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Shy Iris Ch. 01

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Shy girl with a big ass is suddenly the center of attention.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/13/2017
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"Hey, girl, you've got a fat ass!"

Iris whirled, middle finger extended, a hearty fuck you loaded on the tip of her tongue. But her catcaller was already gone, disappeared into the crowd of people on the busy sidewalk. She sighed, and continued on her way.

The words stung because Iris knew they were true. She did have a fat ass. It stuck out obscenely even when she was doing her best to conceal it under oversized hoodie. She saw it like a curse. While the rest of her friends had more or less finished filling out their womanly curves after high school, her thighs had kept getting thicker and her dimpled, white butt cheeks had never stopped expanding. Even at that moment, walking from campus, she imagined she could feel the spandex of her favorite pair of yoga pants stretched to its absolute limit, and the thin fabric of her black thong digging deep into her cavernous ass crack with every undulation of her massive backside. Maybe she wouldn't have felt so self-conscious if the rest of her was exaggerated to an equal proportion, but she had been cursed with only slightly larger than average, breasts and a normal, maybe somewhat overly slim, waist. That being said, she was unknowingly pretty, with porcelain skin, dark hair, and icy blue eyes. But otherwise, Iris was, for all intents and purposes, a normal girl who just happened to possess a giant ass.

Iris shook the thoughts out of her head. The day was bright and sunny, beautiful. The first hints of fall were starting to turn the leaves a stunning shade of red-green. She had no reason to be upset just because of some immature asshole on campus. Her classes were over for the weekend, all she had to do was make it to her car, and then she could go home, away from stupid boys. She approached the full parking lot where she'd parked her car and quickened her pace, not caring how obscenely her faster walk would make her backside jiggle and bounce, she was just ready to leave. Iris was so focused on escaping campus that she didn't notice the three young men break away from the rest of the passersby on the crowded sidewalk. Two of the men broke off from the third, circling around a nearby pickup and crouching down where they couldn't be seen. The third made a hasty beeline directly towards Iris.

"Hey, Iris!" It was a man's voice, and she twirled, ready for another confrontation.

"Oh... hi, Jack," Iris blushed. Jack was a tall, handsome, broad-shouldered young man who she recognized from her Political Science class. His shirt was emblazoned with the greek symbol for Pi three times. He was a brother of Tri-Pi, the largest and most popular fraternity on campus.

"Did you need something?" Iris asked. Always self conscious because of her perceived deformity, she couldn't believe this good looking, popular, frat boy, Jack, even knew her name, let alone wanted to talk to her.

"Did the professor say that we were going to have a quiz on Monday?" Jack asked. He yawned and stretched; his raised arms exposing his abdominal muscles. Iris blushed and forced her gaze away.

"Um..." Iris drew a complete blank. She hadn't spent this much time talking to a boy alone since she'd started college. "I think he said to read chapter five. I don't remember anything about a quiz, though."

"Are you sure?" Jack said in a voice that was almost pleading. Iris blushed an even deeper shade of red and looked away.

"I can check my notes, I guess."

"Maybe we could exchange e-mails or something, and you could let me know." Jack pulled his notebook out of his backpack and held it out to Iris. She took his pen and scrawled her e-mail address in painstakingly legible penmanship. Iris finished writing and Jack took the notebook and started to write a note of his own. Jack tore the sheet off, went to hand it to her, and suddenly dropped it. Without thinking, Iris bent over to pick it up, exposing her massive backside to the world.

The two boys who had been with jack leapt into action. The first, a short, stocky young man named Trevor, took several steps back and steadied his cell phone camera, focusing squarely on the fat ass jutting up into the air. The second guy, a mousy kid named Matt who was nothing more than skin and bones, sprinted forward until his face was almost touching Iris' thigh. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her yoga pants and black thong panties and jerked them to the ground in one smooth motion. He rolled to the side as quickly as he could, so Trevor could have an unobstructed view for his recording. This all happened just as Iris was picking up Jack's note, a hastily scrawled I've been watching that fat ass for a while. Gotcha', bitch!

