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She keeps it in friend’s family Ch. 01

Story Info
She has sex with female friend and friends father.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/12/2023
Created 08/17/2023
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Chapter 1

My husband left me for a younger woman, well more a girl, when I was 27yo. My one really close female friend was a massive comfort to me. I was a mess and Jan supported me through the months that followed. Jan is married to John with a son, Max, who was nearly 18yo and a widowed father in law, Len, living with her. Other than Jan the one thing that helped me in those early months was my trips to the gym and my night classes. I went to the gym every day before work and most days at the weekend. The evening classes were once a week at the local college.

Even at the college I moved to when 18yo I was teased about my small boobs and slightly boyish looks not that this kept the boys away. My body had filled out since my school days but my boobs were still not as big as I would have liked. They had become even firmer with all the gym work and for some reason my nipples had got even bigger sitting high on my boobs. Much to my relief my backside that had been described as boyish did fill out. The training did leave it very well toned. I had never been very happy with my body but the looks I received when in the gym did make me more confident. The teenage boys ogled completely openly, the old men were more subtle with the others pretending, not always successfully, not to notice me.

I was angry with my ex-partner and not wanting any man to hit on me but the anger did leave me wanting to tease other gym users. I bought new kit that showed my body off as sexually as I could get away with. I dispensed with a bra whenever possible and also ditched my thongs. I think I went too far on occasions when wearing my new kit with nothing underneath. It was good to see the effect on the men at the gym but also led to me becoming even more aware of my own sexual frustration. I have always had a high sex drive and not having a partner to share it with for the first time in years was really tough. I expected to masturbate regularly but for some unknown reason found any attempt failed and lead to greater frustration.

In the end I shared my sexual frustration with Jan. Her simple response was why not enjoy a few one-night stands with no commitment. I agreed that it sounded like the perfect solution but said it just didn't appeal. We had been drinking wine all evening and I was all over the place mentally. Jan's husband John was working away for a few days and as was usual Len was in his own room, or down at the pub. When it was time for me to leave I was in tears and Jan hugged me as I stood up. My crying changed to sobbing violently. All my frustrations hit me and I sank into Jan's arms.

"Why don't you stay here tonight? You are in no condition to drive home."

I didn't reply but allowed her to lead me up to her bathroom. She turned the shower on and turned to me. She took the hem of my summer dress and pulled until I put my arms above my head to allow her to remove it completely. My lack of bra made me feel vulnerable and I covered my naked boobs. Jan stood back and looked very hesitant. She initially looked like she was going to take hold of my panties but instead turned and went into her bedroom. It left me confused - had she wanted to strip me and maybe join me in the shower. Had I wanted her to do so? My body was alive as I soaped myself, paying particular care between my legs.

Jan is around twelve years older than me and I had never thought about her, or any other female, sexually. She had a good figure for her age but I had never really thought about it. As I showered I thought a lot about it. I had no experience with other women and I was not sure whether I wanted one now. I was sure that Jan had decided against any further physical contact until she returned to the bathroom completely naked. Her substantial boobs drooped a little but the position of her huge dark nipples high up took my eyes away from the droop. Her stomach was flat and took my eyes down to her dark bush. It was trimmed, not thick but substantial. I was naked, as I had not picked up the towel to dry myself when she held me with both arms and kissed me on my forehead. As naked as I was it was an act more caring in nature than sexual. I dried myself as she showered and was lying in her bed well before she finished brushing her teeth.

It was a hot summer evening and I started lying on top of the covers. I didn't have any nightwear with me and anyway I always slept naked. As I heard her toothbrush go quiet I panicked and slipped under the thin sheet. When she arrived naked in the bedroom she didn't jump straight into bed but cleared up a few things and in the process displayed her nudity to me. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the view and was disturbed to find that without thinking I found my fingers playing between my legs.

"Don't stop doing that on my behalf. I am sure that you would feel a lot better if you carried on until the inevitable happens."

Saying this she pulled the sheet off my body and added,

"My god you look fit. If I was a man...... well let's just say you look great."

