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Sex Academy Ch. 02

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Blake and Ibe fuck and it changes everything for everyone.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/25/2024
Created 05/11/2024
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Everything around the lake was suddenly quiet. Ibe's cock felt heavy, and it was throbbing uncontrollably in my hand. His breathing was heavy behind me. I slowly moved my hand up the length of his shaft in a stroking motion. He inhaled the night air.

He put his chin on my shoulder and kissed my neck. His lips felt cool and soft. They turned me on just by being on my body. I placed the head of his penis against my tiny hole. I pushed back on his cock, and my anus gave away. Ibe's girthy cock slid inside of me. I let out a low growl. He moaned behind me.

"Oh, you're so tight. Oh my God," Ibe moaned.

More of his cock slowly sunk into my depths. My walls expanded around his member. With each breath he took, more of his cock sunk into me. After a few minutes, I had all of him in me. He slowly withdrew his dick and then pushed it back in. He moved slowly in and out of me.

Each time his cock pushed in, I took a deep breath. My body began to relax in the water, and I let him pump his cock in and out of me. Our bodies splashed in the lake. He sucked my neck, and he picked up his pace. We were five minutes into a nice fuck when his cock swelled. Then he bit me as he let out a fountain of cum deep in my ass.

It was over as quickly as it had begun. For a moment, Ibe held me. His arms wrapped around my waist as he tried to catch his breath. He sounded as if he had just run a 5k marathon.

Reassuringly, I said, "It's okay. It happens sometimes."

There was a quick shift in his body language. He withdrew his cock, pulled my hand, and led us back to the dry land.

"You okay," I asked.

"Don't ever tell anyone about this," he said as he got dressed and never looked back at me.

I should have known a guy as gorgeous as Ibe would be a fuck boy. It wasn't my fault he was a minute man. I decided to keep quiet and not bruise his ego.

We finally collected ourselves and went our separate ways without saying another word. It was the most awkward experience of my life. I snuck back to my dorm room and was finally able to sleep.

The school cafeteria was packed with students. Everyone was trying to get that breakfast meal in. I wasn't feeling hungry at all. I spotted Drake and Angel and went over to sit with them.

In the center of the cafeteria were the "Its." As I passed them, Ibe and I shared a brief exchange. He looked like his mind was so far away. Jett, however, was giving me an evil eye. I sat at the table, and Drake gave me a strange look.

"You look like hell," he said.

"Morning to you as well," I laughed.

"Did you sleep at all last night," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckled, "Not really. I'm still on central time."

Angel said, "You should take something to help you sleep."

"Agreed. Where's Simon," Drake asked as he looked around the cafeteria.

I replied, "No clue. He was gone when I got up this morning."

Before I could say anything else, someone poured milk all over my head. The cafeteria grew quiet. No one made a move or a sound. I quickly jumped to my feet and turned around.

"What the fuck, dude," I yelled.

Jett stood there with a devious smile. He was with Phantom and Alex. They were dressed almost alike, each in a different variation of white. They looked like they were hoping I would fight back.

"What's your problem, dude," I asked with my fist balled.

"Sorry. It just slipped," Jett said.

I could hear the dishonesty in his voice. I knew he was lying.

"You're lying," I said.

"Prove it. It'll be my word against yours." He was an arrogant fucker.

They turned and began to walk away. I grabbed Drake's orange juice and slung it. It splattered across the back of Jett's white shirt. He quickly stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"What did you do," he demanded to know.

"Orange juice," Alex said as he examined Jett's shirt.

"You're fucking dead, dude," Jett said as his nose flared.

I smirked, "Can you prove it was me?"

"Watch your back first year." Phantom had the most resounding voice out of all of them. He stepped forward and looked me up and down. He moved closer to me and then leaned in and whispered, "Now I see why Ibe had to get in your ass. You're hot when you're being brave and shit. I can't wait to have my turn in that pussy."

I'd be lying if I said he didn't slightly turn me with his bluntness. I had to remind myself that I was standing in a room full of my peers and didn't need anyone seeing Blake Jr at full attention.

Jett loudly cleared his throat. "Listen up, all you fairies. These three are cut off from social engagements. They are at the basement of the social ladder. You will join them in banishment if you're caught mingling with these losers."

