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Revelation 08 – Thursday


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"Oh, yeah. I am ready!"

She leaned in and cupping the back of my head with her hand pulled my lips to hers and with open mouth kissed me ever so slowly. I had my left arm around her back and put my right hand on her left side close to her breasts and returned her kiss. Shortly I felt the first touch of her tongue enter my mouth and I met her tongue with mine. The kiss became hotter and more passionate and I felt her also begin to move her ass around as she felt my cock get harder.

I let my right hand begin to slide more toward her breasts and when she felt that she moaned slightly and the kiss became even more passionate. With my left arm and hand I pulled her in tighter against my chest and let my left hand replace my right, which I then began to move down her side toward her hips and legs. Our tongues were dueling each other and, as my right hand found her legs, she shifted so that her legs were slightly more open.

By now my left hand was cupping her left breast and she turned her body slightly so that I could reach it even easier. My right hand was massaging her thigh and moving toward the inside of the thigh and toward her pussy. She was moving her ass against my cock and opening her legs even more as my hand went down and began to rub her crotch over her pussy. My left hand I moved down and then inside of her bra directly onto her left tit and her nipple was rock hard.

We stayed like that for a few minutes then she suddenly pulled back from the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "You have no idea of how many times I have thought of you kissing me like this. I have been your secret lover since you were 14. God forgive me."

Then she smiled and took her right hand and caressed my cheek. "I doubt your wife would approve. We need to stop and get down to the pool or there may be questions which I really don't want to answer."

With that she leaned in once again and kissed me with open mouth and tongue and I ran my finger over her nipple while she moaned in my mouth and then she stood up.

"So, is this as good as the green bathing suit?"

"Better, much, much better!"

"I love you Ken. Now, lets go!"

As I stood up my hardon was quite apparent and I made no effort to hide it. She looked down at my shorts and raised both eyebrows and whistled. "You really have grown up haven't you?"

On the way downstairs I managed to get my cock back to a reasonable condition. We walked out on the deck and over toward the pool. Kate and Josie were lying on the loungers soaking up the sun. Karen was doing laps in the pool.

"Well, took you long enough. We were going to send out a search party." Mom looked Aunt Jill over and said, " Oh, Hon, we are going to have to do something about that suit. It's just too.....not you! I mean it's nice but you should be in something that is more revealing and sexy. What do you think Kate?"

"Jill, don't pay any attention to your sister. She's always trying to turn her friends into exhibitionists like she is. Your suit is fine. I think you look great.

All the while this was going on Jill was looking at the suits that Kate and Josie were wearing. As I said before they were two of their more conservative suits, the ones they wear at Curley's Beach. To Jill they must have looked absolutely shameless, at least until Karen got out of the pool and walked over – she was wearing a Wicked Weasel.

Karen's Wicked Weasel was also one of the more conservative models, it covered everything that need covering and was not translucent or transparent but Jill's eyes were as wide as silver dollars. She looked at me and said, "Whew! Why didn't you tell me? I thought this suit was daring."

"Pay no attention to my wife or these other two jaded ladies. I think you look perfectly fine."

At my 'jaded ladies' comment both Kate and Josie laughed. Jill walked over and laid down on a lounger next to Kate. "So, what do you guys do for excitement around here?"

"You're pretty much looking at it. Us old jaded ladies have to conserve our strength. We play a little canasta; drink a little wine while soaking our old tired bones in the hot tub and reminiscing about past loves. Life is good.

We sat around and talked for a while but the situation with Sarah and the tape would not leave my mind. As I sat there thinking it was apparent to Karen that something was on my mind.

"I'm going to get another drink. Anyone like a refill?"

Karen took their orders and then looked at me. "Why don't you come and help me with the drinks?"

Inside she said to me, "Babe, what's on your mind? Something is bothering you, is it Sarah and the tape?"

I admitted that it was. I told her I wanted to go back to the house and see if Sarah was still there and if not was she going to destroy the video after she watched it or if she had left it at the house. If she had I was going to lock it up.

Karen walked up and put her hands around my waist and pushed her pelvis into mine. "And if she is there you want to fuck her don't you?"

"Yeh, I want to fuck her but not today, not this way. I want her first time to be nice and without all the tension this tape has caused. I just want to know what she is going to do about the tape."

