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Retribution, a Different Take


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"I love him. It has hurt to hide from both of you for all these years. I think I would have married him anyway."

"To practical matters. I'm hungry and you both need to eat. Let me order some Chinese delivered and we won't need to cook. Anything you might like especially, or shall I choose?"

"You choose." Julia said.

The call was made and I joined them again in the living room.

"Can you both wear the same clothes?"

"Mostly." Julia said. "My shoes are bigger. Everything else fits."

"Good. Maureen will need clean clothes until we can get to Salinas and load her stuff. She can have the guest room from now on. Julia and I will share the master bedroom. Of course, Maureen is welcome to join us in bed anytime she, you, want."

At ten I left my computer and went to bed. As I settled in for the night Julia whispered, "Thank you for forgiving me. I love you."

"Sleep well." I faced away from her and went to sleep.

Each morning I left for work early. Maureen got a transfer within her company beginning in two weeks. She would be on vacation until her starting date. She rented a van and drove to Salinas and got her things. By Thursday evening she was completely moved in.

Julia was doing everything she could think of to get me to "Make love" to her. I resisted for a lot of reasons. The reason I gave her was that I was still worried about her body. She had just had an abortion and I didn't want to damage her if she wasn't healed enough.

Thursday evening we stayed home. While we watched TV there was a knock at the front door. I answered and a man said, "Is Maureen Conners here?"

Maureen heard her name and came to the door. "I'm Maureen Connors."

He handed her an envelope and said, "You have been served." He turned and walked away. We opened the envelope and inside were the divorce papers. Mike had filed for divorce on Monday, just as he said he would.

Maureen and Julia were pretty quiet for the rest of the evening. I let Julia use the bathroom first. I could hear that Maureen was in the shower in her bathroom. I waited.

Julia came out drying herself and I went in. When I was shaved and showered I came out naked. Julia was in bed wearing a t-shirt. I said, "Please take off the t-shirt." She smiled and took it off.

I opened our bedroom door and walked down the short hall to Maureen's room. I knocked. She said, "Come in."

Her eyes went wide when I opened the door. Like Julia she was in bed in a t-shirt. "Take off the t-shirt, please."

She started to protest but didn't. She pulled it up and off. She was enough like Julia that it was like looking at Julia with a different face. I took her by the hand and pulled her from the bed. She came with me, hesitantly but not fighting me. We went into the master bedroom and I said, "Three in a bed every night. Pick your spot."

She went to the side and got in beside Julia. That put Julia between us. I got in and faced Julia.

My hands held Julia's face and I kissed her. She resisted the kiss. I stopped, pulled back and said," You've wanted sex with me for three days. Now that I want it you don't. We'll be three in the bed until I say otherwise. Do you plan to resist me forever?"

"I've never done it in front of my sister. It just feels strange."

"Close your eyes. Focus on me, not Maureen."

I moved in for another kiss. Maureen turned so that her back was to us. The kiss was better. Julia opened her mouth and kissed me the way she used to kiss me. Her hands found my cock and helped me get hard. She opened her legs to invite me inside her. In opening she put her leg up on Maureen's hip. When I nibbled on her neck she moaned. She guided my hard cock inside her wet pussy.

She felt different. It was like I was inside a woman I didn't know. She whispered, "Oh Pete. Thank you. You feel so good."

The strokes were slow and easy. Slamming in and out would have let her know how angry and vengeful I felt. I held my weight off her by being up on my arms.

The noises of two bodies coming together filled the room. The fragrance of a woman in heat also filled the room. I put a hand on Maureen's shoulder and said, "Kiss your sister."

Maureen didn't move. My hand gripped her shoulder a bit tighter and turned her towards Julia. "Kiss your sister."

Slowly she turned, with her eyes closed, and found Julia's mouth and kissed her. Julia's arms went around Maureen and they were caught up in the passion. I stroked in and out of Julia, fast enough to stay hard and slow enough that I wasn't beyond control.

Maureen moved from kissing Julia's mouth down her chest until she had a hand on one breast and her lips on the other. Julia's eyes were closed and she whispered, "Suck me forever, big sister."

Julia's hand found Maureen's tit and pulled on the nipple. She released it and Maureen moaned. She pinched again and again, pulling until the nipple pulled free of her grasp. Each time Maureen moaned and bit harder on her sister's tit.

