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Sex Culture in the 23rd Century Ch. 03


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But they only had eyes for the artform for a few seconds before they were simply captivated by the view. They could see nearly the entire city from here, under the dome. The setting sunlight diffracted nicely as it pierced the dome, casting rays of blue, yellow, purple, red, and orange over different buildings. It was as if the city had been engulfed in a giant rainbow.

The sight was simply breathtaking. Fredrik had never seen anything quite like it. All the colors, all the shapes! He felt like he had stepped out into a broader world. But what really caught his attention were the people, the little dots on the streets scurrying this way and that. Each of them had a destination in mind, each of them had plans to do something or other, each of them had a distinct life and a story to tell. There was so much to learn here, so much to see and experience. Fredrik felt like his life, up to now, had been a total waste, and only now was he truly living.

Laura took in the view as well. As an artist, she had an eye for colors and shapes. She so much wanted to paint what she saw here. It all took her breath away. She didn't even know where to start. She had the urge to paint the top half of a nearby building that had an interesting shape. Or four smaller buildings seemingly huddled together. Or the undulating nature of the coastline, distorted slightly through the dome.

Manu was also amazed. He wanted to be an architect, and what he was seeing was an architect's dream. It was a gleaming city, all made of crystal. There were so many buildings, so much to learn. Would they really entrust him with designing his own buildings? That would be fantastic. Manu vowed to spend however many years he needed to learn how to do that. Designing one skyscraper in OrgyFree would be more exhilarating than building a lifetime of small, squat homes in New Cal.

Rowenka was as stunned as her friends. As an aspiring scientist, this was the future she had dreamed of. There was so much technology here, so much to learn. These people were centuries more advanced than New Cal. As much as she loved her home, this was the life she had so desperately dreamed of.

Fredrik and Laura made love that evening. It was a form of celebration, really, of the good fortune they had to come here. They had to make do on Fredrik's narrow bed in his small quarters, but neither of them minded.

Fredrik started kissing her, but Laura held out a restraining hand. "Wait," she said.

"What?" Fredrik said.

"What about birth control?" She made a face as Fredrik tried to say he didn't really care.

"We aren't married, yet," said Laura. "And I don't intend to give birth to a bloody bastard."

He tried to hug her, but she turned away.

"Oll right," he sighed, wondering where he would find birth control. At this hour. Then a thought occurred to him. "Ted?'

"Yes, my friend?"

Ted had been listening. Ted was always listening.

"Do you knauw where I can get some birth control?

"Birth control?"

"You know, condoms, rubbars?"

"You don't need them, my friend. You can rejoice in the feeling of inseminating your female without any pleasure diminishing barriers."

"What do you mean?" Fredrik asked, putting aside his dislike for the clinical language about 'inseminating his female', like Laura was a breeding cow.

"Your sperm has been deactivated," said Ted.

"What does that mean?" Fredrik asked, an alarmed look on his face.

"Your sperm has been deactivated," Ted repeated.

"What? Why?"

"Until you are ready to reproduce."

"But when I am ready to reproduce, as you put it, it can be reactivated?" Fredrik asked, somewhat anxiously.

"Of course, my dear, dear friend," said Ted.

Laura leaned over and gave him a kiss. "They've thought of everything," she said, in a seductive whisper. Fredrik could see a hint of her small Asian breasts through the top of her shirt. The sight always drove him wild. That was enough to get him aroused, and she noticed it. He grabbed her, and started kissing passionately.

The old sensations carried over in the land of the new. The feelings of touch, of physical excitement, of squeezing, of sharing--all worked here just as well as they did in New Cal, which both of them were relieved to discover. Fredrik looked longingly into Laura's eyes as he tenderly and skillfully made love to her, and her eyes mirrored his adoration.

Afterwards, they relaxed in each others' arms.

"This was good," said Laura.

"I know."

"Really really good," said Laura.

"I knauw," said Fredrik again.

"I'm not just talking about the sex," said Laura.

Fredrik smiled. "I knauw that too."

She let her hand play over his man-nipples. "I knauw you had some... apprehensions about coming here."

"What I've seen so far is great," said Fredrik.

"Good," said Laura, giving him a passionate kiss. She wanted him to like the Community. Something inside of her said she needed him to like it. So she had asked him, and gotten the answer she wanted. As she felt him get a second wind, she lay back and spread her legs, not so subtly inviting him plow into her again, feeling like a good little girl who had earned her reward.


