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Something Borrowed, Something Blue


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Sliding two fingers into my saturated pussy, he sucked on my swollen bud as my hips lifted off the bed and I pulled his head in closer to me.

'Oh, Dan,' I moaned as his tongue delved deeper into me, his nose pushing against my clitoris, the sensations making me gasp with pleasure. 'Please...don't stop.'

I felt the orgasm building within me, my body tensing with pleasure as he plunged his fingers in and out of me. I looked down at his dark head between my legs, the sight of him there adding to the intensity of feeling and loving the feeling of his lips sucking on my swollen clitoris. I knew I was about to come and when I did, it was Dan's face in my mind, not Steve's.

As I came down from my high, he gently stroked me while I regained my breath, my heartbeat slowing as he leant over and kissed me, his mouth tasting of my juices. I gazed at him and felt his cock teasing my pussy lips, which were glistening with moisture from my intense arousal.

'I need you now, Ella,' he groaned, pushing the head of his cock against my wet opening. "I want you so much."

I moaned and he rubbed the head of his penis against my pussy lips, teasing me with his hardness, making me wait until he decided to enter me fully. I moaned and tried to pull him closer but he resisted, obviously enjoying the feeling of my wetness coating the tip of his cock. The feel of his velvety head was too much to bear and I begged him to thrust into me, wrapping my legs around his waist, drawing him in deeper, the need for him obliterating every other thought I had.

'Dan, please,' I cried and finally, he started to push himself into me, inch by inch. I groaned at the feeling he gave me as he filled me up, his thick hard cock fitting me perfectly. We hesitated a while, savouring the moment and then he started to thrust inside me while I rose to meet him, maintaining a perfect rhythm, our eyes locked on each other until I couldn't bear the intensity any longer.

I felt Dan thrust deeper and harder and I reached down to massage my clitoris, wanting us to come together, knowing that this afternoon would be all the more special if we experienced that high at the same time.

"Tell me when," I moaned as he pumped his cock into me harder and faster, each thrust taking me nearer to my second orgasm, the feeling building inside me every second.

"Oh, Ella..." he groaned, his eyes closed, his face a picture of emotion as he hurtled towards his climax.

When it came it was sweeter than I could have imagined, our bodies slamming together in the final throes of climax as he cried out loud, his warm semen erupting inside me as he came. I shuddered and trembled too, sparks exploding in my head as I orgasmed more deeply with him inside me than I did the first time.

He stopped moving and held me tight in his arms as our breathing slowed. 'Oh, God, Ella. That was something.'

I nodded, too moved to speak, beset by a mixture of emotions as he lay in my arms. Guilt, ecstasy and pure happiness, but there was sadness there too as I realised that this afternoon would be all I would have with him.

We lay there for a long time, stroking each other, holding tight, our kisses and murmured words so sweet and tender. I didn't want this afternoon to end or face the reality of my journey home and the guilt that I would feel when I saw Steve again.

We made love again as the shadows outside deepened. This time it was slow and erotic as I kissed my way down Dan's smooth stomach, my hands gently caressing his cock, which was fully hard again. He moaned as I planted little kisses on his chest, his nipples and his belly. Following a trail of dark hairs, I felt him tense as I took the head of his penis in my mouth and wrapped my tongue around the small opening.

My hands played with his hard balls and I felt him dig his fingers in my hair, his need obvious as I worked my way up and down his warm shaft. Using my lips, I covered every inch of him, trying to keep the sensation alive in my memory for the days ahead when I knew the yearning would be too much to bear.

I gently licked the length of his cock up and down before putting the tip of him in my mouth. Round and round my tongue went as I started to take him into me. I moved down and then stopped before continuing again, each time taking a little more into my mouth until eventually he was in deep as I sucked on him, tasting the pre-cum and knowing that he would soon come for me again.

'I want to be inside you again, Ella,' he moaned and I lifted my head to look at him. He was gazing at me and I smiled as I sat up.

'I want you, too.' I straddled him, rubbing the tip of his penis against my wet opening, teasing him as he had teased me.

'You like that?' I asked smiling at him as his eyes lit up. 'You want me?'

In answer, he put his hands on my hips and guided me down onto his hardness, making me gasp in pleasure as I felt him fill me up. Together we moved slowly at first, our eyes locked, my nipples hard as I rubbed them, the sensations wonderful as we enjoyed our last moments of intimacy.

