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Sons and Lovers


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"You crafty bastard!" Guy laughed, letting out a squelching fart as Jake slid his cock all the way up his hot slippery tunnel. "You get one minute... just one... make sure you enjoy it!"

Jake grinned down at him, holding onto him by the knees as he humped him briskly up between his legs the way he made love to his girlfriend.

But there was nothing remotely feminine about this fuck. Beneath him was a big hairy man with his shit-coated cock throbbing upwards and his two enormous bollocks jiggling around. Jake's own engorged manhood piston-pumped back and forth through the thicket spilling out from between the two muscular thighs, and soon its own shaft was slick and brown as Guy's meaty bum odour enveloped them in its stench.

"I love your fuck-stink," Jake laughed. "It's even stronger than what wafted up out of the bog when I was sucking you off!"

"It's fuckin' rank!" Guy chortled. "But not half as rough as yours!"

Jake revelled in his momentary opportunity for his own cock to get a taste of the action. He hammered Guy furiously, panting and sweating, watching the man's crud-smeared cock head pulsing and dribbling as his arsehole below it was relentlessly trounced.

"You're enjoying this," Jake smiled at his large muscular lover without missing a beat. "Your knob's dripping like a tap!"

"I enjoy getting it up your tush more... and sayin' that, I think your minute's up!"

Jake tried to hold him down, determined to cum up inside the tight squeeze of the larger man's rectum, but Guy easily overpowered him and freed himself from his missionary embrace.

Soon the two of them were struggling together again, laughing and panting as they tried to outwit one another. Their two shit-glistening hard-ons jabbed and smeared fresh stains onto the already dishevelled bedsheets, before Guy managed to swivel Jake around again and bend him down onto all-fours.

Once his companion was in the position he preferred his male lovers to adopt, Guy grabbed Jake hard around his chest and used his two broad thighs to hold his legs tightly together. He quickly worked his precum wet hard-on back up into his captive's rear, reached up to lever him by the shoulders and then set about pounding him roughly. Gobs of stray shit were flung out from Jake's retaken entrance and some of them clung to his assailant's dense pubic bush.

"Aw yeah!" Jake gasped, loving the feel of his prominent fuck-gape being further stretched and opened by the exertions behind him. "Really bang me, big guy! Really stick it to me!"

Guy laughed and shagged him faster and harder, making his hips crack noisily against Jake's muscular buttocks as the younger man lunged back against him.

"God that feels good!" Jake panted. "I can tell why you're my dad's favourite fuck-buddy!"

Suddenly Guy stopped, half of his cock still buried between the two tight round cheeks.

"You reckon your dad'll be pissed off with us?" he asked. "Like I told you... him and me are getting a bit... you know... 'involved' these days."

"I dunno," Jake grunted, eager for the fuck to start up again so he could further enjoy the way his arse being rooted. "You said that he knows you fuck around... that you guys have a deal or whatever..."

"Yeah, I guess... but I want you to tell him we did this. I don't wanna feel like I'm doing his son behind his back. I want you to promise you'll tell him when you get home."

"Sure thing, Mr Leeson," Jake chirped in his high-pitched boyish voice. "I promise I'll let my dad know that you shit-fucked me!"

Guy laughed. "Yeah, just make sure you do."

Guy started fucking Jake hard again, delighting as the younger man let out a series of spattering farts. The stink of their sex was on one level revolting but on another feverishly exciting and the two of them bucked and slammed together as they worked their bodies in unison.

"Let's squat chest-to-back," Guy suggested. "I wanna make you cum feeling like you're taking one of those big wide shits of yours."

"Fuck yeah!" Jake chortled. "Your cock's just about as thick as one of my massive turds!"

They squatted together and the burly plumber wrapped one arm around Jake's chest, and with the other reached further down to the veiny shaft of the student's long thick cock.

"Right, push my cock slowly out," Guy instructed him, "like you're squeezing out one of your bog-blockers!"

Jake clenched the muscles of his arse like he was pushing out a particularly stubborn dump and Guy's hand got to work vigorously rubbing up and down the length of his rock-hard manhood.

