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Revelation 08 – Thursday


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Karen got up, walked over to Ann and looked down at her and thanked her. Smiling at her she asked if she would like another beer. Karen got us all beers and for a few minutes we just sat there drinking them.

Ann looked at me and said she had an idea to find out if Kali had said anything. She asked if she could use the phone. When she came back she said that she had called Kali's cell phone. Kali had just turned 16 and had her driver's license. Her dad had given her a new car and, like most teenagers, she loved to drive. Ann told us that when she called her she was out driving around. She told Kali that she was at a girlfriend's house talking about the video and wanted to know if she wanted to come over too. Kali was now on her way over here.

Just a few minutes later the doorbell rang and Ann answered it. When she returned with Kali she literally pushed her in front of her into the den. Not only did Kali look surprised she also looked scared, very scared. Her head snapped around and the look she gave to Ann was one of betrayal. Ann remained behind Kali so she could not turn and run which is what she looked like she was going to do. Again, Karen got up and smiling approached Kali slowly and said the same as she had to Ann, "Kali, it is nice to see you again, glad you could come over. Please, come in and sit down. We would like to talk to you."

Ann nudged and gently, but firmly, pushed Kali into the room and into a chair. Kali's eyes were wide and she was trying to watch us all at the same time. Ann took Kali's hand and held it and said, "Kali, the reason we wanted you to come over was to find out if you have said anything to anyone about the tape we watched yesterday." When Ann said that the realization that the girl on the tape was sitting right next to her struck her and she looked at Sarah. She shook her head.

Sarah seemed to finally let go of all the tension in her body. She took a deep breath and said, "Thank, God!" She looked at Kali and smiled and asked, "You didn't say anything to anyone at all?"

"No, I was afraid that Barbara would find out about......well, about some things that happened yesterday and she would be mad and maybe tell my mom and dad."

Karen asked, "You told no one, not even a girlfriend or your best friend?"

"Uh, uh. I mean, I wanted to because it was so hot but, no I didn't, I swear!"

Talk about delayed response it was only at that moment that she actually realized that sitting there in front of her were the two people she had watched suck and fuck and she began to blush. Up to that moment her mind had been trying to grasp what was going on and it fixed on Sarah and the questions we asked. When she realized that we knew she had been watching it also hit her that we probably knew what she and Ann had played with each other and she became embarrassed.

Karen leaned back and smiled a warm smile at Kali and nodded. "Good, that takes care of that. Sarah, sweetie, are you okay now?"

Sarah smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I guess that takes care of everything then. Ann, Kali thank you. Of course, you understand that you were never here and we never met other than when you were working, right?"

Ann and Kali nodded their heads.

I said, "Okay, then Karen and I will be going. Sarah, would you be so kind as to straighten up and lock up when you leave?"

"Sure, thanks for everything but I still think I'm mad at you about this tape," she said with a grin.

"Sweetie, when you have seen it you will not be mad any longer, I promise!" Karen laughed and walked over and hugged Sarah.

We all said our goodbyes and Karen and I left. On our way out Karen said, "You know that we just missed a golden opportunity to have some really nice young pussy, don't you?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, and maybe even 10 years in prison too! No thank you, 16 is 2 years too young!"

We got in our cars and headed back to the house.

Meanwhile, back at the house. Sarah, Ann and Kali were straightening up. For a few minutes they worked in silence then Kali spoke, "Uh, Sarah, are you going to look at that tape?"

"Duh, yeah!"

More silence.


"After you guys leave."


More silence.



"Can I watch it with you?"


"Why not?"

"Hell, girl. I don't even know you! I mean, you want me to let you see me having sex with somebody and I don't even know you? Besides, you heard what Ken said, there are people on that tape that can get in some really nasty shit if anybody ever found out!"

"But, I already saw it once."

Sarah had no answer for that. She didn't say anything but looked over at Ann who had been listening to this exchange with a grin. "Yeah, what about that? We already saw it once. Why can't we watch it again? It is hot girl! I'd like to see it again myself."

"I need another beer." Sarah went into the kitchen. Ann and Kali grinned at each other and nodded.

Sarah came back and looked at the two of them who were watching her with innocent looks on their faces.

Sarah walked up to the VCR and turned it on. She inserted the tape and turned on the TV, picked up the remote and sat down in a chair and started the tape.

Ann and Kali looked at each other and smiled. Shortly, all were studiously watching the video.

We arrived back at the house and put the cars in the carriage house. Before going up to the house we discussed what had happened. I was seriously concerned that events were beginning to spiral out of our control. Karen, on the other hand, was certain that this would work itself out. While I wasn't too sure I deferred to Karen because she seems to have a much better sense of these little, ah, 'situations' that we seem to be constantly getting into. One of these days we were going to lose the bubble!