Dan's hands remained on my hips as I rose up and down, feeling the delicious slide of his cock inside me as I rode him. Bending down I rested my hands on either side of his body and moved quicker, feeling the need build within me and hearing his breath quicken.

'Oh, God, come for me, Ella,' he groaned and I sat back up and touched my clitoris as he thrust himself into me harder and deeper. I massaged my swollen bud knowing that I was so very near and when I saw his face twist in ecstasy I was right there with him, my cries joining his as we both achieved an intense orgasm.

I collapsed onto his chest and kissed him, silent tears running down my face, as I knew that the inevitable was near. He hugged me and together we stayed like that until we could delay it no longer.

'I must get back,' I said. 'I was supposed to be catching a later train but I should get back and see Steve.' The mention of his name sent a wave of guilt washing over me.

I sat on the edge of the bed, as Dan put his arms around me, kissing my back and drawing me closer to him.

'This afternoon has been great.' I sighed and turned around to face him. 'Why couldn't I have met you years ago?'

Dan laughed and we hugged tightly.

'What about the wedding? Are you going to go through with it?'

I shook my head. 'No. I'm going to talk to him, tell him what happened. Maybe separate for a while and see if we still need each other. Things have been wrong for too long. I should have seen the signs.'

After we showered and dressed, Dan dropped me back off at Cite Europe. We kissed again and held each other close, swapped email addresses and telephone numbers even though I had a feeling we would never see each other again. I felt so good, so wanted, and I knew I'd never want to change this afternoon. Dan was a way of seeing just what a mistake I was making.

'Hey, just call me from time to time. Let me know how you are. I'll be there...'

I looked at Dan and smiled. I would never forget him and just maybe, we could arrange to see each other in the future at discreet intervals. Just the thought made me grow warm again and I kissed him.

'Well, you never know!'

The journey home was full of thoughts of Dan and the afternoon we had shared. I knew that in the days after our encounter, whenever I masturbated it would be Dan's face I would see in my mind, his voice I would cry out. My secret to carry with me for the rest of my life...

It was late when I finally arrived home and I drove straight over to Steve's house to see if he was any better. I had received no word from him and assumed that he was still ill but to salve my conscience I decided to go and see him and make sure he was getting better.

His house was situated in a quiet cul-de-sac and when I rounded the corner, I was surprised to see Susie's car parked in the drive. My heart started to beat faster as I imagined him worsening and calling Susie for help. No lights shone from the windows and for one truly terrible moment, I thought he was in hospital after Susie had called for an ambulance.

I parked the car and dug my keys out of my bag, my hands shaking with nerves and the emotional events of the day. If he were seriously ill, I would never forgive myself.

I opened the front door and listened. Soft music was playing upstairs and I heard a soft giggle accompanied by Steve's deeper laughter.

My heart started hammering again and I took a step up the stairs as I heard low moans and Steve's voice. Trying to keep quiet, I mounted the stairs and held my breath as the master bedroom came into view.

I could see Steve thrusting hard into Susie who was on all fours in front of him. She was moaning as he pushed into her and his hands were clenched on her hips, her buttocks shaking with each of his movements.

For one moment, I stood and stared, almost enjoying the sight of my fiancé screwing my best friend. The woman who had helped me over the last year plan my wedding to the man who was now about to come inside her.

I knew Steve so well, knew the moment when he would thrust hard and deep and shoot his load, so I timed my arrival in the bedroom to perfection, and hoped that the shock would somehow temper their pleasure for years to come.

'Is this your way of making sure my fiancé is better?' I shouted at Susie who whipped around in shock at the sound of my voice.

Steve cried out and pulled his dripping cock out of my friend's pussy, his eyes wide in alarm at the sight of me standing there.

He seemed lost for words and I almost laughed at the sheer farce of it all. A classic situation but I felt only anger, disgust and betrayal.

'Why didn't you tell me? Why go through with this if you wanted her?'

Steve looked at me guiltily and then climbed off the bed to reach for his bathrobe, which was lying on the floor.

'Ella, let me explain...'

I didn't want to hear so I ran down the stairs, wanting to get the pair of them away from me as soon as I could. Steve followed and I rounded on him by the front door.

'I met someone today and I made love with him. Do you know that? He made me see what a mistake I was making and now, you've just confirmed it!'

He stood there dumbly, his hands hanging by his sides and I looked at him in disgust.

'You're not worth it,' I spat out and without even bothering to see whether Susie had followed him, I left, slamming the door behind me.