"Go then, find out. I'll tell everybody that you went down to the club to have a drink with the guys and get a tee time for Sunday. Call me and let me know what's going on. Love you."

I gave her a kiss and a smile and left without saying anything to the ladies.

I was not too surprised to see two cars in the driveway when I pulled up. Looks like both Ann and Kali were still here. I felt my pulse speed up and deep down inside I admitted that I was hoping they would be. I pulled around back but didn't open the garage doors, they made too much noise. I entered through the basement slider and since the stairs and hallways were carpeted I wasn't too worried about making any noise. At the top of the stairs I listened but didn't hear anything. I walked down the hallway and looked into the den but it was empty. Then I heard some noises from upstairs and my pulse sped up even more. The bedrooms!

I eased upstairs and as I got closer to the largest guest room I heard noises that were definitely the sounds of sex. The door was wide open and I peered around the doorway to see Kali and Sarah in a 69 while Ann sat on the bed and watched.

Naturally all were naked and Ann was stunning. She was slim and long-legged with the most incredible breasts and no sign of hair anywhere on her body. She was playing with Kali's ass and it looked like she was buggering her with her finger.

I watched for a bit and then decided that I wasn't going to stand here in the hall and jack off. Throwing caution to the wind I slowly moved into the doorway. I'll give Ann credit for poise, she saw me move into the doorway and while she looked surprised never once stopped finger fucking Kali's ass. Then she grinned. A big, wide, happy grin. I was gonna get laid. Oh boy, and how I was gonna get laid!

She took her finger out of Kali's ass and got up from the bed and with the big smile on her face slowly walked over to me giving me every opportunity to ogle her. She stopped a foot away and leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Do I meet with your approval?"

I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Let's go into the other room and I'll be able to show you how you meet with my approval."

She took my hand and leading the way led me into my bedroom.

As I was taking my clothes off Ann was reclining on the bed and telling me about the afternoon. While watching the video all of them began masturbating and by the end of the video they were all naked and watching each other play with themselves. Suddenly, Kali leaned over and began sucking on Ann's tits and then reached down and began to play with Ann's pussy. Sarah had gotten up and come over to the couch and knelt down by Kali and while Kali was playing with Ann Sarah began to play with Kali.

Before long they were on the floor. Kali was eating Ann and Sarah was eating Kali. When Ann and Kali had cum they got up and decided that they were having too much fun to stop and moved up to the guest room. Throughout the afternoon they had sucked and fucked. Sarah had gone into Karen's nightstand and gotten the double-ended dildo and she and Ann had double fucked while Kali rested. Ann said that that afternoon she had cum at least 5 times, maybe 6, she had lost count. While she liked lesbian sex, she really wanted to fuck and I was the perfect man for what she wanted.

We were both sitting naked on the bed. Ann was slowly stroking my cock and I was fondling her wonderful tits. "Well, you didn't tell me if you approved. Do you!"

"I most certainly do approve and I'd like to show you just how much. What is your pleasure?"

"Fuck me. Put your cock in my pussy as deep as it will go and just fuck the shit out me and don't pull out when you cum I want to feel you cum in me. No nice shit. Just put your cock in and fuck me till I cum."

With that she lay down, spread her legs wide and raised them up until her legs were almost straight up in the air. I moved between her legs, put my cock at the entrance of her pussy and just shoved it in as deeply as I could. When I reached bottom, I pulled out and did it again, and again, and again. While she was certainly nice and wet, the fact that she had had so many orgasms her pussy was also nicely tight. It felt wonderful.

By now I had her legs over my shoulders and was humping her just about as hard and fast as I could go. She was a talker. Telling me how it felt, to go deeper, to go harder. She cursed and moaned and fucked me back just as hard as I was fucking her. This was one wild woman and at this rate I was going to cum in a very short period of time.

"Ann, if I don't slow down a bit I'm going to cum and you feel too wonderful to cum so soon."

"No, dammit. Harder! I'm gonna cum before you will, I can feel it. I want you to cum with me, cum in my pussy. And then I want you to cum in my mouth and then I want you to fuck me in the ass and cum in my ass. Can you do that? Can you fuck me in my pussy and in my mouth and in my ass? I love the feeling of being full of cum."

