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Running the Futa Gauntlet Pt. 01

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Giovanni starts his personal journey of growth...
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rosa-blanca.ru: M/H, MtH, Chubby, Large Assets, Growth


Tonight would finally be the night. I, Giovanni Freeman, would get some play. I never got the opportunity to have sex back in high school, there were simply no times where the situation of "I want to fuck this person" and "this person wants to fuck me" overlapped. But being a freshman in college affords you a whole new range of abilities, so why not take some? Midterms were over, which gave everyone an excuse to party. I found a couple of flyers and one in particular seemed at least alright, so I threw together the least sexless outfit in my wardrobe and headed over.

Upon getting past the bouncer, I questioned the entirety of all my experiences until that point. What with the copious amounts of ass being thrown, flashing neon lights, and the overpowering smell of sex, part of my body tried to turn tail and leave right there. However, I made a promise to myself earlier and steeled my resolve, resisting the urge to chicken out. Although I had a fake ID, I didn't want to test my luck again with the bartender so I tried to find a relatively open space and plan the next move from there. At least, that's what would've happened if the most beautiful woman in the club didn't catch my eye first.

Flowing red hair, swooping down her left side had framed the gentle shape of her face. A cute button nose sat above her plump red lips and complemented her sparkling eyes. When I looked downwards, she wore a black sequin dress which hugged a body that could only be described as a word halfway between sensual and erotic. Full E-cup breasts with nipples barely poking through, a nice and slightly fluffy midriff, and a full plump ass brought together someone who melted away my nervousness and motivated me to take a genuine attempt at bedding.              

As I started to walk over, I slipped on a large puddle of water and grabbed at anything to keep my balance. Unfortunately, that "anything" happened to be someone's shoulder strap and it was ripped clean off. A smaller lady with a formerly expensive dress cursed me out and ran off to the bathroom. I felt terrible, but I also didn't want to lose sight of the woman from before. With immensely less confidence, I looked back to where I was going and continued on.


"Hey there, you doin' okay?"

And I was out.


Soft satin sheets were definitely not in my proximity a while ago, but I also didn't have a crazy bruise on my shoulder and temple. I rubbed my head and realized that the sheets didn't match my shoddy Walmart plastic sheets from the dorm. Even more surprising was who I saw to my right. The beauty from the clubhouse, dressed in nothing but a lavender-purple nightgown. I yelped loudly and shot up from the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down now, I don't want you to bust your head again, okay?" she said as she rushed over to me. She sat me down with surprising strength.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"If you couldn't tell, that puddle hadn't gotten enough of you yet and asked for round two. Soon as I came over, you jumped damn near two feet and fell eight." She chuckled a little. "You were out cold on the spot, so I decided to save you the hassle of a hospital bill by bringin' you over here." I knew she was attractive beforehand, but I could truly die happy right here and now. That beautiful southern belle accent had me shifting my legs, and knowing that she was willing to bring a random unconscious dude into her own home just to help out. Wait, now that I think about it...

"How did you manage to bring me here alone?"

"Well how else would I bring you back?" as she took her arm, put it behind my waist, and pulled me right over her shoulder. It was almost effortless, like she was carrying a sack of potatoes. She spun around a few times and plopped me down on the bed again.

"Oh. That's how." I tried to say as if I wasn't completely perplexed by her unexpected strength.

"Sorry, got a little caught up." she giggled. "My name's Amber, by the way."

"Giovanni, but everyone just calls me Gio." I groaned, dealing with both the dizziness and pain at this point.

"Gio, that's a pretty cute name..." she spoke, as she truly eyed down my rather average form. Her gaze made my dick pulse, and I immediately sat up to hide the half-chub.

"Thank you so very much Amber for all you've done, but surely there must be a way that I can repay you, right?"

"As a matter of fact, there is." Amber purred as she hopped on the bed on all fours, as if some kind of predator. "You see, from the moment I saw you, I knew that you had to be mine. I love seeing little insecure, innocent boys stroll into the club with the hopes to get their dick wet for the first time. It's like a rare flower, ready to blossom, and I wanna be the little bumblebee ready to have you all to myself."

My heart was almost beating out of its chest upon hearing this, and seeing Amber creep up to me in this way had my full 4 inches of glory at full mast. "There's one more thing though," Amber had stopped and stood on her knees in front of me, "are you down for all of this?" She took off the straps of her nightgown and pulled it off revealing that great, bountiful bosom, her soft, pudgy tummy, that immaculate 11-inch dick, and the hips of the cent- wait what?

Her one eyed snake stared at me straight-on and was joined by two Grade AA eggs for balls. I was utterly dumbfounded by the reveal. On one hand, this was completely out of left field, but on the other, I had seen my fair share of futas before. I had a couple of highschool crushes who were futas and even some of my aunts are futanari, so I recovered fairly quickly.

