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Slow Burn to a Family Threesome Ch. 04

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Crescendo. Lust overwhelms mother, son and daughter.
3.9k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/02/2022
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All characters in this story are over 18.

Crescendo. Slow burn becomes rising warmth and ends in blissful hot sex.

I got some work in the next town, just eight days, but it meant I barely had time with mum or Emma for a while. Emma made a point of being proper around me. I'm not sure how she felt in those few days, but I know it meant my hormones targeted my mother instead. It was just little things -- I hugged her more often, I even tickled her a couple of times. Once I kissed her lips very lightly, like an accident, but I was encouraged by her holding my head and kissing me back, very lightly, but with her upbringing in a strictly religious family, I felt sure mothers don't kiss their sons on the lips.

If Emma noticed anything, she didn't give any hint that she had. But gradually I sensed mum was losing her inhibitions. It was no small thing that she'd sunbaked topless around me, and I was beginning to think there might be more to our relationship than in the past.

In my solitude at night, I thought about it. I knew for my part that I was capable of incest. If Emma had not put a brake on our sexual play, I would certainly have started an incestuous relationship with my sister. We'd been so close to that. So if I could do it with my sister why not with my mother? But it's not something you can afford to misinterpret. Emma was right. You can't just split up and move on when it's a blood relative.

Hours of rumination helped me hatch a plan to try to push boundaries while pretending it was all innocent and accidental.

On one occasion I left the bathroom door open while I showered, as we often did because of the inefficient fan I never got around to replacing, on a day when I could claim I thought mum was out shopping. I listened intently while I slowly masturbated, to maintain a near-full erection, and when the time was right I pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out, wiping my eyes as if I had shampoo in them, cursing to complete the illusion and to draw mum's attention towards me. It worked like a charm. I wiped my eyes when I heard her say "Oh, my!" and saw her standing here, holding an armful of dry laundry, before she startled her gaze away from my erection and shuffled off. I looked down -- my cock had done its part and stood proud and tall.

On another occasion while working in the shed, I knew she was hanging washing on the line. I made a point of taking a piss against the shed wall where she would see. I had expected her to cough or tell me off or something but she was silent. And I knew she was watching me.

I even took an idea from my sister. That first time she'd squeezed my cock and went "Boop Boop" at the beach inspired me. I was behind mum in the kitchen, I'd playfully pinned her front to the wall while she tried to stop me squirting her with water from the spray bottle she used for the indoor plants. She wrenched around to face me, giggling, and our bodies were pressed together in a half-wrestle. I squirted her neck, then her cleavage above her front-buttoned cotton summer dress. She was reaching for the bottle, I was squirting and keeping it away from her. I let her grab it from me, and while she giggled and squirted me continuously with it, I grabbed both of her breasts and went "Boop Boop" as I grabbed it back off her and continued playfully while she play-slapped my shoulder.

She put her hands on her hips and said "Michael Simpson! Honestly! Groping your poor mother like that!" But she was not upset at all, even when I turned the bottle from 'spray' to 'stream' and emptied it at her, on her face, neck and chest.

She giggled like a girl as she tried to fend me off. She got soaked, and her dress clung to her wetly in many places. She attacked me front-on to put an end to it, we play-wrestled some more, occasionally her legs parted around my thigh and I felt her mound there. We'd had so much front-on contact that my own shirt was wet and see-through now. And I could not help thinking: Yes. She's enjoying the body contact. This feels like more than just play.

I gave up the bottle and hugged her from behind, kissed her neck and the back of her head. My arms were under her breasts, her arms were under mine. She swayed side to side, playfully, gently. And yes: there it was! No mistake. She'd rubbed her bum against my groin.

I lowered one arm so I now hugged her tummy and below her breasts. I didn't know if her heavy breathing was from the play-fight or something else, but I held her tight with my chin on her neck, bent slightly, so as to control how much pressure I exerted with my groin against the crack of her butt. Not so much as to dry-hump, just so I could pretend innocence if she protested, but enough, I hoped, to give her a signal. If she wanted one.

It was like slow-motion as my mother reached up behind my head, I began to cup one breast while I pulled her bottom against me, she sighed... Then the front door banged and we jumped apart. Emma was home.

Mum sneaked off to her room before Emma came into the kitchen.

Emma took my hand and silently pulled me out into the garden. She said: "Level with me. What just happened?"


