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Revenge of the Pothead Ch. 07-09

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Ralph encounters his ex.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/02/2020
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Chapter 7

Hours later...

Barry grunted more than a few times as I pushed in and out of his asshole, buggering him with the kind of vigor that he seemed to relish, at least for now. If he didn't appreciate getting sodomized, he could have fooled me, as his responses all indicated that he very much enjoyed it. This was Summer's big brother, and yet here he was, bent over as she had been at times, taking my cock up his ass just as she did up hers. I had to admit that I reveled in the idea of fucking brother and sister alike, knowing that I was intimate with both members of the same family. They would have me in common along with their DNA. That should be another bond for them, along with sharing Kayla.

Speaking of that gorgeous Indian girlfriend of Barry's, she was now bent over, too, but with Summer's mouth exploring her bottom instead of a dick. The way that Summer rimmed Kayla right then was truly delicious, and I could sense that Kayla was ever closer to the edge with every flick of the tongue. Summer definitely knew how to excite and pleasure another woman, but that wasn't shocking, given that she need only think of what she enjoyed and adjust for personal kinks and preferences. Summer certainly didn't hold back with servicing her brother's girlfriend, just as she didn't with us men. She took pride in bringing others to the point of ecstasy.

I had to admit that Barry's ass was nice and tight, his enthusiasm for being pronged in the butt very thrilling for me, and his hip movements worked wonderfully in tandem with mine. My dick probed him deeper with every stroke, going into his booty and making him groan as I plowed him hard. It was a lot more with him than with that cellmate, as I actually knew and liked him as a person, plus he was my fiancee's brother was well as my old friend. It was very enjoyable, especially while seeing Summer rim his girlfriend like nobody's business and make her cream herself where I could smell it.

We kept up this little same-sex fun for a good while, each of us quite caught up in the heat of the moment, including when Kayla and Summer switched places for the rimming. Kayla treated Summer's ass like it was the most exquisite and delicious bottom in the world. I couldn't help but notice how Summer responded with sighs and moans of pure bliss as she felt that tongue back there. Kayla was every bit as eager to eat ass as Summer was, that much was clear to me now. Frankly, if you asked me, they were both very delectable women, but that was a given with me. I could appreciate many kinds of beauty. The contrast between the luscious blonde and the sensual Indian was truly erotic in my book, dousing the flames of my lust and arousal with gasoline.

By now, Barry had noticed, too, and he came on the bedsheet, spilling a rather decent load that looked very slimy, but didn't bother any of us. When I saw and felt his spasms of release, I began shooting my own cum up his ass, flooding his booty with my jizz. I could feel his delight in the realization that I had fucked him and claimed him with my spunk, made him my bitch in every sense of the word now. We now watched as the women came, creaming themselves repeatedly in a clear sign of their multi-orgasmic abilities. Something about rimming and being rimmed by each other definitely punched their tickets, but who could blame them with such fantastic bottoms as theirs?

"Well, that counted as one dessert, but how about second dessert?" Kayla teased us all, knowing full well that Summer made some pistachio pudding earlier.

"Got that covered, sweet cheeks. Don't you worry about that," Summer licked her lips, just before I planted an eager tongue kiss on both ladies, more than ready to taste both her ass and Kayla's.

"Let me sample that, too," Barry chuckled as he made out with both women as well.

"Let me wipe that down, too, so I can suck it," Kayla told me, evidently in the mood to give me some head.

"I'll do the same with my bro," Summer winked at us, though she didn't have to wipe in her case.

"That was legitimately the hottest gay sex that I've ever witnessed, by the way. Damn ... seeing you put the pounding to my boyfriend ... thank you! That was part of the thrill for me, not even counting the way that Summer and I rimmed each other! I do so adore watching two men go at it, but this left all of the gay porn that I've ever seen in the dust!" Kayla told me as she sucked hard on my cock, really going for it with her lips and tongue.

Summer, for her part, was no slouch, either, sucking Barry's dick with the kind of enthusiasm that would impress anyone. She showed him the same kind of passionate desire as she did for me, even as his girlfriend eagerly serviced me with her lips and tongue. There was no question of it for either of us: we were both lucky bastards, Barry and I. We had the two finest women in the world, ready, willing, and able to serve us both. Their slutty, submissive ways were ideal for men like Barry and me. They lived to service their men, as shown by their conduct now, but we also lived to satisfy them.

