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Rodney's travels. Thailand.

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Bed, breakfast and beyond...
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/23/2022
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I was tempted to visit Thailand multiple times, but each time something happened and my travel plans got cancelled.

I decided to give it another chance.

January is the coldest and snowiest month here in the upper Midwest, but it's a good time to go to Bangkok - The average mid day temperature is 'only' 88 degrees and rains are rare!

I talked to a friend of mine. He was a computer nerd who travelled to Thailand many times for both business and pleasure.

He suggested to visit several attractions, including The Grand Palace, The Temple of the reclining Buddha, The Chatuchak weekend market and Damnoen Saduak floating market. He marked on a map of the city & nearby area the places that impressed him the most.

For lodging places, he recommended to stay as close as possible to the main attractions. Good hotels were not expensive. However, if I was interested in a 'different place to stay'... he winked at me and then scribbled the name, address and phone number that he kept in his pocket.

His endorsement of an unusual place to stay intrigued me.

I called this place on several different occasions, until a young woman answered on the 3rd try. She had a distinct oriental accent, "Yes mister, what do you want?"

"I heard from a friend of mine about your hotel and I wanted to have a room for 3 nights."

I gave her the dates and she said that it was OK, but she added something that wasn't clear to me at the time, "Mister, for your information, this is not a hotel. This is bed, breakfast and beyond... It is a full service place!"

I had no clue what she was talking about, but the location was perfect and my friend recommended it. The price was not cheap comparing to other 4 stars hotels in the area, but still less expensive than big hotels in America's cities.

A week later, after a long and tedious flight, I arrived to Bangkok.

As I set foot outside the airport, the heat and humidity were overbearing.

The taxi drive to the lodging place (The Thai name was too long to remember) took 40 minutes. It passed through downtown crowded and smelly streets, lots of food stands and small clothing stores. Several temples and shrines displaying gold covered walls were seen along the route.

We arrived to an area surrounded by a fence with a 2 story house and 3 separate cabins.

The reception area was small and... hot. There wasn't an air conditioner. Only a large fan that worked hard to move the air around.

A young girl who looked about 13 years old smiled at me.

However, I've met before many young oriental women from Korea, Cambodia, Philippines and even from Thailand.

They often looked younger than their chronological age...

I assumed that this girl was at least 18 years old.

My thoughts were interrupted by her, "Mister, have you been a guest here before?"

"No lady, it's my first time."

"It's OK. I'll accompany you to your room and then explain to you everything about our facility."

She led me to the second floor.

My room was spacious with a king size bed, a large LG TV screen and... a working air conditioner! There were also a coffee machine, a fridge and few plastic water bottles.

I checked the bathroom area. It had a combination of tub for 2 and a modern shower.

Everything looked great!

She saw the smile on my face and said, "Over here we attempt to satisfy our guests. Any wish they have, we really try our best to make it happen..."

I stared at her, "What do you mean ANY WISH?..."

Her eyes glistened, "Unfortunately, we do not have a pool, but anything else that exists in Bangkok you can get here." And then she winked at me...

I wasn't sure that I understood completely what she meant, but I started to get an impression that the services included more than room cleaning and meals!

She chuckled, "My name is Hathai. Foreigners think that I am a child, but I will to be 20 next month... Except for you, today we have here another single guest from Australia and a couple from England. We will have an afternoon tea gathering at 5 in the decorated guest room. I suggest that you be there. You will meet the other guests and my extended family."

"Hathai, I will be there. And my name is Rodney..."

She displayed a million dollar smile and then left.

I was tired, dirty and stinky after the long flight.

I took a refreshing shower - It was wonderful!

Then I relaxed in front of my TV. Most of the programs were in Thai language, but some were in other languages. Seven channels were in English. Nice!

Going through the different channels, I found 2 porno stations too...

At 5 pm I put on a pair of clean short pants, nice sleeveless shirt and sandals.

I waited 10 minutes in my room. I didn't want to be the first one there.

When I arrived, I saw 3 guest tables.

The single guy and the English couple were sitting each in a different table. The third one was obviously for me.

There was also a larger table for 6. Around it were 6 women, each dressed in colorful robe. My guess was that their ages ranged from 20 to 50s.

The women glanced at us. they were chatting in Thai and laughing.

