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Sex, Drugs & a Horny Housewife

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Drugged wife has sex with husband's friend.
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Let me start off my story by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Jo Ann and I'm married to Walter. We've been married for just over ten years now. We are both 30 years old and got married at the sweet young age of 19. Walter was the first guy that I went all the way with. Lots of guys tried to get me in bed with them. Being a cheerleader in High School made it easy for me to pick my dates. But I always managed to work my way out of having to put out for any of them. If I say so myself, I was cute and had a great body back in School. And still today I do my best to keep myself looking young and hot. I'm happy to see that I still manage to turn guy's heads when I walk into a room or out on the beach. As of right now my numbers are as follows, my bust size is 36, C cup, my waist is 23 and hips are 32 ½. I'm 5'6 1/2" tall and my weight is right at 109 lbs. I've got dark blonde hair that runs down to the middle of my back.

Now Walter is your normal All-American boy. Played football in High School and drank way too much. And was hanging out with his buddies more than I liked. Now days he has a good job with a construction company and still drinks too much. Every night after work him and his buddies meet up at the bar for a cold one. And his best friend Mike is always with him. They work together, play sports together and drink together all the time. Mike is divorced so he has all kinds of time on his hands.

The first five or six years of our marriage were great. Sex was the best and I do mean the best. We would have sex every day, and sometimes two or three times. Even when it was that time of the month, Walter didn't care, he jumped right on me. I always had a smile on my face from all the orgasms that I had had. And again Walters friend Mike would come into play sometimes. Not in a good way, but in a bad way. He would always call at the wrong time and screw things up. Or ask Walter to go someplace and he was always gone in a New York minute. What is a New York minute? Oh well, I'm sure you see what I'm saying, Mike was always a pain in my ass.

Well, as time went on our sex life went south. I was lucky if I got it once a month. I started masturbating more and more behind Walters back. For that matter I never got myself off in front of Walter. I had this old vibrator that one of my girl friends had given me at my wedding shower. She said keep this in a safe spot, for someday you'll need it, trust me. We all got a big laugh out of that and I did as she said, kept it in a very safe spot. Well, sure as shit the time came when I needed it. It's one of them chrome one's that looks like a long bullet and holds two c batteries. Oh boy have I ever put a lot of miles on it. God, if I held the end of it on my clitoris for just a minute I'd have orgasm after orgasm. Well this vibrator lasted several years before it up and died on me. One day I was using it and thinking of Steven Seagal or some great movie star and it just stopped working. No matter what I did it was done. It was like I lost my best friend and I didn't know what to do. A girl just doesn't go to the sex shop and buy a new one, or this girl doesn't anyway. The next day I was all over the Internet looking for a new one. I went to this one web store that had tons of vibrators. They didn't have any like my old one. All of these looked like real men's cocks in all sizes and colors. I was getting turned on just looking at all of them. I got out my Visa and ordered me up a new one. I even paid the extra for two-day delivery.

The next two days took forever to pass as I waited on my new toy to arrive. Then when the UPS truck stopped in front of my house I started getting all nervous. I'm thinking, all my God, what if this guys knows what I ordered. I hope he leaves it on the steps so I don't have to face him. Then came the knock on the door. I didn't know what to do. I watched out the window hoping that he would just leave it and go. He knocked again harder this time. After a minute or so he turned and started back down the steps on his way back to his truck. I saw he had my package under his arm as he walked away. No way could I let him take it back so I ran to the door and yelled, can I help you? He turned and smiled and said, yes I have a package for you that has to be signed for as he walked back to my door. Not know what to say I said my Husband must have ordered something. I signed his little computer thing and he said, you enjoy your day now, and walked away. I just knew that he knew what was in this package by the way he said it.

Once back in the house with my package I got all nervous again as I sat on the bed and started opening it up. Once I got it open the box inside said, the new Cyber Cock, the most real feeling cock in the world. I could feel myself getting wet as I took it out of the box. It felt just like a real man's cock when it's hard. I couldn't believe how real it felt. It was longer and fatter than Walters cock when it's hard. I put the head of it in my month and it felt so real, I was in shock. It had this little cord on it that had a box on the end of it for the batteries and to control the speed of it. I ran in the other room to get batteries for it. I was so excited I couldn't stand it. Once I had the batteries in it I turned in on to a low buzz. Again I put it in my mouth and sucked on it like I was giving a guy head. By this time I was so horny I couldn't stand it any longer. I took my toy in the bathroom and washed it all clean. Then I got the KY jelly and went back in my bedroom. I dropped them both on the bed and started taking my clothes off.