"Bullshit. Mum scurried out of the room, your shirt's soaked and you have a boner. What happened?"

"OK. Secret safe?"

"Secret safe."

"I was trying to touch her breasts."

"And did you?"

"I would have if my bloody sister hadn't interrupted!"

"Oh. Sorry. Actually, no. I'm not sorry! What the fuck Mike? First me and then mum?"

"Well yes! Shit Emma. A week and a half ago us two were heading for..."


"Yes! Fuck! My hormones are all over the place!"

She mocked me: "My poor brother! Look, I'm not exactly innocent either. Since you and I left each other alone I've been, well, doing the same as you."


"Getting closer to mum."

"Oh. Um, for the same reason, you mean?"

She nodded. Now this is interesting!

"OK. Look, Emma. How do you feel about it? Where do we go from here?"

Meekly, almost shyly, my sweet sister stepped closer, grabbed my flaccid cock and said "boop boop?"

I undid the draw string on my shorts and took her hand, placed it inside, and said "Boop boop yourself." It was lame, our little conversation, but we both knew what it meant.

So I stood there while my sister slowly, gently stroked my cock. I put my hands under her blouse and bra, fondled her breasts. And I made it clear: "Emma, I so want to fuck you."

"No. We can't. Not here."

She wore a tight business-style skirt. How the zipper didn't give way while I forced it up over her hips is a testament to its manufacturer's quality control. I forced my hand inside her panties and rubbed, pressing a finger inside her for lubrication before I teased her clitoris.

She sighed, her head dropped to my shoulder, and brother and sister stood there fondling each other, increasingly desperately, until I felt Emma tremble and moan. A brief orgasm rippled through her, followed by my jizz coating her hand inside my shorts. It was brief, it did not shatter the universe, but it was a turning point.

We giggled at the impossibility of rolling her skirt back down, then she went inside to shower and change for dinner. Despite the ejaculate in my pants, I stayed outside for a while then did the same.

At the evening meal, we were all sipping cold beer. The electricity in the air was noticeable after the afternoon's interactions -- both between mum and me then Emma and me masturbating each other outside.

I tended the barbecue while mum and Emma put salads on the outdoor table. Somehow the conversation meandered to talking about early sexual experiences -- not surprising really considering the sexual charge in the family home that day.

Emma was asking mum about her first time, what was it like and so on. Mum was a little shy talking about it but in all our lives she'd never shied away from a subject.

"Well, your father was the only man in my life, sexually I mean, ever."

"Oh that's so lovely!"

"Well, I might have liked to try someone else. Or something else."

"Something else?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

"You mean like, kinky or something?"

"Maybe!" She giggled and looked at the ground. I listened intently while I turned the steaks and played with the onions.

"Well I sometimes think I could be attracted to a girl for example. Don't you mum?"

"Um, sometimes. A little. Depending..."

"Yeah. Hey you know Mike's got a little kink?"

I was suddenly very alert.

"Oh, really? Something I can tease him over, as revenge for drenching me with the spray bottle today?"

"Maybe." I almost dropped my tongs when Emma said: "He likes to see women pee." She spluttered out a beery laugh and put her hand to her mouth, perhaps realising she had gone too far. Mum simply replied: "Oh."

I looked at Emma, and said: "Nice one, bigmouth. Not cool, Emma."

Ever the reasonable adult, mum said: "Oh, it's nothing. Seriously Mike. Maybe the beer has made Emma indiscreet..." She gave Emma 'the look' "But it's no big deal. We all have our, um, quirks."

Emma blushed in shame at betraying my secret, I could see a little hurt in her eyes. Mum let us both off the hook: "Take me for instance. Honey it might be genetic. Whew! I might be a little too tipsy too. I like... well, the same sort of thing." She lost her nerve: "Those steaks ready yet?"

"Um, yeah. They're ready." What the hell do you mean, 'the same sort of thing'? Oh my god. Emma said she wanted to be watched peeing.

Steaks found their way onto plates, salads and dressings were served, then the bustle around the table being over I chewed my meal while I formed my questions: "Mum, you don't normally talk about these things. I know we've all been drinking a little..."

"Hmmm. Well, Emma seems to need to know stuff lately." She turned to her daughter: "You're grown up, darling, but I understand if you want to know about the fun parts of being adult, and maybe experiment a little."