Hathai approached my table and said, "Rodney, we serve each guest tea with local cookies. While you enjoy our drink, you can choose any one of the women you see around the table. She is yours for the evening. You can stroll outside with her, shower with her, have sex with her, or anything else you wish, as long as you do not hurt her. She can give you a massage if you want. You decide..."

"Hathai, who are these women?"

"All of them are women of my extended family. My mother is the second from the left, my older sister is the one with the pearl earrings and the others are cousins and aunts."

I was stunned!...

Hathai mentioned her family members as if introducing them to a friend in a party.

But each one of them was offered to us guests as an escort... with benefits!

I was curious to see what the other guests would do.

The Australian guy sipped his tea and gazed at the giggling group of ladies. Then he signaled to Hathai's older sister to join him. She approached the table and smiled, "Thank you Robert for choosing me. Can I bring you another cup of tea?"

"Yes. Thank you Anong."

The British couple were whispering to each other and then the guy called an older woman to their table. She had a more mature beauty. She sat next to the guy and mumbled, "Larry, I knew that you will ask for me. After seeing me with Jane last night, you want us to enjoy together. Right?"

"As usual Malai, you are right. But this evening we wish you to massage Jane, while I play with your amazing body!"

She grinned, "Larry, you are so naughty... Jane, is it OK with you?"

"Oh yes. Your massage is so sensual, that I am sure to get aroused by it. And then I'll join Larry and you..."

"Jane and Larry, I like both of you. You are good to me and it is a pleasure to have a threesome with you."

I looked at the other 4 ladies and I wasn't able to decide.

After 5 minutes Hathai came to my table and asked me who I would like as a companion for the evening.

"I am not sure... Can I have you?"

She chortled, "Thank you for the compliment, but I'll have to decline. You see, tonight it's my turn to answer phones, check that there are no problems and take care of the food and drinks, so you should take somebody else. But if you want me tomorrow, I'll be happy to serve you."

I looked at the family table and saw a woman of about 40 years old that had a tiny smile on. For some reason her mysterious smile reminded me of the Mona Lisa...

"Hathai, will you please ask that lady to join me?"

"Of course. Her name is Noi and she is my aunt."

Noi came in my direction and sat by my side.

I gazed at her, "Noi, my name is Rodney. You are very pretty."

She whispered with a heavy accent, "Thank you sir. And it is nice of you to want me."

Noi and I drank our tea.

I stared at her face. She had high cheek bones, slanted eyes and long straight black hair. Her loose robe covered successfully every detail of the body underneath.

Fifteen minutes later the other guests left with their companions.

"Noi, do you think we can go to my room now?"

"Whatever you want Rodney. I am happy to do whatever you wish..."

We entered the room and... I had no idea what to do next!

Noi looked at me for instructions. I kept quiet.

"Rodney sir, you just arrived today. If you are tired, I can help you in the shower or massage your exhausted muscles. If you wish to rest in bed, I can be with you and warm your body..."

"I think that a massage will be nice."

"Good choice. But I cannot massage you with this robe on me. Do you mind if I take it off?"

"Not at all."

"Thank you," and her hands quickly removed her robe.

Underneath she had light blue soft bra and panties set.

Her B cup breasts appeared big, because the rest of her body was small.

Everything about her body seemed delicate and... vulnerable.

"Rodney, please take off your clothes, or... you want me to do it for you?"

Her offer was tempting!

"I'll do it... this time."

Noi placed 2 soft towels on my bed, grabbed a small bottle of oily stuff from one of the drawers and gazed at me.

I undressed quickly and lied on my tummy.

"Rodney, I will massage you Thai style. If you want something different, let me know. You can tell me to make it softer or stronger, concentrate on certain area, or skip something."

For such a little woman, her hands surprised me with their strength. She was working on my legs and then moving to my ass cheeks, back and lastly my shoulders.

Her hands did a fantastic job.

By the time she finished my back side, all the stiffness in my muscles softened nicely.

"Rodney, please turn on your back now."

As I changed my position, my free cock became fully exposed to her eyes.

She gave it a quick peek and moved to do my legs, slowly moving up to my thighs.

Once her palms approached my inner thighs, my member decided to get up...

Her slow sensual movements stirred my prick and it was hard as a rock in no time.