When we walked out onto the deck only Mom and Kate were there lying on the loungers in their bikinis.

"Hey, welcome back. You missed lunch. How did things go at work?"

"Nothing that they couldn't have handled without me. Think I'll make myself a sandwich. Where's Aunt Jill?"

"She was tired after her flight and after eating lunch she went up to lay down for a bit. Get your sandwich and come back out. Josie and I want to talk to you and Karen. We have a proposition for the both of you."

"Just what I need, more 'propositions'!

They laughed and Kate waved me into the kitchen. Karen came with me.

"Ken, what do you think they have in mind this time?"

"We'll find out shortly but I'll bet it will be interesting, whatever it is."

We came back out onto the deck to find the two of them sitting at the table. We took seats across from them and I began to eat. "Shoot!"

"Josie and I have thoroughly enjoyed these past several days and don't see why we can't continue our new relationship. So, what we want to propose is that you move in here with us."

Karen looked up and said, "But how will that work? Do you mean permanently?"

I didn't say anything, I wanted to hear what Mom and Kate had in mind. Besides, Karen would ask all the necessary questions if she had any.

"Yes. Here is what we propose. I have decided to expand my business into a new area. I'll go into that a bit later. With this expansion it will be necessary to have more than just Josie and I handling the business. Therefore, we want you, Karen, to take over as the Chief Financial Officer of the business. Might was well put your very expensive degree to good use." Kate and Mom laughed, Karen looked shocked. Besides, you do have a very keen sense of finances and you have an uncanny ability to anticipate problems."

"Ken, you will become the Chief Executive Officer. It will be your job to oversee all the business, interface with security and my attorneys and, in general, keep all the pieces from flying apart. This is a job you are clearly the 'best man' for. Your training as a physicst gives you the necessary training for handling details."

Josie will be the Public Affairs Officer. She will handle all public relations, marketing, advertising and personnel, a job that she already does admirably well."

"I will be the President and Chief Operating Officer and will make the final decisions regarding the business."

She sat there and looked at Karen and me with a questioning look on her face. Mom was just smiling at us.

Karen just sat there with a drink halfway to her mouth staring first at her mother and then at Josie. Me? I was very surprised that I was not more surprised. For some reason the logic of it was pure and it made perfect sense to me.

Karen turned and looked at me with a questioning look. I smiled at her, took a drink and looked over at Mom and then Kate. "We accept! When do we start?"

Karen's mouth snapped shut. "But......"

"But, what? If we can't trust our mothers who can we trust? Besides, your mother is a very smart businesswoman who is talented, incredibly sexy and a really great sex partner. As for Mom, well, I can't think of anyone, beside yourself of course, that I feel more comfortable with and would be glad to spend more time with in business, socially and sexually. What more could you want?

We accept!"

Mom and Kate had the biggest smiles on their faces that I had ever seen. Karen looked at me again, shook her head and smiled too. "Well, I certainly would like to have some say in this but when you put it that way, I guess we really don't have a choice do we?" She turned to her mother and said, "What new business are you thinking of?"

"Several. All in the area of providing very discreet services that a select clientele will pay nicely for. In a word – S.E.X.!"

Karen piped up with, "Exactly what type of S.E.X. did you have in mind?"

Mom answered with, "Erotic video's, discreet liaison management, erotic massages and specialized sexual services."

Erotic videos and erotic massages I understood but 'discreet liaison management' and 'specialized sexual services' would need some explaining.

For the next half hour Kate and Mom described their concepts in more detail and I could see where their ideas might have some merit and be financially rewarding, even if they did skirt the edge of the law in several places.

"Looks like we might need to have your attorneys get involved in this early on to make sure we stay within the law."

"No problem, I've already given my cousin a briefing and the problem is being worked on it as we speak."

"Another cousin? Both your security consultant and attorney are cousins? Do you hire anybody but family?"

"Not if I can help it. Trust and discretion are important and family is where you go to make sure you have trust and discretion. Besides, this cousin and I have a 'special' relationship so I know I can trust her."

Her! 'special relationship'? Of course!

"Okay, enough for now, let's spend Monday working out the details. For now you two need to consider how you are going to tell your employers you are leaving and I would suggest you hold onto your house but find a reliable renter for it. I'll have my attorney look into that too if you want."

Mom spoke up. "We are so glad that you have agreed. And this definitely calls for a celebration but with Jill here we need to be a bit more discreet. How about we all get together later in the pool house and celebrate in a more 'personal' way?

We all smiled and nodded our approval.

"Good, enough business for now. Ken, Jill wanted to be awoken about now, why don't you go and wake her up and tell her to put on her swim togs and we'll change too and have supper out by the pool?"

I went upstairs and knocked on her door. "Yes?"