First I took off my blouse then my shorts. Dressed in my little white lace push-up bra and little pink see-through bikini panties I ran to the front and back doors just to make sure I had locked them. Once I was sure they were locked I took the phone off the hook and made my way back into my bedroom. Now back in my bedroom I stood in front of the mirror and removed my little bra. My breasts fell free with just a little sag. My breasts are still very firm and stand up nice for a thirty-year-old! And my breasts are all real, I might add. I ran my fingers over my now very hard nipples. I moaned out low as I gave both my nipples a little squeeze. My right hand slipped down to the crotch of my sheer little panties. The crotch was soaking wet with my hot pussy juices. I started rubbing my clitoris right through my panties and moaned out even louder. I was so turned on watching myself in the mirror as I got hotter and hotter. I was just about at the point of a great orgasm when I remembered my new toy waiting for me on the bed.

I slipped my little pink panties down my legs and got on the bed. Lying on my back I picked up my new cyber cock. Looking it over again I still couldn't believe how real it looked and felt. I closed my eyes and sucked the head of it right in my mouth. In my mind I don't know whose cock I was sucking, all I know is the fact that I loved this. My fingers of my other hand made their way down over my breasts to my hot honey spot. I sank one finger then two deep inside my wet pussy. I pulled my juicy fingers out and rubbed them all over my hard little clit. I was so horny it took me less than two minutes to start moaning out that I was cumming.

Once I came down from that great orgasm I rubbed the KY jelly all over my toy. Once I had it all slick I rubbed the rest that was on my fingers on my hot pussy lips. I turned it on to a low buzz. Holding it in my right hand I slowly ran it down over my flat belly. My hips came up off the bed as the buzzing head of it hit my hard wet clit. As soon as I touched it I started cumming again. I'd never came that fast before in my life. I then spread my legs as wide as I could. I lined that toy cock up to my wet pussy and gave it a little push. I wasn't sure if it was going to fit inside me or not. I hoped it wouldn't hurt as it went in. It didn't hurt at all. My pussy more or less just sucked it right inside me. I moaned out, OH GOD, as I pushed more and more of it inside my wet pussy. It felt so much like the real thing I couldn't believe it. I started humping my hips up to my hand as I pumped that cock inside me. My other hand went right to my now super hard nipples. Oh God this felt so much better than my other vibrator ever had. It wasn't three minutes before I was yelling out again that I was cumming. That cyber cock and me spent the rest of the afternoon together. When Walter got home that evening I was one well-fucked housewife.

Well that is what my sex life has turned into over the passed few years. That cyber cock and I have sex a lot more than Walter and I do.

Also a few years ago Walter started doing more drugs. He has always smoked pot with Mike from day one. I tried it a few times and it does nothing for me. But Walter has to have it all the time or every day I should say. Anyway, a few years ago him and Mike came in with some coke. They did it in the house and I was mad as hell. I told them both that I didn't need that shit in my house. They took my word as gold and I never seen it in the house again. I could tell that he was still using it from just the way he acted at times. But, as long as he doesn't have it around me I'm fine with that.

Next Mike and him stopped hanging out at the local bar after work. They started going to this strip club in the next town for their cold one after work. I told him I didn't like him hanging out in that kind of a place. It he needed a strip show I would give him one right here at home. He laughed and said it's not the same, plus we do more bullshitting with the guys than checking out the dancers. I didn't like it but there wasn't much I could do about it.

