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Revenge of the Nerd Ch. 35

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Ashley has trouble breaking old habits.
1.6k words

Part 36 of the 85 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/26/2004
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Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T's on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn't old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it.

"You really know how to impress a girl," I said.

"This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young," he searched the right word, then shrugged, "nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear each other talk here, even when it's crowded."

"I should have realized my guy thinks everything out," I said.

He looked me directly in the eyes.

"Not everything, but I try."

"Richard, do you work with Jeff?" asked Jen.

"No, I work at a brokerage house," he answered.

"Yet he is a certified adult," added Jeff. "I had trouble finding one at work."

"I would have thought they were all adults," said Jen.

"The youngest guy I work with is thirty-two, fourteen years older than I am. "My first few days many of them were calling me ‘kid' and patronizing me. Now, some of them call me Mr. Goldberg. It's kind of creepy even if it is somehow respectful.

"But I know you, Jen, and I know Rich, and I thought you might hit it off. So, here we are."

"Do you prefer Rich?" Jen asked him.

"I really don't have a preference. But Jeff always heard me called Richard at family gatherings, so that's the name he gave you." He looked at Jeff. "Yes?"

Jeff nodded.

"Jeff's the scientist in the family. I'm just in finance. I'm not as smart as Jeff."

Jeff looked up with his eyes and shook his head.

"Of course, neither is anybody else," Rich added with a chuckle.

Jeff grunted.

"Jeff's mentioned Ashley a time or two, but he hasn't said anything about this other gorgeous woman," Rich said, looking directly at Jen.

Jen smiled. It was a little corny, but you really can't go wrong complimenting a woman.

Of course, he spent a lot of time looking at me as well; Remedios the Beauty. He could look away, but he could not help looking back. Fortunately for him, Jen had lots of experience with this.

The four of us developed a good rapport. It's often a mistake double dating on a first date. You really can't give the other person your undivided attention. But doubling often eases the awkwardness of not having any idea whether you'll have something to talk about or whether you'll be able to talk comfortably after the introductions.

I could tell Rich had nerd leanings, but he had been out in the business world long enough to develop some polish. Could I expect that of Jeff? Probably not.

Jeff wasn't really in the business world and pretty much marched to his own drummer. More important, he didn't care. You can't change if you don't want to.

Rich was twenty-six, had an MBA and was pretty good looking. His body had good definition and he was around five inches taller than Jen, which meant she would not be limited in her selection of shoes.

I know. I know there are more important things than appearance, but there's nothing unpleasant about it either. He had dark hair, a nice smile and a delightful sense of humor. Jen obviously found the entire package appealing.

He was quickly becoming enthralled with Jen. While he avoided desperation, I could tell her combination of beauty and intelligence was beyond anything he had previously considered possible for himself and that is very appealing to a woman.

They confirmed my impressions of the match by taking their leave of us to go somewhere on their own.

Maybe doubling is perfect for a first date. You use the safety of mutual friends until you feel comfortable enough to blow them off.

"He's nice and kind of good looking too," I said.

"What more could you ask for in a man?"

His voice had just the slightest edge. It annoyed me.

I thought about it and tried to resist getting angry, but I wasn't up to the task.

"Look how far I've come. Look at how much I've changed. I pick out two lousy compliments from all the things I could have said about him and all of a sudden you're bitching at me."

He laughed. He was sure I must be joking.

I knew I was overreacting, but his laughter just upped the ante for me.

"I'm the only one doing any changing around here. You're the same freak you were when I met you."

Oh, shit! Did I really say that? I did all the changing because I was the one who needed changing. I was so much happier this way than I'd ever been.

All it had taken in the beginning were some small changes in attitude to realize how terrific he was. I didn't want him to change anything.

But this had a momentum of its own; I couldn't back down now.

"Take me home."

My voice was tinged with venom. I started toward his car.

I noticed only the slightest twitch of his face. But his eyes were moist. I had gotten to him. Was this a glorious triumph or a shameful defeat?

He took a deep breath; one of those where the diaphragm is involved and the abdomen puffs out. He had regained control. He refused to fight.

My house was minutes away. We drove in silence.

He pulled into our driveway in front of the house.

I opened the car door and said, "Thank you for dinner." But it sounded like, "I wish I had never met you."

I slammed the door and flounced into the house. Fifteen or twenty seconds later he put the car in gear and drove off.