"So, is this something you're down with?" I slowly shook my head, and she pounced on me. Hugging me tightly and stripping my clothes simultaneously to reveal more of my light brown skin and 4 inch penis. Normally I'd be more ashamed of my size, but Amber was probably going to be larger than me anyways and we were clearly past the stage of sizing each other up. Her voluptuous 5'11" body smothered my diminutive 5'6" form as she spread her musky penis all over my chest. After a few minutes of neck suckling, she worked her feet underneath me and was in position to insert my penis into her vagina from a cowgirl position.

"Wait, wait! I don't want to get you pregnant!" I shouted, trying to hold her off.

"Don't you worry about that hun'." She huffed as Amber made me realize howvain my attempt at delaying her was as she pushed me down and took my entire length in one fell swoop.

At that moment, I was met with the best feeling in my entire life. It was like a plug entering an outlet as electricity flowed out from her pussy and into me, cascading from my dick outwards to my entire body. It was hard to look at Amber straight as my eyes involuntarily crossed and everything went blurry for a quick second. With Amber's beautiful tits slapping across her chest, that fluffy ass bouncing on my legs, and that impressive schlong bobbing like a metronome between our stomachs, I felt like I could die right there. Then it suddenly felt like I was. The ultimate mix of pleasure and pain wreathed my entire body as every cell in my body caught flame. I could feel every droplet of sweat, every dollop of precum, the singular strands of the sheets as the moment everyone was waiting for came to a climax. I screamed as my orgasm and suffering swelled into a crescendo. Cum burst forth from my urethra and into Amber's vagina at least 10 times, at which point I realized Amber was going through the same thing I was, and started to unload her ivory deluge. Cum blasted like a shotgun, directly onto the upper half of my body, each shot enough to outdo my entire payload. One, two, three times, on and on and on for almost a minute, until I was whiter than a porcelain plate.

Once our nerves had calmed down enough to perceive things outside of pure sensation, Amber realized the white, groaning blob she made and flopped onto the cleaner side of the bed, exhausted. "Hoo wee, I think you might be a lil' special! I don't think I've ever came like that before." I wiped some of the glue-like substance off my mouth and asked if she had a bathroom I could use. "Sure!" she said, "Got my own lil' master bathroom in that door there, the purple caddy has everything you'll need to clean yourself up." Delighted at her preparedness, I slowly got up and hobbled my way through the bathroom and found the set of cleaning items. There was a towel I used to basically scrape the cum off my body, but there was surprisingly less than I expected when I tried to clean myself. In fact, it looked like it was disappearing before my eyes! I rushed to look at the large mirror, and was horrified at the sight! Somehow, I had turned into a woman! The cum seemed to seep into my skin as the pain I'd felt beforehand returned. My chest pulsed as it became puffier with each heavy breath. My waist constricted and became tighter and tighter until there was a slight hourglass shape. The cum in my hair bonded to the follicles, making the strands longer, thicker, and more voluminous. My acne-scars dissipated, and smooth, clear skin was left behind. My face shape transitioned from "average computer science major" to "Jhene Aiko's sister" in a matter of seconds. My thighs gained a ton of mass, starting to look seriously thick. Even as I wailed in pain, my voice started to pitch higher while my entire body lengthened slightly. For some reason, my dick didn't start to disappear, rather it got longer, stretching to an erect 6 inches!

Suddenly, Amber rushed through the door as the pain started to subside. However, she looked more than a little different too. She was a bit imposing before, but now it was much more clear. Sweat dripped down her clearly larger, creamy form. It seemed like she came up to 6'1" now as her body better filled the doorframe. Amber had progressed from slightly pudgy to clearly chubby, her thigh gap completely nonexistent. Her breasts were now the size of large cantaloupes while her ass could be seen jiggling from the front. And that was to say nothing about her dick now. It had jumped 3 whole inches to the 14 inch range and her thickness now outmatched a soda can, rounded off by nuts about as large as softballs. I could see her eyes through the messy, deep red hair over them, and Amber wore an expression of concern. Luckily, the pain was completely gone by now and I said I was okay. "Jesus, I guess this really puts you in my top 5," she exhaled as she picked me up into a princess carry and brought me back to the bed with a freshly changed sheet set. I wanted to get some answers for what's going on, but as soon as my body hit the bed, my consciousness was fully faded.


I shot up through the nightmare and immediately pinched myself. A small shock ran through my arm and I was relieved. What a crazy dream, some knockout redhead take me back to her place and fucks me into a futa? I really do need to get laid don't I? I get out of the bed and take a huge stretch, feeling the warmth of the sunbeams through the window. I gaze at the floor length mirror in front of me and acknowledge my normal frizzy, shoulder-length hair, my hairless mocha skin, my cute B-cup breasts annnd it wasn't a dream, I realize.

