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Sister's Obsession

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My barely legal sister reveals who her secret crush is.
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Chapter 1


"Can you help me with my bra?" I asked my cousin.

"Sure," Nadia said happily. Snatching the bra from my hand, she went behind my back. She placed both my boobs in the cups and hooked the hooks together. "Safe and secure."

We lay down on the sun loungers, leaning back and enjoying the sun as it caressed our faces. After a long day studying, it felt great to be able to relax for a moment. Unfortunately, it didn't take long till my mind started whirling with thoughts. It wasn't all sunshine and roses, and there were so many things I wanted to talk about.

"How was your day?" I asked Nadia.

Nadia tossed a lock of chestnut hair from her body, revealing her impressive cleavage. Her lips tightened into a flat line. "Just a bunch of stress," Nadia complained.

At the age of twenty-one, Nadia worked at a hotel restaurant. After high school, she didn't see the point of going to college. She loved cooking and, with the help of her mother, had landed a pretty impressive job.

"I hope it wasn't anything too bad," I said.

"It wasn't like I wanted to pull my hair out, but it wasn't pleasant," Nadia said. She reached for my hand. "Although I can tell something's been bugging you."

"Kind of," I said. She knew me well.

"Have you found a guy yet?" she asked and a smile played on her lips.

She always asked me that, and I knew she wouldn't let it go till I'd found one. I sighed deeply. "Not yet."

Nadia gave me the same look she always gave me. "Something's not right," she pointed out. "You're a senior. You're a solid eleven on a ten scale. You turned eighteen a month ago. Guys are lined up just to flirt with you ... yet you're still single. Lily, this doesn't add up."

"Eighteen isn't that big of a number," I told her and returned her look. "I still feel like a child sometimes."

"Nonsense," Nadia said and reached for my breasts, cupping them both. "A child doesn't go around with a pair of melons like these."

I giggled. "It tickles."

"You're sensitive since a man hasn't touched you yet ... that's what bothers you. Isn't it?"

"Sort of," I said. She was on the right track. "I'm not sure how to talk about it." Of course, I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to let it out. I'd been carrying it around like emotional baggage for so long, and it had just gotten worse after I turned eighteen. Sometimes I even found it difficult to admit it to myself--being in love with my brother.

I hit puberty a couple of years ago. It was during that time I truly understood why my brother was so popular.

I was eighteen years old and my brother was twenty-eight. It was a bit of an age gap, and sometimes I looked up to him as my father. Sadly, our parents died a couple of years ago, and I would never forget when he comforted me. I cried in his arms, and he canceled an important business trip just to hold and hug me. He had such a stoic expression on his face, and he promised that he would take care of me.

It still surprised me to this day that it didn't devastate him. He was very close to our father who was an honored war veteran. I guessed he'd inherited my dad's toughness, and I had inherited my mom's sweetness. I just couldn't help but fall for him. He was tall, six feet five or maybe even taller. He had hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram. He had a fitness channel with millions of views. He ran an e-commerce store on top of it, and he had a new girlfriend every six months or so.

After our parents died and I hit puberty, I developed a crush on him. I had my first sexual dream about him, and I didn't know who to talk with. I had kept everything inside me for so long, locked tightly and not giving anyone access to the key.

From then on, I created a fake account on IG. Every night, I lay under the sheets and scrolled through his photos. I remembered the first time I masturbated to him. I let my left hand crawl down to my wet slit. I'd never felt so soaked in my life. I'd fingered myself to an orgasm even if my brain had screamed to stop. I just couldn't resist.

When our parents died, he offered to let me move in with him. I declined, afraid I would do something I would regret. Instead, I ended up moving in with my cousin and aunt, but there were problems here too. Our aunt was divorced, and she was getting wrecked by inflation. I felt bad, and I was afraid I was becoming a burden. My aunt would never admit that since she was too kind. But I knew if I asked my brother he would do anything for me.

I met my brother every week. He would usually take me out for dinner or a long walk, talking about life. He was usually with his girlfriend, but on some rare occasions, I had him to myself. One time, he took me on a vacation to the Bahamas. For an entire week, I'd seen him without a shirt. I had never been so horny in my life. He held my and his girlfriend's hand at the same time. I would never forget that vacation.

