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Wes' private pictures of Mila exposed to strangers...
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Mila had gone to work while Wes busied himself on his computer at the dining room table. For some reason, he always waited until Mila was gone before he started transferring the videos and pictures from his phone or video camera. Partly because he knew they would embarrass her - the things she did in the heat of the moment always did afterwards - and partly because he often wanted to watch them alone and enjoy certain specific parts again and again. He didn't have time to fool around this morning, though. Some engineers were going to be stopping by the house to do a final inspection and to take some measurements in order to remove some load-bearing walls. He was simply removing the files from his phone and video camera so no one else might accidentally see them, but he so desperately wanted to open them and review his camera work.

Their dog, Chip, was waiting impatiently at Wes' side. If the dog wasn't resting his paw on Wes' leg, he was whimpering softly and trying to look straight into his eyes. Chip hadn't gotten his usual morning walk and was both confused and anxious about it. He was a big dog and without hours of daily exercise, he would quickly lose his cool.

"I know, I know, bud," said Wes. "We'll go any minute."

Chip whimpered again, but quickly skittered across the floor when the doorbell rang. Wes did his best to control the over-excited dog while also opening the door to Tom and Sam. They both loved dogs and assured Wes that it was fine. When released, Chip wagged hard into the familiar visitors legs and accepted their pats.

Tom and Sam wore matching outfits: khaki pants, steel-toed boots that looked like they'd never seen a construction site, and blue soft-shell jackets with their company's logo embroidered on the breast. They both had leather-bound clipboards with calculators built into them. Tom was slightly older, maybe forty, but looked much younger, while Sam looked like he was only just straight out of school. Between the two of them, it almost felt hard to trust that they knew what they were doing, but it was their third visit and Wes and Mila felt pretty confident.

"How's it going today?" said Tom, extending his slobbery hand to Wes.

"Good, good," said Wes, shaking it. "Can I get you some coffee or something?"

"No, no. We're all good," said Tom.

Sam simply nodded. He looked like the most honest person you could meet. He was tall and broad-shouldered, but had an innocent, boyish face. His hair and beard were always in the same state of scruffy, while Tom was always more clean-cut. Tom looked like he might be a dad, a dad that got up early every weekend morning to go for a long run. He was trim and square and a bit serious, but smiled easily and cracked jokes every chance he got. After their first visit a few weeks prior, Mila had plopped down on the couch afterwards and said, "Phew, those two could bear my load any day. Yes, please."

Wes led them into the dining room. Chip followed at his heels and nudged at his crotch to remind him that he was overdue.

"Looks like he's ready for a walk," said Tom.

"He missed his morning walk this morning, so he's raring to go," said Wes.

"I'd love to take him for a walk," said Sam.

"I'd love to let you," said Wes.

"But we've got work to do here," said Tom. "We shouldn't be too long. We just have to take some measurements and layouts. Maybe an hour."

"Do you need me to stick around?" asked Wes.

"No, of course not. We know how to let ourselves out," said Tom.

"If you go out the back door, you can simply hit the lock button on the door's keypad when you leave," said Wes.

"Perfect," said Tom.

With that settled and out of the way, Sam was already opening up his clipboard and looking around. With one final nudge of the crotch, Wes walked Chip to the back entryway to collect the leash and treats. On his way out the door, he called to the two of them, "Let me know if you need anything. I won't be far and I'll have my phone."

"Will do!"


It wasn't long into the walk that Wes realized he hadn't shut down his computer. He thought of turning back, but then he realized that he wasn't worried about Tom and Sam rifling through his stuff. They seemed like the most trustworthy people you could imagine. Besides, he thought, the computer logs me off after a few minutes of inactivity anyway. He had put it out of his mind and had begun enjoying his time with Chip by the time he got to the local park.

When he returned home, he walked in and fed the dog before turning to the kitchen for some lunch. He made himself some soup and a sandwich and decided to sit down to some real work. His boss had agreed to let him work from home for the day, so he thought he should probably answer a few emails and get some things in order.

