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Sex in a Bottle

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Alex goes shopping and finds a lamp and so much more.
11.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 05/28/2012
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Lost Boy
Lost Boy

This was a request from a fan, I hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment thanks!


It was a bleak January morning and I could hear the north wind howling mixed with the crashing of the waves on the beach. I shivered even though our house, I'm not sure I could call it a home anymore, was nice and toasty. It was a special day today was. Though I doubt anyone else in the family would see it that way. Today was the two year anniversary of my aunt's passing away. I lit the white candle as I always did in remembrance of the day her plane went down on her way home to us, to me. She had been many things to me, a friend, a mentor and in some ways the mother I never really had or have. Her name was Gina, I always thought of her as Gina with the emerald eyes and the ruby hair. For those that never knew her I guess it was fitting that her plane went down in a Category 5 hurricane. She was a force of nature herself. Though not to look at her with her demure smile and her old lady glasses and the prim and proper way she dressed. But get across the table from her when she wanted something and run for cover!

"Alex," my mother cried from the front room.

"Yeah Ginger," I replied.

"How many times have I asked you to call me mom," she called back.

"How many times have I asked you to quit drinking," I shot back the hurt and anger boiling over.

I heard the dull thunk of a heavy glass bottle hit the floor followed by her cry of pain. I rushed in and pulled her into my arms despite the strong smell of liquor on her breath and body.

"I'm sorry mom," I said as I rocked her.

She couldn't reply she just shook and wept for her lost sister and worst of all her twin. Though you wouldn't think to see her now, they were nearly identical the infamous Haddonstone Twins, but that was a lifetime ago lost down the neck of a bottle of booze.

"I'm so sorry baby... I miss her so bad," she managed to spit out.

I could almost feel the rage and pain in those last two words... 'so bad'. They held a knife's edge in guilt and two lifetimes worth of regret. I held her until she quit sobbing and grew quiet in my arms.

"Did you light your candle for her Alex," mom asked.

"Yeah I did," I told her.

"You're a good son I wish I was a better mother," she said nearing the edge of darkness again.

"Mom stop, I'm sorry I said what I did."

"Never apologize for the truth baby," she said her voice a little clearer now.

"Are you hungry mom, want me to fix you something to eat?"

"No but I could use a shower, can you run one for me," she asked.

"Sure mom, you sit here and I'll start it and be right back to get you," I said knowing there was no way in hell she could walk on her own two feet right now.

I went upstairs and ran the water and returned to my mom who much to my surprise had left the bottle where it fell next to her chair. I walked to the other side of the chair, bent down and scooped her up into my arms and carried her up the stairs.

"When did you get so strong," she asked.

"Geez mom I've been working out and running the beach for years now," I said and I saw tears fill up her eyes again. "You just forgot is all don't worry about it."

She managed what passed for a smile and blinked the tears away. I lowered her down onto the toilet set and knelt in front of her.

"Can you manage or..." I asked but the way her head nearly careened into the wall told me she wasn't done needing my help.

I stripped her out of her stained t-shirt and panties and carried her into the shower. The water seemed to wake her up a bit and she lowered her head into the flow without falling forward. She shook out her long mane of red hair and then turned around her body pressing hard against mine.

"Can you wash my hair for me baby," she asked.

"Sure mom," I replied trying to figure out how we were going to do this. "Can you stand on your own?"

"Yep," she said in her giddy voice and stood so close I could feel her body heat.

I licked my lips and bent down my face brushing against her breasts as I reached for the shampoo.

"Hehe, you touched my boobie," she giggled her bipolar in full swing now.

Welcome to manic phase ladies and gentlemen. I drizzled shampoo into my open palm and she turned around slowly and I applied it. Soon my hands and her hair was a mass of suds and bubbles. I was amazed as I looked down and saw that her hair when wet nearly touched her ass cheeks. Those fine globes of female flesh... 'stop it' I said to myself... just because she looks like Gina doesn't make her your lost aunt. Mom spun around suddenly and caught me staring and she smiled and dear god it was Gina's evil smile when she had caught me looking years back.

"Naughty boy," she slurred. "Hold me... so I can rinse my hair."

