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Slave Leia's Metal Bikini Magic

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Daisy Ridley and Natalie Portman try on an iconic outfit.
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.

Special thanks to KMB for putting this idea in my head earlier this year. This story is for all Star Wars fans who are eagerly anticipating the release of the next movie. I know you all love the infamous Slave Leia metal bikini and it's so much fun to imagine our favorite ladies chained up in that sexy special outfit. I hope you enjoy!


The wait was coming to a close for many eagerly waiting fans. The Star Wars franchise had created a new success following it's latest trilogy of films extending the main series. It all began a few years ago when the announcement of The Force Awakens had re-sparked the love for a fan base who had not seen a new film in some time. Now the wait was coming to an end with the sequel ready to hit theaters. The Last Jedi had been the center of much speculation and fan theories since the day after everyone had witnessed The Force Awakens from their theater seats. Not only did the film reignite the flames of love and nostalgia that fans had carried from their childhoods, but it had also created a new younger cast who was carrying the torch as the veteran actors of the original films were reaching their old ages. For any Star Wars fan out there, this was a winning situation regardless if one even cared for the newer trilogy. Stand alone films would give the other fans much to be excited for, all while helping fuel the flames of love towards the franchise.

Daisy Ridley had found herself thrust into the middle of the reborn Star Wars craze. The twenty-five year old English actress had made her name across the world with her portrayal of Rey in The Force Awakens. Before the turning point in her career, she had only been a guest star on a handful of TV shows and appeared in short films. Daisy had been praised for her talent in the role of Rey, offering a charismatic and emotional portrayal that quickly turned her into a fan favorite among Star Wars fans and critics alike. Though she may not have been the only younger cast member, she certainly had become the face of the new trilogy. Her character of Rey's light of stardom shined brighter than her co-stars Adam Driver and John Boyega. In the next film, she would be alongside Mark Hamill who was reprising his famous Star Wars role, only as an older and wiser Luke Skywalker.

With the release of the next film merely months away, much had been planned by the studio to tease the fans who were waiting patiently. Instead of going through Comic Con in San Diego, the executives decided to create a full scale Star Wars themed festival in New York City that would last an entire week. From a franchise that generated profit that practically grew on trees, it was no problem whatsoever to fund such a large sized event across the city with three hotels serving as the grounds. The celebration event was to take place in the first week of December, right before the premiere of The Last Jedi. Fans with deep wallets were able to book hotels and plan around the days of the festival. As a true token of appreciation to the fan base, many of the actors would be present at the event, including all of The Last Jedi's stars. Some fan favorites of special characters would be present, including Jennifer Hale who was beloved by fans with her voice work in the video game Knights of the Old Republic. Other voice actors known from the spin-off show Rebels had also attended to sign autographs and communicate with fans.

Despite the story of the previous film, Harrison Ford still showed up to give fans their money's worth with a public appearance. During conferences in front of a live audience, a seat had been left open in the middle of the original Star Wars co-stars. It was heart breaking that Carrie Fisher was absent from such an event, so a chair was left open in honor of the woman who would forever be known to fans as Princess Leia. To further the event, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman had also attended. Though the prequels films were not as beloved as the original trilogy, it was still a goal for the event to play fair and give fans who may have enjoyed those films something to celebrate. Fans were able to ask questions to the various stars, speculating the future spin off films, as McGregor was cheerful to express his desire to play Obi Wan Kenobi again on the silver screen.

As the festival was spread out across three luxury hotels, many fans had arrived dressed up in various costumes to pay tribute to the franchise they had dedicated love towards. Props were approved to be revealed, as well was trading and selling various merchandise. There was a shop in each hotel selling various costumes, lightsabers and assortments of jewelry. Some fans were trading their action figures while others had the boxes autographed by their favorite actors of the films. Through the madness of such an event, Daisy Ridley was swarmed and feeling the love of from the community of fans around her. She spent the first three days taking photos and signing autographs. When she appeared on stage next to the other actors to address an audience, she couldn't help but laugh at some of the questions that were called out to her. Every fan seemed to have a theory about Rey, but there would be no spoilers revealed at an event such as this.