The tears flowed once I was in the car but I realised they weren't tears of sorrow, just anger and frustration. I had made a lucky escape and one man was responsible for saving me.

Dialling his number, I heard his warm familiar tones and breathed a sigh of relief.

'You know your friend's wedding? Do they want any extra champagne?'


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smj54apsmj54apover 17 years ago

A cheating fiance, a chance encounter with a handsome stranger; an exciting, erotic story with a nice twist at the end. Lovingly told and oh so sexy!

MacDukeMacDukealmost 18 years ago
Clever Story

Not your best, but well written and interesting nontheless. Such a hot babe, Janie, to be wondering over a cup of coffee what his face looks like when he comes inside you! love that roll down to France for cheaper booze!

One would think that you would not have to deal with limp dick morons and moral pygmies lilke Risq when Ella wasn't even married and this is not listed in "Loving Wives." These commenters contribute nothing to Literotica whatsoever. Their inablility to control their ex-wives and girlfriends or to have meaningful relationships with women is of no import to readers who are here to be aroused. Perhaps they should critique the Old Testament, while explaining to their pastor why they spend all their time reading smut!

tcmusetcmusealmost 18 years ago
i enjoyed this very much...

and was surprised at the variety of comments. i see a difference between ella's and steve's 'cheating,' but regardless, this is a story. it doesn't have to be so black and white, morally. i thought it was written quite well. anyway, that's two cents from another literotica reader!



wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
i dont't consider it a great story, but a very

good one nonetheless. I’m sorry for commenting so late, but have been out of town for a couple of weeks.

To me there was one big difference in the characters of Ella and Steve. The difference was not only in how they ‘cheated’ but also in how they planned to handle it.

Ella’s affair was an unplanned spontaneous event based on her failure to admit to herself the fact that she knew her planned marriage was a sham. Steve and Ella’s love for each other was over, she just finally owned up to it.

I’m not making excuses for her actions, I fully agree that she should have told Steve first, but she did go straight to his house upon returning to inform him of her decision.

Steve on the other hand apparently preplanned and arranged his affair in advance with no plans to inform Ella of the fact. Ella felt guilt while all Steve felt was Susie.

It was apparent that Ella’s anger stemmed not from Steve’s cheating because she enjoyed catching him screwing her best friend. No her anger came from the knowledge that Steve had preplanned his affair and didn’t intend to tell her.

The only conclusion is that Steve is a perpetual cheat and liar, after marrying Ella it is apparent that he planned to continue. As I said, a good story and I remain a fan always.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Why we should read what Risq writes

The story was ok on the sex scenes and very weak on the plot and the characters. As to the attack on Risq’s comments, it does not make any sense. Have you ever complained about the quality of your public transportation system or (you chose) the electric system which serves your house? Well, if you have, how dare you? Do you have a clue in operating and maintaining these delicate and wonderful service systems which you so carelessly enjoy all the time? Moving on, have you ever seen a movie which you did not like? well how dare you? Have you first written; acted; directed and produced a film your self? Only then (according to your thinking) it would be possible to say: ‘oh maybe I should have seen the other movie'. Think it over. But even if the criticism did have some face value, it is simply not true! Risq’s comments are never boring! Can’t you realize a talent when you see it? Your comment (and mine) are the living proof that he is not boring. Didn’t you realize it when you wrote your comment?

Isn’t commenting also a sort of writing? Isn’t it up to the commenter to prove his/her intelligence creativity/humor if and when they comment, or for that matter, demonstrate their talents in whatever they choose to do? Fiction writing is not the only Pantheon of talent, you know. Doesn’t Risq analyze when he explains his ‘vote’ for each story? OK , some times it does not need explaining, like when he wrote a recent hilariously funny short comment to JUST PLAIN BOB”S story (as a punishment I will not tell you which one it was!).

Many times I read stories only after I read Risq’s and few others selected reviewers. They save me a lot of time (and frequently – agony), and I trust their judgment. Writers as Janiexx should be well advised to listen to experienced commenters such as RISQ, even if the tone or the wording could have been mellower at times. My two cents – look at the substance, not at the adjectives of the reviews. Good luck author in your next submission.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 18 years ago
A fine story worthy of better comments!!

Well Janie, yet another fine story just long enough to fully exploit your clever plot idea. It is very difficult to find fault in this fine tale so I won’t! Criticism is often helpful so just don't let the sometimes cruel remarks put you off. Pete.

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