Things were going along so, so until one day not to long ago I came home to find them both, Mike and Walter sitting at the kitchen table drinking beer and snorting coke. They had it out on the table like you see in the movies. I was pissed as I told them to get that shit out of my house. Walter got mad and told me to take it easy. It's his house also and he'll not bring it in the house any more. He gave me a kiss and said, come on sit down and have a beer with us. I gave in and sat down with them trying to cool down. Walter gave me a beer and I downed it in no time. Then he gave me another one and I downed it. I'm not much of a drinking so after them two beers I started feeling it, as Walter handed me my third one. About that time Mike sucked some of the coke up his nose. He put his head back and moaned mmmmm that's some good shit. As I watched this I asked him what that stuff does to him. Mike smiled and said I makes ya feel good all over inside, would you like to try some? I said no way, that stuff is not for me. Walter then said, come on, how can you say you don't like something if you never tried it? I said no ways I'm not going to try that shit and get hooked on it. They both laughed and said one time will not get you hooked on it. It was on a paper so Mike slid it over in front of me and said, so are you going to try it or not? I looked at Walter and he said trust me, one time will not hurt you. If you don't like it you don't have to try it again. Being high from the two and a half beers I said, oh fuck it, I'll try it once just to see what the big deal about this stuff is.

Mike showed me how to hold the rolled up dollar bill in my nose as Walter watched. I sucked the powder in my nose as Mike told me to. Then he had me do the same thing in my other nose hole. It first it was no big deal at all. I felt like I was going to sneezes then something happened. My head got all hot like it was on fire. Next my body was like on fire from head to toe. Then all at once I felt like I was on cloud nine or something. It was like I was drunk but not drunk. I don't know what I felt like, like I was out of my own body looking around the room. Both Walter and Mike asked me how I like it. I said I don't know I feel all numb or something, I can't move. They both laughed and said enjoy the feeling as Mike got up to get everybody another beer. Them two sat there talking for I don't know how long. I sat there like a rock not sure what was going on with me. I had never been this high in my life.

Then Walter said, shit this is boring sitting around here. Let's run down to the Beaver Hut (that's the strip bar) and check out one of the shows. Mike got up and said that that sounded good to me. It took a second for me to understand what he had just said and I said wait a minute; you can go off and leave me here like this. Walter said, like what? I said, Walter I'm all fucked up, I feel funny you can't go off and leave me like this by myself. He laughed and said, you'll be okay, and we'll be back in a little bit, unless you would like to come along and see the show? I said, I'm not going to that place, why can't you guys just stay here? Walter then said, are you going to dance for us, if so we'll stay here. I didn't even think about it I just said sure I'll dance for you guys just don't leave me here alone. Mike said right-on, let the show begin.

The three of us moved into the living room. Walter turned on some rock music and then cleared off the coffee table. He said here ya go love, got you your own little stage here as he pointed at the table. My mind was all screwed up by this time, I felt like I didn't care for anything. I was just going to do whatever Walter asked me to do. Walter held his hand out and helped me up on the table. He then sat down on the sofa next to Mike. I started dancing to the music as I swung my hips from side to side. I was wearing a black Harley tee shirt and a short denim jean skirt. Under this I had on a little black lace bra and little pair of leopard print bikini panties. It was very warm out that day so I didn't have any stockings on. I felt really good as I danced away for these two. Mike then said, nice panties Jo Ann as he winked at me. Just then I realized that from were they were sitting they had a good view up under my short skirt. My mind told me I should pull my skirt down tight to block his view but my body said fuck it and I just kept on dancing.

Walter then said well, are you going to take it off or not? I stopped dancing and gave him one of them looks as to say WHAT? Walter then said, come on, we can go right down the road and see a show if your not willing to show us a little. I couldn't believe my Husband had just asked me to strip for him and his friend. Again the drugs were screwing up my mind and I didn't seem to care as much. With one hard pull I pulled my shirt out of my skirt and up over my head and off. Now they both had a nice view of my boobs bouncing around inside my little bra. It's a very sheer lace bra so they could also see my now hard nipples very well. As a new song started Walter pointed at my little skirt and said, lose it. Still dancing around I unzipped my skirt and let it slip down my legs then kicked it to Walter. In a way I felt funny dancing in front of Mike like this. He had seen me in bikini's before but never in only my sexy little underwear. On one hand I felt like I shouldn't be doing this. But on the other hand this was really starting to turn me on. It was just something about two pair of eyes locked on your body as your dancing. I could feel myself getting wet and my nipples harder. I was really getting into this stripping thing and started dancing even sexier for them. I could see from the lump in the front of Mike's pants that he was enjoying the show I was putting on.

