendra rolled on top of Mitch and started making out with him. He loved the feeling of her tits on his bare chest, a sensation that he hadn't experienced since a few months before his wife had passed. For Kendra, it was a new experience to be able to lie on top of a man so much larger than she. It had also been years since her bare tits had touched another person, so she felt the exhilaration of rubbing her nipples across his bare chest.

After about an hour of rolling around, making out and exploring each other's bodies, Kendra leaned over and whispered into Mitch's ear that it was time and that she was ready. Mitch immediately rolled her over onto her back and then got up on his knees to be able to move between her now spread legs. She had been playing with his cock a few minutes earlier, so between that and Kendra's whispered message, he was hard enough to start. He looked her in the eyes, smiled and told her that he loved her as he rubbed the tip of his cock over her clit and around her pussy lips to get it moist. As soon as he was ready, he very slowly pushed in while constantly keeping his eyes on her face. If anything, her smile got larger. When he was about halfway in, he started to lean over her to kiss her. She immediately put her hands to the back of his neck and pulled him close for a kiss. As soon as their lips touched, she put her hands on his hips and pulled him the rest of the way into her. If anything, her kiss got even harder and more passionate until she suddenly started to shudder and shake. Mitch knew exactly what was happening to Kendra, but this was a totally new experience for her.

Once she had regained her composure, her smile was gone and her face expressed extreme concern. She looked at Mitch and asked what had happened.

Remembering how Kendra's marriage had been loveless, he pulled out of her and leaned next to her to explain that she had just experienced an orgasm. Kendra told him that she was concerned that it was some form of seizure. Mitch laughed and said that in a way it was, but it was a normal part of making love and is one of the best parts of being with someone that you love and who loves you.

Kendra said, "So I am okay?" Mitch told you that you are better than okay, you are the woman that I love and are beautiful. He said, "Now that you know that that was normal, shall we continue?" With that, Kendra was beaming and just pulled him back on top of her and said, "Make love to me again and again. I want to feel like that all the time."

As he was pushing back into her, Mitch laughed and said, "I don't think that I can manage that, but I would be happy to die trying to make that happen because I love you so much." That evening, Kendra had five more orgasms and Mitch even ended up having three, which is impressive for a man of his age but is a testament to how passionately he loved Kendra.

Over the next two weeks, the only question was whether Kendra would sleep at Mitch's or Mitch would sleep at Kendra's.

Two Weeks Later

Kendra and Mitch arranged a conference call to her son and her daughter to tell that she is engaged to marry Mitch Williams. She told them that, "We don't want to wait too long, so how soon can you be here?" They both said that they could come next month.

Later that day, Mitch and Kendra made a conference call to all of his children. Since they had not heard about Kendra yet, he explained how they had met and how it had almost been love at first sight for him and love after her first meeting with him. Mitch told them that they had jointly proposed to each other last night. Mitch asked if they could attend the wedding next month. Not all of them would be able to make it, but most could.

Next Month

All of the children who were able to make it arrived the day before the wedding. This was the first chance that any of the children, even Kendra's had had a chance to see her paintings. With the pending marriage, the Retirement Community had even agreed to replace some of their normal artwork in the hallways with Kendra's so that she had an unofficial showing for their combined families as well as the rest of the community.

On the day of the wedding, both families, most of the residents of the community and as many staff members who could break free were in the largest meeting room for the ceremony. Since neither Kendra nor Mitch had been particularly religious, the community contacted a local non-denominational minister for Mitch to come to preside over their nuptials. Kendra's son walked her down the aisle where she joined Mitch and his eldest son for the ceremony. Since the room was packed with a bunch of women who were all grandmothers several times over, there were lots of happy tears shed.

After the ceremony, the new Mr. and Mrs. Williams walked back down the aisle to loads of cheers from their friends and family. The community kitchen had whipped up a celebratory feast for dinner that night. The new Williams couple was surrounded by all of their children with plenty of toasts to the new couple coming from around the room, starting with Mitch's son.

Two Hours After Dinner

After dinner, the children all came back to Mitch' apartment so that they could continue to talk with their new step-parent. It took two hours for Kendra to start dropping hints that it was time for them to leave. Kendra's daughter soon picked up her mother's hints and suggested that was time for everyone to head back to their hotels. She then added, "And so that the bride and groom can be left alone together."

As soon as they had left, Kendra took Mitch's hand and said, "Let's go to my room tonight." When they got there, they found that the community staff had gone in and placed electric candles all over the bedroom. That was when Mitch explained that it is American tradition for the groom to take his bride's virginity on their wedding night, but then he laughed and said that this hardly applied to the mother of two.

Kendra laughed at that and told him to get undressed. She told him that, "You are always the one who makes love to me. Since this is the beginning of our new life together, I intend this to be a night of many firsts and that will start with me making love to you for the first time." They had both just finished getting undressed, so Kendra told Mitch to lie in the middle of "our" bed so that I can perform oral sex on you. Mitch had taught her how he liked for her to do this, so she immediately dove in. She started at the tip and soon was bobbing her head up and down his cock.