Their mouths also felt like Heaven on our cocks, taking us into the kind of ecstasy few could imagine if they never experienced it themselves. We held out quite a while, but being increasingly drained, we almost telepathically concurred to cum down their throats. This felt incredible, as we jizzed down their gullets like bosses. It was even better when Kayla and Summer shared our spunky loads in repeated snowball make-out sessions, sucking face like it went out of style.

Yeah, we were very lucky so far ... all four of us.

Chapter 8

North Carolina Theater of Operations,

Suburbs of Winston-Salem

April 9, 2011

"Incoming! Move this tent now!" I heard rather disturbing orders from the commander of my medical team, but so be it.

"Rat bastards! Now, I'll have to triage them! There's no saving them now!" I cursed as I realized that any hopes of saving three fine young soldiers went down the drain.

Enemy rocket fire was no joke, even if their supplies of rockets had to be dwindling drastically by this point. It was a bluff, I was convinced of it, but it was a rather brazen and determined bluff at that. Some six thousand or so die-hard Klansmen held this part of the greater Winston-Salem metropolitan area, and they weren't ready to give up the fight just yet. The upside of fighting the Klan, of course, was that these guys were too fucking stupid to remove their hoods yet. We could all see the hooded sons of bitches coming every single time.

Even so, they were some dogged fighters, unyielding and eager to attack rather than defend constantly. This enemy didn't retreat, but cost him more and more manpower by the day, even by the hour. He was the most aggressive foe yet, filled with hate and malice, it was clear to me, but it was also a fatal blunder to carry on so fanatically. His courage was suicidal bravado, little more than that.

This Imperial Wizard's style was always full-frontal assault, almost as if he never heard of tactics at all ... well, maybe he hadn't. He held his ground and dealt out plenty of his casualties, but his lines thinned out continually, which meant that our victory would be complete and we wouldn't have to take that many prisoners by the end. The word "wizard" was supposed to indicate wisdom, but I had yet to see any proof of that. The bad news was that his fierce resistance cost us considerably in blood and treasure to quash any opposition from said camp.

"Any captives yet? Any surrenders at all?" I wondered aloud now as we finished moving to the new spot.

"Nope, as usual. No quarter given or asked. The Kluckers are determined to be martyrs for their pale version of Christ. Those asshats are in for a rude awakening at the Pearly Gates, if Jesus is real at all. They're not expecting an olive-skinned Mizrahi, are they?" Second Lieutenant Aaron Goldberg, one of my fellow nurses, observed with some Schadenfreude at the notion of their shock.

"Yeah, I seriously doubt that they picture the Nazarene that way. Though if he is real, there's better than even odds that they'd meet Old Scratch instead. Even if I had to go to Hell myself, it would put a smile on my face to listen to their screams as they're tortured side by side with me forever," I chuckled now in spite of my frustration.

"With that attitude, I doubt that you'd need to worry. Satan would hire you on the spot as one of the tormentor demons, sir," Sergeant Kara Soares laughed with her own type of dark humor.

"Would he now? It doesn't seem to bother you, though," I said as I fought back tears again at the sight of the first of the trio dying on me.

I was usually pretty hardened to that by now, but this seemed a real waste, so it hit me harder than it often did. Kara, one of my patients rather than one of my nurses, pushed her dark brown hair back from her face on her stretcher as she waited for us to reset the hospital tent now. She then winked at me, reminding me that she wanted to jump my bones soon and she made no secret of the fact. Of course, she also wanted to fuck Aaron, but those goals weren't mutually exclusive, were they?

"You know, when this fucking war is over, I'm so gonna marry that yummy little shiksa slut!" Aaron commented with a stage whisper.

"I heard that! You want this slutty ass? For life? I have to warn you that I'm gonna spread it around, babe. I'm a tramp, honey! It's what I do. I'd love to marry a fine young officer like you, but make no mistake and have no illusions. I ain't the faithful sort at all," Kara cautioned Aaron after overhearing him.