The next morning, Fredrik was awoken by a welcome voice.

"Good morning, my dear friend," said Ted, in that artificially low, seductive voice of his.

"Good morning, my friend," Fredrik smiled. He felt uncharacteristically good. He was even starting to feel positively disposed towards Ted. At first, he had thought Ted, whatever he was, was kind of creepy. But now he could see how Ted could end up being a real good friend for him.

"It's going to be a wonderful day," said Ted.

"Yes, it is," Fredrik said, and he meant it. Without being asked, he entered the Manipulator, and obediently spread his arms and legs. Without blinking an eye, he saw his clothes whisked off, and new clothes put on. They were blue tights again, not precisely the same as the ones he wore yesterday (a slightly different shade?), but close enough. It never occurred to Fredrik to ask to wear something else.

As Fredrik walked to the restroom, he remembered how upset he was yesterday to find Laura gone from his room. But today, he didn't question it.

Fredrik went to a urinal. He chuckled as he urinated on the old American flag inside of it. He still thought getting graded for his feces and urine was a little strange, though.

He asked Janet Taco Bell about that at breakfast. "Why do we get rated for... the stuff we do in the bathroom?" he asked.

"It's for your own good," said Janet. "In the old days, people were totally unmonitored. They got really sick without realizing it. By monitoring all your bodily fluids, we can catch illnesses before they grow serious."

"But why are there actually scores for shape and size? Surely that can't be related to health."

"That's an aesthetic measurement," said Janet. "The ideal size and shape of excrement was determined using scientific aesthetics, and the closer you get to the ideal, the higher your score."

"Who determined the ideal size and shape for excrement?"

"The Community, of course," said Janet.

Of course. Suddenly, it made sense to Fredrik.

Janet smiled at him flirtatiously. "Let others do the thinking, we'll do the living."

But one more thing nagged him. "But even if we want to cooperate, how can I possibly control the shape and size of my-"

"Hey buddy, you're just jealous," said Manu. "I got a triple 90 rating on my dung this morning--for shape, size, and weight!"

"Very good, Manu!" said Janet, grinning widely. "Congratulations!"

Something about this whole scene struck Fredrik as odd. But he could no longer explain to himself why it was odd. It had been reduced to a feeling, divorced from facts, as if someone had gone into his mind and partially erased his thoughts on the matter.

"I even got five virtue points!" said Manu, looking very pleased with himself.

"Virtue points?" said Rowenka. "What are those?"

"Virtue points are awarded by the Community, for doing good deeds," said Janet.

"And so Manu was literally rewarded, for doing...."

"His good deed, yes," said Janet, smiling broadly.

"What can these virtue points be used for?" said Laura.

"Anything," said Janet. "They're as good as Malcolm X dollars and Vladimir Lenin cents. Or, of course, you could donate them back to the Community."

"Give up my virtue points? Nevar!" said Manu.

Janet just smiled, as if she knew something that he didn't. She was starting to like Manu, but didn't find him nearly as sensual as Fredrik. She eyed the way Laura sat next to him. Once she gave him up, he would become available to a much wider segment of the Community. It was really for the best.

Fredrik, unaware of her plans, still had questions about the restroom. "And why is there an American flag in the toilet?" said Fredrik.

"Oh, you noticed that," said Janet, as if that was a minor detail that most people didn't take notice of.

"It was kind of hard to miss," said Fredrik. The others, realizing he had made an unintentional pun, laughed. "What?" said Fredrik. "What?"

When the laughter died down, Janet spoke again. "The old American flag was a symbol of oppression. The white stripes, of course, stood for the white race, which practiced shameful racial supremacy for centuries against every shade of person on the planet from black to medium beige. Remember, inequality isn't fair until we're all equal."

"And what about the red stripes?" Rowenka asked.

"The red stripes stand for the blood of black slaves who died at the hand of evil white men," said Janet solemnly.

"I learned in school that the red and white stripes stood for the 13 colonies," said Manu.

"No, that's fake history, invented by the racist capitalists. Purge your mind of false history," said Janet.

"What about the blue field, and the stars?" Fredrik asked.

