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Sister's Ex-Husband

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She finally realizes why she was so jealous of her sister.
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(Author's Note: It takes a while to get to the sex, but as you read, you'll understand why, so read on, enjoy and please let me know what you think. Your comments and opinions are welcome.)


Part 1 -- The Meeting

Ten years old Jasmine Marsh sat at the dining room table with a variety of school books in front of her. She had been ill for the last week and was looking at doing not only her normal school work, but her make up work as well. Normally she could have asked any of her family for help, but tonight was Homecoming at the local high school, and her sister Ann was the head cheerleader, while her brother Jess was in the band. Her parents had gone as well, and she was stuck with Mrs. Frank from down the street as her only companion. Jasmine liked the old woman, but she wasn't much of a help when it came to school work.

Well, maybe once the game was over, her mom or dad might help her, if they weren't too tired from working all day. Jess and Ann would be going to the dance after the game so they wouldn't be home until late. Jasmine knew her sister was all excited about tonight because she had a brand new boyfriend and according to her sister, he was hot and a hunk. Jess teased Ann that all her boyfriends were hot and hunks, and Jasmine supposed he was right, those that she had met didn't seem all that different from her brother though, tall and muscular, with pimples and trying to bribe her to leave them alone when Ann had to babysit. She had already filled her piggy bank with enough money to help pay for a new bike now that Ann was a senior. Jess was still a sophomore, but she knew she'd never make any money off him. He was her brother and he was bossier then either of her parents when he baby sat.

Her parents came home at nine and she was a little surprised to see Jess, his girlfriend Marcie, as well as Ann and a tall, broad shoulder guy with long black hair and deep set dark eyes with them. Marcie went up with Ann and Jess ran upstairs as well while her folks paid off Mrs. Frank. Which left her in the dining room with the big guy; she examined him critically and decided that this time her sister might be right. He didn't have pimple and he was nice looking, sort of a movie star kind of quality to his features.

He noticed her watching him and gave her a lopsided grin. "Hey, I'm Travis, you must be Jasmine." He held out his hand and she noticed he had a nice voice.

Taking the hand, she felt a small charge, and then decided she must be mistaken. "That's me, who won the game?" She was still feeling a little disappointed that she hadn't been able to go, she liked football.

"We did, 45 to 30, they had good defense. Better then ours really." He looked over the books and papers scattered around. "You missed the football game for home work?"

"Yeah, I was sick last week, so I got slammed with it. You don't look like you're in high school, you look older." Typical, outspoken ten years old, she was also sizing him up for the money angle. If he was working, she might be in for some bigger payoffs then usual.

"I'm in college, freshman at City."

Meaning he was probably broke most of the time. Her oldest sister Lynn had dated a guy from City when she was younger and he was always broke. "What 'cha going to be?"

"Haven't decided yet, what are you going to be?"

"I'm ten years old; it's too early to decide. But you're in college, you should have a goal set, I mean it's your future at stake."

He laughed at that. "I guess it is, never thought about it before. Well, when I get it decided, I'll run it past you for your approval..."

He was teasing her but Jasmine went along with it. "Do that, Ann wants to be a nurse, so maybe you could be a doctor or something like that. Our sister Lynn is a Vet, I like going to see her at work."

"You like animals huh?" When she nodded, he smiled. "Then maybe you'll be one too."

Before they could talk more, Ann, Marcie and Jess all came downstairs and the four of them left. When they had gone, her mom looked at her. "Well, what do you think of Ann's new boyfriend?"

Jasmine considered thoughtfully before she answered. "He's okay, but he needs to decide what he wants to be, man needs to plan his future. He might have a wife and family to support some day."

Her parents laughed at that, then told her to clean up the table and go on up to bed. She had all weekend to work on her school work.

Part 2 -- The Wedding

Thirteen year old Jasmine sat back beside her mother and watched as Ann and Travis kissed. Her sister looked even more beautiful in her long white gown then usual and Travis was as handsome as she had ever seen him in the well tailored tuxedo. So did Jess, and Lynn's husband John as groomsmen, but Jasmine was sure neither of them were as handsome as Travis. She'd developed a bit of a crush on him in the last year, but had learned to hide it well. She was glad to see him and Ann looking so happy today.

