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She Allowed the Seduction

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He forces anal sex on his wife.
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Writer 's Note: This is my first story for Literotica and so I hope to get some comments. I will answer them. I also hope to have some other stories ready to submit very soon.

Tony stood where he had frozen in shock in the doorway to their living room. His eyes were still open wide and his mouth was gaping open. He just couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had suspected it for weeks, but here was undeniable proof that his wife of twelve years was having an affair.

She was draped on her stomach, over a red and blue futon, legs wide open, with her knees suspended in the air and just the front part of her feet pressing against their light blue carpet. Her sexy butt was sticking out in the air. Some guy, he didn't know, was standing right behind those lovely cheeks of hers moving his hips forward and back.

The futon had been arrange so that he had a perfect view of the man 's dick entering and leaving his wife 's pussy. He couldn't see her clitoris, it being under her, but he had a great shot of her anus, that sweet brown puckered opening he had been trying to talk her into allowing him to enter. She would sometimes allow him to push one finger in partway, but that was as far as he had gotten. He could also see the man 's hairy butt well enough to see inside the crack as his butt cheeks separated every time he pulled backward. The crack would close as he pushed forward.

Mary, Tony 's wife, was groaning every time the guy pushed his instrument of pleasure further into her slit which had been up till now reserved for her husband.

As he stood there completely in shock a small corner of his mind was analyzing the situation. Tony knew, from his years of experience fucking her that she was approaching a climax, not close yet but definitely headed toward one. From the wetness of the back of her thighs and from the smell in the air he was sure she had already had a climax. That same part of his mind was analyzing his feelings. There was shock, anger, hurt, something which was almost rage and surprisingly enough at the same time he was getting turned on. This was the most sensuous thing he had ever seen. He had watched pornos a time or two, but this out did them. Watching the guy' s dick pull out from his wife' s center of pleasure, seeing how it separated the slit' s lips, then pushing back in, then hearing her groan was the biggest turn on ever.

Another part of his mind was telling him that he had been right all along. His suspicions had began a few weeks earlier. He didn't know what specifically had aroused them, but he could pin point the time he knew something was going on. After twelve years of marriage and going with Mary two years before that, he knew her. At first he wasn't sure what she was hiding, but he had set out to find out. It just never occurred to him that she was having sex with another man. But one night, four weeks ago, while they were making love he had licked the upper part of her legs. He had tasted her cum, in about the middle of the inside of her thigh. He knew that when really excited she leaked a lot of her sweet nectar, and that she wasn't that excited yet during this session. He recalled that she had taken two showers since the last time they had had sex but there was a film covering part of her leg with none above that one spot. While still licking her he had thought about it, and didn't think she was masturbating. She had a couple of times for him, but it was too foreign to her make up, to make a habit of it. It mystified him but it hadn't stopped him. he kept licking upward. They had gone on to have some good sex but he kept wondering how her "juice" had gotten there.

A few days later there was that phone call he had caught just a part of. He wasn't supposed to be home that day, just like he wasn't supposed to be home today, but he woke up that day feeling like he was sick. One of those twenty four hour flus, so he had stayed home. A few hours later, after feeling better he had decided to walk around, in his bare feet. As he neared the kitchen he had heard his wife speaking to someone. She said something about not this week but maybe next. Then I can't wait till then either. He snuck around the living room till he was standing just behind her. She was standing just inside the doorway leading into the kitchen. He had crept up to the wall and leaned against the section of the wall right next to the open doorway. He could hear a man' s voice from the speaking even though not what he was saying. This was immediately followed by Mary giggling in the way she did when Tony said something suggestive to her.

She then said in her sexy voice, "that does sound like fun but we can't talk now, as I explained already."

Pause as the man had said something, finally she said, "See you then."

He had decided to sneak away at that point, which he did. Afterwards, thinking about how that conversation had sounded, he spent some time thinking about their relationship. Had it gone sour without him realizing, or was he spending too much time at work? That may have been why he had forgotten an important insurance form his boss had told him to fill out. His employers were changing insurance carriers and the new one needed some info immediately. He had to come back home to get it, after discovering, a couple of hours after he gotten to work, he didn't have it.

