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Sarah's Lingerie Fashion Show

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Sarah models lingerie in front of neighbor.
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Another Sarah story, based on actual events.


Before Sarah's brother Pete divorced his wife Joy, we used to party at their house quite a bit. Joy had been Sarah's best friend growing up, and that is how she met Pete.

Pete had a lot of common interests with his neighbor Jacko, and I guess that you could say that they became best friends. So, Jacko became part of our lives too.

We had also met Jacko's wife Michelle, but we didn't get to know her well for two reasons.

The first was that she hated Pete, so she didn't attend his parties.

The second was that Jacko and Michelle had a very rocky relationship. She'd move out and they would start the divorce process, then after a few months they would rekindle and she'd move back, normally only for a few months. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I'm assuming that the two things were related, because after Pete and Joy divorced and sold their house, Jacko and Michelle have settled down and things appear to be good.

The following two events took place while Jacko and Michelle were on breaks.

Sarah drove Joy home after a morning of shopping and came in the house for a coffee. Pete and Jacko were in the living room watching TV.

"Joy, your sister called when you were out." Pete announced, "She wanted to know if we could take the twins to the indoor pool at 3 o'clock?"

"Sure, I'll call her back." she replied, "Sarah, do you want to come too?"

"I don't have a suit." Sarah replied.

"I can lend you one of mine."

The two women were of similar build, except for the cup size, Sarah being a DD while Joy was barely a C.

It was Jacko who broke the silence, "If Sarah is wearing your suit, I'm going swimming too."

Pete and Joy laughed while Sarah feigned disapproval, but they all decided to go.

Pete and Joy needed room for 2 car seats for the young twins, so Sarah and Jacko decided to carpool and meet them at the pool.

When they arrived at the pool, everyone ended up going in a different direction: Pete and Joy chose a family change room so they could help each other get the twins ready, while Sarah went in the women's showers, and Jacko went to the men's showers.

Joy had picked out a blue one-piece for Sarah. While she was able to get into it, she had to loosen the adjustable shoulder straps to the maximum extension to fit in her tits.

While her nipples were concealed, there was a lot more cleavage on display than was originally intended by the designer. She considered wearing her t-shirt over top of it, but then she'd have nothing dry to wear home.

When she entered the pool area, Jacko gave a little wolf whistle and said, "Now that's what I came for." while Sarah just replied by sticking her tongue out at him.

Fortunately, there wasn't a big group for the family swim, no dads at all, so she gradually started to feel more at ease. The only time she was reminded of her exposure was when she'd bend over to help one of the twins and catch Jacko stealing a glance down her cleavage.

The group decided to leave the pool a few minutes early and they all went to get changed. This is how Sarah found herself alone in the women's showers, which was for the best, because she had to squirm her way out of the wet suit.

She went into the shower at started to lather up, when she realized that Joy had forgotten to lend her a towel.

She yelled out Joy's name, hoping to catch her waiting in the hallway outside and borrow her towel. Instead, it was Jacko's voice that answered her back.

"They already left to bring the twins home. They said that they would meet us at their place."

"I need a towel Jacko. Can I borrow yours?"

"Sure. Er...how do we do this?"

"I'm the only one in here, just open the door and put it on the first bench." Sarah replied.

Jacko tentatively opened the door to the women's change room. He didn't want to get banned from the pool, or worse find himself on some registry, so he had to make this quick.

He peeked inside and immediately noticed the bench on the opposite wall. He quickly walked across to it, while reaching into his gym bag to grab his towel. He heard water running, looked to his left and muttered "Fuck."

Sarah was facing away from him, scrubbing her hair when she heard his exclamation. She looked over her shoulder to see him standing open mouthed in shock while holding his towel.

She rapidly took stock of the situation. He could see her totally naked from the rear, which she decided was better than the alternative. However, since she had partially turned when she heard him, he was also being treated to some sideboob and possibly a nipple.

She now realized that since she continued to scrub her hair, the jiggling of her right breast had captured his attention.

Even though probably only a second or two had passed since his initial discovery, Sarah had already moved from initial shock to determined flirt. Que sera, Sarah.

"So big guy, why did you choose this 'first bench' over that one?" she said, nodding her head towards the door but giving him one of her 1000 megawatt smiles and becoming more vigorous with her hair scrubbing.

