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Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 23


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"Hey Beautiful," Gavin's warm, soft voice made her melt.

"Hello Sir," she smiled as she leaned back into the couch. "I'm home."

"Ok," he said softly. "I'm at the store, getting groceries."

"I could have done that," she told him.

"You were busy," he told her. "Did you learn anything?"

"Yes Sir," she nodded as her hands began to shake. She was now scared. She hadn't been scared in a long time, but she was now.

"What did you learn?" he asked her.

"I have not committed to this lifestyle," she whispered. "I have said the words, but have not fulfilled them." There was a long silence that made her hold her breath as she waited for confirmation. "Is that what you wanted me to find out?"

"Yes," he said after agonizing seconds that seemed like hours to her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "It never dawned on me!"

"I know," he said softly. "The question is, what are you prepared to do?"

"What am I prepared to do?" she smiled. She could hear the teasing in his voice, she knew, he knew she was scared, so he was bringing back a long ago conversation in the park. When she asked him the same question, only hers involved marriage.

"Yes," he laughed when she giggled.

"I have a question for you, before I decide," she said softly.

"Shoot," he said firmly, his Dom coming through the phone.

"What if I don't want to be a sub?" Alex asked softly, the fear of his answer causing her voice to shake. "Could we have a normal relationship? A vanilla one?"

There was another long silence as the tears ran down her face, she knew that the silence was a bad sign as was the deep sigh she had to endure.

"First off, you can never be vanilla!" He said firmly. "You, are so beautiful, so full of life and love, vanilla you could never be!" Her heart broke, his voice was so strong, so loving.

"In all honesty," he said softly now. His voice barely caring over the phone. "I don't know, it has been so long since I have had a vanilla relationship."

"I understand," Alex cried, she tried to keep her shaking hand over the mouthpiece as she bent at the waist as the pain of their apparent breakup riddled her body with the shakes. She was trying to keep her pain from him.

"For you?" Gavin said in her ear. "I'll try anything to keep you in my life!"

"What?" she let her tears fall now openly her voice cracking.

"I'll take you however I can get you," Gavin said to her. "Vanilla or otherwise, you bring something to my life I hadn't had in a long time!"

"What is that?" She was crying happy tears now, wiping her face repeatedly as they fell.

"A difference," he said with a soft voice. "You have made me realize, I can still make a difference, and you make me want to do just that!"

Alex cried, hard tears. Happy tears. Gavin said nothing, but he felt helpless as he stood in the middle of aisle nine at the grocery store listening to her cry. His own eyes watering, Alex wasn't the only one afraid. Gavin was in the middle of a crowded store fearing as well.

"I'll be home shortly," he said as a woman cast a wary glance at him as she made her way by him.

"No rush," Alex smiled through her tears. "I'm not going anywhere! I love you Gavin!" Again there was a long pause before he spoke.

"Don't worry, whatever our problems are, we will work them out. Together," he said softly causing her to burst into fresh tears. "See you soon."

With that he hung up the phone and Alex curled up into ball on the couch, the weight of all the pain, all of the fear, all of the regret was lifted off her soul and for the first time in weeks...she felt...happy!

Gavin stood at the door of his condo, his key in his hand. His hand shook slightly and he looked at it. Fear. Fear for his heart being broken now. He was about to break a promise he made to himself so many years ago. Not since Carla had he ever committed to something that would cause him the pain that he felt with Carla.

If he walked through this door, he would be breaking that one solemn promise to never let anyone close enough to hurt him again. He shook his head, he could turn get back on the elevator and go to Madelyn's and call and tell Alex he had a change of heart. He could only be a Dom. If she wouldn't submit fully, she should leave. Then again, he smiled at the door, maybe Alex already knew, she could already be gone. Gavin shook his head. Not Alex, not his Alexandria. She walked into this life fearlessly, she would not back away. He would follow her

Opening the door, he expected her to be on the couch, but she wasn't. He set the groceries on the table.

"Alex?" he called out. He received no response, so he checked his phone to see if she texted him and he didn't hear it. Nothing. "Alexandria!" He called out again. Still nothing.

He walked to the bedroom, maybe she was in the shower. He found the bedroom doors closed. He took the handles and twisted but didn't push them open. He forced a deep breath into his lung before pushing on the doors. What was he going to do if she wasn't here? What was he going to do if she decided that she couldn't be with him with the knowledge of his desire of being a Dom?