The film's release would only be days away after the event came to a close. Daisy spent time getting to know some of the other actors and actresses who had a history within the Star Wars franchise. Ewan McGregor was an actor she had always hoped to meet some day, as she had been familiar with his name back home. Natalie Portman had proven to be quite open and friendly as they spent a day hanging out together. Costumed fans teased them, curious to beg the question if Rey was a descendant of Padmé Amidala. There was an unquestionable striking resemblance that she had to her, with both of the women's looks being similar to Carrie Fisher's from the original films. Despite much speculation at the minds of fans, both ladies refused to spill any secrets that they may have known. Natalie had whispered into Daisy's ear at one point during the day. 'Don't let it bother you, every fan has a mind of their own and can't wait to figure everything out.'

There was truth in Natalie's words as Daisy was slowly learning after spending a few years amidst the fans of such a beloved franchise. Star Wars was a universe of it's own, given how many fans the franchise had across the globe. As the event proceeded through the days, the actors were given luxury hotel suites with the highest of security watching over them through the main hotel where the festival was taking place. Daisy had spent the first few evenings along in her suite, taking in various fan made gifts that were presented to her by those that she had met and signed autographs for. She had quite a collection back home to add her new pieces to. The previous night, she had learned that her suite was right next to Natalie's across the hall. They had caught each other, giving smiles as Natalie winked to her last night when they retreated back to the privacy of their separate rooms. Something told Daisy there was much more beyond the small wink that Natalie had given her during the evening.

When the next day swept through, the festival was swarmed with various fans in cosplay outfits. Dressing up had been part of the occasion since the event had began, but on the fifth day, it seemed that a special group dedicated to cosplay had planned something out in this event. Daisy witnessed a legion of women dressed in the famous 'Slave Leia' outfit of the metal bikini. Among them were a handful of men wearing their most carefully crafted Boba Fett outfits and a few other Star Wars bounty hunters such as Bossk, Greedo and Dengar. It was an impressive display of passionate dedication, as Daisy's eyes looked over the various metal bikini outfits. It was such an iconic piece, something that most male nerds fantasized over back in their youth. Once you had seen it for the first time, it was hard to ever forget the outfit. The bottom piece was designed with a bronze or gold copperplate holding a silky red loincloth from the front and back. From above the stomach, another copper piece formed the bra with curves and a plunging neckline that fastened from the back with a black string. Beyond the bronze or gold copper was a dark green color in the patterns of the bra.

The accessories were the one piece of the outfit that Daisy took the most liking towards. Every girl in the Slave Leia outfit had their hair neatly French braided with a gold metal piece at the top and a small tip that their braid went in. A collar hung from the neck of many, while some were absent of a collar around the neck. It was a gold collar with a large round linked chain that hung down. For the girls that were in collars, the chain rattled as they marched through the crowd. Matching gold hoop ear rings hung from their ears. A bracelet was placed over right wrist while a snake wrap piece was over the left arm. Their feet were pushed into boots of the same dark green color that the bikini bra contained with matching gold lining. Some of the girls had customized versions of their cosplay outfit featuring different colors of the silky loincloth skirt, a few of them had the classic Princess Leia style 'buns' hair instead of the typical braided hair for the outfit. Daisy stood by herself while observing the crowd walk through. Natalie joined at her side, as both women were wearing similar outfits of basic jeans and a black shirt. The older woman spoke up to her new friend.

"They're quite a bunch, huh?"

Natalie's words had subtly caught Daisy's attention. nearly spooking her. She turned to her left and was greeted to the other woman's smile.

"Oh, yes!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't, I'm fine."