"The blue field symbolized the black and blue marks that evil, lustful men inflicted on their female partners when they beat them, as was common in those times. Did you know that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were not only slave owners, but also wife beaters who molested young boys, and didn't recycle or believe in Temperature Change?"

"No," said Fredrik, not understanding half of what she said. He was still focused on his own questions. "And the white stars, what do they stand for?"

"The white stars symbolize the crony capitalist states, whose main function was to protect the ill gotten wealth of the rich who had stolen it all from the poor. It was a truly evil flag."

"And so you have it in the toilets because...."

"So every day, we can give it a two minute make."

"A two minute make?"

"An actual physical expression, a beautiful statement from the human body itself, one that is rejecting sexism, racism, and capitalism."

"By shitting on the flag?" said Fredrik.

"I wouldn't use those words, but..." said Janet.

"We're shitting on the flag," said Manu, with a goofy grin.

"So what does the current flag look like now?" Laura asked.

"Flag!" said Janet Taco Bell, seemingly speaking to no one. Instantly a holographic flag appeared in front of them. They saw a series of smiling faces.

"You see?" said Janet. "There's every kind of face imaginable: from black to brown to olive, with all three genders represented."

"All three?" said Rowenka, looking closely at the faces, trying to discern who was what or what was who.

"And in the upper left hand corner, we have a red star, to symbolize Community, and togetherness," said Janet sweetly. "Flag off," she said, to forestall further questions, and the flag disappeared. "So what would you like to do today?" she asked.


"How would you like a tour of the city?"

"That sounds great!" said Laura.

Janet Taco Bell took them around to show them the sights, but the main sights that Janet Taco Bell was focused on was Fredrik. She felt jealous that someone else had been selected to break him. She had personally appealed to Maoina, saying that she felt up for the job.

But Maoina had only put a hand on her shoulder and said, "He's going to be difficult. We need our best specialist to work on him. When she's done with him, you'll have your turn, I promise."

It was frustrating to have to wait in a Community that prided itself on rewarding citizens with instant gratification.

Janet's gaze turned to Laura. She could see that Laura had the advantage of relative youth, but she was entirely unremarkable in appearance. Fredrik could do much better. And would.

As they walked, Janet casually let her hand graze Fredrik's, from time to time. He didn't always seem to notice, but one time he did, and he made eye contact, and she smiled at him.

He reddened, and looked away.

Oh, he was going to be such fun, once he had finished processing!

The New Caledonians had a great time looking at the tall buildings and amazing wonders of downtown OrgyFree. The biggest city they had ever seen before this was Nouma, and Nouma was nothing compared to OrgyFree.

And then Janet took them to the Aquarium of Virtuous Sperm.

There were tanks, giant ones, and inside them were swarms of what looked like white tadpoles.

Laura's mouth dropped open. "Those can't be-"

"They are," said Janet.

"Knauw!" said Rowenka.

"Yes," said Janet. "This is the Aquarium of Virtuous Sperm."

"But... they're so big," said Laura, shivering slightly as she stared at the enormous schools of sperm, if they were sperm, swimming around. The sperm seemed as big as her forearm.

"An optical illusion," said Janet. "It only looks like glass in front of you. In reality it's an enormously powerful magnifying lens."

"So they are... real?" Laura asked.

"Yes," said Janet. "This is the sperm of virtuous black men."

"Black men?" said Fredrik."

"Yes," said Janet. "Each tank has different varieties. The tank to our left holds Hispanic sperm," she said, pointing to a large tank to the side. "The tank to our right holds Asian sperm. Behind us is Arabic sperm, and-"

"Where is the sperm of white people?" Manu asked.

Janet made a face. "No one wants to see that."

"Why not?" Manu asked.

"White people are racist," said Janet. "Would you go to an aquarium to see the sperm of racist people?"

"I, I guess not," said Manu. "But... are all white people are racist?'

"Of course. It's encoded in their DNA," said Janet. Her expression eased. "Look how happy people are here."

Janet was right. The acquarium was filled with people eagerly pointing at the sperm and giggling excitedly.

No, not merely people.


Most of the visitors to the Sperm Aquarium were women. The women were cuddling with each other and whispering excitedly.

"Look what a strong swimmer that one is!"

"They roam around in packs! Can you imagine a school of those inside me?"

"Come on! I want to get one from the gift shop for our tank at home!"

