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Ring Transport - Origins Pt. 02


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This was a productive visit!

The older lady watched us and I think she was pretending she knew what we were saying, because she'd proved she couldn't.

Just as we were leaving, I said that if any neighbors asked, to tell them we were stupid people who were looking for the people who used to live in this house a long time ago.

We said our goodbyes, got back in the RV, and left.

Back on the road and out of town, Krista said, "So, sounds like you need to learn Spanish if you're going to... tell anyone what to do who only speaks Spanish."

I got out my phone and linked it up with the sound system in the RV, and turned on a Spanish language station where we could hear the words. I said, "No time like the present."

About 10 minutes later, I was getting really tired of the Spanish talk-radio, which went very fast, and downloaded an app that taught Spanish, and started going through it.

I remembered everything it said, so I sailed through the lessons as we drove. Krista knew some of it already, so I narrated some of it out loud as I went. We'd gotten though quite a bit in the first hour when I decided to just read some lists of Spanish vocab words, out loud of course, the most frequently used 500 nouns.

It was getting to be near dark, and we were in Nevada already, approaching Lake Tahoe. I searched for RV campsites and found some, and routed us to one that looked low-budget and far from a town, on the theory that it would have fewer people.

I was right. It was closed, boarded up. But, there was an empty parking lot, so we just parked there.

Krista took care of the bumpouts, while I did some math homework and virtually inhaled more Spanish lessons. On my laptop, I brought up a Mexico-city newspaper website, and on my phone I looked up the words I didn't know. The first page went very slowly, and the third and fourth, but (interrupted by dinner) and working side by side with Krista, we got better and better at figuring out what the stories were about.

The idea that my memory was better was laughably obvious. It only took once and I had a word down. The language software emphasized I shouldn't translate, but instead picture the object or action and say the word for it.

Frankly, I was going so fast it barely mattered.

Around 2 am, we quit for the night and got ready for bed. Krista stripped down to naked and started brushing her teeth - on the toilet! I said, Prefer Not Thanks and stepped out for a minute.

Bathroom habits are highly individual.

Her 'no secrets' trust of me wasn't reciprocated. I did want some secrets. I gently asked that she keep her toilet use to herself, and she understood. It was just an insight to learn that while trust is a great thing, and respect for privacy is, too, sometimes giving up one's own privacy is both unwarranted and unwanted.

Getting into bed, I just wanted to sleep, but Krista said, "Don't go to bed frustrated, you'll regret it in the morning." I suspected she just was responding to the loving my cum-taste concept, but, then, who was I to argue?

She was getting pretty good at the suckage, and in short order I was cuming in her tightly held mouth, her humming sending vibrations down my cock as she did so.

I don't think I was conscious for more than another 30 seconds after that orgasm.

== Chapter: Tahoe Explorations ==

The next morning, waking at 8 (late for me, but getting almost 6 hours), I went for a quick run, straight down the road and back. Krista stayed near the RV to do some yoga.

It's just as good that she did, I was in a mood to go fast.

When I got back, she took off on her own run, going straight out down the road like I had. We didn't have much choice, there was scrub desert and a road, and... that's it.

After I did my own stretches, I sat in a folding chair in the shade of our bump out and looked down the road to her. She was still plainly visible even at a distance, the place was so flat and treeless.

Watching her, it occurred to me to reach out my mind to her, regardless of the fact that she was running way down the road from me. I wasn't trying to tell her anything, just to listen to her, somehow. I closed my eyes, and thought of her.

As I listened and thought, I couldn't get anything much from her, but I felt a tightness in my chest and a fast tug pulling me left to right and back, like someone was shaking me slightly.

Again, with my eyes closed, I felt the same movement. As I kept listening, I felt it more and more clearly. It wasn't so much being tugged as swaying forcibly. Then, it got clear enough to figure out -- it was the sensation of having breasts move while running!

The odd part was, when I opened my eyes, the feeling was still there. I still felt her movements. I wasn't concentrating on her anymore, but I was still feeling her. I reached down and at one level I was touching my own chest, but on another level I was feeling hers.

This opened some possibilities!

Pulling off my shirt, I sat watching her in the distance, almost a half-mile away, running on the flat desert 2-lane highway. Her red shirt was clearly visible, way down there.