I sighed as I reminisced over my taboo, hopeless situation.

Nadia took my hand. "Lily, come on. After everything you've gone through ... I want to be there for you. You know it isn't healthy to carry around emotional baggage."

"I know ... You'll understand why I'm insecure when you hear it."

"Okay, so now you admit you want to tell me, but you try to drag it out. Just spill the beans already."

I chuckled. I loved my cousin. She reminded me of my mother now and then. I lowered my voice. "Promise not to tell anyone?"

"So, you have a crush on someone," she said. She leaned closer, her eyes widening.

"You didn't answer me."

"You know you can trust me ... But we can pinky swear on it, like the good ol' days."

I chuckled. She made this feel way easier. We locked our pinky fingers together for a moment and then released them. "I have a crush on someone ... but it's not who you think."

"Try me."

I took a deep breath and, on the exhale, I said something I should have told her a long time ago, "I'm in love with my brother."

Nadia didn't gasp. She just looked at me with understanding and care. "I won't judge you."

I buried my face in my hands just in case she looked at me as if I were weird, but I couldn't believe what she just said. "Really?" I asked and raised my face as if the sun shone upon me.

She shook her head. "Of course not ... He's the hottest guy ever, a total knockout. Come on, you would be insane not to find him attractive."

"But he's my brother," I said.

"Why can't siblings find each other attractive?"

"Attractive ... I'm really in love with him."

"And I've already told you there's nothing wrong with it."

"Do you find him attractive too?"

"I'm also a girl," she said with a chuckle. "Hello, wake up."

I smiled. "Well ... it felt nice to open up but he's also the reason why I don't want to date."

"Why?" Nadia asked.

"I'm kind of obsessed with him. I want my first kiss to be from him. I want him to take my virginity. I want to live and love him like he loves his girlfriends ..." My eyes started welling up.

Nadia took a napkin and dried my eyes. "It's okay, Lily, let it out."

"Thank you ... I don't even know why I'm crying."

"Hey, it's a big step to admit that. I know it's taboo, but I understand where you're coming from."

"Thank you," I said. "I can talk about him forever. I'll never forget when our parents died and he held me. I felt so protected and secure. I've been thinking of him ever since."

"But why did you decline when he offered to let you stay with him?"

"I was afraid he would notice my feelings ... and it would ruin our relationship."

"You should come clean with him," Nadia suggested. "He's your brother after all, and he won't judge you."

"You think so?"

"I know he won't," Nadia said. "He's a Chad, but he's not a selfish douchebag."

"We'll see," I said. I sighed in relief. It was like a weight had come off my shoulders. I knew they usually said teenagers had a lot of hormones. It felt like I could cry at one second, and at the other, I just wanted to laugh. Nadia was three years older than me, but she felt like a full-grown woman at times. "That felt good."

"Like an orgasm?" Nadia teased.

I nodded. "Definitely ... But there was another thing I wanted to talk about too."

"I'm all ears," Nadia said.

"I heard your mother talk about her financial situation."

"Tell me about it," Nadia said. "The entire world is a mess. I even notice it at my job, making me question my decision."

"Do you plan to go back to college?"

"I really don't want to. I love cooking, but the future is uncertain. There are so many things I want to do in life, like horseback riding or just living a quiet life on a farm. But, yeah, I'm not riding the gravy train unfortunately."

"Will it perhaps be easier for you two if I move in with my brother?"

Nadia sternly took my hand. "Neither my mom nor I would want you to move away from us for that reason. We are family, and you aren't a burden."

I should have predicted her response. It was exactly what her mom would say. "But if it is difficult--"

"Lily, no," she said with a serious tone. "I don't want you to move because you're an extra mouth to feed and you go to High School. Please, if you move, do so because you love him."

"Alright then," I said. "But maybe you're right. Maybe I should tell my brother about my feelings."

"You'll see him tomorrow after all," Nadia said.

"I will."

"Promise me to keep me updated."

"As always," I said with a smile.

She brought up a bottle of sunscreen. "So ... should we massage each other?"

I giggled. "I'm down for that."

Chapter 2


I sat down in my Porsche Panamera and smashed the start button. I rolled down the window, letting in some fresh air. It was May, and it was nice and sunny as usual here in Orange County. I had just finished another gym session and managed to film some clips that I needed to edit.