I was certainly going to try!

I could feel my climax fast approaching and I could also feel her start to tense up.

"I'm cummin baby, I'm cummin. Fuck me harder and cum in me, cum in me now. I'm cummin! Oh fuck, oh fuck.

When Ann came it was as if she had stuck her tits in an electric socket. Her whole body made one massive convulsive shudder followed by 10 or 15 jolts and her pussy simply clamped down on my cock and convulsed so that it felt as if it was trying to pull my cock even deeper into her – I came!

As her climax was tapering off and the jolts were lessening my cum was still shooting into her pussy.

"Oh, Ken that feels wonderful. I love to feel when a man shoots into my pussy. You are as good a fuck as I imagined you would be. Give me a kiss!"

We kissed a long time and Ann wrapped her legs around me and would not let me pull out of her. I was still hard and so, after the sensitivity of the head of my cock lessened, I began to slowly stroke into her again. We looked at each other and smiled as I started to fuck her all over again.

A giggle! I heard a giggle from behind me and when I turned my head to look saw both Kali and Sarah standing in the doorway watching my cock slide into and out of Ann.

"Ann, we have an audience. Shall we let them watch?"

"Uh, huh. Wait. I have a better idea. Come on in girls. Join the fun. Kali, come over here sweetie."

I stopped fucking Ann but didn't pull out as the girls came into the room and each took up a position on either side of us. I smiled at Sarah and she leaned over and kissed me while running her hands down my back and onto my balls, which she fondled.

Ann reached out with her hand and cupped the back of Kali's head and pulled it down for a kiss. When the kiss ended Ann whispered something to Kali and Kali pulled back for a second and looked at Ann and then nodded and smiled.

Ann looked up at me and smiled and said, "Ken, get up please."

I had an idea of what was coming so I slowly pulled out of Ann and sat back on my haunches. Sarah reached down and fondled my cock feeling Ann's and my cum all over it she smeared it around and then put her fingers into her mouth to taste us.

I scooted backward more on the bed and Sarah again took my cock in her hand and leaned her head down and began to lick and suck me. While this was happening Kali threw her legs over Ann's head and, in a classic 69 position, put her head between Ann's legs and began to lick and suck my cum out of her pussy.

Sarah was getting pretty good at cock sucking. However, I didn't want to cum in her mouth. I wanted to cum in Ann's mouth so I gently pulled Sarah's mouth off my cock pulled her up and into my arms and tilted her head up and kissed her. She kisses pretty good too!

We snuggled against each other playing and stroking and watched Kali and Ann. Kali really seemed to like the taste of pussy flavored with cum. This girl had distinct possibilities and I'd have to make sure that Karen kept track of her for the next couple of years.

I heard Ann moan and then her hips rose off the bed so hard that she almost threw Kali off and the bed shook and I knew she was having another orgasm. This girl was unbelievable. I almost pity the man who marries this woman.

After Ann had cum Kali rolled off and looked over at Sarah and me with cum and pussy juice all over her face and a great big smile. Sarah moved over to her and gently began licking her clean. Damn, I wanted to cum again! Right now!

I sat there playing with myself and thinking how lucky I was to be involved in so much great sex with so many beautiful women. I think I'll write a book.

When Kali was cleaned off both Kali and Sarah moved back over to where I was sitting and jacking off. Sarah moved up to my right side and took my hand off my cock and replaced it with hers. Kali moved over to my left side and put her hand on my cock too. I reached down and gently removed Kali's hand and put it to my lips and kissed it.

"Kali, you are one very sexy girl but I can't have any kind of sex with you, no matter how much I want to. You are 16 and I could go to prison for a long time. Do you understand that I want to but I just can't, I can't."

She nodded and said, "Does that include kisses?"

"I think that kisses don't count and maybe even just a little titty tickle," and I leaned toward her and kissed her and lightly ran my finger over her nipple. When we broke the kiss I leaned down and gently sucked her nipple into my mouth and ran my tongue over it.

"I wish that I could be doing that to your pussy too. It looks absolutely delicious."

The phone rang and at first I thought it was the house phone but after another two rings I realized it was a cell phone and it wasn't mine.

"Oh, shit. That sounds like my phone," and with that Kali jumped off the bed and I watched her young tight ass run out of the room.

