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Sexy Halloween with my "Daddy"

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Young BBW Jenny gives Adam a Halloween he will never forget!
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(Dedicated to Dear AB).


As Halloween approached, my parents decided to have a costume party. Normally, as a 20 year-old girl, I would hang out with my friends. However, dad's 35 year-old friend, Mr. Kay, was going to be at the party. So, I decided I would be a good daughter and do what I could to help, as well as attend. I also made sure I did my Kegel exercises every day, so my young, shaved pussy would be super tight for him!

The night of the party, I dressed as a witch. I wore a short black dress that clung to my body, fishnet stockings and knee high black boots. All black was very complimenting to my 5'5, 36-33-38 figure. My b-cup boobs, looked bigger and firmer in the scoop neck dress. The pushup bra I wore helped, I'm sure. Since I was wearing no panties under my stockings, my ass looked nice and round. I teased up my raven black hair and I wore a lot of eyeliner around my blue eyes, as well as a lot of blush, on my cheeks. I also put on dark red, shiny lipstick. I was more of a hot witch, than a crone.

The party was really going full force, when Adam arrived. I saw him from across the room. He was dressed as a pirate. He was wearing all black, like me. His shirt was open in front, showing his hairy chest. I thought of how I would love to run my fingers through his chest hair.

I ran to the bar and got Adam's favorite drink, cranberry and vodka. I then made my way through the crowd, towards him. I stopped in my tracks, as I saw him talking to some slut, dressed as a hooker! She was a thin, dirty blond haired bimbo! She was wearing a too short, low cut, slinky, red dress. Her big fake boobs were practically falling out of the top! You could see that she was wearing a garter belt and stockings. Her skirt barely covered her crotch, as she kept adjusting the tops of her stockings. I approached, cautiously, trying to hear their conversation. This hoochie was going on and on bout something.

Adam noticed me and smiled, that happy, friendly smile of his.

"Hi Jenny!" He gave me a peck on the cheek. "You look great, withchy-poo."

"Hello" I said quietly, looking down and not making eye contact. "This is for you." I handed him his drink.

"Thank you, Jenny. Do you know Norma?" He gestured towards the stupid whore.

"No." I grudgingly shook her hand. She smiled and said hello or something.

"Nice outfit." I commented, giving her the once over. Norma smiled.

I excused myself, quickly. Adam had a confused look on his face, as I walked away.

I went over to my mom and nonchalantly asked her about whore... I mean Nor-maaa. My mom told me she was a friend of a friend and had a reputation for being easy, once she had a few.

"That Bastard!" I thought angrily, to myself as I watched Adam and that cunt talking and laughing.

I was depressed, so I started to drink some beers. I was sitting alone in a corner, a little buzzed and sulking.

A couple of more beers later, Adam came up to me. "Hi Jenny, I've been looking for you."

"What about that SLUT, Norma?" I barked, with more then a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"Oh Jenny." He looked at me and sighed. "I've known Norma for quite a while, sweetie. Before you ask... No, I have not slept with her. She does not look at me in that way. I am just her friend. Someone she talks to about her man problems. Trust me, I ain't interested!"

"Whatever." I mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Jenny, you have to understand that most women do not see me the way you do. They are genuinely not attracted to me, sexually. I don't 'do it' for them, you know? They only see me as a friend, nothing else."

"I guess." I said, hesitantly.

"Also, who have I been secretly spending all my time and making beautiful love with for the past few weeks? Hmmm?"

I started to smile when I thought about the last time we were together. We had spent the whole day in bed. Adam came like 4 times. I have no idea how many times I came. We talked and talked and fucked and fucked. Ate some great take out food, cuddled, smoked pot and then fucked some more! It was one of the best days of my young life!

I was still looking down. But I realized he was probably right and I was just being a mean, jealous bitch (you know, a normal woman). Adam gently lifted up my chin.

"I almost see that gorgeous smile, I love so much!"

Looking into his kind, sincere, brown eyes, I stopped moping, smiled and giggled.

"There it is!" He smiled back. "Jenny, you are the only woman in my life and that is the way I want it to be. You understand?"

"Yes Mr. Kay." I said playfully. I realized this man genuinely cared, about me and my feelings. I was feeling much better and of course, began to feel horny.

"I want to show you something in my room, Adam." I said excitedly. His smile became even bigger.

"No! It's not what you think, you dirty old man, you!" I playfully poked him.

I took Adam's hand and guided him through the crowd and up the stairs, to my room. I closed the door, had him sit on my bed, while I reached into my nightstand drawer. I took out a nice big joint and sat on the bed, right next to him.

"My Dad got some really good stuff, so I pinched a little out of his bag and rolled this. I think it's called Panama Gold or something."

"Awesome!" Adam exclaimed. He took out his lighter and we sparked that bad boy up!

We began doing our "Shotgun Kisses". Taking a hit, blowing the smoke into each other's mouth, then having it turn into a passionate kiss.

This marijuana was really way out! We were totally ripped after just a few hits. He carefully put out the joint and we began making out.