My hands helped Maureen move until she was chest to chest, hip to hip with Julia. I was between both their legs, slowly moving inside Julia. They were back to kissing faces and necks. My finger stroked along Maureen's slit, bumping her clit. I increased the pace fucking Julia.

The room filled with wet, slippery sounds mixed with moans, and other vocalizations of passion.

"Cum for me ladies. Cum for each other." My cock slid all the way inside Julia, faster and faster. My fingers and Julia's stroked Maureen's pussy and they both stiffened and came. I kept stroking and filled Julia with my juices. I slipped a thumb inside Maureen and she stiffened and moaned again.

We stopped moving and waited to calm, a little. I pulled out of Julia and helped Maureen slide off her sister. They both looked up at me.

"That wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, was it?"

Their hands reached for me and pulled me down between them. I landed on my back and they pressed against me.

"That was better than I thought it could be." Julia said.

"I wanted you to fuck me, too." Maureen said. She lifted her head a little and said, "I'm sorry. I guess I shouldn't want your husband."

It was quiet for a while and Julia said, "I think he's our husband now."

"You saying it's Ok for him to fuck me?"

"I'm saying he's had his fingers next to mine inside you, stroking your clit and looking at your bare ass while he was fucking me. You are sharing our bed, our home. You are Pete's wife too."

Maureen lifted her head and looked in my face.

"Pete, husband, would you please fuck me?"

"I would like that. I want to save that for tomorrow night, when I haven't just given all I had to Julia. I will do you both tomorrow night. Ok?"

"Yes! You really are a romantic! Thank you."

I was asleep in a very short time. Having two naked women snuggled against me helped. Thinking about the rest of my plan helped as well.

Maureen made a good breakfast for us and during breakfast my phone rang. It was Paul's wife. She told me she had asked Paul and he had told her that Julia had blackmailed him into sex. She told me she didn't want to see the video or buy it. "For all I care you can show it in a theatre." She hung up.

An hour later I Googled Paul Domme and discovered that he was being honored by the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Association at a convention being held at the Bonaventure hotel. I remembered what his wife had said, "For all I care you can show it in a theatre." How about a convention?

I got the video from the PI and watched it. He told Julia that she belonged to him because he could have her arrested for fraud and as long as she fucked him he wouldn't. He said, "I love owning you. You are my private prostitute, and I get it for free! Don't think that whatever procedure you have will get me to stop having sex with you. You may not like it but your ass is mine!"

I called the FBI office closest to us and asked if they were interested in a lawyer blackmailing a woman for sex. They were. I told them my idea and the agent I spoke to loved the idea. We made an appointment to turn over the DVD.

I called the convention Hotel and reserved a room. On my computer I made fliers advertising a special showing of a film honoring Paul Domme to be shown at eleven o'clock, noon and one o'clock in the room I had rented. I had rented the room in Carl Tinker's name.

On the day of the convention I went to the hotel and paid for the room with cash. I paid for a DVD player and three TV's as well. The room I rented was a meeting room, no bed, just lots of chairs.

I brought two DVD's. One to test the set up and one to show. The tech that set things up in the room helped me by putting the DVD player in a cabinet that could be locked and still operate with a remote.

Everything was set for the showing and lawyers began filling the room. One asked me where Paul was. I told him I didn't even know Paul, I was here to see the video. At eleven I pressed the button on the remote in my pocket. The video started. There were fifteen people in the room.

It showed Paul and Julia walk into the hotel room. As he closed the door to the room he said, "Come on. I only have ninety minutes and I'm to be back in court. Get out of your clothes."

He undressed and so did Julia. The lawyers in the room laughed and then paid attention to how he treated Julia, what he said and what he did. Three of the men left the room and came back in a few minutes with six other men. By the time the DVD was over there were thirty men and women in the room.

As it ended I heard one man say, "He's toast. The association will toss his ass to the street." The woman with him said, "I wonder which shark will take his wife's case for divorce?"

Ten minutes later there were forty new people in the room and I started the DVD again. Fifteen minutes in Paul walked into the room and went crazy. He shut all three TV's off and ranted at everyone in the room. The room emptied out. I sat in my chair.

"Why aren't you gone too?" He asked.

"I got paid to stay in the room until two o'clock. Mr. Tinker paid me."

"Who the hell is Mr. Tinker?"

"He's the other man fucking Julia. A copy of the DVD has been sent to her husband and to the FBI. I'm here as a witness to whatever you do or say."