Emma was curiously silent, but as usual mum had read the situation. "Look, your dad was quite conservative about sex and relationships. Very traditional. But I am, well, more adventurous. I don't feel restrained with you two any more. Can you imagine us two going topless while your father was here?"

She had a point.

"OK. Um, pass the pasta salad? Thanks. Mike, I really am flattered that you got an erection at the beach that day. I thought maybe your sister did most of it but when I put lotion on your back I knew you were looking at my breasts and I saw your reaction... in your shorts. So I had something to do with it too. Emma?" She offered the salad bowl to Emma who took it. She went on: "I don't want you two to enter your early adulthood in the mystery, fear and guilt that I went through. Your grandparents... well let's just say I'm still surprised they managed to create me at all, with all their hangups."

Emma giggled, I nodded.

"So, even if it's a little uncomfortable and embarrassing, I promised myself I'd help you two in that regard any way I can."

I thought on this. She meant it. I asked her how liberal she had become, where her limits were. When she asked me to explain, I blurted out the question before my brain had time to think it through: "For example, family members. Is sex with say a cousin, or maybe a sister OK, I mean in your opinion?"

Emma glared at me in fear, but mum surprised us both with her answer: "Um, I have two opposing thoughts. On one hand, incest is taboo because the risk of genetic deformities from inbreeding is high. On the other hand, with modern birth control we can eliminate the risk, so between consenting adults, why not?"

Wow! Fucking WOW! All I knew was that I desired them both, pure lust. Mum had actually thought this through... And approved of incest?

I answered her: "Oh wow mum. Thank you for treating us like adults. I'm torn, really."

"Why, son?"

"Well, I'm thinking about the enormity of what you just said. You were brought up in the Church, and you're our mum, but you believe sex between family members can be OK?"

"In theory, sure."

She was trying to appear calm and detached but I sensed something more. I looked at Emma, still silent, probably as shocked as me at what mum was saying. My instinct was confirmed when mum took a drink from her glass -- more like two big swallows.

I said: "Well, now I don't feel too weird about getting turned on by my mum and my sister!"

Emma laughed a little nervously. I think she had sensed the thickness of the air around us too and although mum didn't know it, Emma's and my relationship had suddenly moved a long way towards what we were now talking about.

"It's OK son. Like I said, I'm flattered by it. Emma, you've been quiet since you ratted on your poor brother."

There was no admonishment in her tone. Emma responded: "Well, since we're all crashing through boundaries here... Mum one thing you don't know. How I know about Mike's secret. Coming back from Lily's party the other day I needed to pee really bad. I ended up nearly pissing my pants and I had to do it beside the car. Mike was right there and, well, he got a big boner."

"Oh I see. Seeing you turned him on that much, huh?"

"Can't believe I'm asking my brother this: Did you jack off thinking about me that night?" And many nights since, sis.

I drew in a deep breath. I was about to answer yes when mum answered for me: "Of course he did. Right Mike?" I just nodded.

My two gorgeous women giggled. I wasn't going to let Emma get away with it, so I shot back: "And you, Emma? Did you just go to bed and forget about it?"

I could see by her face that I'd got her. She said: "Shit. Not fair." Now it was me and mum who laughed. Mum took another swig from her glass and said: "I'm not sure how to take this, my two kids masturbating thinking about each other." If only she knew. We've progressed way farther than that, Em. Where are you going with this?

Emma tried a long shot: "Hah! I bet he's thought about you too, mum!" Oh, I see. Nice move!

Mum blushed slightly and looked at me for an answer. In the spirit of the evening, I corrected my sister: "Not exactly. But I did have a wet dream thinking about you, mum." I sipped my beer to watch the reaction.

The three of us got bolder by the minute, so maybe it was no surprise when mum raised the bar a little more: "Oh? And what exactly did you dream of?"

"Well, as Emma said. I like to watch women peeing. I dreamt of you peeing on the kitchen floor."

"Bit unhygienic."

"...And sucking my dick."

"Oh. I see." But she wasn't shocked, or embarrassed, I was sure. So I went on: "You were in it too, Em."

"Oh. Did I suck your cock too? Haha."

"No, you were dripping wet and naked after your shower."

"Oh, so I was the supporting actor -- mum was the star?"

