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Click here"I'm so happy you were there tonight."
"Me too." He did, he looked as happy as she felt.
She only let go of him when the elevator door opened. She clasped his hand tightly as they walked to her apartment entrance, almost afraid to let him go even to unlock the door. But he was still standing there, right behind her as she opened it. He followed her inside. Penny's heart pounded again. She'd never even considered doing this before.
"My bedroom's this one." She led him in, closing the door behind them, glad she always kept her room tidy. She didn't even question that she was taking him into her bedroom. She knew exactly what she wanted as he undressed her. Not that there was much to remove. Soon, very soon, Penny was getting exactly what she wanted. Again and again. At last, exhausted, elated, satisfied, secure in Eric's arms, Penny drifted off to sleep. Eric woke her early in the morning with a kiss and a murmured apology.
"I've got to go to work Penny." He was holding her, rubbing her back. Penny purred, nestling into his arms, breathing in the scent of him. Her eyes opened as she felt him hard against her stomach. Her hand slid down, slid between them, found him, held him. His hardness in her hand was having an immediate effect. On her.
"Have we got time before you need to go?" God, she was being so open about what she wanted. And she wasn't even embarrassed about it. Her hand stroked him.
He smiled, warming her. Melting her. "Yes, as long as you don't mind hard and fast."
Penny didn't mind at all. It was hard and fast and it was very very good. As far as Penny was concerned, it wasn't for nearly long enough - but it was long enough for Penny to be convinced that the previous evening hadn't been a mistake. Long enough to realize after she'd wailed her way through an overwhelmingly wonderful orgasm that Terri might have had a point. You couldn't keep good sex down.
"What time do you finish work?" She lay in bed watching him dress. Desperately wanting to see him again.
"Ten tonight, would you like me to come round after I get off? It's a bit late."
"Yes please, would you like to stay the night again?" She didn't believe she could be so forthright, asking him to sleep with her. On a Sunday night.
He smiled, knelt beside the bed, kissed her slowly. "There's nothing I'd like more. You're mine now Penny Cheng."
Her heart did that amazing little flutter. "Am I? Really?"
Eric kissed her again, gently, lengthily, pushing her duvet down, exposing her all the way down to her knees, running his hands over her naked body. Penny had never thought it possible to so enjoy being naked in front of a guy. But it was. She was. She was reveling in his hand caressing her, reveling in his eyes running over her, almost as if he were drinking her in.
"Do you want to be?"
She didn't even need to think about that. "Yes."
"Then you're my girlfriend, Penny Cheng."
"Does that mean you're my boyfriend, Eric who's never told me his last name."
"MacDonald. And yes, that means I'm your new boyfriend, Penny Cheng."
They kissed again. Penny could tell he was getting excited.
"You better get going, you don't want to be late."
"Okay girlfriend, see you tonight."
"See you tonight boyfriend." They both laughed. Penny felt happier than she'd ever felt in her life. Eric slipped off the bed, stood up, looking down at her. Penny stretched theatrically, enjoying the dilemma that played across his face. He wanted her. Again.
"Tonight greedy," she said, slipping off her bed and standing herself. "As many times as you want." She wiggled her butt as she led him to the door. After the door closed behind him, she went back to her bed. The bed that Eric had just finished fucking her in. She wriggled happily as she pulled the duvet up, one hand cupping herself, feeling his cum wet on her, reveling in it. Eric! Eric! Eric! Her heart sang as she repeated his name. How could she possibly wait until late tonight when he finished work. She wanted him again and again and again. Last night and this morning had been just wonderful. She was so happy she'd gone to that party with Terri and Mike. Although it was still hard to believe she'd done what she'd done.
Her. Penny. Doing it on the floor with a guy at the party. And in front of those other three on the bed as well as those other two couples. Her cheeks burned with recollected embarrassment and excitement as she remembered them watching her, seeing their eyes on her as Eric made love to her. Oh! My! God! How could she have done that? But she had, and she'd brought Eric back to her bed and they'd done it again.
And she didn't regret a moment of it.
Not even doing it on the floor at the party where anyone could see them.
To Penny's heartfelt relief, Terri and her boyfriend hadn't come back. They must have stayed at Mike's after the party. That evening, Penny arrived home late. The visit to the pharmacy and then an afternoon and evening of study in the library had made sure of that. A quick bowl of noodles satisfied her craving for food. Only Eric would satisfy that other craving that her body now felt.
She kept looking at the time. It was so quiet in Terri's bedroom. Maybe she'd gone out again. She didn't intend to knock on her door and ask. Only when she was cleaning up the kitchen did she see the note on the fridge door. "Got a test at nine tomorrow morning, going to bed early... Terri."
