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Rock Solid Workout

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Bret Michaels rocks the world of WWE Diva Maria.
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This Story was Co-Written By Kristi and "Dice" Casden as part of our on-going D&K Universe.


A little after 9 AM on the morning of November 2, 2009 inside of a conference room located within New York City's 58-story skyscraper known as Trump Tower, the three members of the newly reformed 'Team Rock Solid' are considering options for the task assigned by Donald Trump, which is to come up with a workout class for 24-Hour Fitness. The team consists of Ozzy Osbourne's wife and manager Sharon Osbourne, Poison's lead singer Bret Michaels and WWE Diva Maria Kanellis. Bret wearing a sweatshirt, a bandana and black jeans stands near a window as he talks about people he could get to donate for the charity, 'These people that are going to be coming down, my friends, are either going to be in rock or business clothes..." Bret says before Sharon begins to suddenly laugh.

"You mean like leather jackets flapping in the air?" Maria, wearing a leather half-jacket over a black top and tight fitting pants, jokingly asks as she starts to flap her arm.

"I mean picturing out of shape agents coming down to workout!" Bret says as the image causes him to start laughing while he steps over to the circular conference table.

Sharon wipes a tear from her eye, "My word... this is such a breath of fresh air after dealing with all that tension.." Sharon says before she starts to compose herself. "All right the name of our workout class... what is it? What is workout program? What we'll be advertising?" Sharon asks as pats her hands together.

"Hmmm... it should be something fun..." Maria says opens a notepad.

Bret suddenly gets a look of inspiration and he quickly walks around the table, "This is my two cents..." Bret says.

Sharon turns in her chair to look at him as Maria does the same, "Go on..." Sharon says.

"Twenty Four Hour Celebrity Workout.... Right? Then it will be our three names... and below that, it'll rock your world..." Bret says before grinning, "And the hook will be, come out and sweat like a rock star!"

"I love that idea! It could be a lot of fun and draw in a lot of people!" Maria says as she takes off her jacket.

"Very good Bret... have people come in to try and look like a rock star," Sharon smiles as she writes down some notes.

"Well more like smell like one...." Bret says as he starts laugh.

"We could incorporate music a lot of 80s Metal and high energy music..." Maria says excitedly before she glances at Bret, "Maybe even a lot of your music..."

Bret smiles at the gorgeous WWE Diva, "Well the music me and the boys came up with sure got a lot of people working out."

"It still does..." Sharon adds which draws wide-eyed looks from both of her teammates. "I better start putting a list together of potential donators ..." Sharon says as she takes out her blackberry,

"Oh I just got a great idea for how the ads should look! Give me a second to sketch it out..." Maria says eagerly as she starts to draw quick lines on a blank page in her notebook.

Bret walks around the conference table where his laptop is sitting and opens the media player. He clicks to play a random music file, and a instrumental track starts to play, "Yeah there we go..." Bret says as Maria looks up from her notebook to see Bret crouched down at the end of the conference table in deep concentration. "Now lift your leg... uh huh... yeah like this..." Bret says as he stands up straight as Sharon now looks at him. "Now thrust... and thrust..." Bret says as he starts to do pelvic thrusts as Maria and Sharon exchange looks and try not to laugh.

"Bret, dear, what are you doing?" Sharon asks.

"Oh wait I see what he has in mind... an aerobic workout!" Maria says with a wide smile.

"Exactly!" The enthusiastic and inspired Rock Star says as he hurries over to Maria, "You could lead the class, with different repeatable exercises like you could do this..." Bret says as he starts to grind his hips while smacking the air in front of him.

"Oh my god..." Sharon laughs but she continues to watch Bret with interest.

"And then follow that with this..." Bret says as he lifts his right leg back to grab it with his right hand and he starts to pull his leg back a few times. "They'll laugh like hell but it'll be great cause it's..."

"Bending over and thrusting!" Sharon says with a laugh but at the same time sounding serious, "That's what we'll do."

"This has a lot of possibilities..." Maria smiles as she gets up from her seat and bends down, placing her hands on the floor while sticking her round, pants covered ass in the air. From where Bret is standing he gets a perfect look at Maria's rear-end.

"Whoa hold on there..." Bret Michaels grins as he starts to move behind Maria.

"Oh no you don't!" Maria laughs as she sees Bret coming and she quickly gets up to her feet as the star of VH1's Rock of Love playfully chases her for a few steps.

Bret steps back to where his laptop is and grins, "I've been a bad boy..." Bret starts to thrust his hips forward while smacking the air again.