"I did what I am going to do. I shut the TV's off. The show is over!"

"Yes, Sir. I don't get paid unless I stay in here until two o'clock."

"I'll give you twice as much as Tinker is paying you to leave now."

"He is paying me a thousand, cash."

"Stay right here, I'll be right back with two thousand." He rushed out the door. A man walked in and said, "We spoke on the phone." He showed me his FBI Identification and I handed him the DVD. He left.

Paul came back a minute later. He handed me two thousand in twenties and I left. I turned in the cabinet key downstairs and said Mr. Domme was still in the room when I left.

The afternoon ceremony honoring Mr. Domme was cancelled. Julia was interviewed by local police and the FBI. On Saturday Paul was arrested.

The local TV channels carried the story of the lawyer arrested for blackmailing a woman for sex. Channel seven gave the name of the law firm where he was a partner. I smiled.

Mrs. Tinker sued her husband for divorce. She let him know that if he contested anything about the divorce the DVD would be public. He lost his family, his home and seventy-five percent of his business. Any month the business didn't generate a payment to her of at least twenty thousand dollars he was to make up the difference himself.

While Julia, Maureen and I watched the two men's lives destroyed on television and from reports we got I treated the two women as victims. Julia believed that I believed Carl had blackmailed her. The PI had found out that the night Julia said Carl drugged her and took pictures it was Julia who had willingly taken Carl into the back room. There were no pictures. Maureen had introduced Julia to Carl and had been fucking him when Julia wasn't in Salinas.

When I had the money from Carl and the case against Paul had concluded in court I put the last part of my plan into action. I had filed for divorce and had Julia sign the papers one evening while the three of us were home and had consumed a bottle or two of good wine. Actually, they had the wine. I stayed sober. Julia had signed and Maureen witnessed. She got a thousand dollars when the divorce was final and never a cent more. She got to keep her car.

On the day the divorce was final I took both of them down to Los Angeles for the day. We walked around Venice Beach and enjoyed the day. I bought both light summer dresses and then they had a little wine with lunch. I talked them into getting tattoos. The ones women get just above their asses, usually a design. We went to a tattoo shop and they picked patterns from the book the guys running the shop showed them. While they looked at the book I took one of the guys aside and paid him extra to include a word in the design.

Both women got their tats at the same time and they couldn't see what was being done. They were told to stay very still. They were side by side and held hands through the ordeal. The tat guys bandaged them for the trip home and I had them wear the light, loose dresses home.

Back in town I drove to a duplex and had them get out of the car. They asked why we were there.

"While we were in Los Angeles I had some friends move all your things here. Your rent is paid for the next two months. You are no longer my wives. The divorce is final today." I handed Julia an envelope. "In the envelope is the thousand dollars you get at the end of the divorce, a copy of the final decree and the keys to your new home. We are done. You lied to me about Carl. He wasn't blackmailing you. Maureen, you lied to me as well. You introduced Carl to Julia. You are both whores and now you have to live with it."

They argued with me until I backed my car out of the driveway and left. I'm sure they got even madder when they changed the bandages on their backs and saw that both had been marked with a design with the word WHORE in the middle.

"Retribution: deserved punishment for evil done."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This one sucked just like the first take.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Egads. What a fruitcake story of retribution. Do people really get off on this tripe? Not to mention which prestigious criminal lawyer is going to play the insurance fraud card to blackmail a married woman for sex in an accident that caused $3600 in damages. Worse the MC cannot do basic math. 60 times $1200 per tryst is somehow $8400? And yet this Brainiac pulls off all this drawn out retribution? Whatever.

usaretusaret4 months ago

This is better than the first story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

How very Andrew Tate of you

This story is worse then Argentina's inflation.

Sumnut96Sumnut968 months ago

A tattoo that both women had covered and a divorce isn't much retribution. Especially after waiting so long. Should have dumped the bitch at the rest area on the way home. DMW aka

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow! How did you piss off so many idiots? I liked your story, would have loved it if it had more retribution. He was way too easy on the whores.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Really ,really, really a stinking steaming pile of poo. Some of the worst on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I knew this shithole could not write…but know now that he can’t even multiply!! Did he wash out from class 1 ? Does he work as a shot hauler as his day job? Could be…

For example…see this dialogue

‘ That's twelve hundred a fuck. Figuring once a week for over a year that's at least sixty fucks. Each one was worth twelve hundred dollars. My head tells me he owes you eighty-four hundred dollars. I'm just asking did he pay, and if he did, where's the money?

