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Simply His Ch. 35-38

Story Info
The Alliance 1 - 2, Power of the Bond, Fantastic Creatures.
8.7k words

Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/02/2015
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Chapter 35

"The Alliance - Part 1"

Another dead body hits the ground as he growls and hits the already damaged wall; several other hits around the same spot reveal the long term violent relationship. He takes a deep breath and looks around his office, four almost-betas dead in what had been the longest three days of his life, dead by his own hands.

He sits behind his desk and closes his eyes as he tries to think on his next moves. Who would have thought the presence of her would make such a huge difference amongst the pack members; the same ones who are now restless.

"That bitch... I have to get her back, one way or another..." He whispers to himself then he starts chuckling. "If they don't give my Luna back, I will just have to take theirs..." He finished with a grin.



I stand beside Caleb as he holds my hand firmly; he is tense, and I know why. The presence of the vampires in our land makes the pack tense. I look down to his hand in mine and sigh blushing as I stare at my ring, I still can't believe he proposed. I mean, I daydreamed about it, what woman doesnt? But I was content with knowing I had a mate for life; this was my cherry on top.

His cellphone rings and it breaks my bubble as I see him pull it to his ear. "Craig... yes, all is in order, they should be crossing the first line soon, we will have the information when they do. Where did you last see them?"

I wondered how Craig was doing with Bella, I felt a little curious but asking about it now was out of order, we were about to welcome the vampires.

"That's fine, just make sure no others are coming behind. I will see how we can manage the proper changes. Thanks." Caleb cut the call and took a deep breath.

"Are you ok?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled, caressing my cheek softly and I blushed. Oh I will never stop reacting like this to his touch, no matter how simple it was.

"Craig escorted them to the beginning of our territory lines, Isilwen was the first one to welcome them, Alex is already there with Cara, they are escorting them here." He revealed and I nodded, he was specific about what was happening and would be happening but avoided to answer my question, I wasn't going to let that go. 'Are you ok...?' I pushed more in our intimate network, he closed his eyes and nodded.

'I am ok, it is just the first time we will have an encounter with so many races that does not involve a war. At least, not yet. We will be fighting a strong pack, a demon, something tells me Aeneas did not share all he knew about him either.' He finally revealed to me and I caressed his face softly.

'You are doing the right thing, you are a great leader Caleb, you had always been, before you even met me... your people know this, people from far lands know this, that is why they came to you. Now have a little more confidence on you, like we do.' I told him and he opened his eyes and smiled at me, caressing my face.

Then we both felt it, Alex and Cara were approaching and something else was coming with them. I closed my eyes to focus on what I was feeling, sensing. It was raw, pure, strong. I felt goosebumps as if I was coming closer to an energy source, kind of like those Tesla coils I used to play with inside the bubble lamp at the electronic stores. They were powerful, there was no questions about it. I felt Caleb shaking me and I opened my eyes to meet his ones with worry. 'Dont scare me like that... I might loose it if they affect you in some way.' He whispered into my mind and I nodded, unable to word out how I felt.

At the distance I saw them walk towards us; Queen Isilwen was glowing radiant, four drows guarding her at each side, and Alex was not far with Cara at his side. I saw Aeneas walk proudly smiling as his eyes met mine, it made me shiver slightly, his cockyness was something I would have to deal often. Behind, there were seven others who walked not far from him, but who reflected almost pain into each step they took. It was obvious to me they were not comfortable into this territory. There was an escort of five of Caleb's trusted warriors around them at a safe distance. Our pack was gathered behind us, they were tense yet behaving wonderfully, I was so proud.

"Wolf King, we meet again... and the beautiful, gorgeous Luna... Meadow, you look stunning." His words took me by surprise, making me blush and hesitate for a moment. Caleb growled lowly and I was forced to overcome the uncomfortable sensation fast.

"Aeneas, smooth as always. Welcome to our land, our pack welcomes you and your kind to our home. We trust you will all be at your best behaviour, as you already promised us." I managed to say and as soon as I did, he blinked in surprise. Caleb instantly relaxing and starting to laugh.