Her mother hugged her and cried at the same time, and Jasmine felt tears of her own. Oh, she could hardly wait for the day she met someone and fell in love. They'd have a wedding just like Ann and Travis and be happy forever. It would be wonderful.

Part 3 -- The Breakup

Nineteen year old Jasmine pulled the ring off her finger and threw it at her so called fiancée. "Here, take your damn ring and fuck you Todd. I could have handled any thing, but you fucking Nicki, well that is a bit too much for me to accept." To make it worse, she had caught them at it.

Todd looked at her with anger in his face. "If you weren't such a cold bitch, I wouldn't have had to go get it someplace else."

Jasmine went to slap him but he pulled back. "Don't blame this on me Todd, I told you from the start that I wanted to wait until I was married. Ann didn't and now she and Travis have been divorced for two years."

"Well from what I hear, your sister was hot as hell back in high school; a few of the guys at work have even asked me if you had as good a pussy as she did. So from the sound of it, if Travis wasn't fucking her, she was getting it someplace else."

That was the final straw, gathering up her purse and jacket; she opened the car door and climbed out. "Fuck you Todd, got sink your cock in Nicki, with any luck you'll get a case of AIDs since I hear she'll fuck anything in pants."

"Well, it's more then you would bitch."

He threw the car in reverse and sped down the hill with his passenger door open. Jasmine watched his tail lights vanish, and realized how dark and lonely it was up here on Cooper's Bluff. She had never noticed before, always so safe and secure in Todd's car, in his arms.

No, she told herself firmly, she was not going to cry. He had been in the wrong here, not her. She'd had to control her hormones for the last couple years, there was no reason he couldn't have done the same. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her cell phone and flipped it open. Pushing the button for home, she listened as it rang, then the answering machine kick on.

"No one can take your call at this time, please leave a name and number and someone will return your call as soon as we can." The mechanical voice didn't have the reassuring tone she had hoped for.

Damn, her folks were still out with Lynn and John. It was their wedding anniversary and they had planned on being out late. So had she, but now it was barely ten and it might be tomorrow before they got her message. Ann didn't answer either, which meant she was out on a date, or working late at the hospital. That left one number and she pressed it reluctantly.

Travis answered on the second ring. "Hello..."

"Travis, its Jasmine...I need a big favor." Again she swallowed back the urge to cry.

He became instantly alert. "Jazz, what's wrong honey; did Todd try to rush you again?" He knew all about her limits and agreed they were a good thing.

"No, it's worse, we broke up, and I gave him back his ring. Travis, I'm up on Cooper's Bluff, and I'm all alone..."

He didn't let her continue. "I'll be there in ten minutes, no, give me fifteen, I'll need to bundle up Chrystal and Brian."

Oh god, he had the kids, she had forgotten it was his weekend. "Travis, I...I can walk..."

"The hell you can, just stay where you are and I'll be right there." He hung up before she could say anymore and as she put her phone back in her purse, she shivered. Travis, he was her brother in law, her rescuer, and her best friend. She should have known he would be there for her. An owl hooted and she looked around. This would be the last time she would ever see this place, after tonight she never wanted to come to Cooper's Bluff again.

He arrived in twelve minutes, and as she opened the door to the king cab pick up she saw the twins both secure in their car seats. "Did you fly?" Even the joke didn't come out right.

Travis shook his head. "No, now get in and I want you to tell me exactly what happened. What the hell did the little ass do?" Instead of heading back to town, he pulled up and parked. When she started to protest, he waved them away. "You're too upset to go home right now, so do what I tell you. Now what happened...?"

Jasmine had thought she could get through it without crying, but it wasn't too be, She barely felt Travis pull her close and hold her as she told him everything. Finally, she raised her head and swallowed hard. "I thought he loved me Travis, he said he did over and over, but if you love someone, you don't do that to them, do you?" She had left out the part about Ann and what Todd had said about her and Travis.

He put her head back down on his shoulder. "No sweetie, you don't. When you love someone you don't cheat on them, no matter what." Reaching across her, he opened the glove box and took out a box of tissue. "Now wipe your eyes, and blow your nose. Where are your folks?"