Seriously? 1200 x 60 = 8400??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Way too complicated and highly implausible. First version is equally implausible (how many who are reading this could arrange to sell their unfaithful wives to a Central American whorehouse on a week or less notice?). But the first version at least is simpler and definitely qualifies for BTB retribution, even if it is totally over-the-top and would very likely result in his being arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced to at least double digit prison time.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

Both stories are good but the first one was better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I didn't finish it so I don't know what happened. I quit reading when the star of the show blackmails two women into having sex with him and showing he is even lower than the lawyer who was blackmailing his wife. There should be one likable character in a story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I liked the first one better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Both are garbage

rn2711rn2711about 2 years ago

The first one was better. This is just stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First one was ten x better.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

I liked both but the first was better by far.


inka2222inka2222over 2 years ago

Both stories are great! I like this one slightly more in terms of intricateness of the plot. While the first one has a higher BTB score; this one also has revenge on the assholes as well so it wins.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First one is much better, you should've stick on the threesome part on this one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The 1sst version was bad...this one was terrrible.

Don't give up your day job, Scorpio.

kirei8kirei8almost 3 years ago

No, first was much better

SkubabillSkubabillabout 3 years ago

Much better than the first

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 3 years ago

Two attempts, neither got it right. In the first he was a psycho, in the second one he acted like an unfeeling robot in all his interactions.

The reader was told he felt angry, but it wasn't shown in any way.

The whole story was very bare-bones with little description to flesh it out or make it immersive.

Least titillating threesome I've ever read, and boring ending.

Considering that he gained a presumably attractive sister pairing, punishing the wife and ensuring that he's the one in charge going forward would make for a much better story

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 3 years ago

"where she's been one night of every visit" - I thought the hotel charge was every other month?


I'm not familiar with California law, but I have to believe that if he challenges paternity at birth, he's off the hook.


"Paul threatened me and he's a lawyer" - I don't see what his being a lawyer has to do with any threats; if anything, if it can be proven, he might get in trouble with the bar.


"I didn't want you to know about any of it." - That's kind of obvious!


If she did $3600 damage to his car, her car must have had significant damage as well.


You can't commit insurance fraud if you never make a claim. If it IS fraud, he's a party to it.


"I brought two DVD's. One to test the set up and one to show." - Why can't he test with the same one he's going to show?


I would have stayed with the two wives arrangement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ummm .

The goyim don't eat matzo , hell they don't even know what it is .

So I'll just surmise that you are leaving clues to our people .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Over the top and unrealistic .

Loved every word of it .

Nicely done , thanks

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
One more

Better revenge on everyone involved this time.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 3 years ago
A fantasy rant but nothing even close to reality

Yes, BTB stories are interesting and fueled from emotional responses. Legally, he wouldn't have been able to do 20% of what he did. The whole divorce scenario is complete rubbish. He would also have been charged with assult for the tattoo situation, as would the tattoo shop.

All the stuff with attempted blackmail, involving the FBI and them siding with that semi public video display etc is total fantasy. Still, it allowed the author to rant and get it off his chest.

YouamiYouamialmost 4 years ago

Well I have to say that I prefered this ending to the overseas brothel. Don't get me wrong I can truly understand the anger and rage that a betrayed husband would feel. But this ending had more of a reality feel to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Ummm, this was a steaming pile of shit from the get go. Wow.

calibamma707calibamma707about 4 years ago
Much better ending

Much better ending

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleabout 4 years ago
Who fucking cares if the husband told lies?

Would any of it have happened if not in response to his wife's actions?

Once the discovery is made that your partner, male or female, is a duplicitous whore, then what happens after is on the cheat's head.

Two things though. The first, as extra comment following the one above... I am BTB, but I didn't actually like the twin stories that much. Regardless, they are still just stories, just not totally my cup of tea.

The second point... as I have said before and will always say... if bad shit happens as a result of discovered infidelity, too bad. This guy may have the emotional response of a sociopath, but there are people like that out there in the real world, and worse things have happened, in the real world, than what is written here.

If you don't like the outcome from your partner making the discovery that you have betrayed them, then don't play with fire. You just can never tell if your actions will trigger a psychotic episode, or even cause outright temporary insanity, or even help peel back their personality to reveal sociopathic tendencies that you just never knew were there.