I slipped my hands onto her waist and she leaned arching her back and thrusting her curvaceous breasts towards me. I licked my lips and closed my eyes fighting the urge to... damn it man she's your mother for god's sake! Then I felt her pelvis press against my groin and the dirty little secret buried under my soaked shorts. I felt her stiffen and let out a soft sound. I opened my eyes and she was looking not at me but down at the full erection now pressing against her. Then she looked up as guilty as me and smiled.

"It's perfectly natural Alex," she began. "You are a young man in a shower with a naked woman. Don't beat yourself up over it."

I didn't respond I just frowned and she got up onto her tippy toes and kissed my forehead. Yet I didn't leave hell I couldn't leave. Next I handed her the sponge and body wash and held her as she washed the alcohol reek from her lovely skin. Her breasts covered in a layer of soap only to be rinsed away as she moved into the stream of falling water with me attached at the hips. I dare not let go of her for fear of the sickening sound of her tripping and hitting her head. Then she spun around and offered me the sponge.

"Do my back," she asked and I wordlessly nodded.

I took the sponge and slowly rubbed it over her shoulders then the middle of her back and finally the lower back. But I didn't stop there I washed her backside and even slid the sponge between her cheeks which produced a giggle from her. Then I knelt down and ran the sponge along the back of her legs and could see that naughty place then smelled her scent. I washed the other leg and truth be told I was reluctant to get back to my feet. But I stood and set the sponge down as she turned to face me and rinse her back. It was my turn to catch her staring at the more pronounced bulge in my shorts. Then she looked at me and smiled but there was something in her eyes something smoldering.

"I should let you finish," I said.

"Just one more spot then I'm done," she replied.

I swallowed hard and she turned around pressing her ass against my trapped flesh as she lifted one leg and set her foot up so she could clean between her legs. My resolve almost broke right then and there but somehow I managed to hold it together. She rinsed and was clean from head to toe.

"Thanks Alex," she said with what sounded like a purr in her voice.

"Anytime mom," I replied and the look she shot me was a mix of shock and something else something darker.

She left the shower under her own power and I waited until she had thrown a towel around her and left before I dared strip down and take care of my 'problem'.

Panting and wheezing after a body shaking climax I washed up and turned off the water. I opened the shower door and damned if the bathroom door wasn't open just a crack and a green eye didn't meet my gaze as I stepped out then it was gone. She was watching me. She watched me... take matters in hand. She heard me when I cried out. I wasn't sure if I wanted to crawl up into a ball or what. I dried off wrapped a towel around me and walked to my room. I dressed for a walk on the beach and once I tied my tennis shoes I sat there for what felt like a very long time. My mom had watched me jack off in the shower! Or had my cry of release brought her running? I had to watch that in the future.

Then I smelled the sweet aroma of bacon cooking. Mom was cooking? I couldn't remember the last time she had cooked for me. I headed downstairs and there dressed in an apron was dear sweet mom.

"I thought I'd fix you something after... well after all your help," she stammered. "It's the least I could do."

"Thanks I appreciate it and I'm sorry about," I said blushing furiously. "I'm sorry about..."

"...your erection. Honey like I said it's perfectly natural for a young man your age to have those sorts of reactions."

I noticed she didn't say 'forget about it' and that left a mental impression and imagery.

"I fixed a pot of coffee, I didn't know if you were drinking that yet or not."

"Nah I'll stick with orange juice," I said.

"Orange juice coming up," she said walking over to the fridge and opening the door and bending over to retrieve the pitcher.

Okay it wasn't like she was naked under the apron but when I saw her white silky panties my jaw dropped. Oh that was just plain mean! She closed the fridge door, grabbed a glass and bent over to pour my juice showing plenty of cleavage. Blink. Blink. I looked up at her and she just smiled like nothing was wrong. As I sipped my juice and thought over the sudden change in my mom I heard the sound of the mail dropping through the slot in the front door.

"I'll get it baby here eat up," she said loading my plate with food.

I know I shouldn't have done it but I did. I watched her walk to the front door and bend over to get the mail and she stood there bent at the waist while she looked at each and every piece of mail. My mouth was suddenly dry and I no longer saw my mom but my aunt Gina bent over and wiggling her ass at me. Oh boy I was losing it! I turned around before mom stood up and I saw her disappointed expression on her face until she handed me my mail and glanced down between my legs. Then she was all smiles again the evil woman. I fanned the three letters and each one was from a prominent university just not the one I was hoping for. Mom noticed the frown.