"No trouble for me! Just don't be a jealous hypocrite. Turnabout's fair play. Sauce for the goose and all that jazz, babe," Aaron winked at her now.

"You think that I'll have the time, energy, or motivation during or even after this war to try to follow you around and keep you to myself, hon? Oh, no, babe! Ring or no ring, that dick is yours and this pussy is mine! So are our butts, for that matter! And our mouths! You marry me, you get what you see! I'll fuck around on you, but I'll look the other way, too! It's just Mother Nature, man! I guess that we have a deal, then," Kara announced, "hey, guys, this fine young stud is gonna marry me!"

"Wow, that's some engagement!" I grinned as Aaron, the others, and I all finished setting up the hospital tent for its new location.

"It's cool that I'm Brazilian and Catholic, too, and that I'm half-black on my mother's side?" Kara asked Aaron as he leaned over for a steamy tongue kiss.

"Babe, I already knew all that going in, too, just as I could tell that you're a hussy. It all goes together to make up the luscious package that is you. It comes with the territory!" Aaron reassured her now.

"Can he join us on our wedding night?" Kara really pushed the envelope now, even as we got back to work.

"As long as he fucks both of us, babe!" Aaron indicated his bisexuality for the first time ever in my presence.

"Okay, but I'm sucking his cock straight from your ass, too! And then I'll lick up the creampie!" Kara winked at me now to make it clear that she was in earnest.

"So, you're a bottom or versatile?" I asked Aaron as I looked at the first wounded prisoners ever to be brought into my tent.

"Strictly a bottom with guys, man! Trust me, though, you're gonna love my butt!" Aaron thus reminded me of how lucky we were not to be in the old, pre-Pulse, anti-gay military.

Just then, however, all mirth ceased, not just from the dying of the last two doomed patients, but from the sight of one of the captives: Megan. How the fuck did she end up in my goddamned tent? What sick twist of fate was this? Why was she in arms against the Republican Front, anyway, let alone on behalf of the Klan? Since when did they admit women to their ranks, for that matter?

"You!" Megan stared at me as she shouted that pronoun, "Ralph?"

"Hello, ex. I'm engaged now, to a much better woman, you know. Can you say the same for yourself?" I grinned again as I saw the complete shock grow on her face.

"But ... but ... you were in prison!" she exclaimed the obvious.

"You're right, bitch. I was," I emphasized the past tense.

This was gonna be one fucking Hell of a reunion. Thank whatever God might exist that I had Summer, Barry, and Kayla ... and I might soon have Aaron and Kara, too. I was neck deep in a motherfucking, post-apocalyptic civil war, having just lost three patients to really bad luck, and facing my selfish bitch of an ex-wife. At moments like that, I really needed such links to sanity as my friends, comrades, and lovers.

Chapter 9

"So, Megan, how the fuck did you get caught up in this mess?" I asked my ex-wife as she lay there on the bed.

"I ... married a guy ... who ... joined the Klan," Megan stammered, more than a little embarrassed, perhaps because she knew that racism was wrong.

"Yeah, you really traded up, didn't you? Who needs a pothead male nurse when you can have a leading champion of the fucking master race, am I right?" I scoffed now, making my ex wince.

"Okay, okay, touche. You fucking win! You've obviously climbed back out of that federal hellhole to rebuild your life and make something of yourself. Good for you! I thought that my life was great, but then Cliff got laid-off from his job due to the Recession. You know, the nasty one that happened right before the Great Pulse? Well, guess who looked out for him? His buddies in the Klan. His father's Klavern and Imperial Wizard.

"Next thing that I know, a man that I didn't know had any kind of racist past had a very racist present, okay? Next thing that I know, he's blaming it all on that 'n ... President,' to use his words. Then I got sucked into their web, their social circle, etc. I got to know the wives, and if you didn't already know that they were ... white supremacists, you never would have guessed at all. They seemed very normal, likeable family folk.

"So, while ... deep down, I still didn't hold any core principles supporting white supremacy or white nationalism or anything like that, I found myself taking sides for my husband, Cliff, and our friends and family. So ... here I am, a fucking year later, speaking to my ex-con ex-husband about how my life got fucked sideways and his radically improved from being Bubba's bitch to being a motherfucking field nurse in just that little time," Megan ended her rant on a very bitter note.