As soon as he had turned onto the street, he had seen the strange car. It was parked a couple house down from theirs but something about it didn't look right. But he didn't have time to think about it and quickly pulled into the driveway. He soon was out of the car and hurrying to the door. It was unlocked which surprised him, but he went though it with little more thought. even before he had shut the door he had heard her grasps and moans. Pleasure moans at that. Maybe she was masturbating more but then he had heard a man' s groan. He gasped and slowly closed the door. Next went to the door leading into the living room, which was where he was now.

He saw it but still had trouble grasping it. While most of his mind was grappling with the sight part of his mind was still going over their relationship. He thought he had known his wife better then this. They hadn't had sex before their wedding night, but they had spent enough time together for them both to get to know the other. Since the marriage they had gone through monetary poor times and rich times, the birth of two children, the miscarriage of one, disappointments and victories, they had had sex thousands of times. Their honeymoon had been almost a continual two person orgy. They had tried every position known to man. The first time he had been very proud of himself. Even though both had been virgins, he had known enough to take his time and to pleasure her first. Of course, he had soon discovered, pleasuring her was not a chore. He loved her, and he liked making love to her body.

As soon as they had entered their honeymoon room he had helped her off with her wedding dress. That had been a big turn on, he still liked to undress her, but nothing compared to that night when they had carefully slipped the dress off her and she was revealed in her glory. Well, she had been wearing bra and panties but they had been shiny and very white. She had seen his appraisal of her and had blushed. She turned to show off her body saw the look on his face and had gone running to the bathroom.

He said, "Hey?!"

Mary had just turned and with what he could describe as a nervous twinkle in her eye she said, "I got a surprise for you. Its good, you will like it."

So he had waited taking off his tux' tie, he had already taken off the jacket, and later on his shoes. He debated rather he should be completely naked or not. After what seemed like a tremendously long time she came out. She was dressed in one of the sexist nightgowns he had ever seen. He had just seen her in a bra and panties and this covered more skin but at the same time it was a whole lot sexier then her underwear. He had an instant hard on. Over the years, since, she had surprised him with sexy nightgowns every so often. Just a couple of weeks ago she had shown up in a net body suit, which had covered and revealed things at the same time. Now he wondered if he had been the first to see her in that outfit.

On their wedding night she had come to him and kissed him. He resisted the urge to tear off her outfit and throw her on their bed. He could tell that even though she wanted it as bad as he, she was nervous. So he had kissed her, a lot, every type of kissing he could think of. They frenched deeply, he licked the sides of her mouth and both her lips. He gently sucked on each lip, and not so gently sucked on her tongue. She sucked his back. Soon she was groaning in long soft sounds. Next he had kissed and sucked his way down her neck almost to the swell of her breasts. The nightgown kept him going any further but he soon realized the fabric lifted up, so he lifted it. He gasped as he saw her breasts for the first time.

She had heard his gasp smiling she looked at him and asked shyly, "You like them?"

He could just nod, then nod again harder. Finally, after what seemed like a very long time, he suddenly dipped his head toward one of them. He was so quick he almost smashed into it but managed to stop in time. He ended up with a nipple in his mouth, for the next ten minutes, at least, he sucked, licked and kissed those two mounds of beauty and sexfulness. He left three hickies on each breast while licking first one around its circumference, then the other. She had been groaning and moaning like a ship full of seasick sailors. Finally started even lower licking her sternum, then her belly button.

Tony went around the hairy patch just above his goal. He had had to remove her panties to reach that goal. He slowly drew them down over her hips. He watched as her center of femaleness slowly appeared. First the clitoris then the top of the slit, finally the whole thing was revealed to his sight for the first time. He had gasped as he saw the first bit of it. Now he dived in licking her slit' s lips, sucking on her clitoris. For what seemed like hours he tasted her, nibbling away at her lips and at her joy button. Her moans had increased in length and loudness. He gently touched her pussy lips and pushed a finger inside. He rubbed the sides and felt her hymen. That was sexy as hell.