Penny shrugged. Like she was going to make a noise and disturb Terri. She thought about Eric coming around after he got off work and giggled. The kitchen spotless, Penny was about to curl up on the couch to read while she waited when she heard a gentle tapping at the front door. It was already just after ten. Penny found herself smiling as she opened the door. And it was. It was really him.
"Eric." Penny's heart jumped with happiness.
"Hi babe." His arms swept her into his embrace, an embrace she welcomed as she found herself pressed up against the warmth and security and strength of his body. "Love you."
"Love you." Penny smiled as she stood on her tip toes and kissed him. She clung to him for a long long moment before taking his hand and leading him across the apartment, leading him into her bedroom, shutting the door behind them. Looking at him, at the longing and the happiness and the desire written across his face, she could see no words were necessary.
"I'm so totally in love with you, Penny Cheng," Eric breathed. His hands began to peel her clothes from her. "I couldn't think of anything but you all day."
"Me too." One touch and Penny knew that the craving she had felt ever since he'd left this morning was about to be satisfied. "Now bed me, okay."
Looking up at Eric's face as he slipped into the bed beside her, his hand placing hers on his steel-hard cock just before he began to eagerly remove her panties, Penny smiled. Already his gentle movements were making her bed creak and groan. It creaked and groaned rather more noisily as her hand urged him over her, urged him between the legs that she enthusiastically spread wide for him. Moaning softly, she drew her legs back for Eric to mount and enter her. As she guided him to her, her body eager to welcome him within her, her bed continued to squeak and groan as he positioned himself to enter her, to take her, to give her what she craved.
"Nnnnuugggghhhhhhh." She too groaned as Eric's cock filled her, an exquisitely long slow slide that sent pleasure rippling through her body. Penny arched herself beneath him, her feet kicking high towards the ceiling, her hands clutching at those gorgeously muscles arms as he buried himself to the hilt inside her. Eric groaned out loud as her slippery tightness engulfed and clasped his cock. Her mattress squeaked. The head of the bed thumped loudly against the wall that separated her bedroom from Terri's. Penny smiled happily. She threw her head back and moaned as loudly as she possibly could.
"Harder Eric ... fuck me harder ... Ooohhhhh yes yes yes..."
Eric did. Immediately. Penny's bed creaked and groaned and thumped against the wall, hard. Eric's plunging thrusts and the weight of his body drove Penny down hard against the mattress. Again and again.
"Uuuugggghhhhh ... nnnuuuggghhh ... hhhhuungghhh ..."
The banging on the wall separating her bedroom from Terri's was immediately followed by a muffled wail that wasn't Penny's. "Keep it down can't you ..."
Penny half-giggled, half-groaned. Keep it down? No way. She intended to do her very very best to keep it up. To keep Eric up. Up and hard and doing what he was doing so well. She hoped it was going to be a long night. She was going to do her best to make sure it was. She crossed her ankles behind the small of Eric's back, experimenting, squeezing herself tight on him as he eased himself back. Enjoying his loud groan of pure enjoyment.
Terri had been right all along. You couldn't keep good sex down.
And sometimes harder was best.
"And then I'm gonna love you completely
And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly
And then I'll fucking bone you completely
But then I'm gonna fuck you hard
Fuck Her Gently, Tenacious D
This had a wonderful build to it, and unfortunately, most of the first time stories on here, do not have. I loved her sense of vulnerability, and her awakening through all of it.
Great story well told.
A nice slow development and a nice happy end with a side blow to her roommate.
And a remark to some of my fellow raters:
Hey is a platform for fantasies, for stories like they are dreamed of.
There is no need for explicit plausibility.
There was no violence involved, the girl did enjoy the intercourse. That’s what it needs.
Wonderful, marvelous early piece. You were still learning your craft, and for me it’s a delight to behold.
I am reading you Literotica offerings in no particular order. Do you have an order to suggest?
One question: this is at least the second “first time” story I’ve read of yours. Why do you gloss over the pain rupturing the hymen entails?
I dunno: I enjoyed it. The "being swept up in the moment" and sailing away with her passion rang true to me, and brought me into the story.
Thanks for the tale
Reltney Mcfee
Yes, this was one of my very first stories on Literotica and I’d write it rather differently if I was starting it over. I’d leave the start and end alone tho.
Sorry forgot login and didn't want to comment annon. I liked your other stories but this one fell flat for me. Sorry but could care less about penny and Eric. A "good girl" virgin who loses her virginity at a house party with 7 people watching her and him not caring enough to just keep going really just sucked any interest out of the story for me. Kudos on your other works but not every stories for everyone.
Obviously a talented writer and plot appropriate to Literotica. Attitudes and emotions depicted well.
