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Sandy, Mark and Helen Ch. 02

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The tits feel good! What's next?
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/14/2015
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I sat there in a daze, my mind too much in turmoil to have any cohesive thoughts. I had feared her reaction if I made a pass at her, but now I had the question as to what her acquiescence meant. I had gotten far more than I had ever anticipated - or even conceived of! How far could it go? What would Sandy's reaction be? One question after another, but one thing was clear - I had felt and thoroughly explored a fabulous tit! What, of course, I didn't know about was the conversation that had gone on before and the new one that had just started and was going on upstairs. This is how Sandy later described it.


I had just left the shower and was putting on my nightgown when the bedroom door opened. I assumed, without looking, that it was you coming to tell me of your experience with feeling Helen's breast. I looked up and saw Helen, herself, with the most lugubrious expression on her face as she came in. My heart sank because I just knew that you had made a pass at her and hadn't stopped when Helen pulled away. I had visions of a serious problem as I hesitantly asked, "Helen, dear, what's wrong?" Her reply was totally unexpected.

"Oh, Sandy, I feel awful. I sat next to Mack as we planned and nothing happened. I could tell that he wanted very, very badly to make a pass at me and feel my tit, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Finally, I moved even closer and rested my head on his shoulder, almost inviting him to do something. Finally his desire overcame his conscience and he felt me. He was very gentle, unlike most men who just grab and squeeze. He ran his hand all over my tit, cupping and fondling it. I let him get a really good feel and started to reach up and do my 'We can't do this' thing - and I just didn't. I just relaxed and let him feel me. Honey, I let him play with my tit for at least fifteen minutes before I finally pulled away and came in here. On, I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad at me!"

"Good heavens, I'm surprised at myself in a way, but I'm not bothered at all and I definitely am not mad at you! If it feels good, and you want him to, as far as I am concerned, he can feel anything you have! He was so obsessed with your breasts that I wanted him to get something that would satisfy his desire and I was very happy with our plan. We certainly accomplished that, but, if you want to do more, I think that it's wonderful!"

"God, I'm so relieved! I don't know what happened, but I was so comfortable and it felt so good that I just didn't want to stop it. I've never felt that way before when a man touched me. It just felt right, but, all the time I was worried about how you would feel about it. So you wouldn't mind if I let him do it again?"

"Look, I certainly won't mind and, obviously, he'll love it. Start gradually and progress as you want. He felt you through your blouse and bra, so there's a lot more that you can do with just your tits." Laughing, I continued, "I'm sure that we will enjoy planning your erotic moves! For now, though, I'll let Mack know that neither of us objects if he takes advantage of nearness on occasion and continues what you started tonight. He won't believe that I'm not the least bit jealous and, to tell the truth, I hardly can believe it myself!"

"As I said, you're wonderful! One thing. I know Mack pretty well by now and I know that he is a careful and thoughtful person and will be quite discreet, but we need to be very careful if Richard is home. He tends to be very observant with me and other men. It's partly being protective and partly possessiveness. My heavens, I sound like we're planning an affair!"

"Well, in a way I guess we are - even if it is just tit feeling! Still, you're right. I don't know how far you (or we, actually) will take this, but all three of us will have to be quite circumspect. Does thinking like that make you feel guilty as far as Richard is concerned?"

"Gods, no! Richard has been screwing other women since a year or so after we were married. I found a package of rubbers - well, condoms to be politically correct - in one of his uniforms. He finally confessed that his friends met air force 'groupies' after some training missions and talked him into joining in. He implied that it was a onetime thing, but it became obvious that it wasn't. Frankly, it really didn't bother me too much since it clearly was nothing but sex - he hardly knew their names. My real surprise was that he was involved in sex with them when he never had shown any interest, or ability, with me at home. Of course, it was in different circumstances doing something illicit, so, I guess, that atmosphere was more arousing. However, I blew up at one point and said that he damn sure had better wear rubbers if he was going to play around after those flights for if he caught any STD's I was leaving! We had been talking about starting a family and the idea of catching some disease from some bimbo really turned me off, as you can imagine!"