"Nothing from NYU baby," she asked.

"No," I said as I set them aside and began to eat.

"Can I open them," she asked and I nodded with a piece of bacon in my mouth. "Wow... Yale... Princeton... Miskatonic? I didn't know you applied to Miskatonic?"

"I didn't," I told her.

"Hmm that's interesting," she mused as she opened the first letter and her eyes lit up. "OH Sweetie you've been accepted to Yale your dad will be so proud, he went to Yale you know."

Then she saw my expression.

"What's wrong Alex?"

I held up a finger, rose to my feet and jogged up to my room and got the 'other' letters. I returned to the kitchen and handed over my other correspondence. She looked at the letterheads and her jaw literally dropped.

"Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, Harvard... holy shit they all accepted you baby!"

"Yeah," I said as I speared some more scrambled egg.

"What's wrong Alex," mom said staring at me. "Baby other people would kill to get into any of these schools."

"I'm not other people," I said my voice getting louder than I intended. "They are not NYU mom!"

"You want to follow in Her footsteps don't you baby, your Aunt Gina?"

"Yeah...," I said and now it was me crying. "Is that so wrong?"

Suddenly she was in my lap holding me close my face pressed into her bosom.

"Shhh..." she whispered in my ear. "It's okay Alex... it'll be okay baby... I miss her too."

Mom rocked me and god help me the only thing I could do was take in her scent, the heat of her body and especially the heat between her legs settled so damn close to me. She isn't Gina I screamed in my mind but my body didn't seem to care. Then mom was ruffling my hair with her fingers and speaking again.

"...wouldn't want you to throw away a chance at a great education..."

She was talking about Gina and she was right of course. I didn't have to go to NYU to follow in her footsteps any college would do. I just had to do my best and do what I wanted to make her proud. I looked up and saw that mom had been crying too.

"Thanks mom," I said and she hugged me tighter still.

She got up and adjusted her apron and sat next to me and sipped her coffee. Yet her scent lingered and that made me smile in a disturbingly comfortable way.

"Do you miss him," I blurted out meaning my dad.

"I miss the man I met and married," she said softly. "But I don't miss the cheating bastard who left us for a younger woman. Does he ever call you Alex?"

Her voice was filled with bitterness and anger.

"I'm sorry I brought it up mom," I said.

"Its okay, do you miss him," she asked.

"Sometimes," I admitted. "I guess it's worse around fall when we used to go camping all the time."

"Those were good times," she said. "Don't let go of those memories Alex they are part of who you are."

"I won't, I know it's stupid but I still hold out hope that he'll figure out how stupid he has been and come back."

"He can always be your father, but he'll never be my husband ever again."

And that was that. I nodded and finished my breakfast in silence. My thoughts turned inward to all those wonderful years my dad had been there for me, for us. Before he became Stephen 'the surgeon' Strange. He had worked so hard to make a name for himself on Wall Street. Then when he showed not just a knack but a preternatural skill for acquiring, dissecting and profiting from failing companies. That's when he became 'the surgeon' and lost us in the ever growing profits that ate up his time and his love for us. I never met 'that slut' as my mom refers to her; the woman who slept her way into my dad's life and managed to sever his ties with us. I will admit I hated that faceless person but now it's more of resentment towards my dad for never calling and his thoughtless birthday and Christmas gifts.

"OH HELL," I blurted out.

"What's wrong sweetie," my mom asked.

"Christmas gifts..." I said smiling.

"I don't understand," she said shaking her head.

"Aunt Gina's Christmas gift I never opened it I was saving it for today," I explained.

"Well go get it," mom urged me and I raced upstairs to my bedroom.

I literally dove under my bed where the package lay behind some dirty socks and the remote control I swore I had lost. I drug the heavy bundle out grateful that the paper allowed it slide so easily on the carpeted floor. I lugged it down the stairs and into the living room where mom sat on the floor waiting for me scissors in hand. Now normally I would have torn the wrapping paper to shreds but this being the very last gift from Aunt Gina I agreed with mom and even gave her the honors.