I looked around and spotted Ibe exiting the building. He left and let these idiots call the shots. That upset me even more than Jett pouring milk on me.

"Are you serious, dude," I asked.

He smiled, "Welcome to Sex Academy."

The three of them left, and I sat back down at the table. Everyone watched us in silence. They knew that Jett meant business.

"How the fuck did you manage to piss them off on day two of being here," Drake asked.

"Fuck them," I shouted.

"Dude, are you crazy? They run the school. This is about to be the longest and most miserable year of our lives. Drake and I didn't even do shit," Angel said with a deep frustrated tone.

"Fix this, Blake. Now," Drake yelled at me.

"I'm still not sure what I did. They fucked with me first," I exclaimed.

"Right, and for once, Blake, you couldn't just swallow your pride. You always do some shit, and it affects me in the process." Drake was distraught, and I knew why, but it truly wasn't my fault that Ibe got in his feelings for busting a nut quicker than a virgin.

I sighed, "Dude, nobody disrespects me."

Drake shook his head, "It's not always just about you, Blake."

I quickly got up from the table and went in search of the one person I knew who could possibly help me. I had to find Ibe again. He needed to call off his hound dogs.


I knew Blake was lying to me. He could lie to everyone but me, too. I knew him too well. I wasn't going to call him out on it, though. When he was ready, he would tell me. That was how things had always been between us. Blake was the popular one back home, and I was just his sidekick. He was Batman, and I was Robin.

As I made my way across the campus, I couldn't help but admire all the men walking around. I still couldn't believe I had gotten accepted into the program. If I'm being honest, I had secretly hoped that Blake wouldn't get in.

I had lived my life in his shadow forever. I came out as gay early on, and then Blake suddenly was gay. I liked the youth pastor, and Blake got caught getting fucked by him. I got accepted into Sexton, and suddenly Blake applied, and he called every damn day, hoping for a spot to open up. Blake is my best friend, but he is also the bane of my queerness.

Word had spread fast. Every guy I smiled at turned away quickly. The school's student Instagram account had already posted about it. The experience was starting to turn into a nightmare.

Jett, Alex, and Phantom were sitting under the big oak tree. I stormed right up to them. I wasn't about to take this punishment lying down.

"You need to tell me right now how to get this banishment lifted. I didn't do anything wrong. It's just my second day," I said.

They all stared at me momentarily like I was mad or something. Then they started to laugh.

Alex said, "You picked the wrong friend. Now piss off."

"Girl, I'm not pissing anywhere. Tell me what to do. I want this fixed," I yelled.

Jett smirked, "Fuck off!"

Alex pushed me, and I stumbled backward. I hoped Blake was having better luck than me. These three bitches weren't changing their minds.


I searched everywhere for Ibe. It was like he had just disappeared. I was near the edge of campus when I heard someone being mocked. I followed the faint sounds, and they grew louder the closer I got.

"Look at him. He's the size of a whale's ass," Is that why they call you Chester the Whale," some guy with an English accent said.

There he was, some poor dude surrounded by four guys. They were mocking him and calling him names. He looked almost terrified. He was on the heavy side, and his face was round. He had red hair and whore glasses. I was popular back in my hometown, but I was never a bully. I walked over to them. They all stopped, and everyone stared at me.

"Hey, guys. I'm Blake. I like long walks in the park and big, long dicks and bubble butts. What about you guys? Anyone gonna tell me their name," I asked as I extended my hand out and stood next to Chester.

They all looked around in bewilderment. No one dared to say anything. I was banished, and anyone who spoke to me would also be banished. I turned to Chester.

"What's your name," I asked.

"Chester the Whale," he said with such defeat as he looked at the ground.

"Who gave you that lame ass name? You're now called Chester the fuckin' mighty." I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder.

The guys that were bothering him slowly walked away.

"You can't let people fuck with you like that," I told him.

"I'm not strong, and I'm used to it," he said.

"Well, how about this? Let's get you strong and get them used to respecting you," I said.

He smiled, "Why are you being nice to me? I'm nobody."

"We're all nobody until we realize we're somebody. You just have to find who Chester the fuckin' mighty is. Now tell me who you are."

"I'm Chester," he said softly.

"I can't hear you. Say it louder," I said.