"Lynn and John took them out for their anniversary. I don't know what time they'll be home. I tried to call Ann, but there was no answer."

Travis nodded. "She's working tonight, and tomorrow, extra shifts to help with the bills. I offered to help her out, but you know Ann, miss independent since she makes more money then me." He gave her a smile. "Not that construction is so cheap when it comes to wages, just not enough for her standards."

Jasmine understood. Since college, money had been Ann's prime goal in life. "It's Lynn and John's life style, but she forgets that Lynn has her own clinic, and John is a surgeon. Of course they have more money. And they have dogs, not kids to support. Ann should have thought about that before you two had kids."

"Well, we should have thought about a lot of things before we ever got married, but that's past history. So, how about you come to the house, have some coffee and you can either stay the night or have your folks come get you, though if they're out with Lynn and John, they may not be very sober. You know how those two enjoy their days off."

She knew, and to be honest she wasn't looking forward to going to that empty house alone. "Coffee sounds good; the kids should be in bed anyway."

By the time they reached the house Travis had build with the intention of selling and putting the money into a college fund for the kids, she felt better. He had gotten her laughing and thinking of other things. She carried Chrystal in while he managed Brian. Not for the first time, she admired the layout and craftsmanship that Travis had put into the house. She had learned that when she had first met him, the reason he was going to City College wasn't so much money as it was that he was also working full time for his dad, and had been since he was sixteen. He had also been older then she had thought. When she had met him, he had actually been twenty two. He had saved up enough money to be able to take a couple years off from work and not starve.

While he made the coffee, Jasmine went to the room she had used on occasion when he called her to baby sit on weekends he had the kids and needed to work late or go out. It was just as nice as the one she had at home and Travis had put a plaque up proclaiming it was Jazz's room.

She smiled as she saw it now. Despite the divorce, she had refused to let her sister stop her from talking to, or spending time with her friend.

A check of the dresser showed a pair of worn sweats and a football jersey. In the attached bathroom, she stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower. She had the scent of Todd's aftershave on her and she wanted to be rid of it. After toweling off, she stopped as she caught her reflection in the full length mirror.

He had called her cold. God, she was anything but, she had wanted to tell him how many times she had wanted to beg him to make love to her. He had been the first man she had ever met who had admitted liking her taller then average, full figured body. In fact he had praised her full, ripe breasts and plump nipples. The few times she had actually let him touch her below the waist, he had talked about how hot she was, and how wet and good she felt. And she had always sucked him off when his cock got hard and he asked her for relief this last year. It hadn't been her fault; he had been the one who kept putting off the date of the wedding.

Hell, she had even shaved her pussy because he told her how nice it felt all bare and smooth. This last year she had spent most of her money from work on sexy underwear and the kind of clothes he said he liked to see her in. Not to mention asking Lynn for advice on how to please a man without actual penetration. Her sister had told her all kinds of ways to get him off. Lynn had been a little shocked at first, but then once Jasmine had explained, she had been more then glad to help.

Well, fuck him. He was the loser here, not her. Todd Graves could go to hell and take that slut Nicki with him. She had been and still was the biggest whore in town. Jasmine had heard stories of what she had done at parties. Going into a bedroom, getting undressed and just opening her legs for whoever wanted to crawl up between them. God, that was crazy in this day and age. Men weren't going to worry about disease if the woman didn't.

Leaving her clothes on the bathroom floor, including her panties and bra, she ran a brush through her hair and pulled it back into a long tail once she was dressed. Her clear skin didn't need the small amount of makeup she wore, but she did like to accent her eyes.

Travis was in the kitchen just filling two mugs when she came in. "Feel better?" He handed her a cup.

"Much." She took a sip of the rich coffee and sighed. "That is what I needed."

He grinned. "I know how you like it. I called your folks, left a message on the machine. So they won't worry."

"Mom would have freaked if she knew he just left me up there. Well, her and dad will be happy, they been telling me to break up with him anyway."

Travis looked surprised at that. "I thought they liked Todd."

They went into the living room and settled on the couch. "They did, but lately I think the winds have changed. Mom was asking me why he kept delaying the wedding, and I heard dad tell mom that he had been hearing some things around work about him that he didn't seem happy about. I was going to ask, but then I caught him and Nicki and I never got around to it." She took another sip of her coffee, and ran her finger around the rim of the cup. "Travis, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure kid, don't I always answer your questions?"

