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Someone to Watch Over Me

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A young man learns a security guard has been watching him.
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It was a Friday morning like any other as Carson McCafferty stepped off the train alongside a throng of fellow commuters. The twenty-four-year-old was caught up in his own thoughts as he began the three-block walk to the high-rise office building where he had been working for two years as a Paralegal at a law firm.

Carson wasn't feeling down in the dumps necessarily. He just felt restless, like he was waiting for his life to start finally getting good. He felt ungrateful for even thinking such a thought. After all, he had so much going for him. His career was going great--the job was challenging, interesting, and paid well enough at the junior level for him to afford his own apartment. And Carson had a loving family and great friends who he could always count on. And, most recently, there was the development of his physical fitness, which he had finally decided to make a priority. His diet and exercise regimen of the past eight months had resulted in an increasingly chiseled physique of which he felt very proud. Carson was feeling more confident in his physical appearance than he ever had, and he had to admit that he looked pretty damn good in the button-down dress shirts and slacks he wore to work every day.

Where Carson's life wasn't living up to his expectations was in his love life. Or lack thereof. At twenty-four, he really hadn't had any kind of significant relationship. He had lost his virginity in college with another gay guy who lived in his dorm. Their connection had been less about any sort of deep attraction or natural chemistry, and more about a mutual shyness and intense nervousness about meeting people through the bar scene or on hook-up apps. Carson had experienced both oral and anal sex--both giving and receiving and topping and bottoming--with this other student, but those sexual experiences had felt more like checking off experiential boxes than like truly passionate encounters. They had been reasonably pleasurable, but not very memorable. After college, Carson's friend Molly had set him up with her boyfriend's brother, but the chemistry just wasn't there. They had made out and given each other handjobs and blowjobs over the course of five dates, but the relationship soon fizzled out before their sexual activity progressed any further.

Carson hadn't attempted to date since, and that had been nearly a year. Instead, he had begun to give time and attention to his physical fitness, and his efforts were resulting in body changes he felt proud of. What still hadn't changed for Carson was his self-consciousness and anxiety about the gay dating scene. He recognized that he had already taken a risk in embarking on his fitness journey and that, in order to make the romantic and sexual connections he desired, he was going to need to start taking other risks, as well.

As Carson walked through the revolving door into the lobby of the office building that morning, he decided that he was going to create a dating profile when he got home that evening. And maybe he could finally summon up the courage to go to a bar that weekend and see who he might meet. It was time to get serious about taking some new risks, he told himself. These thoughts swirled around in his mind as Carson walked toward the row of elevators which would take him to the law office on the twenty-sixth floor.

Standing at the row of elevators alongside dozens of other people waiting to get to their floors, Carson suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over to see that the hand belonged to a man standing next to him. The man was one of the office building's security guards, wearing the familiar beige uniform shirt and dark pants. A duty belt was around his waist and held a ring of keys, handcuffs, a flashlight, and a baton. The man was probably in his early to mid-fifties and had wavy salt and pepper hair. He towered over Carson at well over six feet tall and was solidly built, his chest nearly popping out of the tight uniform shirt. He had a gold nameplate attached to his shirt which read "G. Blacklock, Security Officer." Carson thought he had seen all the security guards who worked in the building, but he had never seen this guy before. In the second it took to take in the striking sight of this man whose hand was upon his shoulder, Carson felt an instant flood of arousal.

"Excuse me, young man," the security guard said to him. His voice was deep and masculine, but his volume was low, almost a whisper. "Could you come with me for a minute?"

Carson felt confused and anxious about the man's request. "What's this about?" he asked, pointing toward one of the elevators, whose doors had just opened to let people on. "I have to be upstairs at work in five minutes."

"Don't worry, you're not in any trouble," the officer told him. His hand was still on Carson's shoulder, and he patted it reassuringly. "I just need to talk with you about something. If it runs long, I'll call up to your boss and let them know you were assisting me on a building security matter."

Carson's eyes darted back toward the elevator as the doors closed to bring workers to their respective floors. He knew something about this felt weird, but he was also intrigued by the man's request and deeply attracted to his strapping masculinity.