"He must be crazy! Someone at home like you and he screws around with groupies!"

"Peer pressure is a potent thing, particularly in a macho atmosphere like the military. I doubt that the airline culture is as permissive and stewardesses aren't as beautiful as they used to be - but they still have tits and cunts and pilots are power figures. In any case, we are fine in virtually all other ways and, as Dear Abby always said, "Are you better with him or without him" and I'm much better with him. I love him, but I have no guilt whatever I do. However, back to the point, I think his extramarital activities make him extra possessive and, I guess, wary of other men. Frankly, he is well aware of how I appeal to 'boob lovers,' and I think that applies to most men."

"Look, Mack will be going to a political science conference in Boston the week after next. It runs for three days. Why don't you plan to come here and we'll have plenty of time to talk about this. It would be nice to have you here while Mack is gone, anyway. There's something else that I want to tell you about. Oh, but will Richard be home?"

"I don't know yet, but he seems to be able to schedule his flights to be here - or not to be here - if he has enough warning. In any case, what now?"

"I think that you should put on your nightgown and we'll go out and give Mack a pleasant surprise!"


I really was surprised - shocked might be a better word. I had been sitting there staring at the TV, not watching the program, just staring. I still hadn't fully absorbed what had happened between Helen and me. Those questions I was mulling over had no answer. I knew that she had gone upstairs and presumably was with Sandy, but I had absolutely no conception as to what was going on. I really was in a stupor.

Suddenly I was faced with another surprise as Sandy and Helen came down and walked into the living room, both dressed in their nightgowns, and sat down as if nothing had happened. Sandy sat by me and Helen in a chair and asked how far along the documentary was. Needless to say, I had no coherent answer since I really hadn't seen anything. It was weird: a quite significant event had taken place and they were proceeding as if it never happened! Hadn't Helen told Sandy? I was still all aflutter from it and they were talking about a television program! It got weirder.

I was in much the same position as I had been before with my arm on the back of the couch. Sandy swung her legs up onto the couch and leaned against me with her head against my shoulder. She reached up and pulled my arm down onto her shoulder and upper arm. That, of course, is where my hand had been with Helen before. As we talked, I stroked up and down her arm and, inevitably, I brushed the side of her breast. I don't know what possessed me, but somehow it felt right to simply move my hand directly onto that breast and to gently fondle it. It was a nice breast and, while not the size and shape of Helen's, it was very pleasant to hold.

Obviously, I had held it hundreds if not thousands of times before, but to do it in front of Helen, after what had just happened, was unquestionably something I never would have dreamed of doing. If nothing else, Sandy would have been extremely embarrassed. However, in this case she ignored my actions and she began giving a synopsis of the documentary to Helen's seemingly rapt attention.

We watched (they watched, I stewed) the TV for ten or fifteen minutes when Sandy, at a commercial break said, as she had before, that she had seen the program and added that she thought that she would turn in for the night. As she got up, she looked over at Sandy and asked, "Helen, dear, why don't you move over here and take my place on the couch? It's more comfortable," Then, as she got up, leaned close and whispered, "Don't be shy!"

At the time I had no ideas to what she meant and I was completely absorbed in Helen's movements. She got up from the chair, came over to the couch and got into exactly the same position as Sandy had, right against me with her legs up on the couch. Without thinking, I had put my arm on the back of the couch again and she just naturally placed her head on my shoulders just as she had before. I can't possibly describe the thoughts and emotions whirling though my mind at that moment.

Actually, my mind just wasn't working - it was frozen by an inexplicable series of events. I, unbelievably, had felt Helen's tit, Helen and Sandy had talked but had come in and acted as if nothing had occurred and, now, Sandy had left me alone with Helen after giving me a cryptic message seemingly encouraging me to do something! In retrospect, the situation seems pretty clear, but at the time, despite what had happened earlier, I had a hard time believing what afterwards seemed obvious. What broke the chains that were restraining me was Helen literally snuggling against me in what was unquestionably a suggestive manner. Even I, with my complete lack of self-confidence, couldn't help but recognize what was being offered.

