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Serving Time and Black Men in Jail Pt. 02

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Visit to the doctor and proposals... part 2.
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Part 2 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/02/2024
Created 09/29/2024
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When I woke up the next morning, my arse felt a bit sore from the fucking I had had last night. A guard came and took me to the medical bay. The doctor was tall and blond and very attractive.

"So boy, my guard Van de Merwe tells me you where assaulted last night, he also said you seemed to enjoy it," "Yes Sir," I replied quietly, I was embarrassed.

He pointed to a kneeling pad, with a sort of small padded table next to it.

"Shorts off, kneel down and bend over the table, hold on to the arm rests." He ordered. I did as he ordered, a bit worried that I was so vulnerable in such a prone position.

"I'm going to do 2 examinations, the first is to see if you have any injuries, I will use a speculum to open you up and look inside, then the treatment which will consist of injecting some soothing lotion into your rectum. If the injuries are slight, I will then fuck you to determine your anal abilities and to see if you are fit for the program."

I was very worried by this after only recently being introduced to gay sex.

"I am doing a thesis on internal male orgasm, and HIV monitoring," He said.

I heard the snap of latex gloves, now getting to be a familiar sound, then I felt a lubricated finger probing and lubricating up my hole. I tried to remain still, but was shaking. He finger fucked me a good 10 minutes while adding 1 then 2 and finally 3 fingers deep inside me.

With his middle finger he started making a come here gesture inside me which was incredibly exciting, making me start to ooze precum.

"OK speculum going in, and I will now spread you open."

The feeling felt strange especially as he expanded the instrument...

"Relax boy, you had 2 big black cocks in you last night, and perhaps more than once, but I can see you where an anal virgin until last night."

"OK, there is a small tear to your anus, rectum is fine, and lower part of the colon is a bit red, quite normal for the fucking that you took, they must have been gentle with you."

He slowly removed the speculum and I had an empty feeling.

"You will recover in a day or 2, then we can start on your full training."

"Sorry doctor what do you mean?"

"Simple, you are to be trained as a fuck boy, trained to service the black inmates, it will be good for their morale and keep this place safer from aggression, you will have many cocks in you during your time here, which is not determined yet, however if you cooperate, it will go on your record and you may be released sooner."

"As I told you, I am doing a theses and a study on HIV, some of the inmates have proven clear and the rest are still being tested. the ones who are clear will fuck you bare back, the others will wear a rubber."

"You can expect to be fucked easily 30 times a day, that's one every half an hour for 15 hours, with rests and some sleep in between."

"But doctor, why me?" I asked in tears.

"you are the only white boy here, therefor a novelty, the other 2 from last night where raving about you and your smooth and milky white arse, and how tight you where, I am about to test that, get up on the examination table, put your legs in the stirrups."

I obeyed, what choice did I have...

"Ok, I'm going to pump some soothing lotion into you, then I will start to fuck you, I will do it bare back as I am clean, also the cum will act as an ointment too, which will be kept inside you for 6 hours, held in with a butt plug, once I get to your prostate and am fully in, I want you to squeeze my cock with you anal muscles."

He undressed between my legs and strapped them to the stirrups, and widened my legs.

He then injected the lotion with some sort of pump, then proceeded slowly to enter me. He had a huge cock with a mushroom head. He was quite gentle with me which I was grateful for.

As he slipped in further the sensations where incredible, which got a slow moan out of me.

"Feel good boy?" "mmm yes you are very tight, even after last nights fucking you received, now when I tell you to squeeze, concentrate on those arse muscles."

He was now fully inside me...

"Now squeeze boy!, learn how to please a real man and you will do well here." He encouraged me.

I tried a few times, and slowly got the hang of it, we built up a good rhythm, I also began to understand what it felt to have your prostate pounded, we where fucking over an hour, and suddenly on my last contraction, I shot a huge load!, I hadn't even touched my self, and he was not stimulating my cut cock.

"Who said you could cum boy?", "you have no control, I will solve this and next time you will be wearing a chastity device, a cock ring that prevents ejaculation, that will cure you."

With that he started pounding me faster, and faster. after 20 minutes of hard pounding I felt him shoot a huge load into me, I tried to squeeze him but couldn't...

"Ok boy I'm now going to plug you to keep all that inside you, I'm going to need an assistant next time and you need a lot of training".

I felt the plug slip in, he then undid the straps on my legs and I slowly got up and was led back to my cell.....

To be continued.

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phtann3phtann34 months ago

omg, more, I LOVE IT, wish it was me

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I want to be the next white male incarcerated in this all black jail:-)

Jay7904Jay79045 months ago

Gets better as the story goes on. Such a turn on.

louisebicdlouisebicd5 months ago

lucky boy.......sounds like fun

Xmale06Xmale065 months ago

Another fantastic chapter! Thanks man and keep on this excellent story, I can't wait to read your next installment...

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