There's no fucking way. Absolutely no fucking way everything that happened last night was real. It dawns upon me that I'm still in Amber's room and I immediately rush out the door to see Amber's back turned to me, cooking breakfast. She turns around and says "Good morning sleepyhead! Just in time for pancakes!" She sets two plates of dauntingly large pancakes, complete with bacon and eggs down to a table and beckons me, to which I comply.

"Now, I know you must be quite surprised by this whole ordeal, and trust me, you have every right to be, so I'm gonna explain this to someone who might know what's goin' on." She took a large bite out of her sausage and continued, "What you're goin' through is somethin' called Reawakening. Basically, your body's realizin' that it's capable of a new form of development because a foreign entity, that's me," Amber points both thumbs at herself proudly "shocks the body with new genetic information. In response, it tries to copy this information sorta as a blueprint."

"So basically, my body is trying to improve itself because you're so sexy?"

"I'm flattered that you think that. But yeah, that about sums it up. To explain a little more, my body got bigger because it's kinda like rewarding itself for doing such a good job." She squeezes and jiggles her great jugs and doughy stomach. "However, that leaves you with a choice to make."

"Last time you talked about choices, I ended up here, why not go further down the rabbit hole?"

"That's a damn good spirit to have, I knew I liked you!" Amber laughs and eats a staggering amount of pancakes in one bite. "So your body is stuck in this self-improvement mode, and it's gonna stay like that for a while, what I'm tryin' to say is that if ya get more cum inside ya, there's a lot of room to grow bigger. How's that sound?"

"I must say, it was quite painful and scary at first, but I could get used to having a bigger dick and these new... assets" as I groped my tits. "But wait, how exactly do you know all this, Amber?"

"All things will be revealed in due time, but for now, we should get started on fillin' up that little belly!" she grinned.

"Um, I'm not sure that I can take that monster right now," as my new vagina ached.

"Well it's obviously not gonna be me, you can't grow from taking in the same cum twice. I've got some people I know who can help you out with your lil' quest. God I can't wait to see the end of this!" Amber said giddily.

"So, do you know how big I might get?" I started to worry as I realized how drastic things might get.

"That's the thing, some bodies are more responsive to their Reawakenings than others, but if your first round is anything to go by, I'd say real big. Most people's growth is real hard to see from the get go, but yours is quite a bit more significant than average. Not to mention, I'm hooking you up with some hypers, certified and government recognized."

I got a whole lot more nervous and excited at the same time. This whole "growth potential" thing was making me wonder just how different my life could turn out to be, but I said "fuck it". I realized just how cool this might turn out to be. 24 hours ago, I was some loser virgin who was desperate for a change. Now I'm a cute dickgirl, about to go out on the town, sent by a 10/10 to collect cum from people like they're Infinity Stones, count me in! I got so fired up that I asked Amber immediately who my first person was, "I wanna get this started!"

"Alright hun', that's some energy I can get behind! My little Gio's gonna get huge!" I gave her my number, she sent details on my first person, and I was out the door. I couldn't wait to start this journey of a fuck-gauntlet.


Hey guys, this was my first work, and I'd love to hear some feedback on this series. Criticize my writing, recommend what you'd like to see, or just show some appreciation in the comments!

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Hurradiegams666Hurradiegams6664 months ago

An impressive start. Especially considering this is your first story.

Your prose flows well and the characters are having some proper voice to them beyond just the kinks. That I especially like :)

A little suggestion though:

I would try to keep your paragraphs shorter at times. Especially in the middle section.

Usually, people on literotica are more accustomed to more paragraph breaks (every dialogue line a new paragraph), since this isn't necessarily a proper writing audience. Anything that slows the pace down or tires the reader (like some big text walls) should better be avoided on here.

I don't mind it all, but trust me I heard that before ;)

Very good stuff. Keep it coming! This place needs a lot more writers going down that futa growth hole if you ask me :D

OppreciatorOppreciator5 months ago

A very promising start, I think you could stand to slow things down a little here and there, put some more time and focus into certain scenes like the sex scenes rather than dashing from point to point. A bit more of how the people in scenes a thinking and feeling can really help ground the reader in the moment and make us connect with the characters more, which will make your sex scenes more impactful

SirDigbyChickenCaesarSirDigbyChickenCaesar5 months ago

I'm that rare Futa Enjoyer who dislikes huge dicks, but I like what you've done with this! Male subjects are often blinkered into "sissy" roles, so an -empowered- transformation is a refreshing change of pace: Gio has a wry voice and the story's tone is nonchalant bordering on whimsical. Voluptuous growth fueled by sex? I've been waiting for this!

For a first submission, your prose is solid. It's not so much a critique as an eye to future practice, but consider getting deeper into the sensations of everything: the -visual- descriptions are adequate, but the action reads a little breezy—if the series is a BBW parade, there'll be a -lot- to feel. ;)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

absolutely avesome, excited for the future. i really like that you give accurate messurment and I like that the charcters are nice and fleshed out and maybe even some romance heppening between them

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

oh, I love it! Do continue.

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