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Rileigh and the Cop Ch. 02

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Rileigh finds her sexy cop, and that's not all.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 06/07/2010
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Author's Note: Here's the second chapter my readers asked for. I hope you all enjoy, even if this is your first time reading. Please vote, and as always feel free to send feedback or leave a comment!


I backed up to the wall. I was scared; Brian was dangerous. I hadn't seen him in months. I moved and changed my phone number to get away from him. True, I had only moved a county away, but I had thought that would be far enough to get away from my ex. He was just an average guy, well, an average guy that liked to smack his women around.

"What are you doing here Brian? I have a restraining order, remember?"

"A piece of paper doesn't make a difference to me. As long as I want you, you're mine. You think you could just move away and that'd be it?"

"That piece of paper says you're breaking the law. And I'm not yours now, and I don't think I ever really was."

"You don't mean that. You know you still want me, you're just playing another one of your stupid little games."

The funny thing was, I didn't want him, not at all. I don't like men that hit women, and I told myself I would never let any man hit me. With that said, maybe I could understand one slap under extreme circumstances, but after the second hit it was over. He just really was that dense. He belonged in a lockup, or at least in therapy.

Brian started walking closer; I started inching toward my room and the phone in there. He watched my movement and chuckled. Brian rushed forward and grabbed me by the arms.

"Where do you think you're going Bitch?"

"Let go of me!"

He started laughing. I attempted to knee him in the balls, but he anticipated the movement. The fact that I tried seemed to really piss him off. He slapped me hard across the cheek. I could taste a hint of blood on my lip. He grabbed me and threw me across the room. A chair broke my fall. It felt like a few of my ribs would be bruised, but luckily I landed near my room. I rushed inside and locked the door. I was definitely glad I invested in a newer set of locks for the house when I moved in. Brian had made me paranoid, and for good reason.

I wedged the back of a chair under the doorknob to buy me more time. I rushed over to the phone and picked it up, but there was no dial tone. He must've cut the lines. I searched the room. Was my cell phone in here? My eyes landed on my cell phone charger. Sure enough, my phone was plugged into it. I never thought I'd be so happy to have to charge my phone.

I dialed 911 while the banging on my door continued. I could hear Brian yelling, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My ex-boyfriend broke into my house. He's been... beating me. I locked myself in my room, but he's trying to get in." I tried to speak clearly past the panic.

"Ma'am, what is your address?"

"5986 Cedar Road, I live in Airendale."

I watched the door as it began to buckle under his weight. I could tell the door would give away soon.

"Please hurry. He's going to get in soon. He'll be very mad."

"Officers have already been dispatched. What is your name ma'am?"

"My name is Rileigh, Rileigh Daniels."

"And what is your ex-boyfriend's name?"

"His name is Brian Williams," I responded hurriedly. I was wondering if I could make it out the window. There was shrubbery on this side of the house. A few scratches would be better than a few broken bones.

I was braced to jump out of the window with my cell phone when I was yanked from behind. My phone went skittering across the room as I feel to the floor.

"Get away from me, Brian! Now!"

"Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch!"

He kicked me in the ribs just as I heard sirens approaching. His eyes went wide, but I knew he'd get caught red handed this time. I just had to make it a few more minutes, and help would be here. He roared and pulled me to my feet. His grip on my arms was bruising. I screamed and started kicking. The next thing I knew I was flying into the wall.

When I looked up, I saw two policemen running into my house. They restrained Brian and handcuffed him. It only took them a couple minutes to have him locked up in the back of one of their cruisers. One of the officers came over to me and helped me to my feet.

"Miss Daniels?" he asked.

"Yes. Thank you so much." I was fighting back tears. I hated Brian, but what I hated even more was feeling defenseless. Normally, I liked to think of myself as a strong, independent female; right now I just didn't feel that way. Right now I could still remember the taste of fear.

"C'mon, let's take you out to the ambulance to get you checked out."

The officer did as he said and took me over to the paramedics. It felt almost as if I were in a daze. The paramedics were fussing around me, wiping the blood from my lip and inspecting my ribs. There was a small gash on my arm that they wrapped some bandages around, but I wouldn't need any stitches. They were worried that I might have a concussion, but I refused to go to the hospital. I just wanted to get this all over with.