"Ok, but I really don't have a lot of time," he responded, looking up to meet the dark hazel eyes of G. Blacklock, Security Officer. "I have a lot to get done at work today."

G. Blacklock grinned a wide smile of pristine white teeth at him. "I appreciate your help, young man," he replied, his voice continuing to remain low enough that only Carson could hear him. He took his hand off Carson's shoulder and turned to the left, away from the row of elevators. "Follow me," he beckoned Carson.

As Carson obediently followed behind the older man, his eyes locked in on Security Officer Blacklock's round, firm bubble butt in his black uniform pants. Dangling from his duty belt were a pair of shiny handcuffs which jangled slightly from the movement of his ass as he walked. Carson found the sight of the ass and the handcuffs highly erotic.

G. Blacklock led Carson past the reception area in the front lobby to a nearby door, which Carson had noticed before but had never given much thought to in the two years he had worked in the building. Blacklock opened the door with one of the keys attached to his belt and held the door open for Carson to follow him inside. Blacklock made sure the door had latched behind them before silently leading Carson down a long, quiet, and dimly lit hallway. Eventually they made a right turn down another hallway, finally arriving at a door marked "Surveillance Room." Blacklock opened this door with a different key and then held the door open and gestured for Carson to enter the room.

Carson entered a large room with minimal furniture: a small table was off to the right of the door and a filing cabinet stood against the wall to the left of the door. Further ahead from the door was the main attraction of the room: a long desk upon which sat five large computer monitors. On each computer screen were about a dozen video feeds displaying live footage of what was happening in different parts of the building. Two currently unoccupied chairs sat in front of the monitors. Intrigued, Carson stepped forward to the front of the room to get a closer look at the monitors.

At the moment, nothing very interesting seemed to be happening in the building. People were arriving for work, people were chatting in the hallways, maintenance men were on ladders doing needed repair work. It was nothing other than a very mundane Friday morning at the office building. Carson quickly located the monitor which displayed the lobby he had just come from. Workers continued to stream through the revolving door he had entered just a few minutes earlier. Another camera captured the activity at the row of elevators that he had just been waiting at to head upstairs.

Carson turned around to face Security Officer G. Blacklock, who stood a couple of feet behind him. Blacklock had a proud grin on his face.

"This is what I do all day," Blacklock told him. "Sit here and watch live footage for anything that looks suspicious. Just the first five floors, there's other guys who watch the higher floors. I've been here for ten months and absolutely nothing has ever happened. This is as cushy as a job gets," he added with a chuckle.

Carson looked back at the monitors then looked at the clock on the wall. It was now 9:00, the time he was supposed to start work. If there was not an important reason he was here, he needed to get the hell upstairs.

He returned his gaze to G. Blacklock. God, this man was HOT. But Carson, responsible employee that he was, was getting anxious. In two years, he had never once been late for work. "With all due respect, Officer Blacklock, why am I here?" he asked.

Blacklock stepped toward him slowly, licking his lips. "You're here," he replied, closing the gap between them, "because I've wanted you for a very long time. And, if you let me, then right here and right now, I'm going to have you."

Carson's eyes widened and he took a sharp intake of breath. "H-have me?" he asked. He said it as if it was a question, but he was pretty sure he knew what G. Blacklock meant.

The security guard's face was only inches away from Carson's and he put his arm around the younger man to pull him even closer, their noses now practically touching. "I've watched you," he told Carson. "I've watched you almost every weekday for ten months. Arriving in the morning. Heading out for lunch. Coming back in from lunch. Leaving for the day. I noticed you the very first day I sat in front of these monitors. I thought you were a hot little piece of ass before you started getting in shape. So young and innocent, but so effortlessly sexy. So deserving of my daily attention." He began to gently caress Carson's chest through his dress shirt. When he brushed a hand along one of Carson's nipples, the younger man barely suppressed giving out a moan.

G. Blacklock's other hand, which was pressed tightly on Carson's back, moved lower to firmly grasp his butt, continuing to pull him in closer. Now it was their eyes and lips which were locked tightly upon each other. Carson continued to hold his breath and become increasingly aroused as Blacklock continued.