As he walked back into the dining room to his computer, he nearly dropped his dishes onto the floor. There on his computer was a full-screen picture of Mila. Not a picture from one of their vacations, not a picture of Mila in the garden, not a picture of her camping with friends. No, it was a topless picture of Mila sitting on top of him. Though the angle of the picture didn't show it, he knew it was a picture of her riding him. Her arms were extended down to his chest, pressing her round tits together. She was smiling right into the camera. Her hair was down, messy about her freckled shoulders, almost orange in the natural light coming from the window behind her.

Wes froze. The picture changed. Now he was looking at a picture of her sucking his cock. She had one hand around the long shaft, holding it up as if she was going to suck on his balls. Her lips were wet and pursed, a thin string of precum leading from her tongue to the head of his dick. With her eyes closed, she looked like she was enjoying it thoroughly.

By the time he reached the chair and sat down, the picture had changed again. This time, Mila was on her back, a lacy black lingerie top pulled down off her shoulders to her elbows. The picture was taken from directly above where she lay, her tits propped up by the bunched material underneath. To her left side, a pair of kneeling legs, his legs. In the foreground, Wes's big hard cock dangled over her face. She was looking up past the lens, presumably into Wes' eyes. Her face was calm and serious, almost sleepy, with streaks of cum on her right cheek and around her wet mouth.

Wes grabbed the mouse quickly. The computer screen jumped back to the login page and Wes' profile picture. His stomach sank. He remembered that when his computer had recently upgraded, he was offered an option to enable a retro-style screensaver that automatically scanned his computer for photos. He checked the settings and discovered that the screensaver was set to start after ten minutes of inactivity. He figured that Tom and Sam had been gotten the full show probably about five minutes after he'd left. Wes' palms grew sweaty and his whole body tensed.

He opened the backup folder where he kept all of their dirty pictures and videos. As he scrolled through the files that were likely displayed, he was thankful that at least the screensaver was only able to show pictures not videos. Normally, the folder was closed and password-encrypted, so there was no way for the screensaver to access those files, but he'd forgotten to close it. As the initial shock wore off, he thought about Mila.

She would kill him. How could he be so irresponsible? So stupid. Wes debated whether to tell her. Of course she had the right to know. He had to tell her. But if she didn't know, what harm could come of it? Tom and Sam probably had a chuckle and watched the show for a bit, but they were professionals, they would never do anything untowards, especially while on the clock. They were good guys. Besides, the computer was locked, they couldn't access the files anyway. They were only expecting to see Tom and Sam one last time, to receive the plans and stamps, so they didn't have to see her again. And she didn't have to see them. She didn't have to know. No harm, no foul.

In the end, he decided to trust his gut. If, when he saw her after work, he felt a guilty compulsion to tell her, he would. Otherwise, it could be forgotten, a story for Tom and Sam to tell around the poker table. He turned the computer off and sat there staring at his soup as it went cold.


He was awkward with Mila when she got home. He could tell she'd had a long, hard day. He was overly attentive, following her around the house asking questions about work.

"What's with you?" she said.

"What? I can't be interested in your day?"

"Of course you can, but this isn't normal. Wait, what did you do? What did you buy? Did you buy another fucking surfboard?"

"I didn't buy anything. I didn't do anything."

"Good, because if you bought yet another goddamn surfboard, then I'm going to drive you out to the beach and leave you there. You and your 'quiver' or whatever you call it," she said with a laugh.

At that moment, Wes was overwhelmed with love for her. He couldn't stand to have her mad at him. He couldn't have her yelling and stressed, especially after a long day at work. He wanted to tell her. He knew it was the right thing to do, but every time he tried to break it to her, the pit of his stomach fell out and he lost his nerve. By the time they went to bed, he had convinced himself that it would all blow over and none would be the wiser.


It was months later, long after the renovations had been completed, that Sam emailed about a final inspection. He needed to complete one last look before he could sign off on the work. Wes' work was crazy and he knew he wouldn't be able to get another work-from-home day.

"I can take a day," said Mila. "I could use one, to be honest."

Wes thought about it and figured that so much time had passed that everything would be forgotten. He forwarded the email to Mila and let her schedule a convenient day for the inspection.

