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Sex Slave Lottery - The Prequel

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On the Dolorous Origin of the Lottery with sad histories.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/20/2020
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Along with Sex Slave Lottery chapters 1-10, this was published on Literotica in 2015 and removed recently. It has now been edited and is being re-posted with some changes made. It was originally intended to be read after Sex Slave Lottery and 150th Sex Slave but has been adjusted with the expectation that people reading it now will not have read 150th Sex Slave. This does cause problems with regard to certain things contained in 150th Sex Slave and Whole New Slave Game, but that could not be helped.

There are sexual acts involved in this Prequel, but most of them are less erotic than sad. The main point of this Prequel is to give the back story on the Lottery, Svetlana, Irina, and certain other characters who appear in the Bolrian Sex Slave Lottery. Reading this is also particularly important to understanding one chapter of Whole New Slave Game.

Should you wish to read the entire Bolrian Sex Slave Saga in the order that it is now best read, you should read:

Sex Slave Lottery Chapters 1 to 10

Sex Slave Lottery - Prequel (what you have here)

150th Sex Slave Parts 1 to 3

150th Sex Slave Original Ending Parts 4 and 5

150th Sex Slave Alternative Ending - Parts 1 to 3 are the same as the original ending, in other words the alternative starts with Part 4. However, Part 4 of the Alternative Ending is not labeled as "Part 4" on the list of my stories but is only listed as "Alternative Ending" at the bottom of the 150th Sex Slave listing. Chapters 5 to 10 of the Alternative Ending complete 150th Sex Slave.

Whole New Slave game builds on the alternative ending.

If some major publisher wants the whole thing properly pieced together and organized, I guess that could be done someday. Otherwise, this work of art will never be published in a totally coherent manner. There have probably been greater losses to human culture than that in the history of literature.

With that, here is my final posting or re-posting for at least a while.

Prequel to Sex Slave Lottery or the CONCLUDING NON-CONSENTUAL POSTSCRIPT - A Bolrian Melodrama (2020 edit)

Introduction to the Melodrama (by Laurel R.)

It came to pass that Dawn, Irina and I were pregnant. Crystal was also there.

Although Irina and I do not live in Bolry, we were all using the Bolry medical services. There is no reason not to do so as the BLC has the very best facilities because it is very concerned to assure that its property is serviced properly. Elizabeth, who had participated in a number of lotteries and still participated occasionally at a low level of risk, was one of the doctors.

The five of us sat together for lunch after we had seen the doctors, I wondered out loud whether Svetlana's great interest in having slaves have children was due to Svetlana regretting never having had children. Irina responded that she thought it was mainly about the money and anyway, Svetlana had had children but it was a very sad story. Crystal asked Irina whether she was ever going to tell the story of her life. Dawn looked extremely interested. After a long pause, Irina, in response to Crystal, said that she would never tell the story of her life but that she would tell a silly melodrama. Elizabeth said she loved silly melodramas and winked at me.

Irina's presentation was unearthly. Much of the time she pretended that the person that she was discussing was someone else although she referred to the person as "Irina." In part, this may have been so she would be able to claim that she had never told anyone her story. Also, though, it seemed she did not want to be the Irina in the story. When she was calm, she spoke in English but at some points began shouting or screaming in Russian. She broke into tears multiple times and into hysterical laughter twice.

A Bolrian Melodrama (as stated by Irina Osinov)


Irina began, "This story is completely untrue although maybe 100 people in Bolry have heard it. Of course, there was no backwater former Soviet Socialist Republic of Bolry. There was no Svetlana or Irina like the women in this horrid tale. We are all part of the Red King's Nightmare.

"But there was and there was not once upon a time the Socialist Republic of Bolry, the SRB. The SRB was watched carefully by Moscow but it leaders were allowed to use methods that were considered severe even by Brezhnev. The ethnic Russians were a minority in a polyglot of steppe peoples, Old Believers, Muslims and mountain tribesmen. The rulers were mainly ethnic Russians, still a cross between brutal Stalinists and Cossacks at heart. Moscow thought this was acceptable given the need to maintain control of an impossible province. The Hetman in control of the SRB was Josef Orsinov who had a wife and two legitimate daughters. Feeling he was Zeus or Agamemnon, Orsinov also had numerous bastards by women living around the SRB.