"Yes you have..." Sharon says with a light laugh as Bret proceeds to sit down.

Bret smiles, "I love the new path we're on... it's like a hot, perverted train wreck..." As he picks up a pen, open his own notebook, and as he begins to write he speaks. "Wanna rock out with your cock out like a real rock star? Then pump up your wiener with Sharon... Mrs. Osbourne's...." Bret puts down his pen as he starts to laugh, "Mrs. O's wiener workout!" Bret rolls of his chair as he laughs even harder as he takes a look at Sharon who's is totally in the spirit of things.

"Pump up the wiener!" Sharon laughs as she starts to raises and lower her balled up fists.

"Pump it up! Pump it up!" Maria laughs as she copies Sharon's motions.

"And you know what she bends in front of them and does this!" Bret says as he stands. The Rock Star, bends forward slightly and extends his arms back and starts to quickly moves his arms back and forth while keeping his fists balled up.

"Oh my... what about this as a stretch...." Maria grins as she pushes her chair back and raises her left leg up into the air, giving Bret Michaels a perfect view of her crotch as her tight pants stretches against her skin.

"Be like hello!" Sharon says as she copies Maria's leg raise as she fully sees the dirty image it can be.

Bret shakes his head and laughs as he sits in his chair, "Trump is going to see this and he's going to have me whacked! But imagine over in the other room..." Bret starts to say as he closes his eyes and presses his lips together, "What we are going to do is a strategy for a task..." Bret says in a nasally voice to mock their opponents on Team Tenacity.

Maria leans back in her chair and smiles, "I can just imagine... "Olympic Gold Medallist Workout' and then here we got 'Deep Thigh Thrusting!'

Sharon smiles, "We don't want to do it like they are going to do... we have to avoid that..." Sharon says as she sounds serious. "I think we should have a woman in there... crack a whip..."

Marin nods her head eagerly, "You should do that! I know where I can get you one!"

"You do?" Sharon asks.

"Oh yeah! I'll send a text and it'll be here by tomorrow morning..." Maria grins.

Sharon mischievously grins, "I can picture cracking that whip telling people when they are fucking up or not trying hard..."

"Oh you got to do that... that'll be classic..." Bret says as he writes it down.

Maria smiles, "Hey you know, we totally have an idea of what we're going to do... we should go over to the gym and see what we have to work with."

Sharon Osbourne looks at Maria and nods her head, "That's an excellent idea..."

"Yeah, let's take this show on the road..." Bret Michaels adds.


At Trump Towers as RAW goes off the air, Bret is leaning back on the couch inside of Team Rock Solid's conference room after watching RAW with his teammate Maria. Bret, wearing tight fitting black jeans, a black t-shirt and his trademark bandana, looks at Maria, "You do that every week?" Bret asks with an impressed look on his face.

The adorably beautiful, red haired WWE Diva, Maria, dressed in a pair of tight fitting dark jeans and a black top that shows off her tanned and perfectly toned stomach, nods her head and smiles "Yeah!" Maria says with a laugh before she presses her pouty lips "I'm not just another pretty face Bret...I can kick ass too!" Maria says with a laugh.

"A hot ass girl that could kick ass... you'd totally get along with Lita Ford...." Bret says with a smile, "Boy Sharon was great... but I have a funny feeling Ozzy didn't have a clue what was going on... and what was up with that guy with the bad hair asking 'Really' over and over again?"

Maria laughs and shakes her head "Oh that's The Miz...and lets just say you don't even want to know!" Maria says before she moves to stand up from sitting down on the couch. Maria places her hands onto her hips and looks at Bret Michaels "So...we should probably get back to work...we told Sharon we'd handle stuff while she was hosting RAW..."

"Yeah..." Bret nods his head as he starts to get up and he glances at Maria's hips, "I do think we totally have things in hand, just got to figure out what will be the order of the routine tomorrow..."

Maria nods her head as she walks away from the couch and goes over to the conference table set up and picks up her notebook. "Ok...." Maria says before glancing down at her notebook. "We have about eight...possibly nine routines..."

Bret follows Maria and stands next to her to look down at her notebook, "How about we go with ten, you know a nice big round number?" Bret suggests.

Maria glances up at Bret Michaels and laughs "Ok...that works for me!" Maria says before she glances back down at the notebook. "So...I think we should start with this one..." Maria says pointing to the third line of the list.

Bret glances at the list and smiles, "Ah yeah, The Bad Seats At The Arena'..." Bret says as he starts to walk in place while swinging his arms slightly before he switches to clapping his hands lightly at a steady pace.