"I had no way of knowing if you were interested in men until you wore that rainbow pin all throughout Pride Month," he told him. "I can't tell you how hard I got the moment I realized this might just be possible. Then I had to wait for my partner who watches the monitors with me every day to call off at the last minute so I could have this room to myself for the day. Today's finally my lucky day. His wife's water broke forty-five minutes ago. He's gonna have a baby boy in the next few hours and hopefully by then you'll have become my precious boy." He pressed his forehead against Carson's, their eyes and lips still oh-so-close together.

"Are you in a relationship?" G. Blacklock asked Carson. "Because the things I'm going to do to you will make you forget anyone who's ever touched you before, and make you not want anyone but me to touch you ever again." His breath was hot against the younger man's face. Carson was almost dizzy with lust.

"I-I'm single," Carson stammered, still unsure if this could really be happening.

G. Blacklock finally connected their lips, planting a gentle kiss on Carson. Oh, yes, this was happening. Carson practically melted into the kiss. Blacklock soon broke the kiss and his eyes looked Carson over searchingly. "Remember, I'm not going to force you. Say the word 'no' and you're free to head up to your office right now. You're only five minutes late. But if you give me the go-ahead, I'm going to give you the fuck of your life in this very room, make you feel every single inch of my cock. I'll fuck you better, deeper, longer, and harder than you ever knew it could be. What do you say?"

With that, Carson leapt at Blacklock, throwing his arms around him as their mouths crashed together, their tongues immediately intertwining in a frenzied dance. Carson felt Blacklock's hands move to his hips and take hold of him, hoisting him upward.

Carson wrapped his legs around Blacklock's waist and, for a few minutes they stayed there, in front of the security monitors, feverishly making out as Blacklock held Carson's full weight in his strong arms. Their increasingly hardening groins rubbed together, and a thrill ran down Carson's spine as he felt the older man's sizable endowment through the uniform pants.

Eventually Blacklock broke the make-out session to begin kissing and licking Carson's neck, earning a satisfied sigh from the younger man. Then Blacklock began pressing his lips against Carson's neck and sucking. Carson had never gotten a hickey before, but he was pretty sure he was about to have one.

"Why me?" he asked dreamily as Blacklock continued to suck on his skin. "Out of all the men you see on the screens every day, why is it me that you want?"

G. Blacklock removed his mouth and locked eyes with Carson. "I want you because you look like someone whose beauty and sweetness hasn't been properly appreciated and rewarded. With just one look at you I immediately believed that you deserved all the physical pleasure your body could hold. I'm going to give you that now. And every day that you want it for as long as you want it. Are you ready, young man? Are you ready to be appreciated the way you deserve? Are you ready to claim your reward?" Blacklock's penetrating glare conveyed that this wasn't just a rhetorical question. He expected a response from Carson.

"Yes," Carson immediately responded, "yes, I want it." There was no longer any trace of anxiety or hesitation in his voice. Everything around him, including his responsible and cautious nature, had melted away. There was only this moment and this man. Carson's whole body, his very soul, cried out for this man who had noticed him and believed him to be special and worthy of the most pleasurable sex imaginable.

"Yes, I want it," Carson affirmed, as he consented fully to what was about to happen. "Appreciate me. Reward me. Please give it to me. Give me everything you believe I deserve."

There was fire in G. Blacklock's eyes as he purposefully carried Carson to the table toward the back of the room and set him down to stand in front of it. As Carson kicked his shoes off, Blacklock began to quickly but efficiently unbutton Carson's dress shirt. Carson proceeded to unbuckle his own belt and let his slacks fall to the floor before yanking down his briefs. Once Blacklock had pushed the now unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders, Carson stepped out of his slacks and briefs and pulled off his socks, kicking the clothing items off to the side. He now stood completely naked in front of the security officer, his cock standing stiffly at attention.

Blacklock, who remained fully clothed, looked Carson's naked body up and down, practically humming with approval.

"Lay back on the table with your hands above your head," he told Carson.