I danced on for a little bit then Walter said, okay off with the bra. Mike is waiting to see those tit's. I gave him another one of them looks. I didn't think this was going to go this far. Myself I was thinking Walter would put a stop to my little show by now. But then again he said, duh, Jo Ann the bra? This time I unhooked it and let it very slowly fall off my breasts. As my breasts came into view both Mikes and Walter's eyes got bigger. My poor little nipples were starting to hurt from being so hard. And all of this was really turning me on. I danced as sex as I could. I would pick up my breasts and roll my hard nipples for the guys to see. My pussy was getting wetter and wetter. I'm not sure if they could see the wet spot I was making in my little leopard panties or not. All I know is that by this time I didn't care any more if Mike was checking me out or not. I was so horny all I knew is that I needed Walter to take me in the bedroom and fuck me good.

I danced my way down to the end of the table near Walter, turned around and was shaking my panty-covered ass at him. He reached up and grabbed my panties and started pulling them down. I jumped and said what are you doing as I moved away from him and pulled my panties back up in place? Walter laughed and said, show Mike that sweet little shaved pussy you got. I got down off the table and stood in front of Walter. Again he tried to pull my little panties down. I stepped back and slapped his hands away and said STOP IT. I then got right up on Walter's lap facing him. Mike said, oh wow man you're getting a lap dance, can I get on next? I looked at him and said NO. I kissed Walter and whispered in his ear let's go in the bedroom, I need fucked bad. I could not ever recall being as horny as I was right then. Walter whispered back to me, you don't feel like showing Mike your pussy? I said, no that's for your eyes-only. So what do you say? Are you going to take me in the bedroom and fuck me or not?

Walter got up with me still on his lap. Then holding me in his arms he said to Mike that he would be back in a little bit. Mike said, sure man, take your time. Then Mike looked at me and said, great show Jo Ann, I think you could get a job at the bar. I told him thank you as Walter carried me on to the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom Walter dropped me on the bed and started removing his clothes. I ran my finger down inside my leopard panties to find my pussy dripping wet. I sank one finger inside my wet pussy and moaned out, OH GOD WALTER, I NEED YOU INSIDE ME. Walter was now nude and walked around to the foot of the bed. His cock was sticking out like a flagpole as he moved between my legs. I was still fingering myself as Walter pulled my sexy little panties down my legs. He could then see that I had two fingers deep in my pussy. As he pulled my panties all the way off he said, I've never seen you this horny before. I just moaned, fuck me. Walter smiled and said you liked showing Mike your tits didn't you? I moaned, mmmm yes I did. He then said it made you horny showing your tits off didn't it? Once again I moaned, yes it did, now fuck me please, please fuck me I need it so bad. Having said that Walter ran his tongue right up my slit from top to bottom. I pulled my fingers out of the way to give him all the room he needed to eat my pussy. He started sucking and licking on my hard little clit. This was driving my wild and in no time at all I was yell out, OH GOD YES, YES, OH YES I'M CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGG. Oh God was that a great orgasm.

Walter then moved up over the top of me and said, I have never seen your pussy so wet ever. I moaned I know all of this has really gotten to me. Just then Walter lined his hard cock up to my wet pussy opening. He didn't even have to push to enter me. I was so wet and slick his hard cock sank all the way inside me with one move. Oh God it felt so good to have a hard cock inside me. I started humping my hips up to Walter. I was just about out of my mind it felt so good. All I knew is the fact that I needed to cum again and soon. Walter started pumping in me at full speed. He cock had never felt this good inside me before. I just hoped he could make it last forever. I could feel another orgasm starting deep inside of me.

Well, Walter kept pumping in me faster and faster. I was keeping in time with him as I humped up to him. His cock felt like it was really going deep inside of me. I knew I would be cumming again very soon. Then Walter moaned out, OH FUCK as he pushed deep inside me. I kept pumping up to him as he cock started jerking and I knew he was cumming. I moaned out NO, NO KEEP GOING. But I knew it was over, I wasn't going to get my second orgasm. Walter said, oh God that felt good as he gave me short little jabs with his now shrinking cock. I moaned, yes it did as we kissed a long hot kiss. Then Walter rolled off the top of me and was lying next to me. He was play with my left still hard nipple as I lay there with my eyes closed wishing I had, had that second orgasm.


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