"Aunt Jill, Mom sent me up to wake you and tell you to put on your swimsuit and join us in the pool and we'll have supper out on the deck."

"Kenny, come on in. We'll talk while I'm getting dressed."

I opened the door and saw the flash of a bare ass disappear into the bathroom.

"So, Aunt Jill, how have you been?" What an inane question! I noticed that the bathroom door wasn't closed quite all the way and that if I sat on the couch I could get a flash as she walked back and forth.

"Okay I guess. Getting older and a bit fatter but all in all not bad."

"Aunt Jill, you are neither old nor fat! You are just as beautiful as I remember you.

She laughed, "Kenny, you are such a bull shitter but that is why I love you so much.

"Uncle Joe doing okay?"

There was a distinct pause. I probably shouldn't have said anything but I thought that if I didn't ask about Uncle Joe she might suspect that I knew about her problems.

I could tell that she walked over by the door but I couldn't see her. "Uncle Joe has his work so he's happy. Has your Mom told you why I'm here?

Now I was in deep dodo. If I said no, she would find out later that I was lying. If I said yes, she would know that Mom told me.

"Only that you and Uncle Joe were having some problems and you needed time to relax, unwind and think." Enough of the truth without all the truth.

The door opened and Aunt Jill walked out holding a towel around her. She walked up to where I was sitting and looked down at me and smiled. "You are a most charming liar. You know why I'm here and you think I will be angry with your mother for telling you so you tell me just enough of the truth to take the edge off."

"Understand something. I love my sister very, very much. I have only been angry with her once and that was when she dated a boy that I thought I was in love with. I was 10 and he was 15. Such passion! I was mad at her for about 2 weeks and then I fell in love with another boy."

"I'm glad you know. It makes it easier than having to live a lie. Now I'll tell you something that you don't know. I'm not going back to Uncle Joe. We are through. Your mother doesn't even know that yet."

I wasn't really surprised. Based on what Mom had told me it seemed to be only logical that Aunt Jill would want out of that relationship and come home to family.

I nodded and smiled.

"You knew that didn't you? You put two and two together and guessed that the only reason that I would come home was because I needed to be with people that I love and that love me."

She sat down on the chair across from me and looked over her shoulder at something on the bureau. "Kenny, do you think it would be okay if I had a cigarette? I really need one?"

That surprised me. Aunt Jill was always death on smokers. She had been an avid anti-smoker and now, well now she has gone over to the enemy.

"Uh, yeah. Kate sometimes has guests that smoke. Here, let me get you an ashtray and your cigarettes. I got up, turned off the AC and opened the windows and picked up her cigarettes from the bureau and an ashtray from the bottom drawer in the desk. I came back and handed her her cigarettes and the ashtray and sat back down on the couch.

As she lit her cigarette and drew deeply of the smoke I told her that Kate only required that the windows be open and the AC off if she was going to smoke in the suite and absolutely no smoking in bed. Also, the only places she could smoke would be in the suite and outside, nowhere else in the house.

She took another drag and visibly relaxed. "Now that I'm here I plan on quitting. This is my last pack and then I'm going on the patch." She held the cigarette up and said, " Surprised you didn't I?

I nodded. I hate the smell of cigarette or cigar smoke but I have to admit that watching a sexy woman smoke a cigarette is, for some reason, extremely stimulating. Why is that? I felt my cock begin to swell watching Aunt Jill drag on the cigarette and blow out the smoke.

She took another drag and looked at me quizzically. "Kenny, are you okay? Is something wrong."

"No, Aunt Jill. Nothing is wrong. I was just remembering the day you left and how sad I felt and now, well now, I'm so glad that you are back.

"It has been a long time hasn't it? It just feels so good to be with family and people I love. We need to make some changes though and right now. First, you will not call me 'Aunt Jill' any longer. We have worn that out. I am only 'Jill", do you understand me nephew?

"Yes ma'am. Jill. Well, Jill, I want to make a confession. You were my first 'true love'. When you left I was heartbroken, I thought I would never love another woman."

She looked directly at me, smiled and took another drag off her cigarette and slowly blew the smoke upward. "And now? You evidently got over me. Karen is an amazingly beautiful and sexy woman."

"True, very true. But, I still don't think that I am completely over you even now."

"Kenny! Are you sure it was 'love' or just a case of teen hormones. As I remember teenage boys they could 'fall in love' with anything that had a pussy."

That surprised me. Aunt Jill said 'pussy'. I had never even heard her say 'shit' before. The surprise must have shown on my face because she laughed and took another dray off the cigarette.

"Does the word 'pussy' embarrass you or just me saying it?"

"Just you saying it."

"Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy! There, are you desensitized to me saying it or do you want me to say it some more?"

