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Scales like Stars Pt. 09


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Then Speccy squeaked as a pale hand cupped her other breast. Peeking over her shoulder - barely, since she was actually about the same height as both of them - was Brash in his human form. His cat-green eye glittered as he grinned at Merton.

"I didn't know it was bang the chief engineer day!" he said.

"That's not a holiday!" Speccy said, her voice severe, even as she bit her lip to keep from moaning.

"Sure it is!" Brash said. His finger found and tweaked her nipple, while his other hand dipped down between her thighs. But Merton's hand moved faster and he cupped and stroked Speccy's dripping, eager sex before Brash could get his fingers in. Brash pouted, then put both his hands on her breasts, squeezing and fondling them with just enough roughness to finally wring a moan from her - soft and dampened by her reserve as it was. Her eyes closed and her antennas twitched with orgasmic pleasure as Merton felt her sex. She was molten hot, as hot as one of the furnaces that she worked on, and Merton found that she had a pair of clits above her sex. His thumb rubbed from one to the other as he crooked his middle and pointer finger inside of her.

Brash, meanwhile, was kissing his way down her spine, nuzzling her incredible shoulder muscles. A woman with four arms had muscles that made the most intense muscle-girl seem like a weakling. Merton, meanwhile, was noticing that the same was true on her front. He had never noticed just how fucking ripped Speccy was until he knelt down to start kissing along her belly. His tongue traced her girl-abs as he reflected that four arms, and all of them working on engineering tasks every day, produced a physique you could melt butter with. He finally reached where his hand was plundering her - and his tongue lapped up the small puddle of arousal that Speccy had dripped onto his palm.

Through this all, the only noises that he and Brash's combined efforts had wrung from Speccy were very quiet gasps, faint moans, muffled whimpers. She seemed to be genetically unable to simply let herself go.

Merton was trying to decide if that was really hot or really fucking hot by the time his tongue slid into her eager, wet sex, and Brash's tongue pushed into her pert, rosy ass. That was enough to break the damn dam. Speccy's head rolled back, her upper arms grabbed onto the wall for balance, and her lower hands grabbed onto both their heads and pushed them against her as she wailed in pleasure, cursing in a language that Merton had never heard before and which wasn't translated. Her juices flowed along his tongue - sweeter than any human pussy he had gone down on.

Which, to be fair, was...technically zero, since...Julia had also modified her pussy to taste better.

So, for all Merton knew, Speccy tasted exactly like human pussy.

But he could barely think about that, so focused was he on the thick streams of girlcum that he was drinking down. Brash's mouth moved and bumped against his chin as the other man tried to get his own shot at the ambrosial liquid. Brash dove in when Merton, polite as could be, drew back to give him a chance. Speccy kept whimpering and gasping as Brash's tongue lapped at her, like a puppy with a water bowl.

"Gods," she hissed.

"We're not done yet." Merton grinned. His hands went to his clothes and he skimmed himself out of them as fast as winking. His cock sprang free and Brash stood - his own cock matching Merton's for size. Merton took a hold of Speccy's lower hands, tugging her to the bed. He fell on his back and let her fall atop him. Once more, four arms proved their advantage as she caught herself without smashing into him. He felt nicely surrounded by her arms, her legs. Her dripping sex hung right above his cock. She looked into his face, her eyes softer than he had ever seen them.

Then she looked aside, blushing. "I-I can't believe you made me..." she paused. "S-So loud."

Merton snickered. "B-Bakka!" he teased.

Speccy glared at him. Then she gasped as Brash slipped up ontop of her. He grew in size as he did it, going from sleek lithe bishi to muscular hunk. This let him loom over both of them and grind his thick, eager dragon-dick against Speccy's ass-cheeks. She whimpered and reached down with her lower right arm, taking hold of Merton's cock. Her thumb rasped over each of his ridges - even as she glided the thick tip of his cock against her swollen, desperately eager pussy.

Merton squirmed, drawing his hips away from her, squishing into the bed.

"Say please..." he whispered.

"Idiot..." Speccy growled.

"I am your Captain. Technically." Merton's eyes sparkled.

Speccy's face twisted in pleasure and irritation both. She looked aside, then mumbled something so soft that you'd need a directional laser microphone and an elf to hear it. Merton grinned, reaching up to cup her swaying breasts, squeezing them gently. Brash reared back, his cock slapping down against her ass, rough enough to make Speccy hiss. Brash put on his best, most intimidating growl, and said: "Louder."

"...fuck me..." Speccy whispered. And to prove she liked it, her sex dripped another patter of girl-juice onto Merton's waiting dick. Brash pushed her down with one hand, his free hand grabbing his dick and aligning himself. Merton closed his eyes and groaned through clenched teeth as he felt her tightness enveloping him like an oiled, velvet glove. She was just as hot, just as tight as he might have imagined. Then he felt her grow another few fractions tighter as Brash slid into her ass with an eager, quiet groan. His balls gently slapped against Merton's and Merton shuddered in pure bliss.