"Afraid so. You OK with that, mum? Not too shocking?"

She was silent, sipping at her glass. I smiled at Emma; we knew this mood of hers. She was thinking what to do next. I don't know how I knew, but I was certain things were going to hot up quickly. My cock thought so too. I studied mum, and I realised there were two points in her t-shirt that weren't there before. Her nipples were hard, and it wasn't that cool out yet.

Mum glanced at me and caught me looking. I like to think that was all that was needed for the approaching tsunami of lust to break. Deliberately, mum put her glass beside her chair. She looked at Emma, who seemed to agree silently. Holding my gaze, mum said "OK. Here goes." She pulled her t-shirt over her head, then undid the clasp of her bra and dropped it. She stroked her breasts in the way women do when they're freed from their bra, then lifted them slightly from underneath: "Do you dream about these, honey?" her nipples seemed to poke out even further, free of their constraint.

I nodded.

"What about this?" And she stepped out of her shorts and panties deftly. My mouth opened in shock as my mother stood, stark naked, just across the table from me. Her breasts were fine, her pussy was perfect. She'd kept her little brown patch neatly trimmed above her labia -- just like Emma had, I noted -- which were prominent but still delicate. I heard Emma say: "Oh wow, mum!" Mum stepped into the open beside the table, and heaven of heavens, squatted facing me. My senses reeled. I half-expected to wake up with wet-dream sticky thighs at any moment, when mum used two fingers to open her pussy and spray a short burst of pee indelicately over her own thighs and the floor, then she relaxed, groaned in relief and desire, and her stream strengthened and straightened. From where I sat, droplets splashed onto my bare feet and ankles.

I put my beer down, stood, and just as mum finished pissing I stripped naked. I wasn't sure if mum had gone as far as she was going to, but my mind had switched off to all other thoughts than thoughts of lust and all I could think of was getting my cock inside her, urgently, right now.

I barely gave her time to protest. I lay her on her back on the grass, using my legs to part hers. She said: "Oh no, you're my son, we can't..." But she did not resist, and soon my cock touched wetness at her entrance. I had just enough control to pause for a second to let her tell me no, she did not, so I pushed and lowered myself onto and into her.

She moaned deeply, then drew in breath in a gasp. "Oh god. Oh god. I can't believe I'm fucking my own son."

I thrust long, powerful strokes. My thoughts echoed what she'd said. At last. At last. I knew it. I knew she wanted it.

Emma appeared beside us, naked. She lay beside us on her side, and now that initial drug-like rush of penetrating my mother's pussy had subsided, I started long, gentle strokes inside her while Emma kissed her on the mouth and sucked her breasts. Emma's hand-job earlier had made sure I didn't blow my load in my mum straight away.

I maneouvred my sister so she was on her side with one leg crooked, so I could finger her pussy. She was moist but not yet wet, while mum was all squishy warmth around my cock. I looked into her eyes for rejection, I saw only lust. Mum's hips began meeting my thrusts, Emma's began grinding on my hand.

I looked towards my belly in disbelief at what I was doing. Sure enough, my mum's thighs were coated in our sweat, and that was my cock pumping her pussy. Those were her tits, her moans. And in my hand was my sister's pussy. I think mum sensed my thoughts. As though we were porn stars that had rehearsed the move, I left mum, eased Emma to her back, and was soon at the entrance to her heavenly gates.

"Oh Mikey. It's Ok. Yes!"

She was a little tighter, I still don't know for sure if I was her first, but gentle pressure opened her insides to me and I gasped at the sheer taboo sensuality of it as my shaft slid all the way inside my sister until my balls hung against her asshole. Only a minute or so later, I was losing my load. Taking my cock out of my mother to put it into my sister is still the single most erotic thing I have ever done, and the thought of it overwhelmed me. Just in time I got my cock back out of her and splashed my goo all over her belly. Mum laughed, Emma was still panting. The sex for her had only just started.

Mum sensed Emma was unsatisfied and took my place between her legs. Having experienced the single most erotic thing possible, I now watched something that came a close second.

Emma almost screamed as our mother's tongue found its target. I tried to help Emma's orgasm by squeezing her breasts, but I confess to a selfish need for more.

Despite having ejaculated, my cock was ready for more. It has never happened before or since, that I can go straight into sex after ejaculating, which testified to the heady eroticism we shared that night.


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