My instinct had been to take my fingers away from my crotch and close my legs. What I had done was open my legs further and find my clit. My pussy was on fire and I was completely unable to stop what I was doing even though Jan was now smiling down on me as I openly masturbated. I had never masturbated with an audience but it felt wonderful. Everything in my world changed in the next two minutes. Jan sat next to me and while keeping eye contact with me lent forward and took my bullet-hard nipple in her mouth. She sucked it and licked it while it was still in her mouth. No single contact with my body had ever had such a dramatic effect. My orgasm was only a question of when not if. Jan now amazed me by taking hold of my arms and hands and removing them from my pussy.

I screamed at her but had not finished complaining when the joy of my orgasm overwhelmed me. Jan had only been touching my one nipple for seconds but my nipple was right at the center of a devastating climax. I was loud as I cursed her praised her and pleaded with her. My vocalization only seemed to add to my pleasure a pleasure that rumbled on beautifully until ebbing gently away. When Jan shifted her position I wondered whether she was moving into a position where I could repay the compliment.

How wrong I was as Jan pushed my legs towards my chest opening them as she did. Her mouth covered the area from above my clit down nearly as far as my anus. After that I don't know exactly what she did but it felt great. I have never experienced more than one orgasm in a session usually because my clit is far too sensitive. This just didn't seem to be a problem as Jan refused to let me come down from my sexual high. My heart was beating fast and hard and pleasure was flowing through my veins. I wasn't building towards a second orgasm but it felt wonderful. I couldn't resist playing with my nipples as Jan did lovely things between my legs. Reluctantly I accepted that I would not cum again until Jan shifted position slightly and slid a finger deep into my bottom. There was no resistance and no discomfort as she gently fucked my bottom with a single finger. Her mouth and tongue focused on my clit and were far firmer than they had been. My fingers also became more aggressive as my body tried to prepare me for another climax. When it arrived it was much more conventional than the first as my clit led the way. There was nothing violent about the waves that rolled through my body for what seemed never ending. I didn't collapse when it finished like I often do but simply relaxed totally.

Jan was soon lying next to me holding my head to her shoulders. I asked her how I could repay the pleasure and she simply told me to relax and sleep. I felt very guilty for doing nothing for Jan but managed to comply with her suggestion very quickly. I slept for ten hours straight before being woken by a radiant Jan with a cup of coffee. She told me that Len was cooking a fry up for the three of us and that she had an appointment at the doctors in 45 minutes time.

I was downstairs having borrowed a long tee shirt from Jan's wardrobe without giving it much thought. Len gave it plenty of thought as I entered the kitchen diner. He invited me to sit at the table with my back to the window. It was an excellent breakfast that I felt very hungry for. Len buzzed around pouring me more coffee and generally being very attentive. Jan called me to her as she left the room to go to her appointment.

"Len has always said that you were 'sex on a stick'. Right now you have him totally besotted. It may be something to do with the fact that that tee shirt is totally transparent while you are backlit by the sun from the window. You look completely naked sitting where you have been. My father in law may be old but trust me he is still as randy as a mountain goat."

I had only just woken up and what she said had totally thrown me. Len fancied the pants off me, I had been nearly naked for him to see and he was a randy old sod. I nearly ran upstairs to safety but decided to bluff it out. What he said next suggested that this was a mistake.

"I am not surprised that you had a real hunger this morning. It always makes me hungry too. You look absolutely radiant this morning. I am sure you are so much more relaxed right now."

The night before I had not thought about Len and I know I had been loud, very loud when in the throws of ecstasy. I knew he had heard more than I was comfortable but I was not ready to openly admit it to him.

"I don't know what you thought you heard but I am sure you are wrong."

I could not remember exactly what I had screamed while having my orgasms but he seemed to know exactly. He not only repeated my cries of ecstasy but also enjoyed doing so with lots of feeling. I knew he knew exactly what had gone on and I was completely compromised. He might be closer to seventy than sixty but the energy and twinkle in his eyes were bright and sexy. With a smile that disturbed me he responded.