Obviously, something was going on with Sandy and Helen that I didn't understand at the moment, but I pushed all of that aside and let my instincts take over. I let my hand slide down onto her arm and, then, onto an almost naked tit. This time there was no bra covering her, only that thin nightgown material. Except for the texture of her skin, I might as well be holding her bare boob. What had been just a rigid protrusion inside a bra was now a firm, rubbery nipple that I could hold it between my fingers and lightly tweak. I cupped, stroked, caressed and squeezed that very firm and resilient breast as Helen just rested against me.

Nothing was said as I continued to fondle her until she turned slightly so that her back was more flat against me. Then she quietly, almost in a whisper, said, "I have two of them." That obviously was an invitation to feel both tits rather than just the one. I quickly took advantage of the offer and ran my left hand over her other shoulder and played with the other breast. So, for the next ten or fifteen minutes I had one hand on each side of her head, reaching down and feeling her as she leaned back against me.

Finally, she pulled away, saying quietly, "I think that I should go in." Getting up, she looked at me and very affectionately said, "That was very nice. I liked it." Then she reached down and lightly kissed me and left the room. I sat there once again somewhat dazed by the startling developments of the last hour or so. What had been an unlikely fantasy, making a pass at Helen, had not only been realized, it had gone unbelievably beyond anything I had thought possible. Instead of a brief touching in an unlikely pass, I had been permitted to play with both tits. To top it off, she had clearly indicated that the pleasure was mutual, seeming to open the door for future intimate activity. In addition, it was obvious that something had gone on between Helen and Sandy - and I wanted to know what!

I forced myself to my feet and went upstairs and found Sandy on the bed, waiting for my appearance. "Ok, what's going on? You and Helen obviously had something arranged and, while I appreciate what I got out of it, I want to know just what happened!"

Sandy started laughing, saying, "What do you mean, honey? Did something happen after I left and came upstairs? When I left and you and Helen were watching the program!"

"Quit being cute! What happened between you and Helen? You set it up so that I could feel her tits - but how did you get her to go along?"

Still obviously amused, Sandy gave up and said, "All right, I'll talk! You've been going on for weeks about Helen's breasts and speculating about what they would feel like - saying that you would love to make a pass at her and see what they feel like. She knew perfectly well what you were thinking and she and I decided to let you make a pass and feel her just enough to satisfy your curiosity. She was supposed to end it quickly, but it turned out, to her surprise, that she liked you feeling her and that she wanted to keep going. She came up afterwards, told me what she had done and was worried about my reaction, sure that I would be upset. Once she was certain that I didn't mind, even was pleased the way things had gone, we decided to surprise you!"

"Well, you damn sure did that! I couldn't believe that she would let me feel her so much the first time, and, then, when you two came down in your nightgowns and you left me alone with her - I don't know word to use - maybe flabbergasted is close. My god, her tits are amazing! They are unbelievably firm and her nipples are like little fingers sticking up. I can't believe that I sat there with those two tits in my hands! Obviously, I've never felt anything like them. Did you two say anything about doing anymore? After this, I'd love to get more from her. At least I want to see her naked and maybe more!"

"Hold on! We've already done more than we had ever even thought about doing. We'd better take it easy and not try to do too much. She obviously likes you and the way she talks and acted, she likes you in a sexual way as well as a friend. Other than Richard, that's the first time she let anyone feel her, and she said that it was the first time she really enjoyed it - including Richard, apparently! She and I will talk and I'll do what I can. I'd like to see her naked again myself and, I'll admit, I would love to feel her like you did tonight. Gods, I'm not a lesbian, but her body in certainly attractive. I don't have any idea how far she would go, and I'm sure that she doesn't either - she's already done more than she ever thought of doing. Right now I obviously have no reason to think that you could get into her, but who knows. We'll just have to take it as it goes, but we're already miles ahead of anything you dreamed of."

She paused and then began laughing again as she continued, "Isn't this something? Here I am speculating as to whether my husband can get into my best friend while earlier I was planning with her about her letting him play with her tit! I have no way of knowing how this will turn out but it certainly is off to a good start!"