"You can cut it open if you want," I said and she smiled and nodded.

She thoughtfully examined the package and its queer black foil paper. I thought it kind of macabre for a Christmas gift but then again it was Gina we were talking about. My mom pulled at the strings that were tied so elegantly in a silvery bow and they fell away with barely a whisper. Then she snipped at the critical points to retrieve the paper in a single sheet and left the rest to me. The box and box it was all dark wood and brass accents was lovely to the eye. It was double hinged on the top with inset brass knobs and a weird looking design like a five pointed star but it was more intricate with other symbols woven in as well. I looked at mom and she just shrugged.

"Okay here goes," I said as I lifted up the two halves and looked down into darkness. "What the hell?"

I reached in and felt something smooth and round but could not actually see it. I slid my other hand in and took hold of the cool hard object and lifted. It wasn't until it was all the way out that I could make out the shape and form of the grinning crystal skull. Now that was classic Aunt Gina, procurer of the ancient and bizarre. I set the skull down on the carpet and when I looked into the box I saw there were two envelopes and a leather bound book as well. The first envelope was addressed to me and was flat and skinny. The second envelope was not addressed to anyone but bulged to capacity with whatever was sealed inside. I handed the skinny envelope to mom and she opened it and almost immediately began to cry.

"It's from Gina," she said a hand at her mouth.

"Read it mom," I said with a smile.


"To my dear nephew Alexander, I can't believe that when you read this you are going to be 18! I am writing this on that lovely portable desk you found when I dragged you to Paris on your thirteenth birthday, remember? I hope your mom has forgiven me for taking you to that cabaret, how did I know it was topless? I bet you have a fondness for... never mind that... hehe. Well I was here in Bucharest at one of the local digs spying on some possible acquisitions for a certain buyer of mine when what should they dig up but this fine skull you hold in your hands. I won't tell you how much or what I had to do to get it for you but I hope you like it. Saying that you'll find my contribution to your college fund in the other envelope and I bet your mother is making 'that' face of hers even as you read this out loud. Tell her I miss her and love her. Oh hell I love you both so damn much. Now as for the book that is a project for you from me. If you ever wondered if I missed that wide eyed look you got when I lugged you from one side of the planet to the other on our summer vacations and treasure hunts, I did not. I suspect you have a hankering to follow old crazy Aunt Gina one of these days so I got you your own honest to goodness mystery to solve. I have had this in my private collection for some time now. It is a hand written volume with some rather interesting illustrations in it. The characters and language are a mystery to me and everyone I've ever shown it to. It could simply be a personal cipher that someone created for their own use or hell it could be a lost language. That's for you to discover, at your leisure of course. Once you open this it's all yours so don't come nagging me for the secret because I haven't figured it out but keep it safe I feel that it's rare and valuable. If you want any hints there is a business card inside of a friend of mine in New York, look him up he's a hoot! Well I got to run I have a flight to catch. Love you all! Gina."

Mom held the letter her head down and I could see that she was crying but she was also smiling.

"She writes like she talks," I said and mom pointed to her nose and nodded.

I handed mom the second envelope and she opened it and gasped. When I looked closer it was a fistful of hundred dollar bills.

"There must be ten thousand dollars or more here," mom exclaimed.

"She never did trust banks," I commented.

"No she didn't," mom agreed.

I took the book from the box and it smelled old. I gingerly opened it and saw what she meant by weird, none of the hand written letters was recognizable or fell into any pattern I had ever seen. I flipped through it and here and there were the illustrations as she called them and they ranged from what the fuck to the truly disturbing. I closed it and returned it to the box. Suddenly I did a double take and looked at the full sized crystal skull that had to stand at least ten inches or more and then the height of the box. There's no way that skull could have come from a box only four inches high. Mom was distracted by the cash and I just kept this little irregularity to myself for now. I picked up the skull and took it upstairs to a place of honor on my nightstand. What to do with the book? I had a safety deposit box that my dad had set up for me; he had liked to give me bonds for each of my birthdays besides the regular gifts. I guess he wanted me to learn about saving and the value of money early in life. That was the safest place I could think of putting it for now.

Lost Boy
Lost Boy

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