Mila had arranged for Sam to come the following week. When Wes left for work the morning Sam was scheduled to come, he felt twinges of discomfort. Mila preparing her coffee, care-free, the way she always did, allowed him to scurry out of the house without finally revealing his dirty secret.

When he returned home that evening, everything seemed normal. Mila had had a relaxing day with Chip and had arranged a healthy mix of work and fun.

"And with a visit from hot Sammy, my day was complete," she said with a grin.

"Oh was it now," said Wes.

"Oof, that man," she said. "Pretty easy on the eyes."

Wes laughed, but was somewhat uncomfortable. "He seemed ok, did he?"

"What do you mean? With the house? Yeah, I think so," she said. "Everything seemed to be in order. I can't believe it's finally done."

She looked around the newly renovated space with a big smile. "I tried to get him to stay for a little longer," she said with a sly wink. "But he seemed really nervous or something."

"Hmm, that's weird."

"Yeah, before he was kind of playful with me, but today he could barely look me in the eyes. I was worried I'd done something to piss him off. I mean, he was still a bit flirty, and I definitely caught him checking me out like before, but it was different."


"I might email him and just thank him again and maybe just see if everything's all right," she said.

"Oh, I don't think you need to do that," said Wes.

"It felt like we'd done something wrong. I just want to check. He's such a sweetheart, I don't want to think I've done something to upset him."

The weight of it all suddenly came down on Wes. It had gone too far. He should have told her months ago. He couldn't let her email Sam. He was sure Sam wouldn't say anything, but it wasn't fair to put everyone in that awkward position. Worst of all, he couldn't further embarrass poor Mila. Enough was enough.

"We need to talk," said Wes.

Mila was fiddling with something on her tablet and listening to him absent-mindedly.

"Mila," said Wes.

She looked up, sensing the urgency in his voice. He looked her in the eyes and told her what had happened. She sat quietly at first. She seemed calm, but was obviously trying to process what he was telling her.

"So, like, what did they see?" she said.

"I'm not really sure," he said.

"What do you mean, you're not sure," she said, getting more agitated.

"The screensaver shows photos randomly, so I'm not sure which photos were up on the screen."

"So, how are you sure they even saw those photos."

"I'm not totally sure, but when I came home, I saw them up on my screen, so I assume they saw the same thing I did."

"Exactly what photos are we talking about here?"

Mila was getting emotional now. Wes thought she would be angry, but she seemed to be more upset, like she was going to cry. He told her what photos he'd seen on the screen after he'd returned from walking the dog.

Holding her head in her hands, she got up and left the room. Wes wasn't sure he should follow her, so he left her alone. He made some dinner and cleaned up the kitchen, then he went to find her. She was upstairs in their room, in bed with some pillows pulled around her. She looked at him in the doorway.

"Are you ok?" he said.

She just stared at him.

"I'm so sorry, Mila. I was careless and I fucked up."

She continued to stare.

"Maybe Tom and Sam are gay and they were mostly turned on by pictures of my big dick."

Mila smiled and buried her head in the pillow.

"I don't think you have to worry," said Wes. "They're good guys. They wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"I know," she said. "I've been thinking about it. I don't think there's anything to worry about. It's just more than a little embarrassing, Wes."

He started to say something, but she interrupted, "Listen, just shut up about it. Ok? There's nothing you can say or do to make this better, so just shut up."

"I made us dinner," he said. "Lasagna. Your favourite. Well, thawed leftover lasagna. But Lasagna."

She smiled at him and crawled out of bed. He hugged her hard.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I won't let anything like that happen again."

Mila buried her face and breathed him in.

"So, do I have to delete all of the pictures?" he said.

"Well, it seems you can barely work a computer, so the question would be whether you are even capable of that," she said.


That night, as they were brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed, Mila sat on the toilet quietly.

"You ok?" said Wes through the brush in his mouth.

"I have a confession to make," she said.

Wes spit his toothpaste in the sink. "Ok," he said.

"No, you're going to think I'm a perv," she said.

Wes turned to her with an intense look.

"Well, now you have to tell me," he said.

