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Revenge on My Ex Ch. 01

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I get revenge on my ex and take her for everything.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/06/2021
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*the characters in this story are post-college age, in their mid to late 20's. This story has themes of non-consent.

I had been talking to my ex-girlfriend for a few months. We had been friends since high school and then dated for four years in college. When she left me it took a long time to get over the rage and hurt I felt. Hell, I'm still not over it.

But despite my better judgement we were talking again. Texting, and occasionally meeting up to get drinks. We're like each other's kryptonite.

Last night we met up for a drink and she invited me back to her place to watch a movie. We both knew where this would lead but I figured what the hell? She was wearing a white sundress and her red hair was driving me wild.

When I got to her house I tried to be cool but I had a raging hard on. She asked if I wanted a drink and I said yes. She went to the kitchen to get me a beer. I could just barely see her ass cheeks when she reached up to get a pint glass. Suddenly I just couldn't take it. All the rage I had felt over the last two years came back. I couldn't believe she was leading me on like this, wanting the best of both worlds.

I followed her into the kitchen and started unbuckling my belt. She turned around and asked me what I was doing. I told her to shut up as I took off my belt and doubled it. The look on her face was priceless but it didn't last long as I spun her around and bent her over the sink. The bottle of beer and pint glass crashed to the floor.

"What the fuck are you do-?"

Before she could finish I was beating her ass with my belt. I had her arms pinned behind her back. She struggled against me hard and screamed at me but her impotent rage just added fuel to my fire. Her dress was bunched up her back now and I could see red welts on the back of her thighs. I wanted to see more of that ass. I held her arms with one hand and ripped her panties down with the other. Her round ass was already red and bruised from the beating. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this was wrong and I needed to stop this but I couldn't. I thrashed her hard and fast with my leather belt while she writhed underneath me. That she prided herself on being strong made this even better. I wanted to break her.

I threw her to the floor. She tried to roll over and get up but before she could I had a knee in her back holding her down. Her panties were tangled around her thighs so I ripped them off.

"Please! Why are you d-" she started to beg and I shoved her panties in her mouth. She was facedown on the floor and I had her arms pinned behind her back.

"Still got some fight in you bitch?" I continued to beat her legs and ass relentlessly. Her legs squirmed and kicked but holding her in this position was even easier. I hated to admit it but her muffled sobs were making me so hard. I let off her arms and grabbed her by the hair to jerk her head back. I leaned down by her ear. "Listen to me you little cunt. I am going to beat you for as long as I want before I fuck you bloody. If you want to keep fighting you go right ahead but I'm going to do as I please for as long as I please. Do you understand?"

She nodded as much as she could with me holding her hair. I took the panties out of her mouth. "I said, do you understand?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, sir" she sobbed. We were getting there but after knowing her for so long I knew she wasn't broken yet.

"Go to the bedroom and get on the bed" I barked at her. "And if you even think about disobeying me once this beating will be the least of your concerns." She started to get up but I smacked her hard on the ass with my belt making her fall to the floor again. "Crawl bitch!" She tried again, this time getting to her hands and knees. She started crawling out of the kitchen toward the bedroom. Her legs and ass were every shade of red and purple and she was shaking. I got another beer out of the fridge and followed. Her crawl was slow at first so I had to motivate her with my belt every few steps.

When we went to the bedroom she started to get on the bed. "Stop. Stand up and take off your dress." She stood in front of me but her eyes were downcast. "Look at me." She obeyed.

Then the bitch tried again to reason with me.

"Please...I just..." I slapped her across the face. I think that hurt her more than the viscous beating she just endured.

"You don't get to speak unless spoken to. I told you to take off your dress. I won't ask again." I could tell she was mentally weighing whether or not I could or would overpower her again and I secretly hoped she would fight me again. A flicker of fear went across her face and for the first time I think she realized that I was dead serious. She would be mine whether she liked it or not. She slipped her dress over her head and let it fall to the floor. She took off her bra and stood in front of me naked. Her large round breasts stared at me and I pinched her nipples. She had always been sensitive there and I watched her face as I played with them. "These are mine now bitch. You like that?"

She sqirmed as I flicked her nipples, enjoying her embarrassment.

"I asked you a question, bitch." I pinched both her nipples hard.

"Yes, sir. They're yours." She looked down as I made her nipples hard under my touch.

I stopped long enough to drop my pants. When I pulled my shirt over my head, she did exactly what I knew she would do. The bitch tried to shove me out of the way and run past. Before she could I grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. She had her second wind in her for a fight but I was ready too.

I smacked her face a couple times, probably harder than I should have, but I was mad as hell. Smacking her right when she was trying to bitch me out made me happy in a way I couldn't explain. The power was intoxicating. I wanted her to fight so I could break her. I straddled her and held her arms over her head with one hand. I slapped her face a couple more times before she stopped fighting. I debated gagging her again but her screams were turning me on even more. I wanted to bury my cock in her so bad.

I spread her legs with my knees and paused. "Look at me when I fuck you."

She looked up at me just as I drove my cock into her tight pussy. She gasped but that just made me go harder. When we were together she always had a hard time taking all of my cock. We always had to start slow and do tons of foreplay so I knew this was hurting her.

"Who owns this pussy?" I thrust into her hard. I could tell she was fighting back tears.

"You do. You own my pussy." With that she broke down. I was harsh. Cruel. I demolished her cunt while she sobbed. I could tell I was about to explode so I slowed down and grabbed her hair, forcing her to look at me again.

"I'm going to come in that pussy and then you're going to lick me clean."

She nodded, then added, "Yes, sir" she was learning.

"Who owns you?"

"You do. You own me. You own me!"

I thrust into her hard, hitting her cervix, making her scream in pain. I let go, and came hard. She laid in a heap underneath me for a few seconds but I wasn't finished.

"What did I tell you?" I stood beside the bed and she crawled over to me. She was on her hands and knees in front of me and started licking me clean. I grabbed her hair and pulled her onto the floor. I had complete control over her now and I wasn't going to waste it. "Worship me."

"What?" She looked up at me.

"You heard me."

She did. She licked me clean, sucked me, then bowed before me and worshiped my cock then my feet. I took out my phone and filmed her in order to blackmail her later. Knowing her as well as I did, the rape would be nothing compared to this. Making her worship me like this was the ultimate humiliation.

I put my foot on her head, holding her on the floor.

"I'm going to get dressed and go to the living room. You're going to bring me a beer and then wait for further instructions. This is just the beginning."

She got up to go get my beer. This time she crawled.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, one could tell why she was his ex. Too bad she did not stay away but she will pay for her reasonings. Kind of hope that she realizes that she needs to really get away and make sure he does not follow (if you get my drift).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

this was shit

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Disagree with all the negative comments. This was so fucking hot! Especially how you refer to her as "the bitch."

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 3 years ago

I hate these kind of stories...They show a lack of control, and frankly a "pussy attitude". If the writer would have written the beginning with a submissive girlfriend..i would stopped reading, however at last he would have made the effort to udentify the theme. self serving load of crap from a writer whose fantasy is to have infilcted something because of his weak ........

tazz317tazz317over 3 years ago

who needs revenge or a reckoning. and why. TK U MLJ LV NV

chytownchytownover 3 years ago

***UGH!!!!! bad news. Sorry!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Excellent story, very enjoyable.

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