She smiled at me, "Rodney, I'll take on your beautiful penis in a moment, but I want to finish the massage first. Do you prefer that I stay with panties and bra, or you wish to watch me nude?"

I whispered, "If it's OK with you, I want you to be naked..."

Noi unclasped her bra, revealing perky tits with dark small nipples.

Then she lowered her panties.

Her curly hair covered the top of her cunt lips. It looked cute!

She massaged my shoulders, neck, temples and forehead before moving to my pectorals.

The manipulation of my chest by her small hands caused my cock to expand further.

Noi watched my organ engorging and smiled at me, "Rodney, your penis is big and hard. How would you like me to take care of it for you?"

"What are the options?..."

"I can do it with my hands, mouth or vagina. My back place is only for my husband when he wants it..."

"Your lips are very sexy, but if I ask for oral satisfaction, you will not reach an orgasm... It is probably better if I use your pus... I meant vagina."

Noi chuckled, "Don't worry about me sir. You are our important guest and I will be happy to do for you anything you want. If I get aroused, I can always give a hint to my husband and he will rush to help me..."

"Noi, if it is the same for you, I'd rather have a blow job..."

"Excellent choice Rodney."

The lady wrapped her small palms around my tumescent pole and looked at it lovingly.

The way she glanced at it, with my member being hugged by her hands... was enough to raise my arousal by a notch, resulting in a drop of precum appearing at the orifice.

"Oh Rodney, how sweet of you to welcome me..." She licked it, "Hmmm, good!"

Both hands began bobbing on my shaft up and down, while her face leaned forward and kissed the mushroomed head.

"Rodney, the top is very soft and tasty... but the shaft is so hard! And you are so big!..."

I stayed quiet and enjoyed the attention my prick was getting.

After 3 minutes of manual work on my shaft, one of her hands went down and gently enveloped one of my testicles. She rubbed it delicately and then moved to it's twin.

All this time her other palm was gradually increasing the rate of stroking my dick, that by now was as stiff as I could ever remember it's been before.

And then her lips spread little by little, while sucking on the head.

Her oral job was methodical and highly exciting!

A minute later the whole head was resting in her mouth.

It was unbelievable - How could this small and delicate woman accommodate my bigger than average cock?!... But she did.

As if not astonishing enough, her next move was even more amazing.

Her face slowly descended on my erect organ, as her cheek muscles vacuumed it and her tongue was licking the underside of my prick!

I was mesmerized by Noi's oral sexpertise.

Suddenly my cock met a soft membrane and stopped in it's tracks.

Noi coughed once and the obstacle disappeared, as my expanded dick penetrated her pharynx.

Noi continued pulling me inside her willing throat, until her chin met my sac...

She never gagged even once!

She gave me a winning look and her mouth started up and down action.

She brought both hands to my shaft again and a synchronized hands and mouth action followed, taking me to unfamiliar heights...

I whispered, "Noi, you are too good! I am about to cum any minute, so if you want me to finish outside your body, let me pull it out now!"

With one finger she signaled 'NO' and her lips intensified their sucking effect!

Seconds later my highly charged member began spewing my liquid semen down her throat.

Noi swallowed dutifully rope after rope that was dumped into her pharynx without spilling one drop!!!

Following the intense orgasm, my cock began shriveling.

Noi let it out gradually, milking the last few drops that remained in my urethra.

My cock came out of her lips with a popping sound.

She gazed at me with the same smile that I saw on her face before...

Her tongue danced in her mouth, likely spreading the residue of my goo around.

"Noi, I don't know what to say... This was the best blow job I ever received!..."

"Thank you Rodney sir. It was my pleasure!..."

I pulled a twenty dollar bill from my wallet and handed it to her.

"Sir, you do not have to do it! It is included in the hotel price."

"Noi, I want to do it. Your oral expertise is awesome!"

"Thank you again sir. I'll send the money to my daughter. She studies in China and wants to be a doctor one day..."

"Good for her..."

"Rodney, I can stay with you until midnight. Then I need to go home to be with my husband. Do you want me to help you in the shower or cuddle with you?"

"Noi, I think that you did much more than I expected already. Thank you, but I feel my jetlag kicking in. I'll better go to sleep now."

