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Route 66 Ch. 06

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The girls escape and take their revenge on the Professor.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/16/2016
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"Time to get up girls!" Frank yelled as he burst into the bedroom early the next morning.

"What the - Wh-What (yawn) time is it?" Rebecca yawned sleepily as she heard him burst into the room.

"It is 5:30, and it is time for both of you to go downstairs and fix me some breakfast. Today I would like French toast and sausage. You will find all of the ingredients in the refrigerator. The coffee is on the top shelf of the pantry and I take mine with two sugars and one cream. Now chop, chop!" He ordered as he walked back into his bathroom to shower.

"Cassandra, get up! Frank is hungry!" Rebecca yelled desperately shaking her friend violently trying to rouse her.

"Oh my God!" screamed Cassandra leaping out of bed. "How long has he been waiting! THIS IS A COMPLETE DISASTER!!" Running haphazardly around the room she and Rebecca were unglued as she barked "I'll go start the coffee, you find the eggs!"

Scrambling to their feet the girls rushed downstairs like the house was on fire, desperate to reach the kitchen. They were still naked from the night before but not wanting to waste any time in getting Frank's breakfast ready so they did not bother getting dressed. With breasts flying and asses jiggling they were a blur of activity.

Cassandra found the eggs and sausage and began cooking while Rebecca fixed the coffee and took a fresh cup up to Frank in the shower. As she walked into his bathroom's shower she could hear him singing a strange tune.

"Istanbul was Constantinople, now its Istanbul not Constantinople, been a long time gone since Constantinople, why did Constantinople get the works, that's nobody's business but the Turks."

Through the fogged up shower stall she could clearly see Frank's outline through the shower door and instantly her pussy began to get wet as her eyes surveyed his naked, soapy body through the steam.

"Um, er here you go Frank," she said meekly as she knocked on the door, shaking in utter terror that he would be displeased at being bothered.

"Thank you Rebecca," he said as he took the cup from her.

Her cunt ached as she stood there looking at his naked body and hearing his voice, and knowing he was glad to have his coffee, she felt her whole mission in life had now been complete. No more bucket list, she was done. Seeing his naked body her body burned as she had never wanted anyone this bad in her whole life. Shaking with a level of arousal that frightened her, she dropped to her knees and kissed his foot.

"Um, Frank, can I please suck your cock? PLEASE, I AM BEGGING YOU!!" she cried, almost hysterical at the thought that she might be denied his manhood.

"Well, OK, if you must." Frank replied barely being able to control his amusement as he rolled his eyes. Cupping her chin, he lifted her face upwards to look at him. "But only this once. You have to earn this privilege normally, understand?"

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" she cried as her eyes welled up with tears of gratitude. With her hands trembling in joy, she carefully reached up and lifted the bottom of Frank's soapy cock and placed it in her mouth. Slowly she began to kiss and gently bite the sensitive head, her ears scanning for any moaning signs of approval from her new god.

Frank, reeling with waves of pleasure, fell back against the tile walls of the shower and gripped onto the doors for balance. She was a master, and having had quite a few blowjobs over the years, he was a good judge. After a few minutes of her gentle tongue tease she began to swallow him whole, rubbing the tip of his prick against the top of her mouth as he groaned in bliss and it did not take too long for this expert procedure to cause him to feel that familiar tingling sensation in his balls as he prepared to erupt.

With an enormous groan, Frank hosed gallons of cum as he had never had his meat gobbled so expertly before. Rebecca, stroking his balls as she felt them empty cried as he pumped into her mouth as if he were showering her in liquid white gold, cheerfully gulping down every drop. After he came, he weakly leaned his head on the soap dish and panted, fully spent. As he recovered, Rebecca stood up and entered the shower. Leaning over she soaped up the sponge before gently washing his penis, making sure to remove all of the semen from the tip.

When he came out of the shower, Rebecca lovingly dried him before rushing into his closet to pick out his clothes for him. Dressing him, the two of them went down into the kitchen for breakfast, he clothed, she naked and still dripping wet. As Frank read his morning newspaper in silence his luscious and nude slave girls knelt beside him and fed him his breakfast.

