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Rileigh and the Cop Ch. 06

Story Info
Sculpture, sex and surprises.
3.3k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 06/07/2010
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Author's Note: Hey, so I know I haven;t written in a while, and I'm reeeally sorry. I've been sick on and off and working two jobs. Anyway, this chapter combines the "Rileigh and the Cop" series with the "A Soldier's Gypsy" series. I know some of you wanted Michael to be the good guy, so I hope you enjoy my solution. It may help if you read some of the "A Soldier's Gypsy" series, especially the sixth chapter. Please comment, vote, and/or send feedback!! Thanks, and enjoy!!


Michael walked up to the car as I frantically made sure the doors were locked. I saw Carter; he looked as angry as Michael was, and I couldn't tell if it was me or Michael he was angry at. Maybe it was both.

"Rileigh!" I heard Michael shout. "Rileigh, get out of that car damnit."

Mike tried the door with a furious look on his face. My heart was beating like a caged hummingbird. I saw a few other officers rush out of the station. Two went to grab Mike. Carter said something to them, but I couldn't hear what. If looks could kill, the look Michael sent Carter would have. Carter looked back at me in the car.

"Rileigh," he said softly, "Baby, open this door." His eyes darted to the keys, still in the ignition. I looked over to make sure Michael was still restrained, then nodded and unlocked the door.

He got in, the muscles in his jaw flexing as he fought to stay calm. After we had driven about five minutes away, he glanced over at me.

"Are you alright, Rileigh?"

I nodded, but my heart was still beating a little fast. I wanted to bolt, to run and hide.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

Oh boy, I knew that question had been coming. How do I explain it? Did I owe him an explanation? Ugh, of course I did. I mulled it over in my head a minute before I answered.

"It wasn't exactly first date material," I began quietly. "I didn't think it was something you needed to know when I saw you in the bookstore. And I didn't want to bring it up when we went to dinner. Then there just didn't seem like there was a good time. I hoped that if I ignored it, it would go away," I said, feeling stupid. Of course it wouldn't have just gone away.

"What about that day you called me over, when you ran into him in town? Why didn't you tell me it was Mike who left those bruises?" he questioned. I didn't really have a good answer so I kept silent. "I see the guy almost every day, I work with him. I'm surprised it didn't come out already. You were the woman that ran out that night at the charity ball, weren't you?"

I nodded and watched his face. He did not look happy with me. Neither of us said anything as we finished the drive back to my house. Once we were there he came around to my side and opened the door. He held out a hand to me. "Come here, Baby."

Cautiously, I reached out and went with him inside. He sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. He was stiff at first, and then it felt like all of the tension drained out of his body.

"You should have told me Rileigh," he said as he pulled me close. I nuzzled my cheek against his chest and held on tight. Finally, my heart beat was back to normal.

"I'm sorry Carter, very sorry. I'm just a big scaredy cat. I should have told you," I mumbled into his shirt. My arms wrapped around his waist and I didn't want to let go.


At home, Michael was looking for something to break. He needed to get his anger out of his system. A better idea came to him, and he changed into some jeans, a shirt and his leather jacket. He went out to his garage in search of his pride and joy.

The Kawasaki purred to life and he straddled it in a well practiced move. The bike rode smoothly out onto the road. He headed for the hills. The winding roads proved more interesting. Michael didn't care if he was speeding. Fuck it.

God, how could Rileigh do that? Sure, he kissed Marissa, but it wasn't like he fucked her. It had been a stupid mistake. If she would have just given him a chance.

He had known Marissa would be trouble, but he thought he could handle her. Now Carter had her. Thinking about it now, Mike regretted slugging him. He honestly believed Carter hadn't known. Still, he hated the idea of Carter fucking his brown eyed girl. Well, he guessed she wasn't his anymore.

As the anger faded away, the hurt sunk in. He hated feeling this way. His heart felt like it was tearing, it physically hurt. He didn't want to see Carter or Rileigh for a long time if he could help it. Maybe it was time for a career change.