"At the time the action in this story begins, Orsinov had separated from his wife who was desperate to get out of Bolry. She was allowed to go to Moscow but had to choose one of her daughters to leave behind as a hostage to assure that she did not talk too much about things that had happened in the SRB. The mother took the older daughter with her to Moscow. You can imagine how the ten-year old daughter felt being left with distant relatives in Bolry after being abandoned by the rest of her family. Let's call the younger daughter 'Irina' just to make it easier to relate the story. The Irina of the story is completely fictional.

"Years before in the late 1960s, a female child had been born in the SRB. Let's call the young woman into which this child grew, 'Svetlana,' although this young woman is also completely fictional. Svetlana was very smart and very beautiful and thought herself secure. She had done very well in the schools available in Bolry. She had an amazing facility with languages and played the violin beautifully.

"Svetlana had two older brothers who had advanced far in the Bolrian government. The older brother, we'll call him Pyotr although he is a fictional character and no relation to our current Great Leader, had become the Chief of State under Orsinov, who was officially the Secretary of the Communist Party. The second brother, Lavrentiy, but who preferred to go by "Dimitry," had become the head of the Bolrian Security Police, the BSP, although he was only in his early 30s.

"Svetlana was very happy that she could go to the University of Moscow where she was doing very well in her second year. She studied Russian and English literature and even had learned much of American and Western European culture and slang while playing Haydn and Shostakovich in a quartet. She was making many friends and popular with young men when her mother fell ill and she returned to Bolry.

"Great beauty can be a great asset and a great curse. Orsinov saw the young woman during her trip home and decided that she would become his mistress. Most of the Bolrian ruling clique thought that Svetlana had deliberately attracted Orsinov to get ahead. It was a path frequently taken by Bolrian woman, most recently by Irina's mother. In fact, nothing could have been further from the truth. Svetlana had no interest in being Orsinov's mistress. Svetlana told Orsinov as respectfully as she could that she wanted nothing to do with him and wanted to return to her studies once her mother got better.

"Svetlana was seized, raped by Orsinov and kept in a house outside the Capital with no company except security guards. She thought that her brothers would help her. But her younger brother thought it was good for his career if he supported Orsinov in this and never liked his younger sister anyway except as an object of his lust. He probably would have raped her himself if he could have gotten away with it. The older brother, Pyotr, perhaps felt sorry for his sister but did not do anything to help her.

"Agamemnon kept his victim off contraceptives so that he could father more bastards. Svetlana's first child was probably by Orsinov and the baby boy lived a little while with his mother who nursed the baby. But Svetlana was healthy and still full of life. She seduced a handsome security guard. She was very pretty and smart, but not yet careful. She may have thought a woman could not get pregnant while nursing. She got pregnant again, this time at a time that Orsinov had not visited her for weeks and could not possibly have fathered the child.

"The philandering rapist Orsinov was furious that his victim had failed to remain chaste. Svetlana was sent to the BSP for interrogation. It is said that she never revealed the name of the father of the child despite days of torture and rape. The identity of the father, though, was not too hard to guess. The father of the second child was killed in a manner of which I will not speak.

"Orsinov's immediate impulse was to do the same with Svetlana but on a whim Orsinov decided that Svetlana should carry the child to term. When the child was born, it would be exposed on a mountain to die. Svetlana could be tortured to death by the BSP. Orsinov could imagine no more cruel way to kill a woman than to force her to carry a child knowing that she and the child would die horribly soon after the child was born.

"Hearing of her sentence, Svetlana tried to hang herself but was stopped by a guard before she could jump off a chair below the pipe over which she'd thrown the bathrobe belt. Svetlana's young son was shipped off to Berlin. He was quietly adopted by an East German couple that was moderately important in the party.