"Open wide, sausage coming through!" Cassandra replied playfully as she dangled the sizzling piece of meat in front of his face.

"This is working out even better than I could possibly have hoped!" Frank thought to himself smugly. Looking over at the simply stunning heavy hangers of Cassandra dangling before him as she fed him breakfast and then glanced over at Rebecca's equally gorgeous ass displayed to him as she got up to get him another cup of coffee he grinned. "I was going to let them go today, but I think I will play this little fun time out a little longer."

After he finished eating Frank rose to his feet and started for the door. Turning back to both girls, who watched him leave with an overwhelming look of tragic sadness on their faces, he said. "Oh, by the way, I don't want either one of you wearing any clothes in the house. It pleases me to know you are both here naked."

"No way!" Rebecca blurted out.

"Never!" Cassandra repeated, looking slightly hurt that he would think they would want to be dressed in his home. She knew how much he enjoyed looking at their naked bodies and her whole reason for living now was to make him happy.

"Good, just wanted to make sure. Be sure to clean the house good today while I am at work" Opening the door to leave he paused, and then looked back. "If you do a good job I will reward you with my body when I get ..."

Before he could finish what he was saying he noticed that Rebecca had run into the pantry to retrieve a mop while Cassandra began furiously gathering up the breakfast dishes as if the house was on fire. Smiling, he turned and went out the door.

"Boy, what a sweet deal this is!" he said as he got into his car and drove off to campus. College was still in session in Indiana as they were on the quarter system, as opposed to the semester system at Cassandra and Rebecca's college, so they were in the middle of finals. Driving to his office he put the top down on his car and soaked up the late spring weather as already he was planning out his summer. Perhaps his house guests could be "convinced" to extend their visit. Three month of delicious nude maid service would make for quite a lovely vacation.

The day went by slowly for Frank as he had a hard time concentrating on his final lectures for class and was mentally absent from the final staff meeting of the year. Having two naked love slaves back at his home, working up a sweat cleaning his house in order to compete for right to ride his cock ended up being very distracting. By lunchtime he entertained the idea of making a surprise visit home, but his good friends Bill and Richard reminded him of their previous lunch date and he reluctantly joined them at their favorite restaurant. Bill and Richard, longtime friends of his and also professors, began to get annoyed with him when he would kind of fade in and out of the conversation they were having. Obviously their friend's mind was elsewhere.

"Frank, what in the hell is wrong with you today! I would say you were sick, except that big grin that has been plastered on your face all morning tells me you are obviously well!" Bill said inquisitively.

"Yeah" continued Richard, "You were totally out of it in the staff meeting today. What gives? Some new freshman coed want to do a little "extra credit" assignment to bring up her grades?" They all laughed since it was well known around Frank's intimate little circle of friends that he was quite the ladies' man.

He always had some sort of tryst going with a nubile 20-year-old cheerleader type and made the rest of the male professors green with envy, including his friends who were actually quite jealous of his conquests. In total conflict with themselves, they both loved and hated to hear Frank tell them all about his latest escapade. In a way they lived their lives vicariously through him since both of them were married and had children. They were always drooling at the tales of his endless midnight booty calls since their booty call days now consisted primarily of diaper changes.

Being attacked repeatedly for his inattention to their conversation, Frank laughed and began to speak coherently for the first time all day.

"Well, I have this problem you see" he spoke as his friends now crooked up their eyebrows and became very quiet, anxious to enjoy some schadenfreude on their friend. In an odd malicious glee they all thought to themselves that maybe Frank's life wasn't so perfect after all. This comforted them in a way by validating the choices they had made as they watched their friend bed endless young beauties and fall into one insanely good real estate deal after another.

"Maybe you guys can help me? You see, when you are in bed with two women at the same time, do you let the oldest ride you first or do you have them mount your dick in alphabetical order?" Frank asked while trying to keep a straight face.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" yelled Richard in mock anger.

"You are really something, you are!" added Bill, chuckling but seething at the same time.

After lunch was over Frank headed back to his office to prepare for his afternoon class and wondered to himself how the girls were faring. Back at the house things were not going well as by this time they were panicking. It was already 1:30 and they had yet to finish cleaning all of the silver and it was pure pandemonium.