"I know exactly what I heard and I am delighted that your orgasms were so spectacular. I am sure my son would be very interested to hear how my daughter in law and you entertained each other last night. I think I owe it to him to tell him what I heard. Tell me why I should not tell him."

"Please, it just happened I was just upset and Jan comforted me and things got out of hand. I have never been with a woman before last night. What good would come of you telling John? Jan was just trying to help me."

"If you were my daughter I would put you over my knee and spank you very hard. I am very tempted to treat you as I would a daughter."

"But I am not your daughter and you do not look at me like a father would. Please don't tell John."

"You are right I do not look at you or think of you like a daughter. You do have the most spank-able bottom I remember seeing. Have you ever had your bottom spanked?"

I have no idea why I felt it necessary to lie but denied it so strongly I am not sure I was convincing. I had not been spanked many times but had enjoyed receiving the spankings more than my ex had enjoyed spanking me.

"I might spare you the embarrassment of a spanking but only if you make it worth my while. You need to be very compliant and even a little submissive. Now go over to the window, the view through the shirt is very provocative, very arousing. There that is beautiful but now turn all the way round."

I didn't hesitate to comply finding his dominant attitude very exciting. The fact that he had only asked me to parade myself with the shirt on surprised me. Was I going to get away with a little bit of exhibitionism? Did I want him to demand much more of me? He is old enough to be my grandfather but feeling helpless in front of him was exciting, very exciting. Was I this excited because I had been without cock for so long or was I finding this dominant old man appealing? It hit me hard when I realized that if he was happy just watching me spinning around by the window I would be bitterly disappointed. I didn't know what I wanted but I knew I wanted something from this attractive older man. Something demanded of me by him.

I need not have worried, as Len was not going to be happy just watching me by the window. He indicated that I should come towards him. When I was close enough he demanded with his eyes that I held his gaze as he lifted the shirt up past my boobs. He didn't look down but smiled as he turned the shirt inside out covering my face with it as I lifted my arms. He pulled my arms through the shirt but left it covering my head and therefore my eyes. The contact with my nipples took my breath away. It was no caress more a squeezing of my erect nipples. He rolled them, pulled them and squeezed them. It was overwhelming and my knees buckled.

"My god they are perfect. I never understand why men love big ugly boobs yours are just perfect and as for your nipples - well. Are you wet my dear? If I feel your pussy right now will I find that you are excited?"

I was fully aware that I was excited but had not thought about whether my pussy was actually wet. His question focused my attention to the area between my legs. Now I knew I was wet and there was no point in denying it. I quietly confirmed that I was excited and sure that I was very wet between the legs.

He took my hand and I thought he was going to make me feel myself but instead he guided it to his erection. He seemed a very good size but what stunned me was that it was as hard as any cock I had ever encountered. I had wondered whether a man of his age might struggle to achieve or maintain an erection so was even more surprised at how hard it was. I heard him chuckle as if he sensed my surprise. I wanted to see his cock but had to settle for exploring it with my hands.

"Trust me it will be hard like that for the next hour or until I cum."

It was then that it dawned on me that he had probably taken a little blue pill. I enjoyed playing with the erection and the balls that seemed full and firm. I was slightly disappointed as he took hold of my shoulders. The shirt was still around my head as he maneuvered me until I was lying on my back on the kitchen table. He did then slip the dress off my head and I was able to see his slightly sinister smile.

"I am still very tempted to spank that wonderful ass of yours but I have thought of something I would much rather do with it. Have you ever been fucked back there, if not why not?"

"No because I have never let anyone do that even though they have asked. It just didn't seem natural somehow."

"It seems every bit as natural as what you and Jan were doing last night. If I am not very much mistaken you were very excited when your ass was penetrated by Jan."

I decided not to reply but was horrified that he seemed to know exactly what had happened the previous night. Secretly I had away wanted to be fucked in the ass but never wanted to appear too keen. This was my chance to try it while justifying it by making out that I was being forced.