Just ask John Bobbit. As far as I am concerned, Lorena's only mistake was having not put his dick through a meat grinder, he didn't deserve it back.

Maybe that's extreme, but that's the price that she demanded for his betrayal. I think it was a fair price. If I had been her husband, she would never have needed to resort to such extreme action... and would never have had to suffer at the hands of the one who had promised to protect her heart, so she would have lived happily ever after, living a normal, anonymous, everyday life.

Fuck cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Everyone in the story is a liar.

Everyone, including the "wronged husband".

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You need to brush up on your math skills

Everything about this story is laughable but the math took the cake. 1200 x 60 = 72,000. 72,000 - 3600 = 68,400. So the lawyer owed $68,400 not 8,400 using the math of 1200/fuck.

She's a slut... a deceitful slut who has been fucking around forever... but sure, RAOC.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Still better than the first one, mostly due to the retribution given to Carl and Paul.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Wrong Category

This story should be in Incest category.

GymShortsGymShortsalmost 5 years ago
A little better than the first one

Still not much better. But a somewhat unique revenge.

I have a Problem with the FBI guy letting him show the videos, wouldn't happen. The lawyer would have sued him, as his wife could also, for filming them without their permission. Especially in California.


Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
Revenge isn't worth the effort.

How can he live with a liar and cheat just so he can get revenge? It doesn't seem worth the effort. End it, run as fast as you can, and get away. The sooner you leave, the sooner you can start your new life. Just my opinion...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I liked this story better than the first.

Liked the three way and tattooing and leaving the women. Sex parts could have more detail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Once the marriage contrac has been broken

It's just a formality and is meaningless. You can't cheat after that point because the contract has been voided.

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago

liked the other much better

cheating is cheating no matter what excuse you use

fucking the sister while still married makes you just as much scum as she is

so get off your higher than god morals .... you blackmailed the sisters so you`re just as bad if not worse than the lawyer

what a fucking piece of shit your main character was !!!!!!! despicable

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Good too

I like this one a little better than the first. Not much, but a little. To hell with both the whores.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
So sorry

That you caved into false perceived pressure and rewrote your story. The original was. better and more honest. There are many fucked up people who can't deal with real, raw emotions and consequences. Go with your own thoughts as to appease them you created a washed out empty tale which they won't like anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Pretty straight forward

Almost like reading a newspaper article.

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

get your payback and a clean start, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So damn funny

Almost as bad as the first version. You certainly don't think the women would let go that easily right? First thing to do is hire an attorney. None of what happened would make any difference in a divorce court. Julia sued, got half of all their liquid assets, forced the sale of the house and got half of that, asked for and got alimony and half his retirement, then sued for the assault and battery of the tattoo's and got the remaining half of their assets and all the sale price of their home. What? You thought he could have them tattooed and NOT pay a heavy price? Maybe in fantasyland, but not in a Court of law. He's lucky to stay out of jail. As for Mrs Tinker she tried to blackmail her husband but he simply started breaking her fingers and soon enough he had all the copies of the tape and she left the marriage with none of his business. You seem to think no one will ever fight back. Not the case. Even for a fictional story, this was complete bollucks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago


silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Liked this one way better.

Good fun and retribution!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I realize both these stories were fiction, but, in my opinion, they were both so far over the top that I had pretty much lost interest in both of them before I got to the end of the story. I did read both versions of the story all the way through, though, just to see if there was some deeper hidden idea to make the story more viable. But as hard as I looked I didn't find anything that caused me to care a whit about either version of the story. So...1 Star for each.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

She's too stupid to breath! A "bump" doesn't cause $3600 in damage, or even if it does, how would he know? If he doesn't report it at the scene, then it didn't happen! How can it be insurance fraud if no insurance claim is made, and he;s just as guilty as she is, plus he's guilty of blackmail!

You've already told his wife, why would he pay you off?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
adulterous Helena Montana college instructor

Exposed on Facebook profile of true life factual account of that serial cheating wife. Lost teaching job one of numerous lovers was younger married male student she coerced into sexual relationship. Best friend lives in THREE FORKS MONTANA-ALSO SERIAL ADULTRESS.



Contact info for both available on Facebook. One is always looking for next lover-stated that herself

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

This wasn't as drastic as the original and it had more justice. Also. while still fiction, more believable than the original. Actually any tale, fact or fiction, which has the cheaters losing in the end is a good tale.