After Daisy had spoken back, both of the women turned to look through the crowd. Natalie's eyes were glancing behind some of the Slave Leia cosplay girls, noticing the back piece of the skirt that moved with each step they made. When Daisy looked back at Natalie's face, she could tell that she was studying the movement of the women. She remembered something that Carrie Fisher had told her awhile back regarding the metal bikini, cherishing that memory while Natalie spoke again.

"The fan boys have always loved that outfit and probably always will."

"Yeah, I can't believe it's become so popular over the years."

Natalie giggled.

"You should've seen the letters I got from fans back in the day when Clones had first came out. They were drawing and painting pictures of me in that outfit."

Daisy gasped, replying in her subtle English accent.

"My god, you can't be serious! Really?"

Once again, Natalie laughed as she nodded her head.

"Oh yes, it's true. Some of them were put up on the internet too, I'm sure they're still there if you're curious."

At last, she had made Daisy laugh along with her over the subject. The cosplay wearing fans had stepped through as whistles from the crowd were heard. There was always a large variety of costumed fans, one in black robes and the proper Darth Maul face paint turned and looked at Natalie before smiling. She waved to him while Daisy replied.

"Carrie told me a while back to never let anyone put me in a metal bikini outfit like that. I imagine it can't be that comfortable."

"Well, if she told you that, then it was sound advice. I didn't have to wear anything revealing like that, so I don't think you'll have anything to worry about in the future. The fans have their own imagination though, I'm sure you'll be getting art drawings or paintings of yourself in it some day soon. To be honest, I'd be surprised if they haven't already."

With her telling words spoken, Natalie gave the younger girl a wink and then stepped away before swaggering off and leaving her alone. Daisy was left to consider the other woman's words. She turned her head again and looked through the crowd. There was still a visible amount of the Slave Leia cosplayers at work, but they blended with various other characters. Boba Fett was a popular one among the fans, but Daisy had also witnessed the Jango Fett costume getting much love from the crowded community. Natalie had disappeared and she wondered where the other woman had gone. While Daisy moved through the crowd, there was one particular man from the distance who smiled and winked towards her. She couldn't see him with her back turned but he stood tall with short black hair and a white T-shirt tucked into his pants.



As the festival proceeded, Daisy spent another hour wandering among the large crowd inside the hotel lobby and reception room. It was yet another day of getting swarmed by fans and signing autographs and snapping photographs with them, but she loved every second of it. To be a part of this community and give fans a bit of joy was something she took complete pride in. They loved her, addressing her as 'Rey' instead of Daisy, some handing her gifts and letters. After another hour, her phone went off in the back pocket of her pants vibrating through them. Daisy had stopped to grab her phone while she looked across the room to witness a lightsaber battle going on between a small group of fans dressed in costumes of Darth Vader, Darth Maul and various Jedi. When Daisy glanced towards the screen of her cellphone, she had a text message waiting for her from an unknown number.

'See you upstairs in the hotel, I've got something for you - Natalie.'

A puzzled look ran across her face before she shoved the phone back into the pocket of her pants. How did Natalie end up with her phone number? The question would be answered soon enough when she ventured back upstairs. Daisy had caught onto the flirtatious behavior of the other woman, but she had not spent much time considering something coming between them. Leaving the reception room of the hotel, Daisy didn't waste any time going into an elevator and riding it up. The top floor was filled with security protecting the actors at the event with two guards at the door way and doing inspections for every person that came and went. When Daisy came through, she found Natalie's door wide open down the hall, right across from her own room. It didn't appear that anyone was inside from the first glance beyond the opening. Instead of knocking, she decided to invite herself in while calling out.

"Hello? Natalie, are you around here!?"

The accent in her voice rang loudly through the room. Daisy stepped forward, walking into Natalie's hotel room as she glanced around. The lights were on and the living room appeared to be empty. As she walked through the room, Daisy soon heard feet stomping coming from another room. She turned to look, glancing over her right shoulder as Natalie stepped out of what she guessed to be the bedroom of the suite. A smile covered her face as she called out.

"Hey! I've got something to show you, come over here!"