There had been one other officer outside. All of them seemed to be very nice, and had zero tolerance for the antics of an abuse ex. The officer who had helped me earlier, Officer Calhoun, stayed near me almost the whole time. He was a very nice older gentleman and he looked like the fatherly type.

"Well Darlin', if you won't go to the hospital, you should come back to the station with us and give us a statement," he said.

"Okay," I agreed feebly. I was in no mood to argue.

I rode in the passenger seat in the cruiser with Officer Calhoun. The other cruiser followed behind us. It was a quiet ride, at least for us. We arrived at the Allen County Sheriff's department before too long.

The other cruiser drove to another part of the station; I'm guessing the part that held a cell for Brian. Meanwhile, Officer Calhoun took me inside and sat me in a chair next to his desk. I looked around the station. I had never been here before. There were a few other officers walking around or sitting at desks. I returned my attention to Officer Calhoun and tried to focus on what he was saying.

"...need you to give a statement about the incident at your house earlier."

Okay, so it was time to talk about what happened. I tried to remember everything that happened earlier, but some of my memory was a little sketchy. I told him what I could: how Brian had been waiting in my living room when I came home, how he had screamed and beat me. It felt like I was talking about someone else. When I finished my story, Officer Calhoun got up from his chair. When he came back it was with another officer. There was something... interesting about the way he looked at me.

"This is Officer Blaker, he's going to drive you back home while I finish up the paperwork. We already collected anything we would've needed from your house. Mike's a great guy, so don't you worry."

With that said, Officer Calhoun went to do what he needed. I looked at Officer Blaker. I wasn't too shaken to realize he was gorgeous. He had bright green eyes and rich black hair. He was about five inches taller than me with a muscular build. He was every girl's wet fantasy, and he was looking at me like he knew me.

"Are you ready to go Miss Daniels?"

Oh my God, that voice. I knew that voice. It was him, the cop from that night.

About two weeks ago, I had been pulled over. I had been willing to give the cop a blowjob to get out of the ticket, but he had wanted more. Despite the blackmail, I had enjoyed it. I had cum at least twice, and he came too. I went home that night and had wet dreams about Michael. He hadn't told me his last name, just his first, and it had been too dark to see what he looked like. I could've only recognized him by voice. When I woke up the next day, I thought it was all a dream. It had been real though; there was a hickey on my neck to prove it.

Here he was. He was even better looking than I imagined. I wondered if he knew who I was. I was pretty sure he did from the way he was looking at me.

"Michael," I whispered. He nodded.

"It's nice to see you again... Rileigh."

The way he said my name made me shiver. I wasn't sure being alone in a car with him would be a good thing or a bad thing.


"Are you ready to go, Miss Daniels?" I asked again. I didn't want her to start asking the wrong questions in front of the guys. I could get in a lot of trouble if anyone figured out what I had done with her. Once we were in the car, I would talk to her about it.

She nodded a little and we made our way out of the station. I took the opportunity to look her over. She looked a little worse for the wear, to be honest. She had scratches everywhere, and I could see some bruises forming on her skin. Ed, Officer Calhoun, had told me that her ex-boyfriend did this to her. It made me want to go to lockup and show the guy what a fight really was.

Despite all the bruises, she was still beautiful. Her eyes were a sapphire blue and her hair was a dark auburn color. She was tall for being a female, and she was curvaceous in all the right places. She looked like a pixie, or an Irish wood nymph. Though I knew she wasn't ugly that time on the side of the road, I couldn't have guessed she was this beautiful. I had been right about one thing: she was too sweet to be getting into the messes she was getting in.

Outside she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She still looked a little shaken. I just wanted to pull her close, but we were definitely still too close to the station. I didn't want to look like the perv taking advantage of a domestic abuse victim.

I led the way to my assigned cruiser and held open the passenger side door for her. She got in without any questioning. It made me miss the fire I had met on the side of the road. I got in on my side and pulled the car out of the lot.

The drive back to her house started out quiet, but I was pretty sure it wouldn't last long. I wanted to say something, but I wasn't sure what. I could have called her if I wanted; I knew her name before I even pulled her over to the side of the road. I hadn't wanted to contact her because I wasn't sure she'd wanted that one hot night to turn into a lesser reality. One night had been fine, but sometimes things were different in the light of day. Her voice was quiet when it broke the silence.