I started rubbing my nipples lightly, and noticed a warm feeling spreading over me, not a typical feeling since my nipples weren't usually that sensitive.

Closing my eyes again, I wanted to see if I could hear anything from around me, and I mostly just heard pat-pat-pat-pat of feet hitting the pavement. I PUSH'd at her, "Describe what you're running near" and sure enough, I started hearing her voice! This was very cool.

I tried picturing, or imagining, the view she had, but it wouldn't come. I saw what I thought were memories of my run down that road, but that was poisoned data since I'd seen it before.

Gradually, I became aware of images flowing in, but they were jumbled, things noticed, a rock here, sky there, a fencepost, road lines, feet, hands moving.

She was turning, I saw in my mind's eye, glancing all around. She turned around to head back, crossing the road to keep running against the flow of traffic, as if there were any cars on this road at all. Quickly, I opened my eyes and saw that yes, indeed, she'd turned around. This was actually working! I was really excited.

I got up, letting go of the rest of that exercise, but I still felt her running, even while I was walking around the outside of the RV. Her breasts bounced, her legs hit the pavement, the power of her movement coursed through me as well as her. It was very distracting, and it was getting stronger.

Telepathy was fun, but I needed to be able to turn it off!

I sat down again, and tried to use the old hypnosis trick of assigning a feeling to a mechanical device I could visualize, in this case, a volume knob that I pictured in my head, that I put a label over that said, 'Connection with Krista'. I imagined that knob to be set at 30%, since I figured I could turn it up if I wanted to.

Instead, I turned it down, counting out loud to myself as I did so, calling out 30, 25, 20, 15...0, and trying to relax away and concentrate on myself only. It worked! The footfalls were gone, I was back to being me.

Wondering if it worked the other way, I closed my eyes again, I got the image in my mind, and turned the knob up slowly, not thinking too much about how it worked, just the knob. Again, the footfalls came through, the rhythmic rocking, breathing hard, some pain in my right shoulder as my arms swung, and the general sense of 'being there'. The sounds, too, what she was hearing, those came through, clearer and clearer. I was only up to 45, though.

Turning it up higher, very slowly, I got more bits and pieces of images, until I could see more than flashes, but a steady set of images from her eyes, complete with blinks and the inability to control where I was looking or concentrating.

This effect was wild! I was running, without having to run. I was moving, and breathing hard, and sitting in a folding chair at the same time -- it all kind of blended together and I had to sort it out. The dial was at 50. I turned it up a bit higher still, and I got bits and pieces of a monologue, in a voice that didn't sound like hers. She wasn't wearing headphones... Oh! It was her thoughts! Oh my god!

I turned down the knob, back to 50, not wanting to listen to her inner monologue, it wasn't fair, it was an invasion of privacy, it seemed. Instead, I just watched and listened to her feet and breathing for a while, being entertained by the dual nature of it, and getting used to the idea. I could lose my sense of self, I thought, and that might or might not be dangerous, so I left the knob there.

I was still shirtless, so I reached up and played with my left nipple, tweaking it a little, rubbing lightly, and seeing if I could feel that. Yep! Sure enough, I felt it in her as well as in me, and got a little bit of an emotional reaction, too, surprise, then confusion, then a bit of disgust or irritation. They weren't clear, just vague sensations. But, since they weren't happy, I stopped the nipple tweaking.

She was getting close to the RV, I could see her. The images were jarring from her movement, so I turned the knob all the way to zero again, got up, and put my shirt on again.

Coming up to me, we smiled at each other, but she had a wincing gonna-get-you look on her face, too.

"Kevin, you smarmy bastard." She came to a stop, only half smiling. She grasped her left breast, "You did something to me. My nipple got all hard and stimulated and stuff. It's better now, but God! That was distracting!"

"Me?" I badly feigned ignorance, "Why, I don't know what you mean, I have no idea..."

She walked up to me, still breathing a little hard, grinning, and said, "Yes, you do. I knew it was you. Who else could make one of my nipples all perky and then leave me dangling, a long way from satisfaction?!?!"

"Satisfaction? I think we're near Tahoe."

She'd bent down to stretch, but she looked up in my eyes with raised eyebrows, the kind that said, 'watch it'.