Two weeks later Carter and I were still talking. We had gotten over the Michael thing. I had worried about them working together when Mike got back from his suspension, but he didn't come back. Nobody at the station knew exactly what he was doing now, but rumor was that he had a new job. That was just fine by me.

I knew that I had overreacted a bit that night at the ball, but I didn't regret it. I felt the way I felt, and I wasn't going to apologize for that. Kissing was still cheating in my book; I wanted someone who could be completely faithful with me. And Carter, well he and I fit much better, and he hadn't kissed that bitchy Marissa Moore.

I indulged in the sight of him now. He was struggling not to look uncomfortable. I bet he regretted agreeing to be my model for the day. I was trying my hand at clay sculpture and had wanted to sculpt him- nude.

The contrast between his hard chiseled body and all of the delicate pretty flowers in my garden was breathtaking. Well, when he wasn't fidgeting that was.

"Are you sure no one will see me?" he asked nervously. I chuckled.

"My back yard is surrounded by trees, and I live in the middle of nowhere without another house in sight. It's fine. Plus, if any woman comes by, I don't think she'll be objecting to the view."

I laughed when I started to see the blush creeping up his cheeks. It was an interesting sight, usually he was so damn confident. I didn't see why he was blushing, the man looked like sex on a stick, no pun intended. Everything about his body was mouth-watering.

He was all lean muscle. Big biceps, washboard abs, and his ass was divine. My hands molded the clay, and the more I studied his body, the more I wished my hands were on him. Thank God I was almost done, we had already been out for hours. I wanted to lick up the little beads of sweat from his tan skin. I wanted my hands on those delicious muscles, on every inch of his body.

My heart was pounding and I realized I was staring. What I was staring at definitely liked my attention. I licked my lips and I saw his cock get even harder. My mouth started watering. Carter moved out of his pose and began stalking toward me.

"Oh no you don't, I'm not finished!" I squealed as he raced over and threw me over his shoulder. My little fists pounded against his back but to no avail. "Carter, you big oaf, put me down! Umph! I'm not done with my sculpture!"

He shifted me on his shoulder and then gave me a firm smack on my jean clad ass. I yelled and struggled, but he just tightened his grip. Truth be told, I wasn't that upset as he set me down and pinned me against my giant oak tree.

His mouth was on mine immediately, teasing at my lips. Carefully, he took my bottom lip between his teeth to nibble on it. I moaned and arched into his body. He kissed his way down my chin, trailed his lips over my neck, and licked his way to the collar of my shirt. He made a frustrated sound looking at my shirt and took the fabric in his hands. I was about to object but he covered my lips with his. As he kissed me I could hear the sound of fabric tearing.

His tongue thrust into my mouth to keep me from objecting. It worked. I forgot all about my torn shirt and stroked his tongue with my own. My fingers slid into his hair and my hips rolled against his hard cock. I moaned into his mouth. God I loved his big thick cock.

I looked up into Carter's gorgeous baby blues before I nudged him backward then I sank to my knees. I wrapped my hand around his thick dick and kept my eyes on his face. I exhaled hot breath on the sensitive skin before taking the smooth head into my mouth. Mmmmm, fuck, I loved the taste of him, that yummy precum on my tongue.

I stroked every inch of his cock with my tongue before sliding more into my mouth. I flicked my tongue under the head of his cock and in the slit in the top. I moaned with his dick filling my mouth and I heard Carter groan as the vibrations rumbled around his thick shaft. My head bobbed back and forth as I applied suction.

He grabbed handfuls of hair and started to fuck my mouth. The look on his face made me even wetter. Gently, I cupped his balls in my hand as I tried to take as much of him into my mouth as I could. His hips helped shove his cock down my throat until I almost gagged. His eyes rolled backward and his lips parted on a ragged breath.

My mouth made a quiet popping sound as I slid it off of his dick. As I stood up I stripped my jean shorts down my tanned thighs. I leaned in to whisper into Carter's ear.

"I want your cock now Baby, fuck me. Fuck me harrrd and deeeep."