Jacko followed her look and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he now saw the other bench. It had been hidden by the door when he first entered, and in his panic to get in and out quickly, he'd developed tunnel vision.

He looked back to Sarah, and she raised an eyebrow, while saying "The towel?"

He dropped the towel on the bench, took another quick look in case he never had the chance again, and hurried out of the room.

He didn't stop to wait in the hall, instead figuring he should wait outside by her car and try to come up with an apology.

Sarah stood under the water and imagined what it would have felt like if she'd been facing the opposite way, or if she had turned off the water and had let him hand her the towel.

She would play out this scenario later with Brian, not here under the water in a public place.

She found Jacko outside by the car. "Hey, what's new?" she asked with a hint of playful sarcasm.

"I'm really sorry." he said, then explained about not seeing the other bench. "So, I hope you're not mad." he added.

"Accidents happen. Plus, it was only my butt." she responded with a wink, before adding "Are you going to recover?"

"If you're not mad, I'm going to recover just fine."

"You're not going to fall in love with me now or something?" Sarah joked.

"No chance of that" he laughed, "You have your brother's eyes, we'd never be able to do anything together without you reminding me of him."

"Bull shit! You just saw me naked, and never looked at my eyes once."

They both laughed and put the incident behind them, although it was no secret among our friend group. Every time Pete and Joy had a party, there would inevitably be someone who would want to hear a retelling of the story of Jacko walking in on Sarah.

I think the popularity was because there were so many versions. You have just heard Sarah's version that has remained consistent.

Jacko tells many versions. One is similar to Sarah's, another where he is the one who plays it cool while Sarah is freaking out, and a few comedic versions, like the one where she pokes him in the eye like a Three Stooges sketch. His versions all end with him having an erection for so long that he briefly considered seeking medical attention.

About a year later Sarah's sister Jo flew home to spend a week with their mother, who lives about 150 km north of us.

On Friday evening Sarah drove to her mom's to spend the weekend with them. When she arrived, she found that her mom had gone to BINGO. Clustered around the kitchen table was Jo, their other sister Lisa who lived nearby, and Jacko. He had briefly reconciled with Michelle since the pool exposure, but they were now on a fresh break. Wash, rinse, repeat.

"Hey Jacko, what are you doing way up here?" Sarah asked.

"Pete asked me to go for a drive up to 'do some business', dropped me off here and said he'd pick me up in a couple of hours." he replied. "I don't know if he's robbing a bank or having an affair, but he didn't want to travel alone."

Everyone chuckled at his frank telling of the situation.

Sarah grabbed a beer like the rest of the table and settled in. There was lots of catching up between the sisters, but they kept Jacko included.

Eventually Lisa drew more attention than she wanted. She was going to her boyfriend's place tonight and had arrived with an overnight bag full of clothes she wasn't planning to wear.

"Wait. So let me get this straight," Jo said, "Your new boyfriend wants you to wear this lingerie, but you won't...even though he's seen you naked?"

"That's different." Lisa countered. "I don't feel comfortable parading around in those kinds of clothes, even in front of Ian."

Sarah took a quick look in the bag, and declared, "This is fairly tame stuff. I'd even wear this in front of Jacko without feeling uncomfortable."

"No, you wouldn't." Lisa said defensively.

Jo is also fairly modest, however she seems to live vicariously through Sarah's flirty exhibitionism. She saw an opportunity and spoke up. "There seems to be an easy way to settle this. Sarah models the lingerie and Jacko picks the one he likes best for you to wear. If there is something so outrageous that Sarah won't wear it in front of him, then that is off the table. Deal?"

Sarah was game, but Lisa was still reluctant. "She can just walk by the doorway real fast. I'll be stuck in this get up half the night."

"If you're wearing lingerie half the night, then you're doing it wrong." quipped Sarah.

Jo jumped in with a counteroffer, "Ok, Sarah has to stay in the kitchen for a full beer between changes. Deal?"

The two sisters looked at each other and shook hands. Jacko was smiling ear-to-ear. Minutes ago, he had been secretly hoping Pete would walk in the door at any moment. Now he was tempted to text him not to rush back.

Jo took the lingerie down the hall, was gone about 5 minutes, then returned. "There are 4 sets. Sarah only gets to see one set at a time. The first one is hanging in the bathroom."