The sequence of events unfolded so quickly that Iris was momentarily didn't have time to react. But then she felt the warmth of the sun on her pale butt cheeks, she felt the cool afternoon breeze teasing the outer lips of her seldom used pussy. She growled in frustration and grabbed her pants, trying to cover her exposed rear end before she had to face any further embarrassment. She had her pants halfway up her milky white thighs when she noticed the camera. Her eyes bulged and her lips moved in wordless fury as she lunged at the young man holding it.

Unfortunately for Iris, her waistband was still only part of the way up her shapely legs, and she tumbled forward. She threw out her arms to catch herself, landing on her hands and knees and exposing her backside once again. As a final humiliation, Jack brought his palm down on her meaty ass cheek with a resounding smack that echoed throughout the parking lot.

"Look at that jiggle," Trevor muttered breathlessly as he continued to record. Matt had rolled off to the side and was recording from a different angle. Jack, seeing that Iris had frozen once again, took a step back and shot some close-ups with his own phone, red hand print clearly visible on her pale, pudgy cheek, and the faint edge of her virgin asshole peeking into the frame. Realizing that three separate people were recording the worst humiliation of her life, Iris started to scream. All three men took off running, cheering, and laughing at the top of their lungs.


The moment Iris was sure her attackers were gone she struggled to her feet, pulled her pants up over her stinging ass, ran fearfully to her car, and sped home. She had never felt so ashamed in her life. She couldn't believe something like that had happened to her, assaulted, all because of her stupid fat ass! And by a boy she liked, no less! She wanted to cry, to curl up in a ball and disappear for a while. But as Iris pulled into the driveway of the apartment where she lived alone she started to think. Being pantsed and spanked in public wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to her. Aside from the shame, and the welt on her butt cheek she was relatively unscathed. Besides that, she knew the name of one of her attackers, and they had all worn matching Tri-Pi shirts, it wouldn't be hard to track down the other two.

Iris had made up her mind as she was entering her small home and locking the door behind her. Before she did anything else she was going to e-mail every administrator she could think of, and tell them she had been assaulted at the hands of Jack and two other Tri-Pi boys. She was brainstorming exactly who to message first when she logged into her university e-mail and her heart sank. She had one new message: from the fraternity Pi Pi Pi.

Hello, Iris! We, the boys of Pi Pi Pi would like to take this opportunity to formally invite you to a party at our house at precisely 10 pm tonight. We'll provide the party atmosphere, and you'll provide the entertainment!

What the hell did that mean, you'll provide the entertainment? Hesitantly, Iris scrolled further down the page. Sure enough, there was an entire lineup of screen caps and still photos. In all of them her pale white and wine barrel wide backside was on full display. There was even a photo, taken by Jack, of her on her hands and knees with a reddened hand print embedded in her flabby ass cheek. She could even see the wrinkled edge of her anus!

As Iris continued to scroll she realized that her face was the only one visible. None of the boys had been in the frame for her public display, or if they had, they had been cropped out. Iris gritted her teeth and kept scrolling, all the way to the bottom. In the very last bit of space there was a post-script reading: Don't forget, 10 pm tonight! Sincerely, Tri-Pi: the gentlemen's fraternity.

Iris stared at her screen in a blind fury for several seconds, trying to formulate a plan. But her mind went blank. How dare these idiot frat boys embarrass and humiliate her, and then have the gall to invite her over to be the entertainment. What the hell did that even mean? And what if she didn't show up? They had dozens of pictures of her, from multiple angles. And judging by a few of the shots there had to be videos too. Would they dare release them? She had aspirations of running for office one day; if there were naked pictures of her floating around that dream would turn into a nightmare. Iris sighed. She knew she had no other choice than to go to their stupid party.


Iris was still wearing the black thong underwear and yoga pants she had been wearing earlier in the day as she approached the Tri-Pi house that night. She hoped that she would be in and out quickly, and had already made up her mind that there would not be a repeat performance of earlier. After all, it was a party, there was going to be lots of people. Surely someone would come to her aid.

As she approached the Tri-Pi house, with its green slanted roof and relatively cheery facade, Iris failed to notice that there were no lights on, and no music blasting, as had been the norm for the few fraternity parties her friends had dragged her to. In fact, there were barely any cars in the parking lot. She was so focused on confronting Jack and his brothers that she had completely lost track of the world around her.