"You can't laugh," she said, looking up at him with her doe eyes that always made him melt. "I'm kind of turned on by this whole thing,"

Wes laughed and covered his face with his hand. Mila got up and smacked him in the arm.

"You're a fucker," she said. "I'm being serious."

He rinsed and wiped his mouth, but the thought of her being turned on caused something to stir.

"I'm serious," she said. "When I was up in our room thinking about it, I knew I should've been mad, and I was initially. But when I realized that it was harmless and that I wasn't going to, like, lose my job or my reputation or whatever, then I thought about it differently."

"Differently how?" he said.

"Well, first, I started thinking about those pictures. I was imagining which ones they were and what they would've looked like. So that made me think of the actual sex we were having at the time they were taken and that kind of made me hot. Then I started to imagine Tom and Sam in our dining room watching the computer screen. I imagined them laughing and making fun of me. I imagined them telling their beer buddies about it. I felt embarrassed, but then I imagined how they would be feeling inside, like, what they weren't saying, y'know?"

"Ok, go on," he said, with a grin.

"Well, you know. I mean, how would you feel if you'd seen the pictures they saw? What if you'd seen pictures of Sammy-boy's girlfriend with cum all over her face?"

"I'd probably want to whip out my dick and jerk off right then and there," Wes said.

"Exactly," she said.

They stood there looking at each other. Wes was developing a hard-on that was becoming difficult to hide in his boxers. Mila leaned against the wall and brought one hand up to her breast and the other up to her mouth, her finger between her teeth. She furtively fondled her braless breast through her baggy sweat top. She was wearing an old pair of Wes' boxers as pyjama bottoms and they hung low on her hips, revealing her hip bone as she rested against the wall.

"So, what are you saying?" said Wes.

"I don't know," she said, trying to hide her smile. "I guess I'm pretty turned on by the idea of it."

"By what?"

"By the fact that they were both probably getting boners while watching me, even if outwardly they were having a laugh. By the fact that it probably disrupted their work. By the fact that they probably thought about it all day. That they might be laying in bed right now thinking about me. That they probably jerked off to me. That they might be jerking off right now imagining me."

Wes noticed that she was caressing her breast. His cock was fully hard now.

"Right," she said. "Clearly I'm not the only one turned on by this."

Wes walked to her. She pulled him in and they kissed heavily. He could feel how hot she was, grabbing the back of his head and pushing her tongue into his mouth. He slipped his hand into her shorts and immediately felt how wet she was. It had moistened her pubic hair and thighs. She stopped kissing him to catch her breath as he slid his fingers softly over her clit. She shook in his arms and reached down to the hem of her sweater and pulled it up and over her head.

His cock pressed against her hip, making a wet spot on his boxers and her skin. Mila could feel how hard he was and didn't want to waste any time. She didn't want any foreplay. She didn't want any oral. She wanted his cock in her pussy, immediately. Wes got the signal and yanked her shorts down easily. She had barely stepped out of them before he had grabbed her ass and pushed her over to the sink. She easily mounted it and pulled him between her legs. Wes' boxers were a little more difficult to remove. She had to pull the waistband all the way out to pull them down over his pulsating cock. Once it was free, she simply leaned back, her arms on the side of the counter to keep her balance. The faucet spun back against the wall and her back found purchase under the mirror.

Wes entered her easily. He went slowly at first, as usual, to give her a moment to adjust to him, but found it unnecessary. She was fully open, swelling around his member. He held her above the waist and fucked her until he thought he might break the cabinet. She did not last long. Within a minute or two, Wes could feel her orgasm squeezing around his cock. Mila made almost no sound, then let out one incredible groan and exhale. She began panting in an effort to catch her breath. She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at Wes with an almost angry look. That was enough to send him over.

With a few final deep thrusts, he pulled out and stepped back. She latched onto his throbbing cock and jerked his cum out all over her body. Thick ropes landed on her stomach and thighs, one hitting her heaving tits.

Mila propped her heels up onto the counter top and lay back against the wall. Wes caught his breath, his cum dripping from the head of his cock onto the floor.

"Well then," she said. "I guess we both know what this means."

"What's that?"

"You need to take more pictures."



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