"Michael Blaker, that's your name isn't it?"

"Yes it is. Are you going to rat me out now?" I asked. I didn't think she would, but if she did, I would probably lose my job. The only way I wouldn't be fired would be to sugar coat some of the details.

"No, I don't think I will. If I had wanted to, I would have by now."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Though I'm guessing you aren't that happy about being found. If you wanted me to find you, you would have given me more to work with than just your first name."

"At the time I was worrying more about getting caught, but I wouldn't have minded you finding me. Sex with you that night was great."

"Then why didn't you find me? You knew my name, you could have easily found my phone number or my address, you're a cop."

"I didn't think you'd want to be found. Sometimes people like their fantasies to stay fantasies. I didn't want to disappoint." It was slightly humbling to admit it.

"You wouldn't have". She looked at me now. "You're gorgeous Michael. You were great that night, and I'm sure you'd only get even better under more comfortable circumstances."

Her comment made us both smile. She flinched when she stretched her cut lip, but she still looked happier than she had ten minutes ago. A few minutes later we were pulling into her driveway. She looked hesitant to get out and go inside.

"I'm not excited to see the mess inside," she confessed. He didn't blame her. She sighed and walked inside, cringing a little at the disarray of furniture and at her broken bedroom door.

"You know, I'm not exactly a carpenter, but I could fix that for you. That is, if you want me to."

It seemed like an innocent offer, but I was looking for any excuse to see her again. There was something about her that I couldn't resist. She was like a drug. I knew I wouldn't turn down an offer to stay the night at her house that was for sure. I had dreams about that night with her that made me wake up rock hard.

"I'll think about it Officer, you know where to find me. Stay safe."

She turned around and walked inside. I took that as my cue to leave. Already, I couldn't wait to come back.


The next morning I woke up feeling like I looked. Bruises spotted my entire body; I looked like a Dalmatian. Breathing hurt, moving hurt, just about everything hurt. It was worth it though. Finding Michael made it all worth it. He still seemed like a dream: a gorgeous, sopping wet dream.

Getting up seemed like too much work, but my stomach was grumbling for attention. I went toward the kitchen and decided to have a healthy dose of rocky road for breakfast. It made me glad to have a high metabolism. I had a healthy amount of ice cream in my mouth when the phone rang.

"Hello," I mumbled around a mouthful of ice cream.

"Good morning."

Oh my God, it was Officer Sexy. I swallowed hard. I knew he would call, but I didn't expect it this soon. I could feel warmth spread in my belly. I could barely wait to see him again.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm a little worse for the wear, but other than that I'm good," I replied honestly. I was good, I was talking to him. I really did want to see him again. "So about that offer to fix my door..."


"Is that offer still on the table?"

"Oh, it definitely is. When would you like it fixed?"

"Whenever you get the chance would be great really."

"How about tomorrow? It's my day off."

"Tomorrow would be great. Maybe around noon if that's okay." I was hoping it was okay. It would be torture to wait that long. I wanted to see him now.

"Noon it is. Well I have to go, I'm calling from work. I'll see you tomorrow Rileigh."

"Bye, see you tomorrow."

When I hung up the phone my heart was beating in my chest. I could feel moisture pooling between my thighs. I couldn't hear his voice without thinking about that night. Hearing his voice made me remember how fucking good it felt to have his cock in my pussy. I wanted it again, really bad.

The next day I made sure to wear my good lingerie: a matching set made of pink lace. I tried to dress sexy without it looking like I was trying. A short pair of jean cutoffs showed off my long slim legs. As a top I wore a tight fitting blue tank top that showed a hint of cleavage. I let my hair down over my shoulders and only put on a touch of makeup. I was ready.

When he arrived, I was poised on the edge of my couch in the living room. It looked a lot better after all the cleaning I had done yesterday. He knocked on the door and I bolted upright. When I opened the door I was met with quite a sight. Officer Sexy looked more like Mr.Fuckable Carpenter. Michael was wearing a pair of worn blue jeans that hugged him in all the right places. A white t-shirt was stretched across his muscular chest. The sexiest part was the tool belt that hung around his waist; it made him look like he was ready to do all sorts of dirty work.