"One that you tossed aside like a used condom," I snorted, "once you didn't need me anymore, never mind that you smoked weed, too. I also heard that you got a DUI some time back. That must have been hairy. Whose dick did you suck to get out of that one with just a lost license and a few months in county lockup?"

"I didn't ... I had to eat someone's pussy," Megan blushed as she admitted that she traded sexual favors to get herself cleared, "the prosecutor's."

"Jesus fucking Christ ... I knew that DA was a lesbian! Not that I would judge, but damn!"

"Look ... I'm not proud of it, but I have and will trade sexual favors for advantage. With anyone, and I do mean ... anyone. Cliff was my boss, after all. I figure, I have a body. I would be stupid not to exploit my ... opportunities, right? Why not fucking use this body? Just so you know, if it makes you feel better, I've never been faithful to anyone. Ever. I've cheated on so many men that if it were an Olympic sport, I'd have the fucking gold medal for infidelity," Megan was a bit freer with her talk, but then she was on morphine.

"I see. And why did you discard me? Why abandon me when I needed you most?" I persisted on that point, making Megan squirm.

"Look, I liked you, but any love that I felt for you wasn't worth prison, okay? You were in prison. You tell me. Was it fun for you or did you hate every second of it? Did you feel desperate to get out of there? Would you have sucked a cock to get out? Be honest here! I was truly terrified of possibly going to prison!" Megan urged me now, feeling more than a little heat on her.

"And you wanted to save your own property from illegal seizure by the Feds?" I made it clear in my choice of words that I didn't approve of civil forfeiture of assets.

In fact, I still consider that to be legally sanctioned armed robbery and burglary.

"That, too, yes! After they ... seized the house, Cliff and I moved here to North Carolina and never looked back. I really needed someone with money, and Cliff's family were as affluent as they were racist. Well, fat lot of good that did.

"First, the parents decided to put Cliff on a sort of probation and that included me, of course. I didn't know it at the time, but they wanted him to join the Klan and he resisted at first. Then he lost that job and had to really turn to Daddy's money, and that was when they got him. He joined the KKK and the rest was history.

"Cliff was killed in action forty-six minutes ago, just to be clear. I'm ... pregnant. Very early and part of me is contemplating abortion, but it might be his. I've been fucking several of his comrades, though. It could be theirs instead. After he caught me cheating the first few times, he started pimping me out as a party favor, which I actually didn't mind.

"I'm sure that the other wives knew about it, but didn't care that much. Cliff fooled around, too, of course, mostly with the wives. That might have been a factor in them not minding too much. No one complained to me, especially a couple of the wives that I seduced myself. One was head of our HOA, if that tells you anything. Hey, this morphine drip is running low and the pain is starting to come back. Refill it, please," Megan pleaded with me.

"Fuck you, Megan. Morphine's not safe for the baby, anyway. You'll just have to suck it up. Life's not fair. Isn't that what you told me once? Enjoy the fucking pain! Be a big girl and tough it out!" I smirked as I went back to work and left her in agony.

In fact, for the next few days, Megan mysteriously didn't get a refill on her morphine drip. It just kept being misdirected or something. By the following Wednesday, she was desperate for some morphine. By then, my compassion and my curiosity led me back to her bed and I was willing to listen.

"Please ... please, Ralph. I'll do anything that you want. Just let them give me some morphine, dear!" my ex-wife begged me desperately.

"Alright, but you may lose your child. Also, bear in mind that there is a strong chance that since you're actually civilian, yes, they checked ... you'll probably be sent to DC. I hear that it's rather hellish, the DC penal colony and its salvaging work. There's no electricity at all there, after all. No air conditioning in the nasty Potomac summer heat," I told Megan with no small amount of joy at her suffering and terror.

Oh, yes ... Schadenfreude never felt so good. And the best part was that I wasn't lying. Even better, I might well be asked to be a character witness before the tribunal. I was gonna love watching them drag her sorry ass away to a lifetime of hard and menial labor. She would likely be worked to death in that ghost town penal colony and their salvaging operations.

Revenge would be so fucking sweet.

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