Iris saw a note on the door as she approached. Come inside. Shut the door behind you. Lock it. Up the stairs, first door on your right. Every instinct Iris had was telling her to run away. She could deal with the humiliation of having pictures of her naked ass on the internet. It was probably better than whatever these idiots had in store for her. But as she studied the note further, she realized the handwriting was the same as the note she had been passed earlier calling her a fat ass. The one Jack had intentionally dropped on the ground, starting this whole mess. Iris felt her anger rising, and decided that if she was going to confront him, it was now or never. Jaw set, she marched through the door.

As soon as Iris stepped into the pitch black darkness she regretted her decision. The house smelled like dank pot and stale beer. There didn't appear to be a soul around. But then the distinct sound of Jack laughing upstairs broke the silence. Iris recognized it as the same laugh she had heard when he had spanked her in front of his cronies. Grimly, she climbed the stairs, turned to the right, and entered the room where the sound was emanating from.

Every man in the room went slack jawed as Iris entered, even Jack.

"Holy shit," Trevor said. "I didn't think she'd really show up."

There were five of the Tri-Pi brothers sitting in mismatched folding chairs and recliners, forming a spread out circle that the room was just large enough to accommodate. There was a faint smoky haze in the room that made Iris want to gag. The two men closest to the door were both dark skinned, one tall and skinny with glasses and long dread locks, the other short and squat with a bald head. Seated against the far wall was Jack, and on either side of him were Trevor and Matt, the two boys who had helped him humiliate her earlier. On the wall to the far left of Jack was a simple futon, and on the far right was a too small wooden desk with a computer and speakers propped up on top of it. Seeing the face of her tormentor, Iris strode into the center of the circle to confront him. She was so focused she didn't see one of the boys near the door stand up and tumble the lock, blocking off her only route of escape.

"That was a really shitty thing you did earlier." Iris crossed her arms in front of her chest and tried to sound as forceful and intimidating as possible. But in reality her voice was coming out as little more than a mousy squeak. "I could get you expelled, Jack. Or thrown in jail. But if you delete all of those pictures and videos and never tell anyone I'll just pretend this never happened."

Iris glanced around the circle to see a stunned look on the face of every young man in the room. Her eyes returned to Jack. She waited for an answer. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he burst into laughter, along with every other guy present.

Iris looked around. The five laughing faces. The locked door. Her sexual humiliation earlier. She started to panic. "Okay, when does the party start?" She demanded.

The young men seated around Iris began to laugh harder. Jack was practically crying. "The party started the moment you walked in, you stupid cow." His words came out in breathless gasps and he had to wipe away tears of mirth that were forming in his eyes.

Iris was lost. "What the hell are you talking about?" She demanded.

Jack held up his hands. "Okay, guys, guys, calm down." Eventually the laughter quieted. He locked eyes with Iris.

"You want us to delete everything from this afternoon?"

"Obviously," Iris spat out, "that's the whole reason I'm here."

Jack grinned. "Then we're going to need a little something from you."

"What do you want?"

Jack's grin grew wider. He looked to his co-conspirators on either side, skinny Matt and stocky Trevor, who were both shifting nervously in their seats. He shot glances around Iris at the pair of black men near the door, who were staring intently at the girl's rear end. Finally he settled on Iris. He crossed his fingers and settled his hands on his lap, as if he were doing something as mundane as finishing a particularly boring business deal.

"First, I want you to strip. Second, I want you to shake that fat ass for us. Then, you're going to get down on your hands and knees, and we're each going to take turns jamming our cocks straight up that sweet fucking dumper of yours."

Iris stared at him, eyes bulging. Almost instinctually, she moved her hands behind her to shield her big butt. The two men behind her started to laugh. "There aren't big enough hands on the planet to cover that thing, bitch!"

Iris stared at the men. She'd never been with a black man before. Hell, she'd only ever been with one man in her entire life, and now she was being blackmailed into having sex with five! Her head was swimming.

"Jack please," Iris was begging, now, she had no other choice. "You know this isn't right!"