Soon she had asked for him to stick it in, but he wanted to see if he could bring her to climax for the first time. A minute or two later she was bucking against his mouth while at the same time trying to push more of his finger inside her. She let out a small scream and arched her back, she froze in that position for a few seconds then dropped back down with a large sigh.

After calming down Mary said, "no wonder everyone likes those so much." A pause, then "Get up here now."

But he wasn't done tasting her sweet nectar and now her even sweeter cum. Finally though he couldn't stand it anymore, crawling back up her, stopping momentarily to suck each nipple again. When he positioned himself right. He, with her hand to help to guide him, pushed his manness into the her femaleness. He went slow, feeling the head of his penis separating her lips for the first time. He stopped as he reached her maiden head.

As he had entered her he almost screamed out his pleasure, letting out a loud "GAAaaaa... god, araaa."

He had planned to sit, there to let her get used to him, but he couldn't do it. It was just too good. He pulled his shaft almost all the way out then slide it in to her hymen. Once, twice and on the third time he pushed harder with his hips, going through that piece of flesh. She had groaned during the first two strokes but let out a small scream on the third. He pulled back out then pushed in even further, pulled almost out then all the way to the hilt.

He let out another, "Gaaa!" then laid there on top of her, resting and feeling himself inside her.

Seconds later when he could trust his voice he asked, "Are you OK?"

She said, "Now I am," she kissed him then said, "Get moving, we got something to finish."

He did, first pulling himself out all the way then pushing in in all the way to the hilt. he continued the in and out thrusts, with each movement producing more groans from both of them. As he neared his climax, she stared moving against him, fucking back at him, trying to drive him even deeper. Finally he knew his time had come, he had tried to go slow and even had stopped at one point, but she had commanded him to get moving. Now there was no stopping it. He increased his tempo faster and faster finally shoving his dick in hard and fast for two strokes. The good feelings paused for a moment as his body froze on the down stroke. A second later everything let lose. This time he let loose a primal scream as the first glope of cum blasted out from his shaft. He screamed again, softer, almost to himself, as the second one shot out. He lost count from then on, never knowing how long his orgasm lasted or how many shots he pumped into her. Before he could relax though she said in a hurried voice to keep going. He did, not knowing how he stayed hard, or mostly hard anyway. After another ten quick deep strokes she let loose a scream, louder and more primal then her first one, just before she arched her back and froze for a moment with her mouth open wide in a O and her eyes clenched shut. Finally she fell back to the bed letting go of a breath of air.

He fell off her, landing next to her. Both were panting with her recovering first. After his breath was back to normal they cuddled.

She said, "Wow, I knew that was going to be good, but that was something else."

He nodded and could only say said, "definitely."

She said, "I felt you cum, it was so sensuous it almost made me cum. Thank you for not stopping."

"Hey, I' m here to please."

She cuddled even closer to him and said, "You surely did."

Later after, he cleaned up, she sucked him off, allowing him to cum in her mouth. That had been almost as good as their first fuck, only in a different way. He had done it to her and she wanted to do it to him. Later as she was laying on her stomach, he had licked her starting at her neck, down her back to her butt. As he dipped over the slope leading to in between her legs he had spread her cheeks to look at her anus for the first time. He fell in love with it at first sight. It was the first time he had seen an anus in person and he could just stare at it. He didn't know why, seeing what came out of it but that small, puckered brown, opening excited him almost as much as her slit. He wanted to kiss it, to lick it, to rub it. Mostly he wanted to stick his finger, then something even bigger in it. He unhurriedly placed one hand on where her crack begun. Next he spread his fingers and slide them down the crack until two fingers were over that amazing opening. Actually, he thought, it wasn't really open just a sphincter that led to where the sun doesn't shine. He chuckled at that as he placed his hand back at the beginning of her crack, sliding it down again. He repeated that movement three more times. Tony loved the way that not only her butt but especially her anus felt against his fingers.