"OK sir. Thank you for your generous donation. It was my pleasure to serve you. Good night." Then she left.

I woke up at 8 o'clock. The sun rays penetrated through the sides of the curtain and birds were chirping nearby.

I went to eat breakfast.

One of Hathai cousins asked me if I wanted American or Thai meal.

I hesitated, but then chose Thai. Let's give it a try...

Minutes later my plate arrived with sticky rice, spring onions and a mix of pork with eggs. She added coffee, saying that I could get tea instead if I wanted.

The meal was unusual, but good. The coffee was mediocre and I said to myself that from that moment on, I'd go for tea instead.

When I was done, I went to the registration desk and asked the lady if she had a map of the area.

She called a young guy to help me.

"Hello mister, my name is Somchai. I can show you on a map any attraction you want to see, or I can accompany you and be your guide."

"I prefer that you tell me how to reach The Grand Palace. I like to walk alone."

"Very good. It's still early, so taxi may be OK, but sometimes it may get stuck in traffic. It is very hot outside. Drink a lot of water or juice. In some of the stands on the streets they also sell hermetically sealed juicy fruits, like pomelo."

"Thank you."

The taxi ride was cheap and lasted almost an hour.

There was a line to enter The Grand Palace, which took another 30 minutes.

But when I entered... it was definitely worth it!

The wonderfully decorated buildings, especially the massive roofs! The huge golden Buddhas, the traditionally dressed gate keeper statues and colorful stones everywhere were incredible.

Seeing the large crowd moving slowly in the decorated rooms, taking millions of pictures... As my first attraction, it was overwhelming.

Subsequently I moved to see the famous emerald Buddha.

It's only 26" tall and actually made of a single piece of greenish grey Jasper... and it's sacred.

I arrived back to the hotel at 3 pm, tired and sweaty.

I took a long shower and slept for an hour.

At 5 pm I went to the decorated guest room.

This time there were 4 guest tables with 7 ladies at the family table.

Unfortunately, Hathai wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I surveyed the giggling women trying to select an attractive lady.

After 5 minutes of hesitation, I decided to pick Hathai's mother.

I had no idea why I chose her... Was it a replacement for her daughter?...

She came toward me in little steps and smiled, "Hello sir Rodney, my name is Ruchira. I will be happy to entertain you this evening."

"Nice to meet you Ruchira. I see that you already know my name..."

"Yes. Hathai told me about you. She was ready to be with us at the table, but her little brother got into a fight with another child and she took him to an urgent care place. She was really sorry to disappoint you. Hathai will be here tomorrow..."

"I hope that your son is OK."

She grinned, "Don't worry about him. He always fights with other children. This time his wounds are deep, so they may need to give him tetanus shot and add sutures..."

Ruchira looked ageless... Her face was SLIGHTLY an older version of Hathai, but there was nothing to suggest whether she was 35 or 45 years old.

During the time we sat at the table she was smiling and her eyes examined my face.

When I was done, she stood up and waited for me to make the first steps toward my room.

When we entered my room, she looked around and commented, "This is a very nice room. We renovated it few months ago."

She was standing still, waiting for my instructions. I glanced at her.

Just like the other women at the table, she had on a robe that hid every detail of her body. Well, except for her breasts, that pushed the front of her upper part. I recalled that I wasn't aware of them at the table, probably because she was leaning forward.

"Rodney, is there anything you wish me to do for you?"

I took me time, "Ruchira, I am not sure..."

Her laugh was pleasant, "Are you concerned that I won't like your choice, or you want ME to suggest some options?"

I mumbled, "I would like to see you naked, but you may think that you should do it later..."

"Rodney, you can ask for anything. You are not going to hear 'NO' from me. Would you like a striptease show or or you want to inspect my naked body?"

Her talk was so... 'mechanical'. No sign of emotions...

"I want to see your nude body."

She removed her robe slowly, making sure that her shoulders and lower legs were exposed first. She gazed at me and opened her robe sideways.

Her sheer panties tried in vain to mask large chunk of dark hair on her mound.

The soft bra contained bigger tits than usual among Thai people, or at least this is what I thought at the time.

I smiled and showed thumbs up.

She smirked, "You young men like big breasts, yes?"

"Ruchira, you are right, many men like big boobs."

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