But the major drawback is verbosity. Something said. Then repeated in same paragraph. Maybe brought up again later. Reminds me of my wife and also a sister. (Female trait?). I would guess that the same plot and emotions could be conveyed with 30 to 50% fewer words.
Next problem. Going from virgin who has not even met the guy to multiple sex scenes with only 2 casual meetings with no dates, does not fit the profile of the shy, serious student the story started with. Too much too fast. As long as the story was stretched out, it could have been used to stretch out the too-compacted experience to a more appropriate timeline.
Paul in Oklahoma
You still have me Hypnotized, and addicted. I really Love the female perspective that you make look effortless and so real. PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. I only regret that I did not read this sooner to make this number one.
One of, if not the best writer of erotic fiction Miss Chloe. I have read most all of your the detail, love the buildup, LOVE LOVE the kissing detail....looking forward to more from you!
You are a terrific writer -- one of the most enjoyable I've read on this site. You go into great detail, and draw scenes out at great length and depth, but you keep things moving smartly through deft writing and mixing up dialog, narrative, metaphors, and descriptions of internal feelings. The erotic impact is really powerful -- the story has a great buildup, and it's got a great climax. Keep up the good work! I also like reading your stories because they give me things to think about in trying to improve my own stories -- I've got to step up my game!
Q - Wasn't she chancing it first time without protection?
A - Definitely, but hormones are hormones, especially when you're eighteen and attracted to someone very very strongly
Q - Kind of selfish of Eric to proceed knowing it was her first time and he wore no protection?
A - Hey, it's Literotica. Anything can happen. It's not the real world and social diseases don't exist. Reality is, alas, somewhat different to fiction.
Glad you enjoyed the story tho ...... Chloe
Really a good read. A little wordy at times, but definitely good to see it read from a woman's point of view. But Wasn't she chancing it first time without protection? Kind of selfish of Eric to proceed knowing it was her first time and he wore no protection?
I think if you liked this story you'll love my Chinese Takeout series
The perfect balance of shy and demanding, of gentle and hard, of scared and certain, all in a progression that feels completely true - beautiful! I'm coming back for more of your stories, lots more.
... for "Sometimes Harder is Best" for the 2015 Literotica Awards in the Best First Time Category. In the end this little story came second, which I was very pleased with (altho I would rather have come first but hey, second's not bad considering this was one of my first few stories on Literotica). So thx again to everyone who voted and to everyone whose read and enjoyed this story...... Chloe
I love this story, it hits right on in ohh so many ways. xoxoxoxo Annette
Wow. 50,000 views in just over three months AND nominated for Best First Time Story. What can I say! Thankyou so much all of you for reading, enjoying, rating, commenting and an even bigger thx for those of you who've taken the time to vote for this as Best First Time story in the 2015 Literotica Awards. You all make this so worthwhile for a very humble wannabe author. Again, thank you ALL so much (she says with a big watery smile....I'm going all gushy here)
Virtual Hugs to every single one of you........ Chloe
Yet another enticing tale from this talented author.
This chronicle flowed very well with brilliant build up... And deliscously descriptive sex scenes... to entice the reader into craving more.
Alas it would have been nice to hear more appearance details of the main characters to make them more real and easier for the reader to picture in their minds.
All in all it is well worth my vote as best story.
When Babe Ruth started playing baseball he completely transformed the game. The most prodigious home run hitter before the Babe hit a hundred and something. The Babe hit 714 and made hitting dingers a major part of the game. America was transfixed by his assault on the fences. Attendance at Yankees games doubled in a year. You are the Babe of Literotica, knocking the ball outta the park. Keep swinging! - Z
I just saw that someone had nominated "Sometimes Harder is Best" for Best First Time Story in the 2015 Literotica Readers Choice Awards. All I can say is thankyou so much - I'm flattered that you think that highly of this story :)
Ciao...... Chloe
I've read most of your stories now and they're absolutely great. But this one is one of your very best. I'm really hoping you'll do a sequel to the Penny and Eric story. I need to know what happens next and based on the comments I've read, your fans would like it, too!
A wonderful story that got me more and more turned on. Even though the story is one of the longest ones I have encountered on Literotica, I kept wanting to read more.
I also appreciate how you respected the character Penny. She was a bit naïve, but you didn't have her end up becoming a mindless slut like the characters of too many stories ended up becoming. Instead, she learned to be confident in her sexuality while continuing to be true to herself (i.e. a good student).
I am also see that you threw a little reality into the story. Her trip to the pharmacy, after her first romp, was no doubt to get a morning after pill and some long term birth control, because a good girl like her wouldn't have thought she needed protection before meeting her blond boyfriend.
Keep up the great work!
Wonderful story. I loved how you drew out the love-making, giving it aa tender reality.
I wanted to be there,...with you.