I ran my fingers through Adam's chest hair. I gently brushed against his nipple and he gasped. I did it again and he let out a low moan. He started kissing my neck and whispered in my ear, "Oh Jenny, I love when you touch my nipples!"

I began kissing Adam's neck and kissed my way to his chest, I moved his shirt out of the way and planted my mouth around his nipple, flicking my tongue up and down. My fingertips were lightly touching his other nipple. Adam was moaning and groaning. It seems I was driving him crazy!

"Oooooooh baby!" He crooned. "That feels so fucking good!"

Adam's cock was rock hard and sticking straight up in his tight, pirate pants.

I licked and sucked both of his nipples for a while, till they were both hard. Adam laid back. I slipped my hand into his pants and started squeezing and jerking on his thick, throbbing 7-inch cock.

Adam laid there as I pulled out his dick. I immediately shifted around and took his whole manhood into my mouth. I moved my head up and down, swirling my tongue all around. Adam was moaning and I saw that he was playing with his own nipples! That was so sexy!

I took my mouth off his dick and started to lick and suck on Adam's big balls, while I slowly jerked his beautiful dick.

"Oh God Jenny! I love when you suck my balls! It feels so fucking amazing!"

Adam's balls were tight in my mouth and his cock was throbbing in my hand. I could tell he was going to cum soon.

Adam looked at me, still playing with his own nipples and said: "I want you to suck and lick just on the head of your Daddy's cock and milk his balls. Do you understand, my little whore?"

I obeyed my Daddy and proceeded to do exactly what he asked. I put my mouth on just his big, purple, cock head and began licking and sucking on it, cupping his balls in my hand and gently squeezing. I watched as Adam kept playing with his nipples.

Adam was moaning: "Oh Baby, Daddy's going to shoot into your luscious mouth! Suck it my little whore! Suck my cock!"

I swirled my tongue around his throbbing head faster and faster! Adam moaned, thrusted up his hips and started to shoot his cum in my mouth! I concentrated on sucking on his head, tasting his delicious cum! All the while, milking his hard balls. Adam bit the back of his own hand so he would not scream. I sucked on Adam's cock till I got every last drop, that he had for me. He tasted wonderful, as usual.

I finally took my mouth off of Adam's cock. He pulled me up to him and kissed me passionately!

We then rested next to one another, for a moment.

"Jenny," he began. "How about you come over to my place after the party and we can spend the night together?"

"How am I going to do that Adam?" I said in a sarcastic tone. No one knew about us, we were unsure how my family might react.

"Well," he continued. "We will say I indulged too much and you are going to make sure I get home ok. You would be spending the night on the couch, supposedly, while I am just passed out on the bed."

"That's a very devious plan Adam.... I like it!" I smiled wickedly.

Adam raised himself up on one elbow and looked at me. "Why Jenny, what a devilish grin. You are wearing the wrong costume, my dear. You should have dressed as a little devil." We both laughed.

After a few minutes we stood up and quickly adjusted ourselves. Adam left my room and I followed, a bit later.

I returned to the party, grabbed a beer and began mingling around a little. Every once in a while I would notice Adam out of the corner of my eye. I would look at him and we would exchange smiles from across the room. I was having a nice time. I talked to a few people, danced a little, even went outside and smoked some pot with a small group.

It began to get late. The party was starting to slow down. People were beginning to stagger out. I saw that slut Norma, totally sloshed, hanging onto some guy dressed as a fireman, they were walking out the door and she was rambling something about using his hose to put out the fire in her throat. I guess my mom was right.

I saw Adam sitting on the couch as my parents hovered over him. He looked like he was completely wasted off his ass. He looked very dazed and out of it.

I walked up to them and my dad took me aside and asked me if I would make sure Adam got home okay, as he had some things to take care of. He explained that Adam was dropped off and his ride had already left, so he needed a lift home.

I ran up to my room, grabbed a change of clothes and the rest of the joint, shoved them all into my purse and rushed back to Adam, on the couch. I slowly helped him up and had him lean on me as I walked him to the car. I'm pretty sure he was not acting. He was kind of uncoordinated and leaning heavily on me. It seemed he was pretty far gone.

I finally got him into the car and buckled in. Starting the car, I began driving to his house.

After a minute or two, Adam seemed to regain his composure and asked confidently, "Did you like the way I took care of that?"

"Yeah." I smiled. I actually was very impressed.

We arrived at Adam's house a little while later.

We entered and immediately headed towards his bedroom. We took off our shoes and sat up in his big king size bed, to smoke.

"Better call your mom, first." Adam suggested.

I took out my phone and called my mom. I explained to her that I got Adam home and he had passed out. I told her that I was really feeling out of it and did not feel safe driving home, so I was going to crash on Adam's couch. My mom, who was really drunk said that would be fine and that she would see me later and hung up. Wow, I thought, that was really easy.

Adam lit the joint and we began smoking. We took our time, taking long drags and holding them in. By the time we were finished I was more fucked up than I think I had ever been.

Adam leaned over and began to kiss me. He stopped me from wrapping my arms around him.