In seconds Carter picked me up and pressed my back into the oak tree. With one hand he snuck his hand behind me to unhook my bra. He pulled it off of me and threw it into the garden. Leaning forward, he pressed his chest against me, my nipples getting hard as our skin rubbed together.

I looked down to see him grab his cock, and he jacked it off against my wet pussy lips, teasing me and making me groan. He knew I wanted that yummy dick in my cunt, but he was just teasing me.

"Carter, Baby, give me your cock. I want it now Baby, please," I begged.

He chuckled. "Not yet Babe."

I rolled my hips forward but he wasn't budging. "Carter, please!"

He still didn't listen, instead he slid his cock against my pussy, grazing my clit and making me cry out. My nails sunk into his back. I didn't know how much more I could stand before I got that big dick into my cunt. I tried to wiggle onto his cock, but I knew he wouldn't give it to me until he was ready.

Knowing one of his weaknesses, I moved my mouth to his neck and scraped my teeth down his skin. He growled and I knew my ploy was working. I wanted him ready NOW. I nibbled on his ear and knew that he wouldn't wait much longer. My heart was pounding and I couldn't wait for him to take me.

Finally, he gave me what I wanted. First I felt the wide head of his penis enter my pussy, then another inch. Carter rocked his hips back a fraction before pushing back in. My head tilted back and I groaned.

"Mmmm, oh fuck Carter. Yes Baby, fuck my cunt," I told him.

"I love your tight pussy on my dick," he panted out. He looked down to watch his cock sliding in and out of me, and I looked down to watch too. The sight aroused me even more. I was still amazed that something so big fit inside me. I whimpered as he slid his dick as deep as he could. Oh God, it felt so fucking good. He started thrusting harder and I could feel my body begin to tense up.

One of his hands held my hips still while the other reached up to cup a breast. He rolled a nipple between his fingers. Fuck, he was good with his fingers. He pulled his hand away for a moment to lick his fingertips, then he teased my other nipple, plucking it, rubbing. He leaned his blonde head down and took a nipple into his wet mouth. I pulled at his hair and shouted out.

Oh my, Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. So close.

"Carter, fuck me, mmm, fuck me harder. Go as deep as you can Baby, oh God, I'm so close! Make my pussy stretch wide open around your dick Baby."

With shocking speed, his hips thrust fast, pounding deeper, harder. The bark of the tree scratched my back, but I didn't care. I was so fucking close. I could tell that Carter was close too. Just, mmm, just a little more and he'd push me over the edge.

"Cum with me Baby. Fill my pussy up with your hot sticky cum. I want it so fucking bad. Cum for me Carter."

All restraint slipped away and his sweaty body pounded into me. Fuck! The tension began to reach its peak and I felt my orgasm rock me. My cunt clenched around his cock and I screamed his name. I heard Carter speed up a moment and then thrust deep and stay there.

"Rileigh! Baby, I'm cumming!" he shouted.

My nails tore down his back and I held on for dear life. Spasms rippled through my body. The feeling of his sticky thick cum coating the inside of my pussy thrilled me. Both of us panting, Carter sunk to the ground with me in his lap. We looked down at our naked selves, out in the open of my backyard and chuckled. Oh, what a view.


A knock sounded and I walked over to open the door. As expected, Franc was there with my breakfast.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle."

"Franc, how many times must I tell you to call me Morgan?" I asked. After three days you would think he would get it. Old habits die hard I guess. He was still cute. If I weren't on a strict diet I would contemplate having him for breakfast instead of my exotic fruit salad. I looked him over again. He had to be in his early twenties. I wondered how he came to work here, especially with that smooth French accent. "You're from France, aren't you Franc?"

"Oui, Morgan. But I have become quite fond of the States. I think maybe there is a bit of French in you, along with that fiery Irish I see in your hair," he responded with a sexy grin. I saw his eyes drift down to take in my blue silk robe. I hoped he couldn't see my nipples harden, but the robe wasn't doing much to keep them hidden. Oh my. Gulp.