Daisy was even more curious after watching Natalie disappear back into the room. She followed her, seeing that her assumption had appeared to be correct. It was indeed a bedroom but there was something spread out over the bed that had Natalie smiling in excitement and almost jumping up and down. As Daisy looked down over the bed, her jaw dropped while examining the content before her.

"My god, where did you get this!?"

Across the bed was nothing less of a Slave Leia outfit spread out with each and every piece. The metal pieces were shining in gold, Daisy eyed the collar and the large round metal chain link attached to it. Natalie spoke back while Daisy took her hand to feel the silky dark red loincloth of the skirt.

"A fan made it for me. I can't believe it, he knew my right size and everything. I tried it on earlier, it fits so perfectly and it's comfortable."

Running her hands to the metal plate holding the silk skirt piece together, Daisy felt the textures under her finger tips. She couldn't believe it, as she had guessed this must have been one incredibly obsessed fan who poured their heart and soul into such a creation. The metal parts were real, the cold steel could be felt when she placed her palm up over the collar. Natalie reached down and grabbed the chain, allowing it rattle in noise and demonstrating the weight.

"This thing is heavy, I tried it out and it even fit my neck really well."

"I'm amazed, this is quite a gift."

"That's not all I've got either."

Natalie smirked as she looked back into Daisy's big brown eyes mischievously. She took a few steps back and then went to her closet, opening the door from behind as she reached for a bag.

"He made you one too. Here it is!"

Suddenly, Daisy's jaw dropped as her heart sank. From Natalie's hands, she had pulled out a clear plastic bag that contained another custom metal bikini outfit. Daisy couldn't believe what she was seeing, looking over the outfit just before it was handed to her. Two clothes hangers were inside containing both of the main pieces of the outfit while the assortment of accessories were neatly bagged individually.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this!"

She was in shock, calling out in her voice while Natalie began to crack up giggling.

"Go ahead, open it up! It should fit you, he said he found your measurements on the internet. If mine fit perfectly, I think yours will too."

Daisy was unable to process her thoughts coherently. Over the past couple years she had received a number of unique items that fans had created for her, but this was something else. This was the metal bikini, a complete replica of the one made famous over Carrie Fisher's body in Return of the Jedi. She opened it up, grabbing the clothes hangar that contained the bra. Natalie then spoke up, as she stepped back through the room towards the bathroom.

"Why don't you go try it on? I'll wait for you, no one will bother you."

With a big grin, Daisy flashed her teeth while nodding to her friend.

"Yes, I think I should go ahead and do that."



While Daisy was busy in the bathroom of the bedroom, Natalie had stepped out and back into the living room. She had to go back and close the front door, just to keep things quiet so none of the security guards outside would become curious of what special event she had planned back in her hotel room. It would take a bit of time for Daisy to completely get the outfit over her body, so Natalie knew that she had time to fix up the living room for this special occasion. She took every pillow from the bedroom and other rooms of her suite and placed them over the couch. The coffee table was moved out a bit, knowing that it would probably be used soon. Back in the bathroom, Daisy had removed every bit of clothing from her body to try on the outfit to surprising results. True to Natalie's words, it was measured accordingly to the length of her petite frame with the cold metal parts hugging over her so comfortably.

Various thoughts had entered Daisy's mind while she put on the outfit and glanced back at herself in front of the mirror. If there were ever questions of how far a fan would go to create something special for someone they loved, this was an answer to satisfy her curiosity. Natalie had mentioned briefly that it was a man, but Daisy had no idea who. For such a gift like this, she wanted to thank the person face to face. The only piece of her outfit that had not been properly arranged was the French braided hair. Daisy's hair was too short to properly create a French braid, so she made a quick pony tail to place the metal head piece through over the back of her head. The last piece that she put over her body was the metal collar and chain. It was indeed heavy as Natalie had shown her earlier. She was shocked to learn that the collar fit so perfectly around her neck and the heavy chain made a clanking noise as it hung down. Even the boots were a perfect size for her small feet.

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