"Ah-hhaaa!" Speccy gasped, then buried her face into a pillow, trying to keep it down. Brash sawed back. Merton slammed up. Speccy's face buried deeper into the pillow and she shuddered, her lower hands gripping the sheets. Her uppers grabbed onto Merton's palms, pinning them above his head. It was shockingly intimate - and Merton moaned as Brash slammed in and he drew out. The two of them started to work the pattern, falling into the pattern as if they had done this dozens of times. Speccy's attempts to stay control wore away, inch by inch, chip by chip, thrust by thrust.

Finally, she hissed out a desperate: "Oh fuck yes! Yes! Yes!"

Her head rolled back. Brash grabbed onto her hair tugging her head back further, then leaned forward. Merton watched through slitted eyes as he tried to keep himself from climaxing. Despite augmentations and spells and training and practice...there was only so much a mortal man could do. He watched as Speccy kissed Brash back with a wanton moan, their lips sliding back just enough to show the frantic wrestling their tongues were doing. Her antennas had gone as slack as her eyes as Brash plundered her mouth.

Her fluttering cunt tightening another notch in orgasm was just enough to push Merton over the edge.

His balls clenched as if they had been grabbed in a fist and he moaned in wanton pleasure, thrusting up and deep into her. Brash slammed down as well, the two of them pinning the engineer between their sweat soaked, glistening bodies. Speccy broke the kiss, spittle gleaming in the air like diamonds, and screamed in pure bliss. Her body shuddered and her muscular belly mashed flat against Merton's. Her arms tightened convulsively and she hugged him so tight that he felt his bones creak. But he didn't care. He was kissing her now - her mouth locking to his. The orgasm seemed to ride on forever, and he felt the decadent pleasure that was another man's cum soaking his balls as Brash's seed overflowed from her stuffed ass and dripped down her flanks.

Once the pleasure had passed, Merton felt like someone had cut his break lines. His whole body had turned to an undifferentiated mass of muscle and he was sprawled there, gasping. Panting.

Speccy sprawled atop him.

Brash sprawled atop her.

And Merton started to realize just what happened to a grape in a wine press.

"Gitoff..." he squeaked out.

Speccy, rather than listening to her sound understanding of engineering, G-forces, and her understanding of human bodies, instead buried her face against Merton's neck and sighed contentedly.

Merton Miles, dies the way he lived... Merton thought, his eyes narrowing to slits. Buried under girl abs.


The Xosh Warsphere dropped from subspace after two weeks and change of transit time - crawling from one galactic arm to another - and Gimtesh Thresh still had not had the decency to die. The half-elven, half-dragon woman was still impaled on the large spike that the engineers had cut from the prow of the metallic flagship that had tried to ram the Warsphere during the battle of Draconis Prime. The spike now sat in the back corner of the bridge, ignored by all but the most sadistic or squemish of the kobolds. And Emperor Xosh. He still stopped by every few days to nudge at the whimpering woman with his toe and say: "Hmm...I guess I owe Feng Bryaugh a slave or two. He bet you'd last to Earth."

Gimtesh whimpered. But the simple truth was...

She hadn't actually hurt for a day and a half.

She was half-dragon. That meant her shapeshifting skills were weaker than that of a pure-bread dragon. But they were not nearly as weak as many pure dragons assumed - something she had taken advantage of in her lifetime as a member of a vicious, cut throat chromatic household. So, she had subtly and carefully rerouted the parts of her biology she needed to live around the six inch wide metal spike rammed through her guts. Turning off the nerves had taken delicate hours of meditative focus.

But the end result was that she was still alive and only in mild discomfort!

All in all things were looking up for Gimtesh Thresh. So long as no one checked too closely and she found a chance to get the fuck away from Emperor Xosh and this whole sorry business.

The front of the bridge was dominated by a curving view pane, and that pane was dominated by a long-range scan of the planet Earth. The world looked like many worlds that dracons had terraformed and made their own: White and fluffy clouds, broad expanses of green and brown and ocher and blue. But all of that was a secondary concern to Emperor Xosh and his admirals. The ships of the 42nd Legion had been highlighted and outlined, with their potential attack vectors charted out by attentive war-scribes and astronomers.

Xosh stood with General Bryaugh and Admiral Thresh - Admiral Thresh was Gimtesh's third cousin twice removed and the fucking cunt hadn't even glanced her way.

"What are their chances?" Xosh asked.

Admiral Thresh shrugged, her scaled hands spreading wide. "Poor. We out number them, we have war-spheres, we have the B-Suits." She grinned, her teeth flashing. "I think we could even try for occupation."