He helped me off with my dress and I sat there in just my bra and fishnet hose. He took off all his clothes and lay back on the bed He then told me to climb onto his face. I reached back and removed my bra. I moved up and began to straddle Adam's face, placing one leg on each side of his head. He began rubbing on my hot, wet pussy, through the hose. I moved my pussy closer to his mouth. He shifted his arms and began rubbing his face on my pussy, licking it, thorough the hose.

Adam began biting on my fishnet stockings, trying to make a hole. After about a minute, he said: "Fuck this!" and took his hands and roughly ripped a BIG hole in the crotch of my stockings! I gasped!

Adam grabbed my ass, pulled me forward and planted his whole mouth on my little bald beaver. His tongue was sliding up and down my slit as he sucked on my pussy. My pussy had been on fire since I had sucked Adam's cock, earlier, in my room. I grounded my pussy on Adam's face, feeling his mustache and beard, as well as his mouth and tongue, against me. Adam was squeezing my ass and flicking his tongue faster and faster! I thrusted my hips as I began cumming! "Oh Adam suck me! Suck your whore's pussy! Oh yes! Oh God, Yes!" My whole body shook as I came, Adam's amazing mouth and tongue made my pussy feel so good!

Adam took his mouth off my pussy for a moment, his face covered in my juices. "Spread your pussy for Daddy, baby." He gasped. I reached down and spread myself wide. Adam wrapped his lips around my hard little clit and began concentrating on just licking and sucking it. He reached up and began squeezing on my tits and pulling on my nipples! I was going to cum again! "Oh Daddy suck your little whore's clit! You're making me cum again! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed! I loved sitting on Adam's mouth! But my pussy wanted more. I moved away from his face and began backing up on his body, I saw in the corner of my eye that his cock was hard. I positioned myself over it, got up on one leg, grabbed his cock and began rubbing it up and down my hot dripping slit. "I rode your face, now I want to ride your cock, Daddy!"

Adam looked at me with a wasted, ecstatic look and said, "Fuck your Daddy, my little whore! Shove that cock in your pussy and ride it!"

I listened to my Daddy. I put his cock in my fuck hole and lowered myself onto it. His thick cock was filling my pussy and stretching it. Adam grabbed my ass and began pulling me up and down on his manhood. I leaned forward on my hands, as my tits ended up in Adam's face. As he was raising me up and down he wrapped his lips around my nipple and began sucking on it. My pussy was going up and down the length of Adam's cock. He was holding my ass cheeks and spreading them wide to get his cock into me, as deep as he could. I would go up to the tip of his cock head then come down and feel his big hard balls hitting my ass. Adam began to gently nibble on my nipple sending shivers through my whole body! It was so amazing!

As Adam was raising me up and down, he began to raise his hips to get his cock into me, as deep as he could. I was riding up and down on him and he was thrusting his cock in and out, so fast! Then, as I was coming down, he shoved his cock up hard, deep inside of me. Feeling his cock so deep and the sensations from him nibbling my nipple, made me cum SO FUCKING HARD!!!

I collapsed on Adam's chest, for a moment. Enjoying our two bodies together. Adam wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head, tenderly. I was breathing so hard and my body was shaking and tingling.

"Are you all right, sweetie?" Adam asked with a little concern. I raised my head a bit and said breathlessly: "Yeah, sure. Why would you ask?" Adam smirked.

I got my second wind. Adam's big cock was still hard in my pussy. My muscles were still twitching from that incredible orgasm.

I sat straight up on Adam's amazing cock. I grabbed his hands and put them on my boobs. I started to run my hands up and down his chest, gently rubbing on his nipples.

I looked down at Adam and said: "Your little whore is going to grind on her Daddy's cock until it shoots deep inside of her!" I began swaying my hips and squeezing on his cock with my pussy muscles. I was grinding my clit against his pelvis. Adam had his hips raised, getting that thick cock as deep inside of me as he could.

"Fuck me Jenny! Fuck your Daddy! Fuck that cock! You know you love it!" He screamed!

"I do love it Daddy!! I love it so fucking much!" I began grinding and squeezing on him! All the while, Adam was rubbing on my tits and pinching my hard nipples.

"Oh Daddy! I screamed. "I'm gonna cum again, please shoot your hot cum inside me, I want it soooooo baaaaaaaaad!"

I felt Adam's cock begin to throb inside me. His big balls were tight. I began to grind faster and faster, harder and harder. Concentrating on squeezing him with my pussy muscles.

"OH JENNY! I'M CUMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He exclaimed!

I felt Adam's cock squirt, deep inside my pussy and I came! It felt so amazing! Every time Adam squirted, I had an intense orgasm! Adam filled my pussy to the brim and I collapsed on top of him. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me. I was shaking and still cumming and cumming!!!!

After a few moments, I finally calmed down. I felt Adam's softening cock slip out of me. I climbed off of him and lay next to him, engulfed by his strong, loving arms.

Our eyes met.

"I love you Jenny." He said with care and sincerity.

"I love you to...... Mr. Kay!"

We kissed each other deeply and passionately and then both drifted off to sleep with satisfied smiles on our faces.

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