He had given the situation some thought and decided not to make a childish display of anger by peeling out of the driveway. He probably wasn't angry, just confused.

He should have been angry. My behavior had been outrageous, but I hadn't been able to control myself.

I ran up to my room, slammed the door shut, fell on the bed and began to sob. It was long and deep and satisfying.

It was just after midnight when I finished. I was in a state where I could start to figure out why the hell I had acted that way.

Was this like a midlife crisis? I didn't doubt my attractiveness, but maybe I doubted the relationship. Jen and Rich were at the very beginning of their relationship, filled with hope and limitless promise. If it grew, they would devote their attention to each other.

Couples who had been together for, wait a second, we'd known each other less than nine months. How could Jeff be paying less attention to me this quickly? He wasn't.

We were little more than a month removed from the letters he mailed me. How many guys have the imagination to think of something like that, let alone the ability to do it so well, let alone the confidence to do it without feeling self-conscious?

He wasn't becoming complacent; he was ratcheting up his game. Rich might turn out to be a fabulous match for Jen. But, in Jeff, I had hit the freaking lottery.

But, he had openly insulted me. Well, it wasn't exactly open. Nobody else witnessed it. What more could you ask for in a man? It wasn't what he said; it was how he said it. What the hell does that mean? What am I reading into a tone I perceived? That he doesn't respect my ideas or my choices? He tells me all the time he does and the sincerity in his voice is unmistakable.

What was I angry about? Now I was getting angry that I didn't have a clue what I was angry about.

Maybe I still didn't believe I was good enough for him. Then he insults my shallow thinking and that confirms I don't deserve him. But why would that make me angry with him?

Because he's led me to hope, to believe I am good enough for him when I'm really not and all my dreams are going to be crushed.

But he really does believe it and it's his belief that will prevent him from having any thought of dumping me.

I had no damn idea. Where is your therapist when you need her?

Shit! How do I fix this? I treated him horribly; hurt his feelings over nothing. How do I apologize? How do I explain?

Then I drew on my experience and I knew what to do - nothing. It didn't really happen. I did not mistreat him. Oh, is that how you took it? I was tired and irritable and, the coup de grace, it's that time of the month.

No, I should avoid that last one. If I have that pattern of behavior, and I have no idea if I do, he will have noticed it and supplied the excuse for me.

It was just a misunderstanding. We don't need to say another word about it. Will that work with Jeff?

It would certainly work with any other man I've ever met. They would be too scared to challenge me on it. Eventually they would believe it was their idea. Why do I have to be with the one guy who might call me on it?

Because he's the one guy who might call me on it and everything that goes along with being that one guy.

Still, that's the best plan I could think of and I was going with it.

When I pick him up for the party tonight, he's my honey, just like he was before I allegedly went berserk.

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LegacybadLegacybad5 months ago

Its been a very good story Rachel has quickly become a likeable character. But she keeps hurting Jeff, and not only that, but using his fears/weaknesses against him. And coming from a person you love, thats betrayal and any person can only take so much of that. Sure it can be a moment of weakness because she was feeling insecure or even affraid, but words cant be unsaid and sometimes are not easy to forget or forgive

AmandaSilverAmandaSilverover 14 years ago
I like how the characters are being played out

I think such is portraying Ashley's change perfectly. Change tends to be subtle and over time unless one is making a deliberate change. Then it happens quickly, but it doesn't completely "stick". People revert back to old habits and patterns because it's easier, and because it's familiar, it's comfortable.

Personally I like that she's rather irrational with her temper sometimes. You're going to get irritated and pissed at someone you're in a relationship with. Since it's her first relationship and she's young, she doesn't have much experience with how to handle her anger.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
... arghhh ...

rpsuch - I was going to complain about yet another very short chapter and also another indicent where Ashley reverted to acting like a shallow bitch, but then I read your followup comments. So it seems you have plotted out your story well in advance and have put a lot of thought into developing your characters realistically. So I will continue reading although I won't rate this chapter as it was too short. I understand what you're doing as an author but from a reader's perspective, doling the story out in such small bits leaves us hanging. People read Lit to immerse themselves in a fantasy - and interrupting the story breaks the spell. Surely there is a way to compromise. If you have most of the story already written, might you consider grouping your chapters into larger chunks that preserve your original concept of character development/evolution, while addressing your readers' desire for better continuity?

bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
Good Stuff

After all no one is perfect and Ashley started off pretty imperfect. Should Jeff worry about his physical image? That depends on whether he wants to have to obey the restrictions inate in the new image.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 14 years ago
Changing world, changing media

TV is indeed changing, largely because the way people watch it is changing too. Before, everyone sat around the set quietly and gave shows their (almost) undivided attention. That made it possible for shows to have subtleties and well developed plots. Now we're in the age of the multi-tasker. People have their laptops logged on, others have their iPods and cellphones going at the same time as the TV grinds away. With that lower level of concentration, plus shorter attention spans and variable advertisement schedules, there's less intellect available for programming. Hence the repetition, telegraphing of plots, and generally low level of intelligence is required.