"Not necessary. I'm a big boy, I can handle it. Besides, it wasn't the fact that you had a pussy that made you my first love. It was how you looked, moved, walked, talked, treated me and, last but not least, the green bathing suit."

"Green bathing suit? Oh, yes. I remember that suit. What makes that suit so special?"

"You were the sexiest woman I had ever seen and when you wore that suit I couldn't think of anything or anyone else."

She laughed long and hard and finally said, "Hormones! Well, I wish I had kept that suit now. Tell me, did you think about me and that suit when you jacked off?"

She did it again, surprised me with her language and it showed. She laughed again and said, "I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you with my language?"

"Embarrasing me, no! Shocking me, yes!"

"Well did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Think about me when you jacked off?"

"A lot!"

"A lot of thinking or jacking off?"


"Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For making me feel sexy again and not just an old, fat lady who wishes she had kept that green bathing suit."

"You are sexy, you are not fat, nor old and you don't need that green bathing suit, you never really did."

She put out her cigarette and stood up still holding the towel around her.

"I'm going to brush my teeth. Don't go way, I'll be right out."

"Why are you going to brush your teeth?"

"Because when I come back I am going to give you a kiss for being such a wonderful dream lover and I don't think you want to taste cigarettes on my breath and, I'll be wearing my new bikini and I want to see if that can replace the green bathing suit in your eyes."

She turned and went back into the bathroom giving me a quick peak at her nicely shaped ass. When she came back she was wearing what, for my ladies, would have been considered a very tame bikini but I am sure that to Aunt Jill it was daring. She had gained a few pounds mostly around the middle but the little roll was actually kind of sexy. It made her look soft and feminine. She had a bit more of a sag in the breasts but other than that she looked fantastic. George thought so too and was trying to get a better look.

The suit was nice but no Wicked Weasel. The top was cut very nice and showed off her breasts to great advantage but the bottoms were too conservative. I'd bet that she didn't shave her pussy and needed to cover up her pussy hair. Nonetheless she looked adorable, sexy and adorable and I knew for a fact that I wanted to fuck my aunt!

Aunt Jill stood there, hands on her hips, a big smile on her face and looking at me for some sign of approval. I raised my eyebrows and waggled them while miming blowing out a breath of air. To make it more dramatic I put my hand over my heart as if I was having a heart attack. She laughed and slowly walked over to where I was sitting. She slowly sat down on my lap and turned putting her legs over the side of mine and her arm around my neck. She looked at me and said, "Ready for that kiss?" "cock flexed" huge shemaleliterotica "skirt is too short"liteotica mentalcase"incest taboo stories"literotica "list of rules" naked"free adult movies"Camren bicondova sex stories"story porn""taboo porn stories"Brothers first night at big sisters house incest story.trying clothes mom litroticamcstories mother's desire lesbiansex story gay suck "coupon"Unexpected Home Movies by Kadricliteroticialliterotica boobs poemsister momturn bro into a shemale sex storiessmutty.commom bdsm sauda sexstories"erotic stories"Yesmissfetish nuetoering literatica মা বাবার কাছ থেকে চোদা দিবার গলপcaught in wifes lingerie then feminized storiesMother in handcuff and shackles litertica"milf stories"Erotic tales of married mom son and entities"literotica shemale""literotica revenge""literotica new""literotica audio"pinoy taboo munting tinigyou grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/literotica.comfree sex with swart naai "saam""spanking literotica""erotica stories"new warehousing girl literoti a"family fuck stories"literitocaHalbblutGR"adult sex stories"didi ne gupt rog ka ellage Son allways slap his mother ass litrotica"lesbian bdsm""nude family"অবশেষে মা ছেলের মিলনliterocitaliterotica enf sisterwife christine kevin cuckold creampie husbandnewsexstories cum i stepmom fertile pussy durimg lockdown"free adult chat"Brother locked his sister in a dog cage literoticaKinkyWriter22"mother son incest stories""literotica new"ja liebster fick deine mama geschichtelitorica naive virginLiterotica "doesn't cover anything"the concert ch01 literoticiaconquest loroticatransgender feminization literotixa"literotica trans"billy fucks mother naked in bedcontrol groping harem litero"lit erotica"Cripplled granma.incest stories"public orgasm""emma watson hot""my mouth" mistress piss cum story "please no""literotica big cock"litoroticaBDSM storiesমা বাবার কাছ থেকে চোদা দিবার গলপliterotica"literotica new"pussrider"monster girls"/s/roommates-in-lockdown/comment/12001385katy perry ass rape fictionঅবশেষে মা ছেলের মিলন"fucking my wife""rape fantasy porn"literotica exhibitionist stories"daddy incest stories"Prof stop please ahh moan cum ohh fuck literotica"literotica wife"vampirtara