After examining her backside some more and telling her how sexy it all was he finally couldn't stand it any more. He bent over and began to lick the out cheeks. He slowly made his way over the humps and down the inside of the crack. Closer and closer to his final goal. She was groaning up a storm, even as he left a dozen hickies all over her buttocks. She suddenly stopped him just as he began to lick her lovely, erotic, puckered sphincter.

At first she thought it too icky for him to make love to, but later he discovered that if she was turned on enough she would allow him to lick it, producing many groans of pleasure from her. She had even allowed him to stick his finger into it up to his first knuckle. Once, a few years later, she was so excited he had gotten his finger to the second knuckle. He managed to finger fuck it for few minutes that time. He almost gave himself an orgasm while doing it.

That thought brought him to the present as he saw something that really shocked and infuriated him even more. The man stuck a finger into that her anus. Tony watched as the man brought his hand to her butt, then placed the one finger tip to her second opening. After a second the tip slowly penetrated her puckered hole. She groaned her ecstasy, which didn't surprise Tony, but what did and what had infuriated him, was the fact that the finger kept on going. He watched it methodical disappear inside her until it was all the way in. No more finger was outside her anus.

She just moaned louder. She had never let him stick a finger in that far. Now though the stranger fingered fucked his wife' s anus for a few seconds then pulled his finger out all the way. Tony heard his wife sighed in disappointment. Next the man positioned two fingers at the opening of that sexy hole and slowly pushed both in. As Mary moaned loudly, Tony almost blew his stack. And amazingly enough at the same time he almost came.

The only thing that kept Tony from doing something, like yelling and screaming his anger as he rushed in to pull the guy off of her, was that he had to spend a few seconds reconciling the two intense emotions he was feeling. During that time the man continued to fuck in and out of his wife' s slit, while double finger fucking her rear entry. Her groans indicated that she was closer to a climax. A big one.

Finally what got Tony out of his shock enough to react was that the man shifted position slightly. Tony suddenly knew why he had shifted his feet and what he had planned to do. That knowledge galvanized him into action.

First Tony let out a yell that was supposed to have been a hey, but turned into a primal scream of a different type then he was used to.

This was quickly followed by, "What's going on here?" in a voice Tony didn't recognize as his own.

That analytical part of his brain reproved him for saying such an obvious statement. It was clear what was going on after all, but another part of Tony' s mind asked what else was he to say.

His wife stifled another groan and said, "Its Tony, my husband."

The man fucking her pulled out immediately and spun around, moving out of Tony' s reach. Tony ended up in his place, standing right behind his wife' s butt, breathing hard. The guy quickly grabbed his clothes, which were laying in a pile on an end table In the same movement he ran around the couch, on the side opposite of Tony and went though the door. On purpose or by accident the man barely avoided a hard blow swung by Tony. Meanwhile Mary tried to get up, but Tony pushed her back down.

"Your not going anywhere yet."

He heard the door slam as his wife' s lover rushed out of the house. Tony hoped not any neighbors saw a naked man running out of his house, it was better obvious what was going on. He looked down at his wife' s butt and pussy. He could see that she was still sexually excited by the way her juices were dripping out, and by the way her lips were still swollen. Even her anus seemed more relaxed then usual, while at the same time pulsating with excitement.

She tried to get up again, but he slapped one bare cheek and said, "Down!"

She started to say, "Tony please listen, I can explain."

He said, "Shut up. Its my turn!"

"Don't be mad like that, I can..."

He interrupted her with another slap and by saying, "Shut up bitch."

She had turned her head sideways to try to look at him and he could see that as he said bitch her head jerked and tears came to her eyes, as if he had slapped her face. He had never called her that before during anytime in their marriage. In fact even in the worst of fights, and they had had some douses, he had never called her any type of name. She couldn't say the same about him, but he had always forgiven her the few times she had called him things.

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