Right when I was about to press the gas pedal, a sun-drenched blonde waved at me. She looked stunning in her yoga tank top and leggings, hugging her curves like a second skin. She'd flirted with me in the gym and gave me a helping hand to record some videos. She'd probably noticed that I'd broken up with my ex.

I winked at her. Leaning over, she placed her elbows on the window frame. She gave me a perfect view of her cleavage and made me come face-to-face with her tits. "I have to pick up my sister," I told her.

"You can at least take my number," she said and handed me her phone.

I typed it in without hesitation. "I'll try to find some time during the weekend and take you out for dinner."

"On one condition," she said, crossing her arms under her breasts and lifting them. "You have to pick me up."

"With pleasure," I told her.

She kissed her hand and blew it at me. She turned around and walked away, her ass swaying inside her garment.

I cruised down the highway and drove to my little sister's high school. I always looked forward to seeing her. Ever since our parents died, I had taken on the responsibility to look after her. I still remembered it as if it were yesterday. I knew she was a sweetheart, and I had to cancel everything till I'd dried her tears and healed her heart. The family came first. It was something my father had taught me from an early age. Despite the ten-year age gap, I loved my little sister, and we'd never quarreled.

It still hurt a little when she declined my offer to move in with me. The explanation was vague, and I still thought about it to this day. Every time we met, I could easily tell she was happy. She couldn't stop smiling, talking about life or asking me how I was feeling.

I must admit that it hadn't been easy the past two years, especially when she bloomed. She'd always been pretty, but when her curves, breasts, and voice changed, she became a beautiful princess. She radiated femininity and sexuality. To me, the biggest mystery wasn't where we came from or what was the meaning of life. But why was she still single? She was my sister, but that didn't deter me from fantasizing about her now and then. It was impossible not to, even if I knew it was wrong, and could potentially ruin my business.

I pulled in near the entrance. Lily chatted with a couple of her friends. They were all equally beautiful and usually waited with her when I would come to pick her up. They all turned their gazes to me, and a smile blossomed on their pretty faces. I flashed the headlights and Lily turned to me. She parted with her friends and came running to me. She halted in front of the car and looked suspiciously at the backseat. I believed that she was looking for my girl. "Can I sit in the front?"

"Hop in," I told her.

She opened the door while smiling from ear to ear. "Hi," she said.

"What are you so excited about?" I asked her and drove away. It wasn't a supercar, but it still attracted quite a bit of attention.

"To see my brother," she said. She looked extra pretty today, wearing a skirt and a crop top. She'd applied some lipstick, making her young, smooth lips look fuller and more glowing. She also wore eyelashes, adding thickness, length and volume. She'd started wearing makeup a month ago. Although it wasn't necessary for her. "Where's your girl?"

"I broke up with her."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, looking concerned for me.

"I'm fine," I said. "She started getting a bit paranoid. Luckily, she took it well."

"Mind giving me some advice so I know what a guy is looking for?"

I flashed her a grin. "Anything for you, sis. She became too intrusive and started suspecting I was cheating on her. I can't stand girls like that."

"I see," she said and twirled her hair on her finger. "I'm sorry ... I think you deserve someone better."

"Thank you, Lily. I appreciate it," I said. "I don't have time to deal with headaches."

"Have you been working a lot?"

"I'm burning the midnight oil," I told her. It was no exaggeration. I hadn't become this successful by eating junk food and playing computer games every day.

"Do you ever get a chance to wind down?" she asked me.

"Now, with you," I said, placing my hand on her thigh and stroking her gently. Her skin was baby-smooth and had the perfect porcelain color. "What about you ... found any guys yet?"

She lowered her gaze. "Uhm, not really."

I could tell something bothered her. "You get asked that a lot, don't you?" I questioned.

"Kind of. Nadia also asked me yesterday."

"Take it as a compliment," I told her. "It's a bit strange for someone as beautiful as you to be single."

A blush blossomed on her cheeks, and she turned her gaze to me. She had the perfect dark, blonde hair along with the cutest dimples. Her button nose looked sculpted and could easily be mistaken for a nose job. Her breasts strained against her bra. I suspected it was because our aunt was a bit tight on cash that she hadn't been able to buy her another. "Thank you," she said. "I don't think I'm ready yet."