Opening the doors, his eyes fell upon her. She was naked in the submissive position. Her hands outstretched, in her open palms was the flogger.

Gavin smiled and came to her, he sat down on the bed but said nothing. She didn't move.

"I submit to you, Sir," she said with her head down. "I belong to you, for your pleasure, for your companionship...for your needs."

"I submit to you, fully, completely," Alex continued. "What would please you my Master?"

"First off," Gavin smiled as he stroked her soft hair. "What is with the flogger?"

"I have been very naughty," Alex explained. "I have disobeyed, I have argued, I have displeased you, I have disobeyed your desires. I await my consequences, and your guidance."

Gavin said nothing, he just looked upon her. She could feel his eyes on her but she didn't move. It took a lot of willpower not to look over at him. Gavin softly reached out and took the flogger from her.

"Assume the position," he said softly.

She immediately obeyed and took a stand at the foot of the bed next to him. She put her palms down on the mattress and spread her legs to give herself a firm base. In her mind she wondered just how many strikes he would give her. She tried to do the math in her head but she couldn't even think of how many times she argued, or how many times she went against his rules, or how many times she flat out disobeyed him!

She figured twenty per incident but that would put her in the hundreds! He got up and moved behind her, he then gently stroked her backside with his fingers causing her to fluster in her thinking. His gentle touch got her thinking other thoughts.

"Count them out," he said firmly.

"Yes Sir," she whispered.

She wanted to ask how many he would give her, she knew he wouldn't give them all tonight as her body wouldn't be able to handle the number. Her legs began to shake and his hand stopped moving on her backside when he felt her tremble.

"Are you afraid?" he asked her.

"No, Sir," she said in a whisper. "Angry at myself for disappointing you!"

"We begin," he warned her.

She heard the strike on his hand first, to measure the proper power he wanted. So controlled, it made her think of Kelly and the girls, on what a good Dom was, one with great self-control. Gavin had that, he was displaying it right now.

The strike caused her to flinch as she was thinking about something other than her impending punishment.

"One," she remembered. She felt his hand back on her backside. The flogger was placed on the bed. Perhaps he wanted to use his hand.

"Stand," he ordered her. She did so and waited. "Turn to me." She obeyed.

"You have pleased me a great deal tonight, your actions were perfect," he smiled. "I think no further punishment is necessary."

"Yes Sir," she smiled. "Whatever you wish."

"Some things to clarify," he said coming to her closely and putting his hand to her face. "One, do not ever call me Master. Some prefer it, I do not. Nor are you to address me in that fashion to anyone you talk to."

"Yes Sir," she smiled. She knew he wouldn't like it, but she wanted to go all the way.

"Two," he continued. "We need to communicate more clearly, both of us."

"Yes Sir," she smiled as she nodded.

"So let me communicate very clearly to you, so that there is no debate," he said putting his lips close to hers. "I love you."

Gavin took her breath away with his kiss, it was powerful, it was generous, it was loving. It was all that Gavin embodied. When he pulled his lips off and she let her eyes flutter open.

"Thank you, Sir," she gasped breathlessly.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Absolutely Perfect

Perfect chapter. All of it from the meeting with the Subs great, fantastic explanations of the lifestyle. Clearly their relationship was in a hiatus not quite vanilla and not quite D/s. Fair enough he wasn’t on form either, from the health problem to the car neither followed their obligations to make sure that she was healthy and in a reliable car in a dangerous area would put his mind at rest, if she was responsible she’d had conceded to his wishes thereby ensuring he didn’t need to worry etc etc. Just the same as it should be in a marriage communication, discussion, compromise. Not saying who should compromise because it varies on case by case basis.

What I would hope should happen next is Alex tells him about Elizabeth by explaining she was asked to keep a secret but... As anyone should know couples (wether D/s or not) shouldn’t keep secrets from each other. Maybe Alex is too naive to release that Beth is an addict (appearance + erratic behaviour) in an abusive relationship (ie him demeaning her intelligence, the job situation etc).

Fingers crossed Royce gets what he truly deserves which IMHO is prison and a bad ass cell mate but unfortunately scum tends to rise to the top.

Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenover 8 years ago

Perfectly Lovely~!