"I'm Chester," he said a little louder.

"Chester, who?"

"The fuckin' mighty," he said.

"Say that shit with your chest," I said.

"I'm Chester the fuckin' mighty," he said, strong and proud.

"Damn right. I'm Blake, mutha fuckin' Ivey. Consider me your new friend."

I spent the rest of the day walking around with Chester and getting to know him. He didn't have any friends. It was his second year at the school. Once he let his guard down, I saw that he was funny and intelligent. He just wanted to be accepted. Listening to him helped me understand why Drake and Angel felt how they felt. They just wanted to be accepted as well. That night, I snuck out once again. I made my way back to the lake.

I didn't see Ibe but saw his clothes scattered about. I quickly picked them up and hid with them. As soon as I was out of sight, Ibe emerged from the water. His body was dripping wet. I watched as his thick cock moved from side to side as he walked.

He quickly realized his clothes were missing. He looked around for a moment. It didn't take long for him to figure out it was me.

"I want my clothes right now, Blake," he called out.

I came out from hiding. He stared blankly at me. The only sound was crickets chirping in the distance.

"Where are my clothes," he asked.

"Why are your friends messing with my life," I asked.

"They were looking out for me. They may have taken things too far," he said.

"Too far. They banished my friends. Lift the banishment off, my friends, and we'll call it even. Please."

"My clothes," he said as he held his hand out.

I tossed the clothes over to him. Even then, when I wanted to argue, he was so damn hot. I wanted to tackle him and fuck him into the middle of next week.

"I don't understand what I did wrong. If you didn't want to have sex, you could have said no," I said.

"I wanted it. I've been the pretty guy who always got his way my whole life. I came here, and everyone bowed before me. It was a turn-off. Then I met you at the lake, and you were bold and different. For the first time, I was turned on, and I wanted it. I had never wanted it before. It was my first time, and the guy said I wasn't good," he yelled.

Shocked, I said, "Your first time? Dude, I never said it was bad. I didn't know you were a virgin. Most guys feel like shit when they cum too soon. I was being nice. I liked it. I wanted to keep going. You could have just said that to me."

He smiled and brushed his hair out of his face, "You liked it? You wanted to keep going?"

I pulled my shirt off and dropped my pants and underwear. I slowly moved toward Ibe. He moved toward me, and we met somewhere in the middle. He was so beautiful there was no way I wouldn't want him again.

Our lips met. Slowly, we kissed, and Ibe's lips parted, and my tongue slid into his mouth. My hand ran down his chest and stomach and across the shaft of his penis. It started to grow as I continued to rub it with the palm of my hand.

"Oh fuck," he moaned softly.

I dropped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth. I sucked on the head, and his knees buckled. He pulled it out of my mouth.

"I almost came. I'm not ready to cum," he said.

I stood up, and he pulled me close. He kissed me again. This time, he ran his hands down my backside and onto my glutes. He spread my cheeks and touched my tight hole with his finger. I sucked his neck and then his nipples.

I once again found myself on my knees, face to face with his throbbing member. I put it back into my mouth. He moaned gently as I took his cock deep into my mouth. His member leaked precum down my throat. I stroked him and sucked him at the same time.

He moved his body. His dick fucked my mouth. The only thing visible was his dark bush of pubes. I licked the side of his shaft and then sucked his balls. His cock throbbed in my mouth, and then he growled and released a volley of cum down my throat.

He had nothing to worry about, though. His cock was still fully erect and begging for more. I kept sucking him. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled them apart. The tip of his middle finger slowly slid inside my anus. His finger tapped my spot, and I swallowed more of his hard cock. I knocked his finger away.

"Did I do something wrong," he asked.

"No. I want your tongue more than your finger," I said.

He smiled at me with lustful eyes. I planted my hands on the tree and pushed my ass out. He got on his knees and kneaded my cheeks like dough needing to be prepared. He spread me, and his tongue found my hole. He licked it and then pushed his tongue inside of me.

"Oh shit. Eat me. Eat me, Ibe," I moaned.

He smacked my cheeks and drove his tongue deeper inside of me. Then he pulled it out and licked me from my taint right up to my tailbone. He sucked my pretty hole into his mouth and munched on it like a grand meal.

"It tastes so good, Blake," he moaned from in my ass.