"Well, you don't want to be left alone when the girls start partying."

"I'm not so sure I want that," she said. "You didn't choose that path after all."

Her answer surprised me at first, but not much when I gave it second thoughts. That type of lifestyle didn't seem to suit her. I wouldn't want to see her succumb to it. "I started chasing the money."

"I know," she said. "I always thought it was brave of you to take your own path in life."

"You were just twelve then," I told her and found it adorable that she still remembered it.

"I remember every single day," she said. "You moved out a year later and soon you had a business rolling. You made all your peers green with envy, and our parents were so proud of you."

It warmed my heart when she brought up those memories. "Those were the days."

"So will you be sleeping by yourself today?" she asked and fidgeted.

"Yup ... Like I said, I need a break."

"Do you think I can stay over at your place?"

"Hey, any time, Lily," I told her. I felt a surge of happiness whenever I could do something for her. It didn't have to be something big, just driving her somewhere or talking to her. "You know I'll be there for you no matter what."

"I do," she said and a smile broke out on her face.

We reached my home with a beautiful beach view. I pulled in and hopped out of the car. I grimaced a little as I stretched my back.

"Anything wrong?" Lily asked.

"Just a sore back," I said. "Carolina would have given me a massage, but now I'll just have to ride it out."

"Maybe I can help," she suggested.

Stiffening, I gave her a look. "How?"

"By giving you a massage, silly."

The way she called me silly made my chest tingle. She'd never given me a massage before, but I figured she would like to do something for me after everything I'd done for her. "I'm all yours," I told her. "Keep in mind, I have some work to take care of before dinner. But you're free to massage me first."

"What's on the menu?" she asked.

"I got some grass-fed steaks and fried sweet potatoes."

"That's super pricey."

"Money isn't a problem for me ... only stress is."

"I hope the massage will help."

"Without a doubt it will." I opened the door and whisked her inside the foyer. Even when we stepped inside, her hair was so bright it dazzled my eyes.

"I've never given someone a massage before, so don't expect anything fancy."

"It's the thought that counts," I told her. My house had three rooms, one spacious living room, a master bedroom, an office and a guest room. I told her that she could crash in the guest room for now, which she happily didn't decline. It did feel a bit strange being here by myself. I was so used to always having a girl here, but it would be a perfect opportunity to spend time with Lily.

I wondered if the reason she didn't want to move in with me two years ago was because I always had a girl here. Maybe she didn't want to be intrusive.

She dumped her purse on the couch and drew in a deep breath. She stopped in front of the fireplace and looked at the photo of the two of us together. I also had one with my parents and Lily on the shelf, but I kept one solely with her, just to remind her that she meant the world to me. She always stopped and looked at it.

"It makes you smile," I told her and draped my arm over her shoulder. Standing at five feet ten, she was tall for a girl, but any girl would be short compared to my height.

"It does," she said. She also looked at her parents and looked at them a bit wistfully. I stroked her arm, so delicate and smooth.

"Anytime you want to talk or hug ... I'm here for you."

"I consider myself the luckiest sister to have you," she said and leaned against me.

"I consider myself equally as lucky." I winced a little as the pain shot through me. I prayed it wasn't anything too serious.

"I think you need a massage," she said, looking up at me and a smile playing on her face.

"Come," I told her. I opened the terrace door which led to a patio. The sun wasn't too strong, so I decided we could lay on the sun loungers. I took off my shirt, revealing my well-trained body. I wasn't sure if I was imagining things, but there were certain times I had a feeling she wanted to watch me but didn't for obvious reasons.

"You're jacked," she said and couldn't hold in her comment. She hadn't told me this before. She acted a bit differently.

"I haven't skipped a single day in the gym," I told her.

"You're too disciplined for that," she said.

I didn't take off my shorts for obvious reasons. I opened one of the outdoor cabinets and tossed her a bottle of oil. "Catch."

She caught it perfectly. "I'll repeat, I haven't done this before."

I lay down on the sun lounger with my head propped up on my hands. "Whenever you find a boyfriend, keep in mind that they all love being massaged."

"Now I'm pumped," she said with a giggle. "Because I can practice on you."

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