Sarah walked confidently down the hall. The first outfit was a satiny shirt that buttoned up the front and had sleeves. It went nearly to the top of her knees.

She decided to keep me in the loop, texting me the rules of their competition, then snapping a pic of the first piece using the mirrored door on the shower.

She went back toward the kitchen, pausing in the doorway to do a 360 degree turn.

Sarah leaned against the cupboard close to Jacko, giving him a proper view to judge the outfit, then popped open a fresh beer and began to fulfill that part of the deal.

"What's your opinion Sarah?" asked Jo.

"It doesn't really have a bedroom feel." Sarah declared, "Give me a belt and I'd wear this thing out in public."

"Jacko?" prompted Jo.

"Are you the ref Jo?" he inquired. Jo nodded. "I request 2 extra buttons of cleavage."

"Granted." Jo ruled.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, but released the two buttons, then looked down at the resulting cleavage. "Actually, that works. I'd still wear it in public this way. Good eye Jacko."

He reached out his beer toward her, and they clinked a cheers.

Jo went to hang the next piece of lingerie. When she returned, she checked that Sarah's beer was nearly finished. "Ok Jacko, final score?"

Sarah held a hand up to pause everyone, then sat onto Jacko's lap and shook her bottom a couple of times, then declared, "Zero erections up. He doesn't like this one. Lisa, you'll be wearing something else tonight."

"Next!" shouted Jo.

When Sarah saw the next outfit, she nearly bailed out. It appeared to be totally transparent. However, after a closer inspection, she realized that it was mostly an optical illusion.

It was in the baby doll style, with a lacy bra and some transparent material that hung from the bra to her hips. The lacy bra was woven so tightly that her nipples weren't visible through it. There were also a pair of thong underwear that provided just enough coverage in the front.

She texted me a pic, then headed for the kitchen.

As she entered the kitchen, she repeated her 360 degree turn, which earned a "Oooooh" from her audience.

She grabbed a beer, returned to her position at the cupboard and looked down at a grinning Jacko.

"Sarah, opinion?" asked Jo.

"Plenty of cleavage, which you all know I'm a big fan of. The transparent torso feels kinda sexy. Then a thong, but since Jacko has already seen my bare butt, it's less than he's seen before."

"That's cheating, I want a mistrial!" shouted Lisa.

Jo held up a hand to settle everyone down. "I'll need to hear details of this alleged exposure to make a ruling on Lisa's motion."

Jacko spoke and told a version similar to the one Sarah usually tells but did indicate that he had also seen a nipple. Sarah knew that there was a possibility he had, but this was the first time she had heard him include this detail in a retelling.

"Motion denied." Jo ruled, before prompting, "Jacko?"

"I would like a longer look at her ass." he replied.

"Granted." Jo ruled while making a twirling motion with her finger.

This earned another raised eyebrow from Sarah. "I think you're getting your reality TV franchises confused. Is this Judge Judy, Next Top Model or Naked and Afraid?"

After Jo made the twirling finger a second time, Sarah complied, facing away for 15 seconds.

Jo left the room to set up the third outfit. When she returned, she pointed at Sarah's beer. Sarah indicated that there was one drink left, tipped the bottle, and finished it.

"Final score?" asked Jo.

Once again Sarah sat on Jacko's lap and did a couple of wiggles before declaring, "Half an erection up. Lisa, this is a possibility."

Jo looked to Jacko, who nodded in agreement. Then she shouted, "Next!"

Sarah went down the hall to the bathroom. When she saw the next outfit, she stuck her head out the door. "Somebody pour me a drink of something stronger than beer." she requested. After taking another glance she added, "Better make it a double."

The next piece was basically a neck to floor nightie...that was totally transparent. She might have backed out if not for Jacko revealing that he had already seen one of her nipples.

There were also a pair of panties that would hide everything down below, but they were damn ugly. Not quite granny panties, but close. They even had ruffles across the bum. Sarah would have suspected Jo was playing a prank on her if the waistband hadn't exactly matched the stitching around the collar of the nightie.

She texted me a selfie, along with "just say the word and I'll skip this one".

Instead I replied with a thumbs up and an eggplant emoji, earning me an "asshole" reply.