"Okay," Jack said. "You can go ahead and leave then."

Iris released a deep sigh of relief, as the other four fraternity brother's looked at Jack in confusion. Iris turned to leave as quickly as she could.

Jack watched Iris go. He waited for her to undo the deadbolt, and just as her hand settled on the knob he called out to her. "Who did you want me to send your photos to, first?"

Iris' face reddened. Her heart dropped. She walked back to the middle of the circle and faced Jack again. "You can't release those photos. You're in my political science class; you know I want to run for office someday. If nude photos of me got out my life would be over."

"Then you know what you have to do."

Realizing Jack was not going to be the voice of reason, Iris started to plea with the other four boys. "Come on guys, you know this isn't right." Borderline hysterical, she started to laugh. "You don't really want to have sex with me, I'm gross! Look at how big my butt is."

Trevor, guy who had videotaped her earlier, cleared his throat. "You're fucking hot."

Matt, who had pulled her pants down, nodded in agreement. "You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen."

Iris stared at them even more bewildered now. She had thought they just wanted to humiliate her for laughs. Were these young men actually attracted to her? The most popular fraternity on campus, who could have had their pick of women, wanted to have sex with donkey-butt Iris?

"You don't think I'm weird looking?"

The heavier black man behind her spoke up. "Curves are in. I've never seen a white girl with such a narrow waist and such a fat ass. I want to fuck the shit out of you."

The other black boy gave his friend a judging look, and then turned to Iris. "I hate to sound like a stereotype, but you do have an amazing ass. I'm more of a breast man, personally. But they're not lying, you're very attractive."

Iris was stunned. Somewhere, deep down, there was a part of her that felt elated about being the center of attention for so many attractive young men. A part of her that wanted, no needed, to be seen as a beautiful woman, after so many years of seeing herself as nothing more than a loser with a giant butt. She faced Jack. He had the maniacal grin plastered on his face again, as if he could sense the change that had taken place inside her.

"See?" Jack exclaimed. "It won't be that bad. You'll be our personal entertainment for one night and you can go on your way. Forget all about us and forget that anything ever happened. How does that sound?"

In response, Iris grabbed the hem of her hoodie and pulled it off in one quick motion. She knew if this was going to happen, she had to get it over with before she changed her mind. Four of the young men started to hoot and holler. One of them might have even been clapping. But Jack, Jack raised his hands again to call for silence.

"Go slower," Jack commanded. His voice was like iron and Iris knew he was trying to remind her who was really in charge. She desperately didn't want her humiliation to go public, but she was also suddenly aware that he might actually hurt her. She gulped, and nodded.

"Anything you want," Iris said.

Jack smiled, obviously pleased with the response. "Go slow. Dance for us while you strip." He leaned over to his computer and pushed a button, causing music to start playing. It was a steady beat, but not too fast. And it wasn't too loud, "Make it hot. If we're not all rock hard by the time you're done I'm going to send those pictures straight to everyone on your friends list."

Iris started to dance, swaying her generous hips in time with the slow beat. She forced her big ass to wobble back and forth. She could see the obscene jiggling and bouncing was already starting to have an effect on the five men surrounding her, who were all watching her intently. She made sure to turn in a circle as she gyrated, so everyone could have a look. Iris hated to admit it, but it felt nice to actually be able to show off the rear end that she normally tried so hard to hide.

The first thing Iris did as she danced and stripped was release her long dark hair from its tight bun. Her curly locks flowed down well below her shoulders, to just above the generous swell of her backside. The grin on Trevor's face was undeniable. It looked like Matt was already sporting a hard-on. The heavyset black man, who she would later found out was named Paul, stopped flicking the toothpick that he had been clenching in his teeth and sat frozen. The taller dark-skinned boy, Aaron, had stopped moving as well, but rather than sitting completely still he was smiling from ear to ear. And then there was Jack, who appeared to be completely nonplussed by the whole ordeal. Iris knew she was going to have to start trying harder than that.

Iris realized her flip-flops were slowing her down, and she kicked them off one after another. Matt, skinny little weirdo that he was picked one of her shoes up and gave it a deep sniff. Iris ignored him and kept dancing.

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