Svetlana was sent back to the house in the suburbs but now no man would help her. Many of the guards went out of their way to be cruel to Svetlana, took advantage of her sexually and made frequent jokes about what would happen to her at the BSP headquarters in a few months. Some gave her a taste of what she would get although they knew she had already had much more than a taste. Understandably, she lost faith in mankind and became cold and sullen.

"As her belly grew, a middle-aged midwife from the mountains was assigned, in the words of Smerdyakov, her chief jailor, 'to keep Svetlana alive and help her give birth to a healthy child so we can kill healthy victims.'

"The midwife, Mariya, pretended to follow orders but privately told Svetlana not to despair. The midwife said that the blessed virgin would hear of her plight and save her and the child growing in her womb. Svetlana, who had been brought up a devote Communist, did not place any faith in the virgin but was comforted by the woman and told herself that there might be some way she would survive. The old woman got Svetlana books. Orsinov had not said that reading was forbidden to the dead woman walking. Svetlana did her best to keep her mind off the future. Frequently, she could not, though, and broke down weeping into the gray sleeves of one of the midwife's traditional nurse dresses.

"When Svetlana began childbirth, she suffered many times the pain and terror of most other mothers. The midwife told Svetlana to be as quiet as she could be and diverted the guards in various ways from what Mariya and Svetlana were doing in Svetlana's small room. Although the delivery took 11 hours, the foolish men who were guarding Svetlana did not recognize that Svetlana had gone into labor until after the child was born and the midwife had stolen the child and disappeared in the mountains. Never send a man to do a job that has to be done by a perceptive creature.

"After they discovered what had happened, the guards were not eager to tell Orsinov. It is not known exactly why Svetlana was not killed. Why was Dostoyevsky spared after plotting against the Czar? Most likely the guards thought it best not to do anything that might call attention to their failure.

"As it was, in the coming weeks, the guards and Svetlana were fortunate. The coup against Gorbachev was launched and failed, the Soviet Union broke up and Orsinov, his henchmen and the Bolrian Security Police were far too busy working to stay in power as a brutal Russian clique out in the steppes to worry about what had happened to one of Orsinov's ex-mistresses living in isolation in the suburbs. Also, it is said that Svetlana's mother had managed to prevail on Svetlana's older brother to keep her from being killed now that he could do so without costing himself much. Orsinov may have forgot about Svetlana or thought she was dead.

"Svetlana was sent to a nicer place than Dostoyevsky after being spared. Pyotr decided he had to get her far away from the capital where she might be remembered to the detriment of Svetlana, and much more importantly, to himself. He had a summer home down by the sea, to which he sent Svetlana where she could read, walk on the beach and begin the process of recovering from her ordeal. The midwife found her by the sea and assured her that her daughter was healthy and being raised by a good peasant family.

"Svetlana began to make some friends in the villages near the resort. She even allowed herself to dally with some of the local men. The strong appetites with which she was born slowly recovered. She could not continue her studies in Moscow but she worked on learning languages the best she could and read a great deal. She read of Theodora and Wu Tian who become empresses after being concubines and, of course, of Katherine Alexeyevna who patiently waited until she could take power from her useless husband.


"The daughter that Orsinov's second wife had left in Bolry grew into puberty. Orsinov began to take some interest in her. For a while she appeared with her father in public. It amused him to travel with her. It appeared to observers that she approved of how her father controlled Bolry with an iron fist. Irina became a frequent visitor to the headquarters of the Bolrian Security Police, where she saw some things that she should not have seen. She became well known to a lot of the BSP officers. As Irina's breasts developed and hips broadened, the security police and important officials looked at her with even more interest. She had experiences with several of the younger stronger agents of the BSP that I will not discuss.

"The idea that Irina approved of murder and torture was entirely untrue. When Irina was 16 during a tour in the country, she saw a village that had been destroyed by the Bolrian army. She suggested to her father privately in a stupid adolescent way that maybe he should retire if staying in power required such acts. He told her to shut her pretty mouth.