"You look ready to do some work," I said. It was hard not to chuckle or glance at his package, but somehow I managed.

"Oh trust me, I'm ready." He winked at me. I think it actually made me blush. The truth was that I was hoping he was ready to work on more than my door. I was hoping he was ready to work on me a little too. It made me feel naughty, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't mind offering me a little more than just his carpentry services.

He walked over to the door that was split and barely hanging on its hinges. He grimaced as he yanked it once and it came down.

"It's a good thing I brought a new one with me."

"You brought a door with you? Already?" I asked.

"Ed told me I might need it. My brother is an actual carpenter, I got it from him. He taught me everything I know."

"Oh. Well, how much was it so I can pay you back?"

"Don't you worry about that, worry about getting better security in here so that asshole can't sneak in again. You were lucky the other day, but you may not be so lucky if there's a next time."

He made a good point, one I had already thought of. I was planning on calling a security company in the next few days.

"I will. Thank you Michael."

"You know, you can just call me Mike if you like."

Mike. It was a lot easier. I'd think about it. He went outside for a moment, and sure enough when he came back he was carrying a door. It wasn't painted, but it looked like my other doors. I wondered if it was heavy, because Mike was only carrying it on his shoulder with one arm to support it. His muscles were just begging to have that t-shirt torn off of them and my fingernails were itching to do the job.

"This shouldn't take long." He said.

He didn't lie, he was done in less than ten minutes. My new door was up with new hinges and in perfect working order. All that was left to do was paint it. I was happy to have my door back up, but I wasn't ready for him to leave.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. My question seemed to make him smile.

"Yes I am. Did you want to go get something? It would be my treat."

"I could cook if you like." I offered.

"What did you have in mind?"

"How about shrimp scampi?"

"Sure, that sounds delicious."

Well, I had news for him; it wasn't the only thing that sounded delicious. His cock in my pussy sounded delicious. His cock in my mouth still sounded delicious. Maybe we could eat in and then eat out. It was getting harder and harder to keep my hands off of him.

I led him into the kitchen to sit at the island there while I cooked. Scampi was one of my favorite foods and was actually simple to make. While I was sautéing the shrimp I heard footsteps behind me. Big hands slid around my waist and a hard body pressed up against my back. The skillet almost slid out of hand at the feel of him so close. Hot kisses rained down on my neck and shoulders. I leaned back into him and set the skillet down. His hands cupped my breasts and I moaned. When his tongue flicked at my ear I whimpered.

Thank God the food was done. I turned off the stove and turned in his arms. Our mouths met in a rush. Apparently we were both hungry for a little more than just seafood and pasta. He thrust his tongue into my mouth and I wanted more. I broke the kiss to strip his shirt off and he used the opportunity to coax my top over my head. The skin to skin contact gave me hot goosebumps. My pussy was craving him. My blood was pumping so hard and fast that I could feel my pulse between my legs. The feel of his hard cock pressing into me only made me even hornier.

Mike took swept me into his arms and carried me into my bedroom. He set me down on my bed, dropped his tool belt to the floor, and climbed onto it with me. His huge body covered me. My legs spread to accommodate his hips and he ground his dick into me. It felt good, but I didn't want any clothes in the way.

"I want you so bad Mike, you feel so good."

I pushed Michael back so I could get to his jeans. They were off in seconds; I was no stranger to undressing hot guys. I lifted my hips and he got the hint to pull my shorts down my legs. He took a minute to stare at me in my bra and panties. From the looks of the tent in his boxers, he was enjoying the view. Those boxers were the next thing to go, followed by my pink panties.

"You're gorgeous Rileigh."

I pushed his shoulder and rolled on top of him. Last time he had taken charge, but this time I wanted top for a little while. I straddled his hips and couldn't wait any longer. I started sliding down onto his big cock. It took a little adjustment to be able to take all of his cock, but I did it. It felt so good to have my tight cunt stretched around him. I began sliding up and down on his cock. My hips would flick a little, rolling so that he hit that one spot that drove me nuts. Moans and whimpers kept slipping from my mouth. Fuck, it felt so good.


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