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

in the end its shit or get off the pot, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Because it is a fantasy

If you have never been cheated on, well then good for you! But to those that have, reading a fantasy like this does make one feel good. It's called schadenfreude.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

So many positive comments but this is just a fantasy dreamed up by an immature neanderthal.

How anyone with an intellect could enjoy this is baffling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
vert good LW story!! GOT TO LOVE THESE LW STORIES!

gave you a 5 to say eat it dear annoy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Terrible story 1*

Juvenile, pathetic, pitiful, all of these things plus more. Not one likable character, unbelievable plot, amoral, a sorry mess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
this started out okay but soon went down hill.

And once it started it didn't stop!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a convoluted mess.

This wasn't AS bad as the first chapter. But it wasn't very good either. In an attempt to be clever, you got lost in the implausible and unbelievable. UGH!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Interesting and entertaining

4 Star effort, but a couple fair size flaws and a missed opportunity:

- Why the heck would Carl pay? He didn't do anything illegal and Paul had already told his about the Julia affair and was divorcing him. I don't see an affair as threatening to his business.

- Why would Julia sign divorce papers and her sister witness? Okay, they were drunk on wine but the next morning there would be lots of time to question and think.

- As a tattoo artist would you do "whore" tattoo's at your easy to find normal place of business without the recipients agreeing? Venice Beach is not some back alley joint that is hard to locate? No problem with the tattoos, but you need a more plausible scenario to get them applied.

- The missed opportunity was Paul going after Car for running his career. It was set up nicely then forgotten.

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42about 9 years ago
Most Enjoyable

Very entertaining. Well conceived and well word-smithed. I really enjoyed it. Held my interest more than the alternative version, but I liked that one also. I guess I am easy. Thanks for your skill.

sinsational83sinsational83over 9 years ago

loved the story. I liked the fact that he got even and the way he did it. this was really one of the better stories I have read here and I have read like 78 to 90 stories so far and this one rates right up there with the other special stories good job.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 9 years ago
Pressure? or Excuse?

How did the Barrister Bull get Sweetie to agree to more than the original three fucks? Pressure of threatening to disclose her insurance fraud. Sounds great ... except that Sweetie never submitted an insurance claim for that accident!

So, was she THAT naive, or was BBull hung like a Clydesdale and she was delighted to be 'pressured' for more 'demolition derbies?'

Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago
I doubt

if divorce papers signed while intoxicated are enforceable. The whole story was just a bit off. Didn't any of these four people ever go to work?

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
writing okay, math sucks

Sixty times $1200 is $72,000, not $8,400

Other than that not too bad

sdc92078sdc92078over 10 years ago
This version one has one huge advantage over the other

Pete can drive over anytime he wants and watch his retribution in action instead of having to travel to Central America.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
this was even better

pay back is such a bitch and they were two fuck slut whores and have the marks to prove it...loved the way he dealt with the two guys and then screwed both sisters well and doubt they have to become whores in order to live or end up in the gutter where they belong....great stuff - all cheating fuck slut whores should be made to pay dearly......serves them right....

imhaplessimhaplessalmost 11 years ago

Cute story; worth a 5

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago

I would have kept them and used them as my personal sluts for the rest of their lives... but that's just me. LOL

5 Big Stars!

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

as Twisted Sister. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Still not worthy of your talent, but better than the first version. More even-handed on the retribution front.

I think you needed to edit a bit more on this one. Its the only problem I found. You have amazing talent and I would love to read something that is out of your comfort zone from you. Is anything out of your comfort zone?

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago

Better than the original version.

I am glad it was not as extreme as the first version.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
just punishment.

Good ending with a much more thought out punishment. By the way, 60 fucks at $1200 is $72000.00 not $8400.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Its okay but

I would have still sold the two cunts to South America.

BetterEndingBetterEndingalmost 12 years ago
Much Better

Much better than the first version. Selling them into slavery was a bit extreme. And this one included some justice for the guys involved. I like it!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago

Good revenge on the cheating wives. Having read both tales I think selling the sluts to a Central American whorehouse was more drastic revenge. I liked that. But who the fuck am I?

Both tales are standalone and are both great revenge scenarios. As for the sluts,

fuck 'um if they can't take a joke.


tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

and now the 2 loving sisters can be together again. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I like this one as well...