On the issue of your main character's "too sudden" change, I disagree. Seems to me that she is very aware of how much she's changed and makes reference to it in almost every chapter. She seems like a very bright gal who had "dumbed-down" to suit her social situation. Once she woke up and smelled the coffee, she began the change process. Plus, her young man provides plenty of positive reinforcement. With so much of her internal dialog shared with readers, it doesn't strike me as unbelievable in the least.

rpsuchrpsuchover 14 years agoAuthor
Ashley's change in behavior

I've had enough comments, not complaints, that Ashley has changed awfully quickly. She has and she hasn't.</p>

When you embrace something new that doesn't immediately erase all the things that led to your discarded behavior. In the stress of trying to change and events that occur people may revert in part to the old behavior. There may be psychological benefits to using old behaviors. A good author will eventually let you what has caused all this. So will I.</p>

If you think the writing has been pretty good, have faith that an author will eventually fill you in and in the end you will not be asking, "What the hell was that loose end about?"</p>

That partly an issue of subtlety. I see it disappearing on TV. They tell you everything lest you be too stupid to understand. Sometimes they try to look subtle. "As you know, you're married to Fred." In the history of the world has anyone ever said something like that to anyone? No. In grade school children may need to have implications spelled out to them explicitly. To adult readers it is insulting. It says you're too stupid to understand so here is what I meant. Of course, sometimes we write stuff that only we understand. In that case you should write the author and ask what it means. It will make him do a better job in the future.

rpsuchrpsuchover 14 years agoAuthor
regarding length complaints

<p>I've tried to break it up into logical chapters. If Literotica would post more than one chapter a day I would submit several together. The other alternative is to throw away my concept of structure and that would make it much more difficult for me, not you.</p>

<p>I'm working on the outline for chapter 58 and beyond so you needn't worry it's going to fizzle because I don't know where to go. I can't imagine anyone would put this effort to create a story, edit more than a dozen times, build these characters only to finish with some kind of non-ending. I"ll grant there may be such a person but it isn't me so I won't take offense.


It has been suggested that I post 3 pages at a time. That is around 50 book pages or 1/8 of a 400-page book. It would certainly result in completely meaningless chapter distinctions if they were marked as chapters. If I designated them some other way but put chapters in the postings I might end some of them in the middle of a chapter.


If I submitted all the finished chapters today it would take Literotica 3 weeks to post them. I'm not done final editing so I wouldn't want to do that anyway. I also won't post arbitrary segments that just end when I have enough words. If I were told ahead of time that's how I had to post stories I'd find something else to do with my time.


All I can suggest is to wait a few posts before going back to the story or read it on my site ( I try to keep at least one chapter ahead and will try to post chapter clusters that cover more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Getting pretty trying

Continually reading a synopsis. Today's was about Ashley misbehaving. Maybe I'll just wait till you finish posting the whole story and come back then. Chapters are so short, you've ruined an excellent tale.

m48gunnerm48gunnerover 14 years ago
Always Hanging

I know somewhere they teach that you need to leave the readers wanting more, but frankly, as much as I have enjoyed this series, it is getting difficult to follow, to hang in there. This chapter revolves around her poor behavior, and we are left wondering what next, is this all going to end over something so stupid....and why why doesn't she just apologize...why the Machiavellian plot to ignore the issue...since when does ignoring a problem ever make it go away...I thought these were TWO really smart people!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Getting kind of disappointed...

I know with all good stories you need plot and development but I really feel like this and the last couple chapters have been quite a bit half hearted. Maybe its because they are posted in such absurdly small blurps I have to try and devote time to piece the little pieces together and try and keep track of the connection. Hoping the next chapter actually has some depth, if not I am not sure I'll keep reading. Here's to hoping for improvement and longer chapters.

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