She had become so proficient that it didn't take long for Mitch to tell her to stop. He told her that if she continued, he would orgasm in her mouth. Kendra just smiled and said, "Many firsts", as she took him in her mouth again and not only redoubled the speed but also started taking more and more of him into her mouth. On one down thrust, the head of Mitch's cock it the back of her mouth and the feeling was too much for him. For the first time in many, many years, he came in his wife's mouth. Granted it wasn't the same wife, but as Kendra had said, it was the first of many firsts that night.

Kendra sat up and swirled her tongue around her mouth to savor the taste. She said that although she wasn't wild about the texture, she loved the taste. She looked Mitch in the eyes and asked him why haven't you let me do that before and then giggled.

After Mitch had recovered for a bit, Kendra went down on him again, this time to get him hard. As soon as he was hard enough, she told him, "Now it is my turn to show you how much I love you." She then started riding his cock. As she was doing this, Mitch reached up and grabbed her tits and started tweaking the nipples. After a bit, she swiped his hands away and told him, "Just lie there and let me do the love making tonight." She rode him for about fifteen minutes during which time she had to stop once when she suddenly came. As that happened, she had to put her palms on his chest to brace herself. Then she would start back again. Every time that Mitch's breathing would start to quicken, Kendra would slow down before picking up the pace again. She was finally starting to tire from this unusual form of exercise, so she kept going fast when Mitch's breathing quickened. Suddenly, Mitch started to come as Kendra drove herself down onto his cock. He kept coming and coming and coming. She had never felt him come as hard or for as long as that before. When he finally stopped shaking, she lay with her head on his chest but with his cock still inside of her. After a few minutes, his cock had gone limp and Kendra started to leak cum all over Mitch's belly. Kendra sat up and used her finger to scoop it into her mouth and just grinned.

Mitch finally recovered to ask her where she had learned how to do that? She asked, "Do what?" He explained that she had just performed a sex act called edging.

He told her that every time that he approached coming, she had slowed down and that she had held him close to coming for so long that he was about to forcibly flip her over and start "fucking" you as hard as I could.

She laughed and said, "I had no idea that I was doing that, it just seemed like the best way to make you enjoy your first time as my virgin husband." So she said that edging him had made that two more firsts. He corrected her by saying that there had been another first. He said that that was the first time that she had dripped cum onto his belly followed by scooping it up to eat it. Kendra grinned and said, "Okay, four firsts."

She then looked a bit confused and asked what he had meant about "fucking" her. Mitch let the smile drop from his face as he explained that the word meant different things to different people. Then he added that between us, it means sex without love. Kendra looked at him and asked, "Is that why sex with you is so different that why my first husband did to get me pregnant?"

Mitch told her that the physical act is the same, but neither you nor your husband felt love when he made you have sex with him. You react differently to me now when I do exactly the same things that he did because we love each other so much. Kendra then asked, "So you were about to have sex with me without love?" Mitch laughed and said that she had about driven him crazy and if his animal instincts to mate had taken over, then it would not have been making love but simply fucking. Kendra laughed and said, "One more new thing, I just learned why I love sex with you so much and didn't enjoy it him."

The Next Morning

After breakfast, Kendra insisted that they go back to her apartment. Once they were inside, Kendra took Mitch's hand and led him back to the second bedroom that she used as her art studio. Mitch rarely entered this room because if Kendra was there, he was afraid that he would disturb her. Once they were there, Kendra walked over to a large painting on an easel with a cloth over it. She lifted the cloth to show Mitch that the cloth was hiding a blown up drawing that he had made of one of the more elegant buildings that he had designed. Kendra had added a line of cherry trees in full blossom across the front of the building. There were also two vertical columns of Chinese characters on the right hand side. Kendra translated these for Mitch by running her finger down the left column. She said that the left most column said, "Kendra Wu loves Mitch Williams". Then she pointed at the second column that was next to Mitch's building. She said that the top few characters were yesterday's date on the Chinese calendar and that the lower letters were the date on the standard Gregorian calendar. As he looked at it, Mitch noted that the signature at the bottom said, "Mrs. Kendra Wu Williams". When he commented to her about that, Kendra proudly said that it was her first time to sign her name that way.

Kendra told him that this will hang on our living room wall above the couch so that all of our guests can see your artwork as well as mine.

Mitch smiled and said that this raised another question, which apartment would they be giving up since they no longer needed two of them? Mitch had a one bedroom unit and Kendra's was a two-bedroom unit where the second bedroom was her art studio. They went into the living room to discuss the problem and were not making much progress. Both of them had completely furnished their units and even moving Mitch's clothing into Kendra's unit would leave it cramped. Finally, Kendra suggested that they go to the community Rental Office to find out if something larger was available.

The Rental Office manager had seen them coming and told the receptionist that he would talk to them himself. After offering them water, he said, "I was wondering how long it would take for the newlyweds to come see me. How can I help?"