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
Well the first take was rough,

but this was plain Gaga.

juanviejojuanviejoover 12 years ago
If PAPATOAD liked it, it must be good!

I actually liked it better with the Mexican whorehouse solution. Thus always to putas!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Can't say I like this much better

than the first ending. But, at least, the retribution is more in line with the sin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
nice story

i personally like the first ending better though

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Damn,where is "billytheger" when you need him.

Otherwise good and readable story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Excellent revenge on sluts!

Great story!

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 13 years ago
Now your cooking ..

With gas!!

Even better than the first take - and soo much more well sane anyway, no less convoluted obviously, and far less maniacal or pathological. Although it is pretty out there too.

I enjoy your style, pretty much, every time


RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Men with balls! Finally

Another one Please

Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago
Fantastic !

great read .

devildog26devildog26about 14 years ago
More character development

I enjoyed this version of Retribution. There is more "story" in the story compared to the original. The characters are well developed. The story is tightly written. Most actions are believable even if not probable. Look forward to reading more.

PikkuKallePikkuKalleover 14 years ago
Different take

Different take, yes, but the protagonist is still as unfit to live with himself, let alone others, as he was in version 1.

As a story, it is reasonably well written. As a projection of your values, Scorpio, it does not sit well with your other stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
If the CA divorce law is really that primitive

move to somewhere like Las Vegas and get the divorce there. Long as you get it first to bad for her. I liked the bit of her sister being the witness to the divorce papers.

MichaelphyteMichaelphytealmost 15 years ago
I liked this version better too

despite the the assumptions made about safe sex. This is a fictional story and my computer did not catch anything while I was reading them......:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
A test for HIV doesnt heal anything folks. Nor

does testing positive for HIV prevent medical procedures such as abortion. To assume someone doesnt have HIV because they have an abortion is plain stupid. He can feel resonably sure he does not have an STD or HIV if he is tested over a period of six months to a year and test negative each time. Some of these little life limiters can be there a while before they test positive. There is no way he can be sure his wife is not now positive or that her last tryst found her lover to have a newly acquired STD from their other lover. And the sister is not even being tested so why not have her tested before having sex with her? At least that way you would know she was uninfected some three months to a year ago! I did enjoy how the lives of those in the story were disrupted by the man who was betrayed and humiliated.

northbaybearnorthbaybearabout 16 years ago
Better story

A more believable story than the first version, and more reasonable retribution, too.

I like the little retributive bonus at the end of the "Whore" tattoo above their asses.

Thanks for the re-write, and the imagination it takes to write it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Better Ending

That is a better, more believable ending. Though a document signed when they were drunk, and probably had a different signature (unless they could sign something the same way when their coordination was shot due to drunkenness), would likely be thrown out. Too bad he couldn't find something to do to get back at Donna.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
This ending "rocks"!

Well done and finally a story with some decent retribution. Thank you - author.

hansbwlhansbwlabout 16 years ago

Both stories are not to your normally good standard. First one not worth commenting on, this too stupid in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
regarding STDs Harry

I would think that as part of terminating a pregnancy a clinic is also going to test for stds?

So the wife may be clean, but not the sister?

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 16 years ago
Its a Harryin VA Love fest !!

thanks guys.... and gals . I am trying to do be more specific and detailed in my reviews and less explosive .

Also working my dyslexia as well...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Dont do the crime unless you can afford the time.

I am sure some will think this one over the top but myself I feel it is weak except he gets to fuck the sister before he dumps both of them. The two sisters are just changing their status, from amateur whores to professional whores. It is that simple. A shame the husband didnt get any real compensation from wife's whoring, it should have at least paid him something. If CA really is so primitive that a child belongs to the spouse even if it is not his, them we can only hope CA law will join the 20th, yes 20th not 21st, century and change the law to reflect DNA testing, remember OJ, and make the real fathers responsible for their bastards. Personally if my wife ever had a child by another man, she would either put it up for adoption, or I would live in a state or country that did not have such primitive laws. Actually you could get her to move to a more up to date state with you before divoring her based on adultry proven by the bastard.

zed0zed0about 16 years ago
Best Yet!

Better than the first ending, much more up close & personal.

zed0zed0about 16 years ago
Best "Whorror" story ever!

Really had me going, thought I was going to puke from Pete's wimp out. Then he turned it around and nailed everybody. Much better than first version, much more up close & personal.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Dear confused...