"Ah, umm.. you would be correct. Well, that's all for now, see you later Franc."

I could tell he wanted to flirt some more, but he knew when he was being dismissed. If he kept giving me those sexy grins, my resolve might start crumbling. I shut the door and leaned back against it with a sigh of relief.

A minute later I sank into the big chair in the sitting area and looked at the fruit salad with delight. It was in a carved out pineapple. The star fruit looked appealing, and I wondered how they kept the kiwi from getting mushy. I took a bite and closed my eyes in delight. Oh they were good. Sure, fruit salad was easy to do, but each piece of fruit tasted as if it had just been picked and sliced today. Yum.

After I finished my last bite, I headed to my room. Which bikini did I want to wear? Hmm. A-ha! The metallic white one with the gold chains would be perfect. The top was white and caught the sunlight perfectly. The bottom was a matching white, but wide gold hoops held the bottom together on each side.

I tied a white sarong around my bikini before I left for the gardens. Garden first, then pool, and maybe hot tub. Mmm, hot tub. I wondered if I would see Mr. Hot Stuff again. Ugh, why was I so attracted to something I couldn't have? Especially when he was such a cocky bastard. But damn he was sexy. That dark hair, those bright green eyes. The old Morgan would have fucked him in a heartbeat.

There was a gorgeous archway leading into the garden. Vines twisted around the woods. I loved hotels like this. It was like paradise. Rae and Gabe were miles and miles away. It was easy to push thoughts of them out of my mind, though I did still feel a slight pang thinking about them.

Roses, I loved roses. The gardener here was known for his exquisite hybrid roses. The bottoms of the petals were white with bright pink at the top. I leaned forward to sniff one.

"Beautiful aren't they?" someone asked. At the sound of his deep voice, I turned around. Of course. Hot Stuff.

"You," I murmured in surprise. He was close enough for me to catch the scent of his cologne. Mmmmm, why did he have to smell so edible? He was like sin waiting to happen; hot, sweaty, orgasmic sin.

"It's very nice to see you again, Morgan." His breath tickled my ear as he spoke. It send tingles down my spine. Oh my, this was getting dangerous. Why do I keep finding temptation? I had to get away, fast.

"I wish I could say the same, Mr. Blaker. However, I have to get going."

I made to walk past him, but he moved to block my path. "You can just call me Michael. And the pool will be open for a while," he said, eyeing that part of my bikini that could be seen around the sarong. "I think you're running Morgan," he whispered.

Was I running? Yeah, I was. I didn't want to sink back into my old ways so quickly, and now Mr. Hot Stuff was really testing my resolve. Knowing he wouldn't let me go forward, I turned to bolt the other direction. Before I could even turn all the way, two strong arms wrapped around my waist. The hold was strong, but he wasn't hurting me. I looked up at Michael with panicked eyes. Oh my, he was so close, and he felt better than I wanted him to.

His mouth descended on mine. I closed my eyes on a wave of desire and tried to resist him. I couldn't. His mouth tasted sweet, with a hint of spice. His tongue played with the seam of my lips until they parted. His tongue slid inside, and he wrapped a hand in my hair to hold me still for his kiss. Man, could he kiss. I fought to get a better taste of hime, I wanted more.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Very nice :)

the entire story is wonderful and I can't wait to see what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
bad ending

Rileigh should have ended with Michael

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Sadly Unhappy

I loved this story from the begining, but I wanted rileigh to be micheal not with Carter. Thought it was a neat way to bring the two stories together, but how you started the series should have ended with rileigh with micheal not Carter in my opinion.

indianfireindianfireabout 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you

..for the comments, :).

It is only fair ILienBagby, I did make all of you wait a while.

I will try to write fast luv_romance, ;)

And yes, Quietdrive, they are the same Michael :D

QuietdriveQuietdriveover 13 years ago

Wonderful chapter! However, I am slightly curious as to what Mike is doing now.

Is the Michael in the second half of this chapter, the same Michael earlier?

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