"Why are men so hot to get in a gal's pussy? I mean I like to play, but it seems like men are so intent on getting into a gal that they just view the rest like it's nothing."

If she had ever shocked him before, it was nothing compared to the look on his face now. "Excuse me?"

She smiled. "You heard me, come on Travis, I'm nineteen years old, I'm still a virgin sure, but I am not completely ignorant. I mean Todd and I played around this last year, I jacked him off and gave him what he claimed at the time were the best blow jobs in the world, but he still wanted more. If he hadn't kept putting off the wedding, he would have gotten it by now." She had to laugh a little. "Hell, I would have gotten it by now. Which from what Ann and Lynn tell me is damn nice with the right guy. Lynn says John never fails to make her cum, and it doesn't matter how they do it."

Travis looked as if he wanted to choke on his coffee. "Jazz, I may not be the right guy to answer your questions, maybe you should talk to your mom or even your dad...he might be able to..."

"Oh please, you know dad, he blushes if someone says the work fuck around him. I know they still have a good sex life, but here lately, they're always trying to be so damn quiet. Mom might tell me, but I really want a man's opinion."

It took him a few moments to digest that. "Okay, well, I guess it's because fucking pussy is a whole different experience for us. A mouth, a hand, even an ass are all different in a lot of way, but a pussy, oh it's something special, especially if you can make the gal cum while you're in her. Then you can feel hers as much as you can feel your own. You have cum haven't you?"

Jasmine nodded. "No thanks to Todd though. His idea of playing around is sucking on my tits, fingering my pussy, and then asking for a fuck. I usually take care of it when I get home. Hell, I even shaved for him."

That did make Travis choke and spit out coffee all over him and the surrounding area, "what!?"

"I shaved my pussy; he said he liked it bare."

Once Travis got his breath back, he looked at her. "Jazz, you know I love you, but I don't think we should talk about this anymore."

"Why not Travis, I mean if you won't tell me who will?"

"I know Jazz; I just don't's something you and I should be talking about." He looked as if he was going to say more, but caught himself before he could.

An understanding raced across her mind. "You're getting horny aren't you Travis. All this is making you horny. It's okay, you can tell me."

He groaned. "Alright, fine, I've got a hard on right now that is worse then anything I've ever felt before and you talking about your pussy is not helping, okay?"

Without knowing why, Jasmine felt an overwhelming urge to see it. "Show me."

"No. I'm not going to show you my cock..."

"Why not, you're single, over the age of consent. I'm single, over the age of consent. Why not show me?"

The pain in his face was clear. "Jazz, you're pushing me to my limit. Now stop, and go up to bed. And we'll forget this conversation ever took place."

She felt tears push at her eyes; Travis had never talked so roughly to her before. "Okay, fine, I understand. It's because I'm not like Ann, because I'm not pretty or skinny like her. I'm fine as a friend, but that's all." Putting down her cup she stood up and ran upstairs. In her room she threw herself on the bed and began to cry. Maybe she had pushed too much, but dammit, she had never expected him to get so angry. He's acted like she was going to rape him or something. It wasn't like she asked him to get all hot and bothered.

She was still crying when the door opened and a shadow fell across her. "Jazz..."

"Go away Travis, I don't want to..."

He came and sat on the edge of the bed. "No, but I do. Jazz, it's not for the reason you think it is. Believe me, your size has nothing to do with it, and don't you know you are just as pretty, if not a whole lot prettier then Ann."

"Then what is it? I don't understand Travis, I thought we were friends."

He reached out and rubbed her back. "We are; it's just this last year, Jazz I've stopped looking at you as a friend. A friend doesn't think constantly of having his friend suck his cock or wonder what it would feel like between her thighs. He doesn't wake up in the middle of the night so hard from a dream where he's licking her pussy that he has to jack off twice before he goes back to sleep. And incase you think it might because you're Ann's kid sister, honey, I stopped looking at you that way when I caught you sunbathing nude that day before you turned eighteen. I won't even tell you what that did to me."


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