Xosh tossed his head. "No. I want the end of the Castrovel line to be marked and underlined. We destroy the planet."

"There's one problem with that," General Bryaugh snarled. Omadon Bryaugh had become a general of a household of brutes in the simplest, most direct way. By being smart. Cunning. Clever. He wasn't the largest black dragon in the Dominion, but Xosh had an unnerving feeling that he could think circles around him. Which was part of why Xosh planned to have Omadon die heroically in this battle. After he had served his use.

"What's that?" Admiral Thresh snarled, her tail lashing.

"Simple," Omadon said, rolling one shoulder as if he was stretching out for a workout. His scales gleamed as he grinned. "This solar system's ley-lines are locked down tight. It'll take multiple multi-megaton warheads in the right places, at the right time, to bust them open. Now, that won't matter for the humans..." He sneered. "They're mage blind whelps, according to your intelligence." He nodded to Emperor Xosh. "But it means our warspheres can't fire their main weapons unless-"


"-they're in the right orbit," Admiral Rushok said, his voice grim. "That means that they have an enforced bottleneck and a timeline." He gestured down to the holographic display table some technicians had yanked from his flagship, the Winking Rogue, and set up at the United Nations Space Defense headquarters. It showed the orbital elements of the 42nd Legion and where the warspheres would have to reach.

Admiral Xu pursed his lips. His thick Texan drawl was utterly at odds with his stoic, Asiatic features. But he asked the pertinent question: "How long will take for one of these warspheres to do the hokey pokey and get into position?"

"Three hours," Relix said, her hands clasped behind her back. She was dressed in human political styles - something needed, if you wanted to make a good impression to a bunch of mage-blind monkeys. A phrase she had only used once, in private, which had led to an incredibly pleasant hour long spanking session from her husband. "They need to maintain distance, or else their hellcannons will cause interference with one another."

Admiral Xu glanced at Admiral Rushok and Merton. Merton was reflexively petting Brash, his fingers moving gently along the small dragon's spine. Brash nipped at his finger with every pet.

"Well then..." Admiral Xu said. "The plans have been transmitted." He looked over at the last member of the meeting - Speccy was looking down at the holographic table with a frown. "You're absolutely sure this will work? I don't want another Battle of Jutland out there."

"It'll work," she said, her voice firm. "We're talking about six thousand year old technology. All the bugs have been ironed out. Trust me." She smiled, ever so slightly.

As Admiral Xu took his leave and Admiral Rushok vanished in a crackle of teleportation energy. Brash crawled atop Merton's head, getting ready to sweep him up into his B-suit form. But before he did, Relix stepped over to him. Her hand went to his cheek.

"Battle of Jutland?" she whispered.

"A...uh, old naval battle. On the ocean," Merton said. "It was the first big naval battle after nearly a century of technological development. It was a total disaster for both sides - shit broke, things didn't work as expected. Fuck, the British admiral was using signal flags to communicate in an era with radio, at ranges of miles."

Relix hissed. "Well, I hope you all do better than that."

Brash swallowed Merton whole. A moment later, Merton shook himself as he connected to Brash's systems. During the weeks of prep, someone had fed Brash a half ton of metal and a few chunks of weapons grade plutonium, refilling his weapon stocks. Merton felt a cold, icy ball in the pit of his stomach.

"Beam us up," he said - and the teleporter flashed. He, Relix and Speccy arrived on the bridge.

"Open hailing frequencies," Relix said.


Gimtesh Thresh let out a theatrics whimper of pain as the forward screen flickered on. There was Relix Castrovel. She looked terrifyingly official, dressed in a charcoal black suit that was as severe as it was unadorned. The sheer lack of adornments and gold and jewelry should have made her look impoverished and poor. But she wore it with such grim determination that poverty became total and absolute determination. Beside her stood her husband. Merton. Miles. He was dressed in a B-suit, which made him look like an utterly lethal black dragon.

"You have one hour to surrender unconditionally," Relix Castrovel said. "And face a trial for crimes against sentients by the United Nations."

Emperor Xosh made as if he looked behind himself, then forward again, like he was checking something. He spread his arms wide, laughing boisterously. "Oh, Mrs. Merton..." He said, his voice as jeering as a crow's. "I believe you have mistaken the position that you are in. You believe you are the new ruler of the Five Talon Empire and that I am a rebel household. But you are speaking to Emperor Xosh of the first dynasty of the Chromatic Dominion with three fully armed and operational Warspheres and a full battle fleet. Even discounting the spheres, we outnumber you..."

He stepped forward, tail lashing.

"Surrender now...and I'll merely crucify you and not glass that pathetic marble you've decided to hide on."

Relix chuckled.

Her eyes flashed.

"I hoped you'd say that."

She snapped her fingers.