They explained that Mitch's one bedroom unit was far too small for the two of them and that even Kendra's two bedroom unit would be cramped, even if Mitch gave up most of his things. The manager smiled and said, "I think that I have a solution for you. We just had a three bedroom unit open up. The layout is similar to Kendra's two bedroom unit, but with a third bedroom that could also be an office. Would you like to see it?" Of course they said yes, so the three of them walked over to see the newly vacant three bedroom unit. After walking around and inspecting it, Kendra turned to Mitch and said, "I want it. The third bedroom has a large window that lets in lots of sun. It would be perfect for my art room."

Mitch turned to the rental manager and said, "I guess that the decision has been made. Let's go back and take care of the paperwork."

Once they had finished and were back in Kendra's unit, she pulled Mitch down to her level to give him a big kiss. As Mitch was standing he told her, "Now the hard part starts. Our first problem is which pieces of furniture do we keep and which do we sell or give away?" Kendra told him, there are several things that you have that we will keep and some of mine that we will give away. The obvious duplication is in the bedroom and I am not sure about that part yet. Let me start working on a list. Mitch told her that he would get his tape measure and a notebook and ask the rental manager to let him back into "their" apartment. He said, "Once I have the dimensions, I will start working up floor plans so that we can be sure that the items you want to move will fit."

One Month Later

The movers came today and moved the furniture and the boxes that Mitch and Kendra had packed into their new apartment. They also moved the remaining furniture that hadn't already been sold or given away into a storage unit. After dinner that night, Kendra dressed in her sexiest negligee while Mitch was still reading emails on his computer. Kendra waltzed into the second bedroom, which was now Mitch's office and as soon as Mitch looked up, he quickly turned off his computer and practically chased Kendra into the bedroom where he threw her onto the bed. He didn't even bother to take off his jeans, he simply unzipped the fly and immediately started making love to her. Neither of them lasted more than five minutes.

When they had both recovered, they continued to kiss, hug and "debate" about which of them loved the other more.

The Following Week

After lunch, Mitch called Kendra into his office to show her an email that he had received while they were eating. The email was from a local art gallery. While many of Kendra's paintings had been hanging in the halls over the week of their wedding, Mitch had taken high quality photos of them and had sent them to a few galleries in town to solicit their interest in hosting an exhibition of Kendra's work. The email this morning had been from the manager of one of the galleries who was very interested. He said that he would like to see Kendra's work in person as well as to see some of the rest of her work. The gallery manager had proposed coming by later in the week. Mitch sent a reply email to say that the time worked well for them and they would be waiting for him at the front door to help him get checked into the community and to find their apartment.

The manager was even more impressed when he saw the paintings in person. He told Kendra that Mitch's photos had been very helpful, but that a photo doesn't do a good job of showing her delicate brush work. He selected about a dozen paintings of various sizes and asked if they could bring them to the gallery for the showing. On the way out, he saw their combined work of the building and cherry trees that was hanging over the couch. He asked if this was something that they had acquired, so Kendra proudly explained that the building was a drawing that Mitch had made of a building that he had designed and that she had added the trees and the Chinese characters on the side. The manager asked if this could be added to the show with dual credit. Mitch seemed reluctant, but Kendra beamed with pride that she would be thrilled to have her husband's work shown next to hers.

As soon as they had walked the manager back out to his care and come back to the apartment, Kendra ripped off Mitch's clothing and her panties and started furiously making love to him. When she finally slowed down, Mitch asked what had triggered her to "attack" him that way? Kendra told him that she was so overcome with love for him due to his wonderful "gift" of her first art show that she had had difficulty maintaining her decorum as they walked back to the apartment.

Two Months Later

The gallery hosted an opening of the show last night. Mitch and Kendra mingled with the crowd, who quickly figured out Kendra had painted all the beautiful water colors. There were even a number of people who spent quite a bit of time admiring the "unusual" work with the water color cherry trees in front of the pen and ink drawing of a building. Kendra often stood beside this work and would proudly explain that the building was her husband's design and artwork and that she had added the trees and their names in Chinese as a wedding present to him.

The show was a tremendous success, especially since several of Kendra's paintings had sold. Mitch found it interesting that about half of those sold were signed "Kendra Wu" and half were signed "Kendra Williams".

They were both tired when they got home that night, but as soon as they had cleaned up and gotten into bed, Mitch rolled over and started passionately kissed Kendra. He congratulated her on the success of her first professional art show. He pointed out that she was now a professional artist because she had sold several paintings that night. He then smiled and said, "There is one more way that I want to congratulate my professional artist wife" as he rolled over on top of her and started making love to her. She quickly threw her arms around his neck to kiss him and her legs around his waist so that she could return his thrusts into her.

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OvercriticalOvercritical6 months ago

I liked the flow of the story although it did seem like a travelogue due to the narrative style. There was little or no tension in the story and it was quickly obvious where it was going and it seemed like it was a slow moving train with the detination clearly in place and it was just a matter of getting there. 4* for something a little different.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc6 months ago

Too much narrative for me. I simply couldn't get involved with the characters. Your writing style also tends to be a series of single thought sentences, impacting the flow of the story and reader. 3.4*

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy6 months ago

Good story! Glad they found each other and some happiness in life.


goodshoes2goodshoes26 months ago

A story that is "cute", sexy, loving, realistic, and has 2 characters that are believable. 5 stars and a wish for you to keep writing stories like this one.

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