YOu say it was over the top and you can't understand. How about looking up the definition of the word RETRIBUTION - Something given or demanded in repayment, especially punishment.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 16 years ago
Interesting Story; Interesting Comments

I liked the story, but found parts of it were difficult to follow - hard to keep track of the players and what he was doing to them and what was real and what was illusion. Perhaps this was intentional. Scary to agree with Harry two days in a row, but Harry is correct - one day he's afraid of an STD and then a few days later he's screwing both sisters, presumably bareback. Erotic but not consistent.<p> The other thing we never really understand is the motivation on the part of the two sisters - why did they do what they did (they both professed "love" for their husbands)? Because their explanations were only partly truthful, I guess we'll never know, or I just missed it, or perhaps the tattoo at the end is the explanation. Great writing, though! I really appreciate stories about non-wimpy men.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 16 years ago
Thanks for this one but first version was better

I am at the same corner as Harry again. Indeed, there was a disconnect between the character of the husband and the notion of him sleeping with his wife (even if "as if"). In addition, the part of the ‘double marriage’ was just silly. Was it supposed to be part of the revenge? Seemed to me that the "wives" adopted quite quickly… As far as the addition of an extra lover who blackmailed the wife, what was the purpose of it? It just complicated the plot without reducing (or adding) to the wife’s culpability with her other lover. No question - for me the first version was much better. Thanks for writing this one though!

bruce22bruce22about 16 years ago

I was pleased to read both of them. But I admit that he continues excessive in the second story. At least the replies

seem more violent than the incidents who caused the hurt to him. One detail that escaped me is how the PI discovered that there was no black mail involved with Carl. The fact that they did not talk about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Good but...

I liked both stories. The second had more twists, but the first had more punch. The second was softer, and closer to what could really be done, but as a husband who caught his wife cheating the first is more to what you want to do when you find out... My wifes boyfriend got one hell of a beating and then his wife left him. He will be paying child support for another 14 years. He lost his house, and his job ( he was her boss, and his boss didn't like the shit hitting the fan). My wife well lest just say she makes a verry nice pet, and is kept on a short leash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I'm a little confused

What on earth justifies his behaivior? So she cheated on him, big deal. Divorce her, Get on with your life...maybe call the other dude's wife and start a shitstorm that way...but to deliberately destroy a person emotionally and physically? WTF?!? You have some serious issues. I saw no love in this story, just vengence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Basic math!!!!

I liked both stories equally well. My only problem is just simply basic math. 60 times $1200 a piece (pun intended if it was bad) is $72,000 not 8400 bucks for fucks.

-Cary Sanderson

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969about 16 years ago
I like both endings

but this one was probably more realistic. Although what on earth gave you the idea of the two sisters having sex together? that was certainly a twist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
To the commenter immediately below me

So you don't like that he is a cruel person. Well let me tell you little politically correct San Fransisco style ultra liberal...You and your kind are finished and reality takes over. People are sick and tired of wimps like you...Want to make something out of it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Good beginning- vicious ending

The story started out well and developed smoothly until it fell apart at the end. Noone likes a vicious, cruel person. She has no morals, but he is , in a different way, worse than she is.

the Ct. Yankee

Gary_LostGary_Lostabout 16 years ago
Very Good

This ending is much better than the original.

PAPATOADPAPATOADabout 16 years ago
Nicely done

Thank you for an interesting read. Keep writing the good stuff.

BigFtHunterBigFtHunterabout 16 years ago
Man your good.

If only a real divorce could work so well. I loved it. Thanks

DrallDrallabout 16 years ago
Good Work!

I liked this ending better.Not over the top-just right!Thank you for your fine stories.

kelchakelchaabout 16 years ago

This version is much better. Still, it lacks an emotional punch. Husband was not likeable and, for me, that takes away from the story. Excellent writing and nice flow to the story. Please consider more emotional content in future, especially some remorse on the wife's part. We want to better understand and feel for the characters. Husband's anger is understandable, but didn't he feel any sadness......?

I guess for the purposes of a story, we need the husband to gather all kinds of evidence before ending marriage. I would end it as soon as I saw the credit card statements with hotel bills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Too Good!

Dude I love the way you think. What is going on in Lit? The last couple of days I have read several stories where the husbands act like men. I think it is great! I was so tired of all those old farts and their wimpy characterizations of the husbands.

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