Maria cutely scrunches her nose up and laughs "That is so funny!"

"Hey... just picture a lot of people doing it..." Bret says with a smile, "It'll get everyone on the same page and into the spirit of things," Bret adds. Maria bites down on her bottom lip as she glances back down at the notebook and noticeably appears a bit confused. "Something wrong?" Bret asks as he stops his movements when he sees the look on Maria's face.

"Well....not really..." Maria says as she glances up from the notebook to once again look at Bret Michaels. "I just don't understand this one...I know you've explained it...but I just don't get it..."

"Oh... the Backstage Pass..." Bret smiles, "Have you ever tried to get backstage at a concert?" Bret asks as he sets Maria's notebook down.

Maria scrunches her nose up cutely and shakes her red haired head. "Ummmm...no...I can't really say that I have.."

"Ok well... at most rock concerts, like mine or Def Leppard's, or Motley Crue's.... there's girls always trying to get backstage... and to get pass security they have to do a little something... here I'll show you..." Bret smiles innocently as he moves to stand behind Maria. He places his hands on her hips, "Bend forward and place your hands on your knees..."

Maria glances over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow and laughs "Are you serious?" Maria asks with an adorable smile.

"Absolutely..." Bret says with a smile, "You can verify this with Sharon, she knows all about it..."

Maria smiles a bit "Ok...." Maria says before she places her hands onto her knees and leans forward slightly with Bret Michaels standing behind her with his hands on her hips. "Like this?"

"Yup... now just start moving your hips back and forth..." Bret says as begins to gently push and pull on Maria's hips. Maria bites down on her bottom lip as she pushes back with her hips, pressing against Bret's crotch before moving her hips forward.

"See you got it..." Bret says as he casually thrusts his crotch against Maria's ass. Maria glances over her shoulder as she sweetly looks back at Bret Michaels as she gently grinds back against his crotch, rocking on her feet.

Bret smiles at Maria, "So... did you have any questions about other positions?"

Maria licks her lips as she continue to look back at Bret Michaels as she continues to grind her hips back against his waist and crotch. "Well yeah...but I don't think we can do them..."

"Which ones?" Bret asks as he grinds his crotch against Maria's ass. Maria stands straight up and steps forward, causing Bret's hands to slip from her waist. The adorable and incredibly hot WWE Diva turns around to face the rock star from Poison. Maria cutely smiles as she silently places her hands onto the waistline of his pants and proceeds to unbutton and unzip his pants. Bret gets a wide smile on his face as Maria grabs the waistline of his pants and the boxers he's wearing underneath them. Maria glances up at the rock star before she pulls his pants and boxers down from his waist, revealing his large, thick and hardening cock.

Maria sweetly smirks at Bret Michaels before she lowers herself down onto her knees in front of him. "I've wanted to do this for a while..." Maria says as she places her left hand around his shaft and begins to smoothly guide her hand against his rapidly hardening shaft.

"Mmmmm oh yeah?" Bret moans as Maria pumps her left hand along the length of his cock. Bret steps out of his pants and boxers while he takes off his shirt revealing his well toned and tanned upper body to the gorgeous WWE Diva.

Maria nods her red haired head and licks her lips. "Ohhhh yeah...no rocker is hotter than Bret Michaels..." Maria replies as she moves her hand against his shaft before she spits some of her saliva onto his cock, and uses her hand to move the saliva against his shaft.

"Mmmm.... next time I go on tour with another band I should bring you a long to tell them that..." Bret says with a light laugh as Maria spits some more saliva on his cock.

Maria laughs and smiles up at Bret "Hey...I'm not kidding around...you're hot Bret!" Maria says before she lowers her red haired head and slaps her tongue gently against the head of his cock, while moving her hand against his shaft.

"Mmmmm speaking of hot..." Bret moans as he sees the length of Maria's tongue as she slaps it against the head of his cock. Maria closes her eyes as she gently slides her famously long and wet tongue against the head of his shaft, cutely making her tongue circle as she lowers her hand down his shaft and gently rubs his ballsack with her hand.

"Mmmmm ahh..." Bret moans as he places a hand on Maria's red-haired head as she circles her famous tongue around his large, stiff cock. Maria removes her hand completely from his shaft as she moves her red haired head down, guiding her long and wet tongue down his shaft, cutely teasing his cock as she drags her tongue down his long shaft.