I really liked the idea that she could be that forthright with me, that much irritated. My instructions to just be herself had paid off, and I was seeing less and less of the subservience from her as an everyday thing. Every once in a while it came back, but I loved that we could have moments of banter where we were closer to equals.

I was still sweaty from my run; I'd used all my time in mind games, so I went in and took a shower quickly, knowing there was no way two people could fit in that stall together. Some parts of the RV were built for thin people, and the shower was one of them.

When I was done, she showered while I closed the bump outs to get moving.

We were down to a quarter tank of gas, which I deemed a safety margin given the desert around us. Krista figured the mileage and that we could make it into Reno easily, so we set out.

My spidey-sense of anticipation kept going up as we drove, and it only got more and more pronounced over the course of about 15 minutes. Suddenly, it started getting softer, and it felt wrong to be going forward. I said, "Uh, we need to stop for a minute. Pull over."

I went back and checked the gas tank on the Mini, which was still way-full since we'd filled it the first day and only driven about 20 minutes. Getting it out, Krista didn't comment, she could tell I was determined to do something.

As I pulled up to her, she said, "Wait!" and ran back into the RV, emerging a minute later with our 'driving thermos' and two gallon jugs of water she'd gotten in case the RV's drinking water wasn't good tasting. The thermos was a big half-gallon plastic insulated water container we kept by the driver's seat, and it still had ice cubes clinking inside it. "Here. You might not need it, but it's a desert, so... be careful."

"Thanks." I took it, then leaned out of the window and kissed her, slowly, dreamily, but then it was done and I had to go. "Gotta go... I ... I'll figure it out. If I'm not back in a couple of hours, set up for the night, or drive into town and get gas. Text me with what you do."

"Okay." She was worried for me, the crinkle lines in her forehead gave it away. She tried to not show emotion too much about me, to keep it professional, but this was an act of will, and I knew she was intent on... everything to do with me.

Sometimes people are attached to you, deeply attentive to what you do, but you're clueless. I had a feeling I had discounted her being as caring and attentive as she was.

I needed to tell her I loved her. I could tell she loved me, and I was pretty sure she wanted to say it, but felt she couldn't. That wasn't fair of me.

I had to fix that later, though, since I was already getting going; I'd let out the clutch and started backing up away from the trailer. Pulling around, I headed back down the road the way we'd come, not knowing what I was heading towards despite it being dominant in my brain.

About 5 miles went by, not really that far, and I felt like I had to go south, but there wasn't a road. A dirt path appeared, branching off, but it looked like it was ancient, and there was some scrub growing in it, so it couldn't have been used anytime recently.

I turned off, onto the path, the mini being small enough to fit between some of the scrub bushes and tumbleweed piles. I stopped the car and got out my phone to turn on my running app's 'trace my path' GPS feature so if I got lost I could come back the way I went in.

Going slowly over bumps the car wasn't designed to handle, it took me almost a half-hour to get to the end of the trail, which was a gully my car wouldn't go down. I got out, pulled on a ball-cap and light jacket since it was getting a bit chill, then took my fill of water, an even dozen swallows.

I had over two gallons, I wasn't going to run out, but better that I had some I couldn't lose.

For weather, I didn't have much to complain about. Late fall or winter in the desert meant only a lack of insane heat, not a comfortable medium. The haze made it cool and clammy, and 10 am meant it wouldn't get that much hotter - or, at least I hoped not.

I must have walked for an hour, but I could feel myself getting ever and ever-closer... to something? Something important? I didn't know. Wandering and just walking whichever direction felt right, I found a small wooden cabin, way out in the middle of nowhere, and a feeling there was something inside. Something... I had to find.

A cabin, sort of, low, utterly ancient and decrepit, came into view between some mesquite trees. Splintered, aged, rotted wood, really nailed-together fence-posts, it was obviously pioneer-days construction. The door, fractured but mostly in-place, had a gap big enough to admit a mountain lion, and it occurred to me I could find myself with some company. But, then I remembered my pet-shop-dog experience and decided I could probably cope reasonably well if I was confronted.

Inside, I found an ancient bedframe, long since collapsed, and what looked like the splinters of a table and chair, long ago collapsed to pieces on the floor. The odd part, the feeling that was going through me as I stood there, was that I just knew that there was something under that bed. I didn't know why I knew, just that there was.