"Damn, it's late. My mom's gonna fry my ass." With that Sarah got up and pointed at the clock. "I gotta be home for dinner in 10 minutes."

"Ken, I gotta go. When are we gonna, you know, get together like you promised?"

I smiled. "Well, what are you doing Sunday?"

"Nothing. Sunday would be super. Where? Here? What time?"

"Yes and what time is good for you?"

"1:00 o'clock. My mom and dad are going out and won't be home till 6 or so."

"1:00 o'clock it is. I'm looking forward to it."

"Not as much as I am. See you Sunday?"

She walked over to me and leaned in and gave me a very soft, warm and loving kiss. "No video on Sunday, Okay?"

I laughed and gave her a hug. "No video! By the way, where is the video? Are you going to destroy it, take it with you or leave it here?"

"It's too hot to destroy and I can't take it with me. I'll leave it here. Where should I put it?"

"The footstool on the green chair in the den. Lift the lid and put it in there if you want or just leave it in the VCR and I'll take care of it."

"I'll put it in the footstool." She giggled. "I may want to look at it tomorrow and the day after and the day after that!"

Kali came pounding into the room. "Ann, that was my dad and he is pissed. I gotta go home right now I'm late. I told him I was hanging out with you and some girlfriends at their place and just lost track of the time so if he asks tell him I was with you, okay?"

"How much trouble are you in? Do you need me to go home with you?"

Kali thought for a minute and then looked over at me and then at my hardon and smiled. "No, It'll be cool if you back me up. Besides, looks like you have some unfinished business," and she giggled. She leaned down and Ann and Kali shared a nice kiss and then she came over to me.

"Ken, I had sex a couple of times with guys but only with boys. I'd like to know what it feels like to be fucked by a man with a dick like that. Can I call you when I'm 18?"

"Absolutely. I'd love to have you call me when you are 18."

I stood up, took her in my arms and made sure that my cock was positioned so that it rubbed along her pussy lips. I leaned down and kissed her while moving my hips slightly. She pulled in against me as tightly as she could and moaned into my mouth while we kissed. She pulled her hips back and tried to get my cock into her pussy but I pulled back and broke the kiss. "Naughty, naughty. Not yet sweetness, not just yet."

She stepped back and doubled up her fist and hit me on the arm. "Damn you! You damned men are all alike, just big pussy teasers!"

She stuck her tongue out at me and then turned and ran out of the room and downstairs to get dressed and go home.

Sarah walked up to me and took her fist and hit me on the other arm. "That's for Kali. You had better never tease me like that!"

I crossed my heart with my finger. "Never. I swear!

Sarah nodded and said, "See you Sunday," turned and left.

With both girls gone I turned to Ann. She was lying with her head on one arm and with the other hand she was playing with her pussy.

"Now that you have finished playing with girls, want to play a little more with a woman? Let's see, where were we? Oh, yes. I still need to have some cum in my tummy and some in my ass. Can you do that? Can you make me happy?"

"Which end do you want to start with?"

For the next several hours we played. She sucked me dry, swallowed and proclaimed my cum as among the tastiest that she had ever ingested. After resting and with considerable help from Ann I got hard enough to ass fuck her although the amount of cum I managed was minuscule, this three fucks and cums a day are beginning to wear on me.

Ann is a really hot sex partner. If she puts the same energy into other areas of her life that she puts into sex this girl will be a winner at anything she tries. I think I will turn my ladies loose on her and see just how much staying power she has, God am I devious!

We kissed, hugged and promised to get together again. After Ann left I stripped the bed, threw the sheets and pillowcases from both rooms in the laundry, grabbed a quick shower and realized that I hadn't called Karen. Oh, shit I'm in trouble but I'd be home in 20 minutes so it's too late to call now. I headed home.

When I got home there was no one on the deck or in the hot tub or in the pool. I keyed the intercom, "Hey, I'm home. Where is everybody?"

"Not gonna tell you. You bailed out and left us all alone and now all of a sudden you want company. Too bad!"

Thankfully when a person responds to the intercom it shows where the incoming call is coming from. I didn't respond but went up to Kate's suite and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?"

"The big bad wolf and if you don't let me in I will huff and puff and blow the door down."

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