When she was 17, Irina learned from a BSP agent more of what went on at the BSP HQ and unwisely told the agent that she was appalled. The agent said that if Irina wanted to go to a good school move up in Bolry, she had better keep such views to herself. Irina foolishly laughed and said that she was sure she would go to Moscow to study languages, international relations and public policy.

Irina turned 18 and she had made plans to go to Moscow. Her father looked at her differently and told her that she was now a woman and would be expected to represent Bolry and respect the government at all times. Irina did not like where her father's eyes were focused but said she understood.

"A few days later, on what was to be a farewell tour in the country with her father before she was to go to Moscow, Irina saw a pretty young peasant woman about her age being taken off to the BSP HQ. She heard her father give orders to BSP men that after they learned whatever they could, they could do what they wanted with the peasant woman before disposing of her. Irina, acting like a passionate girl rather than a scheming wise old Cossack, whispered to her father that the young woman looked innocent and why could they not just let her go. Orsinov became angry and told her that she was right, the peasant wench probably did not know any more about the rebels than a thousand other peasants in the area but it would amuse the BSP to learn that and use her body. "If you are so concerned about this little country bitch, maybe you should take her place."

"Irina, still young and naive, again failed to keep her heart from saying what her brain should have suppressed, and whispered to her father, 'Maybe if the world were just, I would be in her place.' Orsinov smirked and chose to interpret Irina's remark as accepting his brutal offer. He told the young peasant woman that he had decided to spare her although his daughter wanted her for a toy. After ordering the young woman released, he turned to Irina and merely said, 'Done.'

"Orsinov wanted to punish and exploit Irina but did not want to kill her. He could not even send her to the Bolrian Security Police as a prisoner without too many people knowing that his own daughter had turned against him. He ordered his three most trusted men, Dimitry, Tsaplin and Andre Utzin, to take Irina out for a ride, take her to 'the shed' and show her what happens to 'stupid women who think they are still girls free to question what must be done.' 'Leave no visible marks,' Orsinov said, 'I will be out later for the final ceremonies.'

"Irina was driven out to what had been a truck repair station, stripped naked and chained face down on part of a hydraulic lift on which trucks had been driven before being raised for repairs. It was raised so that her torso was on the lift, her feet barely touched the floor. She was chained with her genitals and buttocks fully exposed. She was blindfolded, whipped with fan belts and given careful electric charges from various equipment batteries. The BSP did not have the fancy toys it has now, but it had learned to make do with the equipment available. Irina was in great pain, horrified and soon beside herself in anguish when the men began to rape her anally.

"After being left for a time on the lift to reflect on her pain and degradation, she heard her father's voice as the men returned. She was flipped onto her back, and charges were now applied to her nipples for a short while. The belts were used to whip her front. She was left again and it grew dark. After a period that seemed very long, the men returned and she was raped vaginally. She could not see and did not know if her father was one of the rapists. She knew she had been raped five times while on her back.

"Something happened during the second set of rapes that had more importance than it should have had. Irina had an orgasm noticeable to all present.

"It is not rare for a woman having an orgasm during rape. When it happened in this case the man who was raping her had penetrated her a long time and had deliberately stimulated her. But Irina knew little at the time. She was an 18-year-old whose female relatives were in Moscow and who had learned about sex from members of the BSP. She never received any counseling. Although the pleasure was momentary, Irina came to believe that she was perverted and had feelings of guilt and self-loathing to add to her feelings of horror and violation.

"Also, when rumors of what had happened in the shed spread, it was said by brutal, ignorant men, that, along with being a vicious sadist, Irina was such a 'whorish slut' that she could enjoy sex while chained to a hydraulic lift and raped blindfolded. When these rumors got back to Irina, she was further mortified.

"Irina had endured her torture and rapes expecting she might well be killed. She did not know that Orsinov had ordered his men not to kill her and had heard his order to kill the peasant woman who she thought she had replaced as a victim. As she laid on the lift a puddle of semen, sweat, fear and pain, she heard her father say, 'Now finish the job,' and heard a door close and a car drive off. As she heard men come closer to her she started begging that they not kill her. 'I am barely 18, you've taken everything from me, please take no more.'

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