His thick hand found itself wrapped around my erect penis. He stroked me as he feasted on my ass. His tongue twirled around inside my hole. His tongue was opening my ass nicely. I could tell he was loving eating me out. My cock was leaking all over the place.

I looked over my shoulder, "Fuck me, Ibe."

He sat on the ground, and I lowered my ass down on his cock. His cock spread my hole open. I took every inch of him. I moved my hips in a circular motion and then began to bounce up and down on him. As I rode him, I stroked my thick cock.

"Fuck. It feels so good," he cried out.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I bounced harder and harder on his fat cock. He gripped my cheeks and spread them. My walls tightened on his member, and he thrust up into me hard, deep, and fast. My cheeks clapped with each bounce.

"Fuck me deeper," I groaned.

He put me on my back and drove his cock into my warm passage. His dick went deeper into me. I could feel every ridge of his cock brushing my insides. He spread my legs wider and drove harder into my anus. We kissed as he continued to fuck me.

His cock pounded me. He spat on my dick and stroked me as he drove his cock into my dark depths. He had me on the verge of a climax. I slapped his hand away. It must have turned him on because he flipped me on my hands and knees and pushed his thick cock back inside of me.

He drove it deep and hard inside of me. He was tapping new places in my anus. My dick swung back and forth. My erection became painful. My ass was stimulated in the best way possible. I stroked my cock as his heavy balls assaulted my taint.

My toes tingled, and my body dripped with sweat. He plowed me deep, and suddenly, my cock began to erupt. I was cumming hands-free. I screamed in pleasure.

"Deeper. Fuck me deeper," I cried.

He pounded me as hard and as deep as he could. I grabbed my cock and stroked it as the cum flowed from it. My hole milked his cock. The walls of my anus had his dick in a chokehold. He moaned louder in my ear. He pulled his cock out and gave it a final tug. His hot cum splashed across my gaping hole. Then he shoved his member back inside of me. My insides were coated with his seed.

"Holy shit," he groaned.

He kissed the back of my neck. His cock throbbed inside of me a few more times. I could feel his hot load trying to escape from me. My hole twitched, and he gave me a few lazy strokes. He was burying his semen deep inside of me.

"Oh, shit, that was good," he said.

"It'll only get better," I said.

The following morning, I had breakfast with Angel, Drake, and Chester. Simon was avoiding being spotted with us, and I couldn't say I blamed him at all. I just hoped that Ibe would come through and lift the banishment.


be eventually entered and he walked with this newfound swag and confidence. He walked past the table he would typically sit at with his friends. He walked over to me. He pulled me out of my chair and kissed me in front of the entire student body. Everyone got quiet. The kiss lasted for several minutes. I forgot where we were. My hands started to roam his body, and he roamed mine.

We sat at the table, and all eyes were on us. He took one of the strawberries on my plate and fed it to me.

Ibe firmly stated, "Get back to your lives."

Everyone went back to their business. There was no denying that the banishment was over with.

Across the cafeteria, Jett was sitting with Phantom and Alex. Jett was pissed off. Not only had the guy he had been in love with for the last year given his virginity to a stranger, but he had also just kissed that same stranger in public.

Blake was officially untouchable. That burned Jett. Blake had come in, and in two days, he had managed to flip everything upside down. The order needed to be restored, and Blake Ivey needed to go somewhere far away.

"Maybe it's time to let go of this crush you have on him," Alex said.

"Or you could just tell the guy how you feel. Ibe is the most clueless guy in the world," Phantom said.

"Eventually. First, I want to have a little fun. Game on, Blake," he said with a devilish grin. "There's a crack in your group."

Jett didn't like to lose, and the moment someone got the best of him, he wouldn't stop until he had that person begging for mercy. Blake Ivey had just become his number one target, and he knew the perfect way to play with his mind. Jett put his eyes on Drake. Drake was going to be his way into bringing Blake to his knees.

© Grayson Rose 2024. All rights reserved.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Can you please update i really love this story

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFerabout 1 month ago

This had me thinking back and remembering all of the painful times in high school. All those ridiculous cliques, who was in and who was out. I'm looking forward to finding out what kind of retaliation Jett has in mind for Blake. He may not like to lose, but I think he'll find he's met his match this time!

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