Queen Isilwen walked by pass them and reached our side, I smiled at her and she returned the smile, then gestured her wisps to fly up and away; the view was enchanting. "Luna..." She acknowledged me then focused her eyes into our guests.

"Welcome Aeneas, and those who accompany you." Caleb started, then paused to make sure he had all of their attentions focused. The vampires made a half circle behind Aeneas. "While you are here in our land, you will be treated as equals, respected and protected..." One of the female vampires snorted almost mocking which caused our pack to growl in sync, this scared all of them, and I smiled inside. Our pack was a force on its own. Aeneas exchanged a dangerous look at the female then returned his attention to us. "You see... that demon is not the only thing dangerous in these lands." Caleb continued, looking directly at the female, and I tried hard not to laugh. If Aeneas was cocky, he was at least playful and modest when serious times came, his traveling companions were more than annoyed, as if they were forced to be here on the first place. Something tells me they are not fully aware of what we are fighting against.

"I will make things simple, very simple. Any vampire who makes a move against a wolf or any creature of any race in our territory will be hunted and killed. Trust me when I tell you we know what to do and how to do it to make your death long and painful." Caleb stated and this made them all tense, earning more than one disdain look from them. "The same way I make this warning clear to all wolves; anyone who makes a move against one of our guests, any race they might be, will deal with deadly consequences. I am proud of my pack, if one disappoints me he or she will earn the mark from the pack." This time I shivered, I remember Cara told me that when a wolf breaks direct orders from the Alpha and acts against another living creature, they earn something called a *mark* and this meant they were humiliated and locked in a cell until it was decided what to do with them, and that meant either death or being an omega, the lowest rank, worse than rogues.

Silence took over and everyone was clear what Caleb's warnings meant, these were troubled times and even though we were forced to share territory for the upcoming battle, we had a common enemy to focus on defeating. I looked up at Caleb and admired his courage and strength, he was someone who no one tried to mess with, his presence and his demeanor made his point clear. I started to get an idea of what Cara mean once when she told me he was a feared and ferocious legend.

"Enough of threats, you know why we are here, those around you are not the enemy, and that should be all that matters. Let's get our guests comfortable." He finished and a few of our pack members came offering our guests drinks, they looked with wide eyes at the large glasses of fresh blood and quickly started drinking it. Aeneas chuckling and shaking his head. He walked to us and offered his hand to Caleb, who didn't hesitate and shook it; as leaders they needed to show they were working together, and it made me proud of them both.

"Rowen, do you have a place to gather and talk? we have to start talking about what will happen next. I have a bad hunch on his next moves." Aeneas began and Caleb nodded.

"Let's go to the command center, your people can stay here if they wish to, no one will harm them and they will be treated as family." Caleb said as he pulled me gently into his arms and we started heading to the center.

"I will only bring Camilla with me, the rest will stay and get drunk with blood. I suspect you had something to do with the elixir, Queen Drow." He said without looking at her, Queen Isilwen's soft giggle made Aeneas stop walking and look at her.

"I heard you creatures of the night enjoy the taste of our blood... a little bit has been harvested as a treat." Her soft melodic voice almost whispered, but I sensed something else behind her words. I perked a brow at her and she was grinning. Caleb shook his head and pulled me tight to him as we entered the building.

Aeneas closed his eyes and the tall, slender female behind him shivered. "Gross..." she whispered and he chuckled.

"I can feel you are making her happy, but there is a strong aura around her, whatever he did to her still affects her." Aeneas said and he opened his eyes. "What exactly happened? If it is not too much to ask." He asked with a hint of anger, I didn't understood why he would be angry, we were actually helping Agape.

"She is beginning to collaborate, she wasn't at first but we managed to slowly make her more comfortable with us. Most of this thanks to Meadow, she only talks to her." Caleb informed him, and he just nodded.

"There is also her mother, who ran away and made it to our lands, she shared with us a very interesting story..." I added, Aeneas' eyes focusing on me this time.

"Care to share what she told you?" He asked this time with less anger, but he was still a little annoyed. I was frustrated trying to understand why.

"Aeneas, what's wrong? why are you so irritated?" I finally asked; he looked at me then at Caleb.