As Carson scrambled to follow the directive, he considered how much trust he was placing in this man he had just met and how bad this could become if the man turned out to be mentally unstable. After all, G. Blacklock had been watching him and fantasizing about him for close to a year. Honestly, he seemed a bit obsessed with Carson.

As he laid back on the table with his legs hanging off the edge and looking up at the hulking figure of G. Blacklock, Security Officer, a surprising thought entered his mind. That it was HOT AS HELL that this man was obsessed with him, that all this time someone had been making it their mission to fuck him. All those nights the past year that Carson had jerked off alone in his apartment, and now here he was about to be fucked in the surveillance room of the building where he worked by a security guard who had been secretly obsessed with him--HOT.

As Carson laid on the table with his hands above his head, Blacklock began taking off his clothes, unbuttoning and removing his uniform shirt and then unbuckling his pants. His muscular body took Carson's breath away. He shivered with excitement and anticipation that this handsome and burly older man was disrobing for him and preparing to take him.

When Blacklock's pants and underwear fell to his ankles, Carson gasped out loud. Blacklock had an absolutely massive penis. Risen to its full glory, it was at least eight inches long and had the thickness of a beer bottle. Hard as steel, it pointed toward Carson like a compass.

If Carson hadn't been so aroused and excited, maybe he would have had more room for anxiety. This was the longest, thickest cock he had ever seen in person and was far bigger than any he ever imagined would be fucking him. But Carson didn't have any space within himself for doubt or worry about his ability to take the cock. His mind and body buzzed with anticipation for what was coming next.

G. Blacklock bent down and retrieved the handcuffs which had been attached to his duty belt. Stepping close to the table, he took hold of Carson's hands, which he had been compliantly holding above his head, and in one swift move, had them handcuffed together, the clanking of the metal and the feel of it against his skin sending a thrill up Carson's spine. Blacklock gently placed the restrained hands back on the table.

Blacklock placed his hands on Carson's asscheeks and spread them, taking a moment to marvel at the hole that he was about to ravish. Producing a bottle of lube that he had stashed in the pocket of his uniform pants, the security officer began to prepare Carson's hole, starting by using one finger to begin probing the younger man's anus and liberally applying lube. Carson began to moan the moment the first finger began circling his hole. The moans only grew in volume and intensity when the finger slipped inside and begin sawing in and out of him. The moans continued to escalate as soon two fingers were probing his hole, then three fingers, which finally became four fingers jabbing deep within him.

Eventually Blacklock removed his fingers and Carson groaned his dissatisfaction at the disruption. But Blacklock was already coating his huge condom-clad cock with lube. He looked down to meet Carson's eyes and smiled at him broadly.

"You're about to have the time of your life, young man," Blacklock told him. It was more than a prediction. It was a promise. He lifted Carson's legs and put them onto his shoulders.

Carson was shaking in anticipation and excitement at what was about to happen.

"Oh my God, I'm so excited," he stated breathlessly.

G. Blacklock positioned his dick at Carson's entrance and began to push. The head began to sink inside him, and Carson closed his eyes and began to sigh contentedly. It was a tremendous cock, but Blacklock was taking it slowly and carefully, allowing Carson time to adjust before continuing to push further within him. Carson closed his eyes and savored the sensation of taking his first massive cock like a champion, realizing that he was in the midst of a life-changing experience. Soon, Carson was practically purring with satisfaction, and Blacklock took that as a cue to sink himself ever deeper, earning delighted moans and groans from Carson. Blacklock's cock soon reached deeper inside Carson than he had ever known was possible. He opened his eyes and looked at Blacklock, whose well-built body hovered above him, his cock buried deep within the younger man.

"Fuck the living shit out of me, Officer Blacklock," Carson pleaded. "I'm ready for it. I'm ready for the fuck of my life."

Blacklock's eyes remained fixed on Carson's, seemingly peering into his soul. Silently, and without ever breaking the piercing eye contact, the older man slowly pulled his long, thick cock all the way out. When just the head remained at Carson's entrance, he suddenly rammed it all the way back in with an aggressive blow.

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