"Now, what's going on with you? Even a teasing suggestion about me playing with another woman - coed, master's exam taker or whatever - brought a definitive rejection. You said, half-joking that you would castrate me and kill her! I was shocked that you even proposed letting me see her tits if you could. Now, for god's sake, you arrange for me to feel those tits and, when I speculated about doing something more with her, you casually say that you don't think that I could get into her! Are you the same...well, jealous woman I've been married to or has a golem replaced her?"

"Well, I'm sure that I'm the same woman, but I'm as surprised as you are. For some inexplicable reason, I have no feeling of jealousy with Helen. I had a very hard time believing that you were not the least bit jealous about Frank fucking me, but I feel the same way about Helen. Admittedly, feeling her tits is a long way from fucking her, but, at least right now, I have no qualms. It still seems pretty far-fetched, but, who knows. As I just told you, she said that this is the first time in her life that she really enjoyed being felt. Something about you appeals to her."

She paused for thirty seconds or so, obviously thinking deeply, before going on. "You know, we really are like sisters, maybe closer, and as you've seen, we tend to think alike. Maybe we have the same taste in men. Maybe what there is in you that makes you right for me, attracts her, too."

As you might expect, our conversation went on for some time during which I learned a great deal about Richard and their relationship. Helen's obvious lack of concern about her "cheating," even if only it amounted to petting or "making out," made me hope that it might extend to far greater indiscretions. It's amazing how the desires expand - getting more than you had ever hoped for merely whets the appetite for even more!

In any case, me feeling Helen's tits and the hope for more was enough to fire up both my and Sandy's erotic fantasies and the sex was very good that night. When Helen left for home the next day, our goodbye kiss no longer was pro forma, and her tit was squeezed.

As these events have demonstrated, bond between Sandy and Helen had deepened even more when they were in much more frequent contact. When they had been in Spain they were almost like the married couple which completed each other's sentences. The more they were together after their reunion in this country, the more they recovered the links that made them so close there. They agreed on so many things that sometimes it was as if there were two bodies, but one mind! Obviously, this bonding made it easier for Sandy to accept the growing connection between Helen and me.

Needless to say, I was looking forward to see how things would develop, but, the next time we saw Helen was one of the increasingly rare times when Richard was home and coming to visit us with her. That, of course, precluded any extramarital experimentation and Helen was fully dressed the entire weekend. It was an evening of friendly talk with no overtones of a sexual or personal nature. It was quite limiting. There was one occasion, however, that showed promise for the future. We were standing by the car as they readied to go home, Sandy and Richard on the right side and Helen and I on the other. Richard and I each kissed the other's wife goodbye and, concealed by the car, I was able to quickly squeeze Helen's tit. As I did so, she whispered, "I'm sorry about the bra. I'll leave it off next time!" It made us part of a conspiracy with promise for the future.

That promised future came sooner that I had anticipated. A week later Richard had a flight to Japan which meant that he would be gone at least four days, possibly longer with the hour-limitations for air line pilots. As result, Helen planned to spend three nights with us. As would be expected, my hopes were high for further exploration of Helen's tits and, I hoped, her body. I'm sure that Sandy's hopes matched mine!

Almost immediately things looked hopeful. Helen arrived in the afternoon and greeted Sandy with a big hug and kiss as I got out her suitcase. Then, she turned to me and gave me a big kiss. As she did so, I put my hand on her tit and knew at once that there was nothing under her blouse but Helen! "See, I promised no bra next time!" Any questions I might have had about her interest vanished.

It was a very pleasant afternoon with the anticipation of a very pleasant evening in prospect. It was now obvious that something of a sexual nature was forthcoming - with the only question being just how far it would go. We had dinner and, I'm sure, all of us were wondering how we could get started. It was awkward in that, while, obviously, all of us knew what had happened between Helen and me, there had been no general acknowledgement among us of that intimacy. Some more experienced or adventurous types probably would have had no problem - just jumped into it - but that was not our style. Sandy was the only one of us with extramarital experience and she never had initiated anything. Actually, in retrospect, the ice-breaker was pretty obvious. Sandy just asked Helen if she would like to go into the Jacuzzi and Helen immediately said yes.


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