Fredrik held Laura protectively in his arms, as she trembled slightly in the presence of all this large, manly sperm. "Don't worry, I'll protect yew," he murmured.

"Aye knauw yew will," Laura grinned.

Their time at the aquarium was the talk of lunch. Janet simply grinned and let them enjoy themselves. After lunch, Janet suggested they go to a relaxing spa. They all agreed. She took them to the famous No Class Struggle Sanitarium.

"A Sanitarium?" said Fredrik, looking at the sign above the building as they entered.

"Their masseuses are reputed to be among the very best in OrgyFree," said Janet, winking at him.

When they got to the reception desk, they saw the metallic hand of Ted.

"Identify," said Ted.

"Janet Taco Bell. Party of Five. Administrative Account Theta 440," said Janet. She reached over and shook Ted's 'hand'.

"Authorizing Janet Taco Bell. Let your tired flesh be renewed and stimulated under our caring touch," said Ted.

"It still strikes me as creepy," Laura whispered to Fredrik. He smiled and nodded.

Janet led them to another room filled with Manipulator Booths.

" Ok, time to change," said Janet. "You all need to get into your Manipulators." She said it casually, but watched them for any sign of hesitation. They all went obediently, although Fredrik paused for a moment. He's still processing, when obedience should be automatic. That will be remedied, soon enough.

When Fredrik entered the booth, his clothes were whisked off with typical efficiency and he found himself wrapped only in a towel.

When he emerged, the others were similarly dressed.

Janet, looking stunning in a towel herself, led them to another room where attendants stood obediently in front of a series of massage tables.

"We are here to serve," said a young woman, who couldn't have been more than 20 years old.

"Yes yew are," Manu smiled at her, and received a punch in his arm from Rowenka for his efforts.

Janet bade them to lie down on the padded benches and watched carefully as each did so without question. She then gestured for the masseuses to attend them.

Soon Fredrik and his friends were all experiencing the tender ministrations of the young women.

"Oh, this is wonderful," said Fredrik, feeling his back being rubbed.

"You're telling me," said Manu, feeling an attractive blonde with large breasts working on the backs of his legs.

"Yeah," said Rowenka emphatically. She was the only man with a male masseur, a large man with a big hairy chest who Rowenka secretly found quite attractive.

"Are you having fun, Laura?" Janet asked, casually.

"Um hm, I mean, yes," said Laura, as the masseuse, a very attractive young woman with brown hair and green eyes, who Janet had personally selected, rubbed her back. She had lowered the towel so that the masseuse could rub her back, and lay topless, face down on the bench.

Janet gave the slightest of nods, and the masseuse attempted to turn Laura over onto her back.

"What... what are yew doing?" Laura asked.

"She wants to massage your front," said Janet. "It's entirely routine."

"No... no," said Laura, wrapping the towel around herself. She looked at Fredrik and reddened. "Just the back, please. Sorry."

"There's no need for apologies," said Janet sweetly. She nodded slightly to the masseuse, who resumed rubbing Laura's back.

Later, while Fredrik and his companions were enjoying dinner, Janet made a discrete holocall.

"Hi, how are you, I'm fine," said Janet.

"Hi, how are you, I'm fine too," said the image on the other end. It was none other than the First Deputy Controller for Northern California herself, Maoina Bin Laden.

"They are all performing as scheduled. They are starting to accept what they see without question. They have only had two exposures to SleepTalk, but it is already showing its efficacy. Acceptance medication is at 20% of normal dosage, and increasing."

"Very good," said Maoina. "But there's something else, isn't there?"

Had she been watching? Janet Taco Bell knew that this was Maoina's personal project, but Maoina Bin Laden was a busy Controller with a lot of responsibilities. "A minor one. The female, Laura Ngo, refused to reveal her breasts to the masseuse I selected."

"A local taboo?"

"That's what I thought. But I checked the psychographics, and I think part of it was the presence of Fredrik. She felt inhibited being unclothed around him and another woman at the same time."

"These primitives surely have their convoluted ways," Maoina chuckled. She thought for a moment, and then said, "Increase her programming for accepting public nudity around other females into her SleepTalk schedule."

"Her SleepTalk schedule is already full of acceptance of Community norms, as well as the beginnings of rejection for Fredrik Diem. Any more and she risks waking up sleepy and less coordinated."

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