Sarah walked up the hallway but paused outside the kitchen. If she stepped through this doorway, Jacko would be introduced to her nipples and areola. He would learn the natural shape of her breasts when not contained by a bra. He would see every contour of her hourglass figure. Combined with her accidental shower exposure, he would have an almost complete road map to her body. Her pussy would be her only remaining secret.

She had teased this man for most of her adult life by using cleavage or tight clothing to leave him wondering what was hidden beneath. Their entire dynamic was built on him wanting to see her body, and her teasing him with it. How would this effect their relationship going forward? What do you do when he already has all the answers?

She nearly backed out. Ironically it was pride that forced her forward. After years of teasing Jacko, she would rather be seen naked, than seen as a prude who could talk the talk but wouldn't walk the walk. At this point, she decided she would also be modeling the final outfit, however revealing it was.

She stepped into a kitchen that went suddenly quiet. She spied her rum and cola and went directly to it, before drinking half of it in one gulp.

"Objection!" shouted Lisa, "She can't just chug the drink and run out."

Before Jo could rule, Sarah offered, "If whoever prepared this little gem could mix another, I'll drink both."

Jacko got up from his chair and stepped toward the counter. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Sarah, he free-poured a double, perhaps a little extra. While pouring the cola, he took a good close-up peek at Sarah's very visible tits. Then he left the drink on the counter and returned to his seat.

"Sarah?" Jo inquired.

"I'm standing here, virtually naked in front of Jacko, and I can honestly say that I'm more embarrassed that he's seeing me in these hideous panties. Lisa, if he ends up choosing this lingerie, you really should ask him to let you swap in the thong from the last set."

"So requested." Lisa said quietly.

"Granted." replied Jacko.

As everyone laughed, Sarah rolled her eyes.

By this time Sarah had already started on the second rum and cola, so Jo left the room to prepare the last piece of lingerie.

When she returned, she noticed that Sarah still had half a glass remaining, and was prepared to wait, but Sarah took her position on Jacko's lap anyway.

After getting comfortable, she declared "I'm ruling this one erection up. We have a winner."

Jo looked to Jacko for confirmation, but he shook his head no. "This is a very strong contender, but we're not quite at full mast."

When Sarah made no effort to get up while she finished her drink, Jacko put a hand on her thigh and made himself comfortable.

When Sarah had one sip left, she lifted her cup, as if preparing to make a toast. Instead, she requested one more rule.

"Everyone got to hear about Jacko accidentally walking in on me. It's a funny story that I enjoy telling and hearing it be told. However tonight wasn't accidental. I'm going to have to explain it to Brian," she said, omitting the fact that I was in on it from the start, "I'd prefer that no one else outside this room ever hears about it."

Everyone agreed, clinked glasses, and took a drink.

Jo said, "Time for the last one. Jacko, you should mix her a drink to take down the hall, she'll probably need it."

Sarah got up so he could mix her a drink, then went down to see the last item.

It was a vest.

Instead of lingerie, it was almost like half of a sexy Halloween costume.

The cloth was heavier than t-shirt material, so transparency wasn't an issue, although when she closed the two buttons on the front, her hard nipples were easy to locate. Only having two buttons also meant that there was a lot of cleavage.

The vest had tails like on a tuxedo that partially covered her butt. However, the front only came as far as her belly button. Her entire pelvis, from hip to hip, was fully exposed. Her final remaining secret, her pussy, was about to be revealed to Jacko, and she was at peace with that.

Sarah texted me, first the selfie of the costume, then a selfie of her taking a drink of rum and cola. "Liquid courage."

Taking a deep breath, she headed up the hall and into the kitchen without breaking stride.

Jacko already had a drink waiting, so she took a healthy gulp, then performed her customary 360 for him. He was now seeing her pussy for the first time.

Lisa was the first to speak, "We might have to hurry this along. Ian has a taxi coming for me."

Sarah was incredulous. "He sent you a taxi! What the actual fuck? He doesn't deserve to see you in lingerie. I hope you have some heavy flannel pjs in your bag."

Lisa clarified, "He was out at a buddy's house watching a game on TV and had too much to drink. He'll be in the taxi too."

This seemed to appease Sarah, who had momentarily forgotten about her exposure.

Jo asked, "Any comments Sarah?"

"Jacko can see my cooch. Enough said."

"Jacko?" Jo once again prompted.


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