"I don't like to be kept in that kind of dark, we were supposed to be allies."

"We are working against the clock, we are on the same side, and she is the mate of one of our pack's members. Climb down the ego hill and focus for fucks sake! We are sharing you what we know at our first chance." Caleb snapped at him and I gasped, his short temper was going to be a little issue to approach some time soon when we were alone. Camilla, the female behind Aeneas hissed, and I instantly growled at her. I didn't meant to, I really didn't even think about it, it was a natural reaction to me. It was Queen Isilwen the one who interrupted us, she stepped in between and looked at us all.

"If you can't control yourselves in this room alone, how do you pretend to control in front of your people outside?" She left the question reach us, and we were caught in the truth of her words. I admired her for her courage.

"She is right..." I said. "Lets focus on working together and respect our differences. For a start, we will show you a tape of what Daphne told us, Agape's mother. After that, you might see her yourself if she feels comfortable with it. I already told her the possibility of breaking her bond with Cornelius, she thought I was crazy but only for the difficulty of the idea, she doesn't like him, but she feels the pull with him. You might be our answer to that."

Aeneas nodded. "Ok, lets begin... if what you all are claiming is true, and she does want to break the fake pull, we might have a chance to end it, and this will become our greatest weapon against him.


Chapter 36

"The Alliance - Part 2"

Breaking through the line of wolves, he moves to his target. He pushes bodies left to right and aims specifically to the one he faced many times before. He doesn't have much time, it has to be perfect, he has no other choice; failure is not an option.

He howls and more of his wolves run behind him, a deadly wreck ball pushing thru the lines of the enemy. He finally finds his target and crashes against him with all his force. The young wolf whimpers and loses consciousness as his head hits the pavement.

He smirks and sinks his teeth in his neck, breaking the furred skin a little; then he quickly releases him and bites his paw and lets some of his blood slip in before the skin regenerates. It was done, he made it. A new pawn in his bloodline now ready to be used. He hears the howls and feels the earth shake, the sign they need to leave now. He drops the body on the floor and orders the retreat. He needed to move fast, they cant suspect anything.



We reach the borderlines in order to see only a few remaining wolves still fighting; they are strong, still clawing and chewing the enemy. I find Demark snapping the neck of one of them and I run to him. This is not good, they came, attacked, and left.

I am glad I didn't let Meadow come, this not something for her to see. They managed to hurt many and kill a few, they came without warning, and just at our territory limits; we weren't expecting this. This is pissing me off and I am close to lose it in front of my people, in a way it will blow up my biggest secret. I can't lose it now, I need to go back to Meadow and let her scent and touch sooth me... I can't break out now and lose the only advantage we have in against Cornelius, my only advantage.



I can feel his anger and pain together. I feel agitated and restless as I want to go to him and aid in any way I can. Queen Isilwen has her eyes closed and she is focusing on something, she hasn't shared much. Cara is pacing back and forth and I am starting at the screen watching Agape cry and pull from her hair as if she has gone mad.

"His closeness pulls on their bond and she feels how her body wants to run to him. But she doesn't want to give in. She is brave, I admire that." Aeneas broke the silence and I nodded; he was right, she has been different ever since we talked and she heard the story of her mother. She cried but of love when we let them both reunite, and her first words to me were *Please... do whatever you can to break it.* I knew what she meant, I knew well.

"Aeneas... what can we do? How can we break their connection?" I asked and shuddered, Gideon caressing the picture of Agape through the screen. I felt so sorry for him, he was tense, sad, angry. Nothing was being easy for him.

"I don't think there is much I can do without doing something you might not like it... and that is, I need to taste her blood..." He said and Gideon moved his head away from the screen for the first time to look at him. I on the other hand, was trying hard to believe he was asking this because, well, he is a vampire, and they work on blood as well. I really hope I am not mistaken in this.

"And if you taste her blood, you will... what exactly?" I asked, wanting some confirmation. He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Smart Luna; we make our bonds in the same way, through bloodlines. We create deeper ones though, but they work in more subtil ways than the ones of this demon. If I have a taste of her blood, I will know more about the bond and understand how he is working on a deeper level." He answered and that gave me hope.