"Ahhhh mmmm damn..." Bret moans as Maria drags her tongue down the length of his cock until she reaches his ballsack. Maria opens her eyes and cutely looks up at Bret Michaels as she playfully slaps her wet tongue against his ballsack, causing his ballsack to bounce lightly.

"Damn... my buddy Kip Winger would love ya..." Bret says with a grin, as he looks down at Maria as she bats his balls back and forth with her long talented tongue. Maria cutely laughs before she works her famously long tongue back up Bret's shaft, leaving a faint trail of her saliva on his cock until she reaches the head of his cock. Maria proceeds to opens her mouth and smoothly lowers her head down on his cock.

"Ahhhh... mmm..." Bret moans as Maria begins to bob her fiery red-haired head back and forth on his large cock.

"Mmmmmmmmm...mmmmmmm..." Maria softly moans as she smoothly lifts and lowers her head, sucking on the cock of Bret Michaels, while slapping her tongue gently against the bottom side of his shaft.

"Ahhh... yeah... rock on..." Bret moans as Maria steadily bobs her head on his rock hard cock while working her tongue against it as well.

"Mmmmmmm...mmmmmmm...." Maria moans as she moves her head back and forth on Bret's cock, taking him perfectly deeper into her talented mouth.

"Ohhhh fuck..." The lead singer of Poison and star of Rock of Love moans as Maria easily deep throats his cock. Maria gently places her right hand onto his waist as she holds his cock with her left hand, gently moving it against his cock. Maria lightly turns her head, causing her pouty lips to grind on his shaft.

"Ohhhh yeah... mmm damn you know C.C. wouldn't leave you alone after getting head like this..." Bret groans as Maria drags her soft lips against his shaft as she blows him. Maria taps her famously long tongue against the bottom side of Bret's cock before she lifts her head up and smiles at Bret. Maria scoots back on her knees and proceeds to lift her black top, exposing her nicely perky and rounded, tanned tits. Bret licks his lips as he looks at Maria's perky, round tits as she starts to push down her tight fitting pants from her slender waist. Maria presses her pouty and luscious lips together before she stands up from the floor of the conference room and lowers her pants down from her gorgeous waist and down her smooth and tanned legs, stepping out of her pants and kicking them to the side.

"Whew.... safe to say you could give a young Pam Anderson a run for her money in the awesome body department..." Bret says as he gets a good look of Maria's tanned body.

Maria raises an eyebrow and smirks a bit as she places her hands onto her hips, showing off her gorgeous, smoothly shaved and moist pussy. "What was she like to sleep with?" Maria asks with a cute laugh and blush as Bret Michaels approaches her.

"Well I wouldn't know... cause we didn't exactly sleep when we were together... and in bed, Pam wants nothin' but a good time..." Bret says with a bit of sly grin as he places his hands on Maria's waist. With a slight bit of effort, the glam metal rocker lifts Maria up onto the conference table. Once Maria spreads her legs, Bret steps between them and guides his impressive cock into her tight, wet pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmm..." Maria moans with her lips pressed together and tilts her red haired head back as she feels Bret Michaels begin to thrust his cock into her wet and tight pussy, causing her to rock slightly on the conference table.

"Ahhh.... mmmm.... fuck..." Bret grunts as he pumps his cock firmly into Maria's pussy, "You got one tight squeeze box..." Bret moans as he fucks the gorgeous WWE Diva.

Maria laughs as she gently hooks her gorgeous legs around his toned and tanned waist. "Is that a bad thing?" Maria asks as she grinds back lightly against his cock.

"Ahhh nope... a tight one means we're gonna rock and roll all nite..." Bret replies as he steadily increases the pace of his thrusts as he fucks Maria's pussy. Maria places her hands onto the conference table beside her as she sits on it and gently rocks back and forth on the surface with Bret's cock thrusting in and out of her pussy.

"Mmmm ahhh shit... mmmm..." Bret Michaels grunts as he deeply drives his cock into Maria's pussy before he smirks, "Ahhh hey Maria... why don't you...talk dirty to me?" Bret grins as he rams his dick into her.

Maria laughs a bit "Is that what you like Bret?" Maria asks with a moan as she moves against his cock, feeling him deeply ramming inside of her.

"Mmmmm oh yeah..." Bret Michaels nods as he keeps pistoning his large cock in and out of Maria's pussy while she rocks against him.

"Mmmmmm...that feels so fucking good Bret....ram that dick inside of me..." Maria moans as she lifts her hands off of the conference table and wraps them around his neck, pulling him in toward her as she pushes against his cock.


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