I moved the bed, rotten, with leaves and detritus through it, to find the floor under it quite rotten, with wide gaps between the boards.

There was something visible through the cracks.

The wood crumbling to dust in my hands, I reached down to pry some floorboard out of the way to see better.

There, laying in the dirt below was a dusty metal cube. Maybe six inches (15 cm) on a side, I was about to reach down but suddenly it seemed dangerous to directly touch it.

Not knowing anything and just going with instinct, I took off my jacket and grabbed it with that, then dropped the bundle into my backpack.

Getting my phone, I took pictures of the cabin and the surroundings, and created a waypoint to remember the GPS coordinates. I didn't know if I'd need them again, but then, you never knew.

Hiking back to the car wasn't so bad. It was a lot shorter in a straight line than the oddball meandering path I'd taken getting there. Turning the Mini around was a hassle, and all the way back to the RV I was wondering what the damn cube thing did or was.

== ==

Krista saw me coming and got out of the RV to greet me. As I pulled up, she said, "Did you get what you needed?"

"Yes." I drove up and onto the trailer and we triggered the mechanism to have it automatically latch the car down. I retrieved the jacket-wrapped box and we got back in the RV to keep driving.

She looked at the jacket questioningly and I unwrapped the box to show it to her. She looked at it, and at me; it was so nondescript that there wasn't much worth noting. Putting the Box in a dresser drawer, Krista watched and I told her as an instruction, "Don't touch this or interact with it."

She nodded.

I think she was afraid of it, given the power I had over her, she didn't want to do something wrong in the face of that power.

Heading again for Reno, I didn't know why we should be going there anymore, but it seemed like a big city and it might be interesting. Besides, it had a gas station we needed, and a fill-up on our potable water tank.

== ==.

That night, after an RV and Mini gassing up, we parked at a nearly-empty RV park and hooked up to honest-to-goodness RV utility connections. The front-desk guy explained the hookups to Krista, but it wasn't complicated. Emptying the bilge tank, as he called it, was a stop before getting to our space, and it had an odor that indicated some spillage had occurred before.

Krista made dinner, a pork roast with roasted veggies, caramelized onions, a Boston-lettuce and spinach salad, fruit, cottage cheese, and even a really nice chardonnay. I felt pampered and thanked her, giving her a nice kiss on the neck from behind at the table and I felt her happy-glow come through her body language as well as her broad smile.

Over dinner, I tried to explain that I didn't know why I'd needed to go get this thing, or even how I found it, except that it was way out in the desert and I didn't know the other answers except 'vibes' or something.

She seemed less interested in the question than me; to her, I think, I was a giant mystery anyway and the other parts around me were unlikely to make me less mysterious.

After dinner, we did dishes and she settled in to read a history textbook I'd brought along. I sat at the table and thought about the cube, tucked in a drawer still with my coat wrapped around it.

I didn't know if that would matter, but just in case it did, I was prepared.

The question was, should I touch it now, or wait?

Now seemed the better option. Going and getting it, I sat down at the table, Krista near me in the recliner, but as I was doing this she was just watching me. I used the coat to orient the cube without touching it, so the one feature, an indentation, was at the top. The indent was about the size and shape of a fingerprint in clay, so I figured it was for my finger. I told Krista, "Hey. I'm going to touch this thing. If something happens to me or you, I'm sorry ahead of time?"

She nodded and watched me.

I touched the notch. Nothing happened. I touched it again, this time leaving my finger down on it. Gradually, I started feeling a little lightheaded, and I noticed my vision was getting better.

Looking ahead of me, it wasn't that my vision was better, it was that I was sort-of looking out through the side of the RV, and through the floor, like they were partially translucent. As I watched and waited, the effect grew more pronounced.

Taking my finger off, the effect quickly reversed and I was back to normal.

That was a relief!

I repeated it, and soon I could see on all sides of me, even downwards through the RV floor, and even into the dirt a little. Shifting my hand, my other hand touched the left side, and the view shifted slightly up. Moving my finger on the side upwards shifted the altitude I was looking at, up and down, and moving it forwards and back changed my zoom level, like I was smaller and things around me were bigger, or vice versa.

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