Scrubbing in a blinding blur Cassandra held a huge silver tray between her legs as she futilely tried to remove all of the tarnish. It was not cooperating as she rapidly swirled the polish over the brownish stains her hands were growing tired as she rubbed faster in desperation.

"He must not be disappointed!" she kept saying to herself as she just polished more intensely. She knew he had promised them the use of his body if the house was perfect, and by God she was determined to do everything in her power to make it perfect. Walking out to the kitchen to get more polish she noticed that Rebecca had stopped to take a break.

"Are you fucking insane!" she shrieked. "We only have 4 more hours until he gets home! Now get that old toothbrush and go upstairs and remove that mold from his bathroom tile!" Hanging her head in shame Rebecca quickly grabbed the brush and rushed upstairs.

For the next four hours it was a beehive of activity and they had just finished scouring the last piece of tile when they heard the front door slam shut.

"Girl's I'm home!" Frank called out.

From all over the house he could hear bare feet padding across his gleaming freshly polished floors to meet him. Cassandra rushed in from the dining room, hair and hands covered in silver polish. Rebecca ran down the stairs still holding the grout covered toothbrush in her hand. The girls, ecstatic to the point of delirium, leapt on him and kissed him all over as his body came into their view.

"What a welcome!" he exclaimed as he laughed and pushed them off of him. Nervously the girls followed him around the house as he conducted his inspection. Occasionally he would find a speck of dust somewhere and hold his finger up to them with a huge look of disappointment on his face.

The girls, confronted with their failure, just looked at each other accusingly and began to point their fingers at one another in a furious rage.

"She was supposed to dust in here! Not me!" yelled Rebecca.

"Don't listen to that lying bitch! I told her to do the parlor!" screamed Cassandra in reply. "She has been a lazy cunt all day!"

"YOU BITCH!!" Rebecca shrieked as she prepared to launch into a flying kick into Cassandra's stomach. With increasing ferocity, the girls yelled at one another and the evening would have definitely degenerated into violence had not Frank intervened.

"Girls, girls, calm down!" he said in a surprisingly soothing voice. "We will deal with this situation after dinner." Looking at them both covered in dirt from their cleaning spree he smirked. "Now, after you finish showering and fixing the dinner I brought home, I want you to go upstairs and put these on."

Holding his hand out, he handed them two fresh white togas. "I will meet you downstairs in the arena, bring the food with you" he said as placed the bag he was carrying on the hall table and went downstairs into the basement.

Opening the bag, the girls looked at each other in confusion as they saw the contents of the bags. There was a wild pheasant and several exotic looking fruits and vegetables inside, not at all the pizza they were expecting. The instructions for the meal were hand written on a yellow legal pad laying beside the bag.

At the top of the pad was the explanation for all of the exotic ingredients inside entitled "Courses for a traditional Roman feast". Rebecca took over the cooking detail since she had always been talented one in the culinary arts, while Cassandra diced and sliced items at her direction. Although still furious with one another for disappointing their new master, they realized they needed to work together to get this done. After a few hours the meal was complete and the girls were freshly showered and dressed in their togas.

With much anxiety they walked down the stairs into the basement, hoping Frank would be pleased with their efforts and both desperate to fuck him until they passed out. It was pitch black at the bottom of the stairs so Rebecca began to fumble blindly for the switch, since Cassandra was carrying the food. Suddenly all of the lights came on and they found themselves in the middle of a huge circular chamber that was built to resemble a miniature model of the coliseum in Rome.

At the far end of the room, sitting in a theater box overlooking the whole room sat Frank, clothed in a purple toga and a gold ivy garland on his head. Seeing him, Cassandra and Rebecca were completely awestruck by the sight and instantly started dripping down their legs.

Frank, seeing them enter then proceeded to speak: "How dare you slave girls come into the presence of Augustus Caesar and not bow to your Emperor and GOD!" Instantly the girls, who were still highly open to suggestion from the hypnotism, were transported in their mind back in time 2000 years. The room now appeared to grow into the actual coliseum and fill with thousands of imaginary spectators in their minds.

Frank looked majestic dressed as Augustus and they both fell to their knees in awe.