"No you can't possible fuck me there it would split me in two."

I was concerned that I had protested too hard as he pushed my knees back to my chest and opened up my legs. His mouth was gentle as it found my clit. I have always loved men going down on me and this man knew what he was doing. There was no rush but I felt myself drifting towards an orgasm. After a few minutes he moved his tongue down and found my anus. No one had done this to me and it felt wonderful. As good as it was my orgasm was now further away. His mouth changed again to my clit and I was now quickly approaching orgasm. Just as I thought I was getting close to the point of no return he switched again to my bum. He repeated this cycle twice more and I was pleading with him to allow me to cum.

"When you ask me very nicely to fuck you bottom I will allow you to enjoy an orgasm."

This was perfect I could request him to fuck my ass as if against my will and enjoy a climax. I took my time and tried to sound very reluctant as I said.

"Fuck I need an orgasm so badly if you insist that I can only have one with you up my bum then do your worst."

I think we both knew that this was a game but were both happy to play it. From somewhere he produced a bottle of oil with a thin spout on it. He moved it to one of my boobs and poured a generous amount across my chest. It felt sticky and ran down both my sides onto the table. He then coated my bottom before sticking the spout into my anus and gently squeezing the plastic bottle. When he removed it he coated his cock with the oil. I was sure that he would penetrate me as soon as his cock found my anus but he spent time working the oil just inside with his prick. Coating his cock once more he penetrated me firmly until he was two or three inches inside me. I was so excited if there was any pain I didn't feel it. He held himself inside me as one of his thumbs found my clit. Everything just seemed perfect. I was excited by the idea of what we were doing, I felt no guilt about having a cock up my bum, I had been close to orgasm for minutes and this man knew how to push all my buttons. He pressed his palm and fingers into my stomach as his thumb worked my swollen clit. My hands had been playing with my oil-covered nipples since the oil had been poured over them and my nipples were huge and very sensitive.

Len worked his way in going deeper and deeper each time. Very quickly I was pushing myself back and down to maximize the penetration as it was feeling wonderful. I am sure he could sense just as much as I could that I was going to orgasm soon.

"Do you like having a prick fucking you deep in your rectum. If you are not sure I will stop straight away."

He was teasing me but requiring me to say that I was loving being fucked this way. He had won and I was happy to plead with him to carry on fucking me harder and harder. I was soon announcing my orgasm and his playing with my clit became even more intense and I exploded from somewhere deep in my bowels. As I was just beginning to regain my senses he exploded in my bowels. He didn't withdraw immediately and his firm but not hard cock felt nice and very intimate as it still stretched me back there. When he did finally slip his soft prick out of my bottom it hit me that I had just loved being fucked by this old man. I was embarrassed to have cum so easily and so dramatically. I had no idea what would happen now.

"You won't tell John about last night will you. I have done everything you have asked me to."

"Are you suggested that everything that you did in the last hour was to prevent me from talking to John? If you are then you are a great actor and I am just a little bit disappointed."

"No I didn't say that or mean that but I do not want to get Jan into trouble. What we did was so...... so....... it was lovely."

"A good meal is lovely, some of my friends are lovely. What we just did might have been frightening, disgusting, horrible, distasteful but it was never just lovely."

"I am so sorry you are right. Please don't ask me to tell you just how good it was. Would you just accept the word 'fucktastic'. Please spare me any more embarrassment."

"I accept the word and your apology. I will also offer you a deal. I will promise not to tell John about last night if you do one simple thing for me."

"I am all ears. You can fuck me every which way if that is what you want. You can spank my bottom if that is what floats your boat. What simple thing is it that you want?"

"The simple thing I am going to request of you is so much less exciting to me than what you are offering. I am tempted to change my mind. My problem is Max. He is 18 at the weekend and what I want you to do is to show him just how good sex can be. He is naïve, although he thinks he is a man of the world. Make him believe that he is attractive to women and show him how he can enjoy that."


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