A sudden blare of alarms and klaxons came from the sensor consoles and scrying pool.

A kobold sensor officer jerked so hard that his shako hat fell off and clattered to the deck. He tapped at controls then screamed out in his piping voice: "Detecting launches from the surface of the planet! T-Thousands of them!" He looked back over his shoulder.

"Humans are mage-blind monkeys!" Admiral Thresh snarled. "What could they be launching?"

Xosh stomped forward.

And then he laughed. And laughed loud.

"Spelljammers!?" he laughed. "You...you are launching Spelljammers?" He thrust his clawed finger at the screen, grinning broadly. "Launch a million wooden hulled, paper sailed, cannon strapped galleons into space, and I'd slaughter them with a single needleship. You think I will tremble at whatever patheti...c...navy..."

Relix was grinning.

And in the background of her bridge - which had been modified to have large window displays - Emperor Xosh could see the ships rising out of the clouds. They shed waters in vast, sheeting curtains, and blazed in the sunlight shooting through the pale blue atmosphere of their world. Each one, suspended in a bubble of magically generated atmosphere, pushed forward not with sails...but with vast, mile devouring propellers, each one large enough to grind a needleship up and not even notice. Twenty of them were easily the same size as his largest battleship - broad, flat topped ships, covered with tiny fighter craft. Dozens more were peppered with cannon that matched any railgun on his fleet. Still others were deadly looking tubes that set off every radiological alarm on the deck.

"How many nukes do they have?" Admiral Thresh whispered.

"F-Fifteen...thousand," the kobold sensor officer breathed.

Princess Relix smirked.

Emperor Xosh snarled. "Damn the nukes. Full speed ahead."


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RazzakelRazzakelalmost 4 years ago

Not gonna lie I'm pissed and very disappointed. I was so looking forward to Merton finally having sex with Speccy but then you had to have brash join in. One of the things I hate the most is when the MC of a harem story lets other men fuck his women that just ruins it for me so much.

Other than that love the story!

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltabout 6 years agoAuthor

They'll be in the sequel!

OblimoOblimoabout 6 years ago

You are gloriously insane.

After gleefully ticking off references, I have but one question: where are the menacing gazebos and that mightiest of artifacts, the Head of Vecna?

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor

If you read again, you will note...

He totally is tweeting :)

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 6 years ago
Politics was funny

Only missing was the twitter

silmarillisilmarilliover 6 years ago
Keep it political!

Love the chapter and keep your political perspective. We’re shaped by our politics and that should be reflected in art 😊 as one of my favourite theorists said “the personal is international”.

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
All art is political

All art - even silly smut fic - is political. Every chapter of Scales like Stars expresses several of my deeply held political beliefs. Equality is good, imperialism and slavery is bad, trans people deserve to exist and express themselves however they want, sex is good and should be had as often as possible, dragons are cool.

And yes, that our current president deserves mockery and derision because of his policies and politics.

If that makes you uncomfortable or upset, I am sorry, and I hope you enjoy some of my other works!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Don't mix politics in

I may not like the current president myself, but it's very poor taste to express your political stance in your work. Ithought maybe it should be a one time thing mentioned in the last chapter, but you keep coming back to it over and over. Repeatedly mocking real work people in your fictional story over and over again makes it less about the adventure and more about your narrative, so I'm dipping out after this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Such fun

Loving it so far. Brash is amazing and that little speach by the president was hilarious.

falizurefalizureover 6 years ago

Just stumbled upon your work with your contest entry and then decided to give this a read as well and wow this is like...perfect, heavy use of references aside their is so little in this genre and you managed to capture it so well, i can not wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It's "Kuiper Belt" not "Kupiter Belt".

taco1085taco1085over 6 years ago

what a great read, thanks for this chapter.... cant wait for more to read and enjoy

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Loving it

Good read so far. Keep up the good work. Also one last note. “A nuke for a nuke and the world shall now to me” - a strange man in a dream of mine.

-Sol Ulyus

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for Reading!

Sorry for the delay in this story! I thought I submitted it on Monday, but it turns out I...didn't! I am a very dumb dragon >/>

This story is brought to you by the following harem members (and patreon supporters)

Jeter Latenight, Joe Johnson, Dasm, Masterhobbes, Pancor, Ashed Disavowed, CJ (and only CJ), Lon'Tavion Scott, Chris and B.C. McGuire!

If you enjoyed my work, check out my Purgatory War novellas, available on Amazon right now.

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Get in on the ground floor of the upcoming Worldshard trilogy by checking out the first book, Cadet!

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And if you want to see more stories, please consider my Patreon! If you subscribe, you get to vote on upcoming stories and can get free access to my self published works.

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Finally, if you want to ask me any question about this story or others, feel free to ask me anything on Tumblr: />

Thanks for Reading!

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