Scarlet615Scarlet615over 8 years ago
Best chapter so far

I like the way each one of them bends towards the other. Brilliant and funny the lesson the three subs gave to Alex about the essence of being a submissive. I like the way she goes and ask for help hoping to find answers and on the other side Gavin is willing to adapt to her. Inspiring. Thank you

JudyLeeJudyLeeabout 9 years ago

Alex learned a lot this time. It is commendable that she is willing to try to be submissive. Gavin has realized that he loves her. I look forward to the next step in the relationship. You are very good at surprising me.

JRackhamJRackhamabout 9 years ago

Ah I'm glad that Elizabeth has made a return to the narrative and the dramatic irony of her drug usage is fantastically addicting oh and Alexandria is acting like a sub now how delicious. And I know it's a couple chapters late but I'm so glad that there was a note on her lack of thanking her mother. It just makes me happy to know that he wonderful author does pay attention to all the little people. Oh and a final note, go Blackhawks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

First off I love the self promotion! Very smart advertising for your published work for those of us who just can't get enough. I like everyone else hope that the writing schedule stays quick and consistent but not if it comes at the cost of quality writing. Thanks for the amazing literature.

gentleoneexplorergentleoneexplorerabout 9 years ago
I Didn't Read About Abuse

There is feedback from an anonymous that says I love you nothing like abuse or something to that affect. This story has very little abuse in it and what it does have pertains mostly to the lifestyle. I would agree that for a short time in this story there may have been some emotional distress caused but it was caused by both of the main characters. There was no abuse in this story. I don't think we read the same story. Keep the story coming as it has been developing into something more than great and leaving one waiting for the next portion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great, but...

Loved it. One of my favorites ever, but one minor nit.

The medicine may be vile, but it comes in a vial.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Incredible story. You are very talented!! You should think of turning this into a book. Sell way more copies than that fucking 50 shades bull. Love the story and how it shows a true BDSM lifestyle.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
words are inadequate

I have a handful for fav stories on this site and this quickly became one of them. If only Gavin's really did exist.

wow loved the character development, story line and the bonus were the hot scences. I loathe this story coming to an end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
What a chapter

Wow! You my friend have a gift. I must say, the wait was my last favorite part, but it was worth it after reading this. Keep em coming

partwolfpartwolfabout 9 years ago
Great story

I love the character development, in earlier chapters it seemed so easy so this is realism.

oneoflifesjewelsoneoflifesjewelsabout 9 years ago
Oh shit- Oh fuck- Oh WOW!

Onward and upward! (Huge smiles and tears!)

kitten_in_heatkitten_in_heatabout 9 years ago
Oh shit

I practically squealed at the part where he finally tells her that he loves her. That was perfect. The development in the chapter was well done and proved to be exactly what the story needed. Can't wait to read what happens next!

SunndannceSunndannceabout 9 years ago

Enjoyed this chapter much more than the last - seems to have found a great balance. Great character and relationship development - I can see this opens the door for a lot more, quite nicely.

good job.

CJTCJTabout 9 years agoAuthor
Reply for annynomous about Switch

I agree it will be a conundrum, but keep in mind that this is Alex committing to be a true submissive. Gavin has told her he wants her to be who she is. Gavin will guide her into being both, as any good Dom would. I already have that chapter written in my head, or at least planned in my head, that the switch returns. It will be a delicate balance I assure you. Thanks for taking the time to post, all of you, I do read all these feedbacks! Even the ones from the poster who still believes that this lifestyle has anything to do with abuse. It does not! Anyone in the lifestyle knows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Very much like the sub discussion. It further established the view of D/s this story takes. My concern is the difference between submissive and switch. You have made it a point numerous times to declare her to be a switch. Now the emphasis is on being a true submissive. Now, as a switch, she can be fully submissive to her chosen Dom, yet how will you handle her dominant side?

silent_submissive114silent_submissive114about 9 years ago

Keeps getting better and better, lovin this series. I eagerly await the next part :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Yep. Nothing says I love you like a little abuse.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Really enjoying the series

What another great chapter, thank you so much for sharing! Greatly looking forward to how your story develops

MsRoseEvansMsRoseEvansabout 9 years ago

But well worth the wait - I'm sure I'm not the only reader checking a few times each night for the next instalment. Don't feel pressured to make it all sex sex sex, in this type of story without the background it just becomes cheap. Great chapter, now back to checking for the next instalment ... ;)

mftz1mftz1about 9 years ago

Brilliant chapter. Loved it. Thank you.

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