"Come forward and feed us!" he bellowed as the girls jumped to their feet and scrambled up the steps to the box. Frank thoroughly enjoyed having the girls dangle grapes above his mouth and feed him the roasted pheasant as he gobbled the delicacies from their fingers. In their skimpy outfits he could reach out and grab their breasts or fondle their pussies with little resistance from the cloth. Since the togas were made out of silk, and the girls were hypnotized, every one of his touches on their skin felt like an erotic jolt of electricity through their bodies. In a post hypnotic suggestion, he had enhanced the sensation of their skin so that by the end of the meal the girls were begging and pleading for him to allow them to satisfy their carnal needs on his cock.

Hearing their pleas his face turned stern and in a booming melodramatic voice he said "No slaves! You must fight for my affections!" Pointing into his makeshift arena he instructed them to go down into the circle and await his instructions. The girls complied with his orders and nervously awaited his next command as they stood before him.

Frank then produced four sets of handcuffs and a 12 inch vibrating dildo and casually tossed them into the middle of the ring. Holding a purple handkerchief up in the air he spoke.

"This shall be a battle to the skin. The winner shall be the one who has stripped and chained the loser. The winner shall receive the gift of my divine penis."

"What happens to the loser?" Rebecca asked.

Pointing to the dildo he smiled. "The loser shall be punished by being forced to ride the staff of shame while being fed to the lions!"

Looking at the large plastic monstrosity laying at their feet both girls grabbed their crotches and winced. The sheer size of it was intimidating and although they often say bigger is better, this would prove that there is a limit to that calculation.

The fight began instantly when he dropped his handkerchief to the ground. Once they saw it touch the floor, the girls launched into attack on each other with barbaric ferocity, holding nothing back. They punched, scratched and kicked one another over and over, pulling hair, biting skin, screaming at the top of their lungs all sorts of vile curses. Within minutes both of them had ripped each other's togas off so that now the fight would continue naked.

Better than the most erotic cat fight scene he watched on Cinemax, Frank was hard as steel as he watched the naked melee. Observing the girls, he noticed that despite the ferocity of their words and actions, they too were becoming aroused by the fight. Their nipples were completely hard, standing straight up at attention, bright red and throbbing, and he could clearly see the constant stream of their hot juices running down each of their inner thighs. Furthermore, the air was saturated in the musky pungent perfume of aroused female honey, and all of these sights, sounds and smells got him throbbing.

Cassandra, although larger and much stronger than Rebecca, was losing badly in the fight. Rebecca had managed to wrestle her into a headlock between her knees and was squeezing tightly on her neck choking off her air when Cassandra bit down hard on Rebecca's clit. Shrieking in pain she released her legs and Cassandra was able to wriggle free from the scissorhold. Although she now had escaped she was still too weak from the temporary loss of oxygen she had just suffered to properly fight back. Now laying limp on the sand she was easy pickings for the now enraged Rebecca.

Before Cassandra could recover enough to resist she found herself chained spread-eagle in the ring to four stakes that Frank had installed in the middle of the floor. Rebecca, lifting the dildo victoriously above her head, looked to "Augustus" for the signal.

Seeing her emperor give the thumbs down with malicious glee she plunged all twelve inches up into her unsuspecting victim. Cassandra, although humiliated by her loss and wanting to get free now screamed and moaned as the dildo disappeared inside her fully stretched and exposed pussy. Panting and shrieking she could neither say or do anything except loudly scream in both pleasure and pain as the monstrosity was inserted into her, filling every inch of her pussy to its absolute maximum.

Luckily for her, the fight had aroused her to the point that she was wet enough to be able to take it, but it still was a struggle. Now writhing and shaking on the sand, she struggled to get free but the feel of her womanhood so completely filled and the top nob of the dildo resting right on her throbbing clit kept her too weak and shaky to get loose.

Triumphantly Rebecca looked down at her friend sweating and writhing on the sand and cackled as she squatted between her legs. Thinking Cassandra now her worst enemy, the main rival for her affections with Augustus, she wanted to see her suffer. Grinning as she played with the switch on the handle, Cassandra saw what she was doing and began to desperately beg. Already she was at the maximum of what her pussy could stand, but if the dildo were to start moving she knew she would go mad.

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