"Why don't you just bite her and create a new bond?" Asked Gideon. "I rather have her bonded with someone on the good side who is not driving her insane." He whispered as he stared back at her on the screen.

"Vampire's blood cannot be mixed easily with werewolves, there has to be consent in the first place, and werewolves can't be charmed like humans." Said Camilla, the female vampire. She was quiet most of the time and now was the first time she talked longer than 3 words.

I tensed, Caleb was closer and he was not calm, I felt like I was about to cry with the way his emotions conflicted inside of him, and thanks to our connection, also conflicted inside of me. I looked at Cara and she looked back at me. "Something is not right, they are coming back... something went wrong." I said and Cara nodded.

Aeneas frowned and looked at me, I felt the pain in my chest grow and I started running to the door, slamming it open and going outside. 'Meadow...' I heard him whisper.

I searched him in the sea of wolves, cars and wounded wolves. I saw my big gray wolf coming through the middle and I ran to him. His huge size was a giveaway. I hugged him by his neck and he breathed on my shoulder, taking deep sound breaths as I buried my face on his fur. 'I am here...' I caressed him and felt his heart run wild.

He shifted and I felt his arms around me, crushing me to his chest. 'Love, I am here... relax... talk to me...' I sent to him and he pulled back briefly only to crush his lips on mine, kissing me with a need I haven't felt in a long time. Every fiber of my body was lit with a fire that consumed every thought I had. I moaned against his lips and felt his arousal grow. As his hardness pressed against my thighs, I recovered some sanity and pushed him slightly away; he pressed his forehead against mine and focused on regaining breath. 'I am sorry... I needed you to calm me down, but kissing you took it to another level... I must behave.' I heard him whisper to me and I smiled.

I waited for him to calm down a little more before I pulled him back slightly and took a look at the scene. Several trashed cars arrived, many being attended by our pack members as we saw many injured ones. "What happened?" I asked and Caleb sighed, turning around to see what I was.

The last thing that happened before he and Alex left was confusing; we were talking with Aeneas at the command center when the alarm sounded at the exact time Caleb got a cellphone call from Demark, the other alpha who was coming and whom I haven't yet met. They were under attack and it was very close to our border. This made Caleb growl in rage. He begged me to stay and asked Aeneas to be on guard for all of us, as he ran out with Alex and more of our warriors to aid. Aeneas contacted the rest of his people and spread them one each with two wolves on different guard posts in our town's security barrier. After that we tried to stay focused on what we could do to help Agape since we couldn't help the ones fighting afar.

Now I see the result of their ambush and it gives me chills, if Cornelius could hit like this to such a large number, we had a strong and difficult fight ahead. Demark and Smithson's pack were on its own a large group, probably over 300 together, and they almost all looked affected.

"And he just did a hit and run?" Aeneas snorted, Caleb frowned as he looked at him.

"I don't like it either, but it is what we found when we got there." He replied.

From a side I saw a tall, muscled man giving orders and talking to nurses, he was redheaded and reminded me of vikings. A viking King. He sighed as he looked around and then headed towards us, his eyes on Caleb as he walked up the stairs towards the command center's entrance. "Most of my pack came unharmed, Smithson's people got hit a bit harder, and he blacked out for a bit but is ok now, he is on his way at the last cars. And wow there..." He finished as he stopped dead on his tracks and looked at me, I blushed immediately but didn't move. "You must be Meadow."

I nodded and Caleb chuckled, shaking his head. If he was not worried, it meant he was mated and with pups already. "My Luna... Meadow, this is Demark. Demark, this is My Luna, so watch your comments." Caleb joked and I smiled, extending my hand to shake his, but he took it and kissed it softly.

"Watch my comments? no fun in that... nice meeting you Luna, the one who tamed the beast known as Rowen." He mocked and Caleb laughed. Suddenly he turned his head and attention to where Demark came from; I followed his gaze and found a younger man, tall and handsome, looking straight at me. His nose flaring, his body tense. He started walking as if he was targeting me and chills ran through my body.

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