"Oh God yeah!" Jake cried out, his voice an octave higher from the sheer pleasure he was experiencing. "That feels so fucking good!"

Guy laughed at his young friend's surprise. "Keep shitting it out, buddy, and I'll wank you off until you cum!"

Once Guy's cock had all but been expelled from Jake's bum, he slid it right back up and they did it again. Guy's hand grew faster and Jake's gasps grew louder until, on the third repeat, the young man let out a plaintive cry and thick jets of his semen were shot across the bedding and a good few feet up the wall.

As Jake panted and whimpered through a dizzyingly powerful orgasm, Guy changed his technique to maximise his companion's pleasure. He gently slid his cock up and down inside Jake's bum, stimulating something deep inside him that always had a similarly dramatic effect when he did it to his father.

He kept sliding Jake's foreskin rapidly up and down, whispering in his ear, "That's it, mate... spunk it all out... I'm not gonna stop until you're all milked dry..."

Guy had been well-trained by his former wife, during the years they'd been married, in the art of prolonging another person's climax to the full. Since then Jake's dad had added his own suggestions from a male and anal perspective and these days Guy was quite the expert in extending his lovers' final throes of passion whatever their gender.

Once Jake had fully spent himself and had collapsed forwards exhausted, Guy said, "Right, just give me half a minute and I'll fill you up with mine!"

He grabbed the young man by the hips and frantically pummelled his rear. Their sex was no longer for pleasure but for pure gratification and soon the large man's crude impatient thrusting had yielded the desired effect. He grunted animalistically as he emptied his big bollocks into Jake's gaping arsehole, falling on top of the younger man's back so that his wiry chest hair tickled between his shoulder blades. He clung onto Jake, still jabbing his cock roughly in and out, until soon the flexing of his buttocks began to slow and his rhythm faltered before finally petering out.

The post-coital silence was eventually broken by Jake. "Jesus Christ... I'm going to be shitting spunk for a week."

"Yeah, I told you," Guy replied, pushing himself up from his back, "I haven't nutted for two days. I could've filled a pint pot up."

"Look at the fucking mess," Jake muttered, as if seeing the state of the room for the first time. "You're gonna need to wash these sheets."

"Really... no kidding?" Guy chuckled. "And there was me thinking they might last another week."

The two of them clambered off the bed and stood in front of each other, their brown-smeared cocks limpening and their bodies haphazardly daubed with each other's shit. For a moment neither of them knew what to say after such vulgar scatalogical sex which had proven for them both to be so simultaneously exciting.

Eventually Guy smiled and said, "Well, you've turned out to be a very dirty young man, Jake Furlong."

Jake laughed back. "Hey - it was you who started it!"

"I did not!"

"You did... you stayed in the loo when I was crapping."

Guy was about to argue that Jake hadn't exactly tried to push him out, but then conceded, "Well maybe I did... but we're okay, aren't we? I mean, this isn't gonna fuck things up between us, is it?"

"We good," Jake nodded. "I just really need to take shower and fart a couple of gallons of spunk out."

"You can use the main bathroom," Guy nodded. "I'll use the shower in the little en-suite in here."

After Jake had flushed the toilet in the bathroom to get rid of what now seemed like some seriously unseemly foreplay, Guy threw him a towel and headed off to wash the brown smears off himself.

Neither of them heard Simon coming home early over the roar of hot water, nor heard him calling up to ask why Jake Furlong's leather jacket was in the kitchen, nor clomping upstairs to find out why both showers were being used.


As soon as Jake returned from Guy's I knew something had happened. My son isn't always the easiest person to read but something in his demeanour, his body language perhaps, told me that things weren't quite right.

"Did you return the mobile to Guy?" I asked him, looking for clues in his enigmatic expression.

He chose not to answer the question but instead said, "You know how you said I could play around with any of your buddies, but that Guy was out of bounds..."

"Yes," I replied. Guy was becoming increasingly special to me.

"Well, when I gave him his phone back we ended up playing around together," my son informed me. "And it got pretty heavy."

At first I couldn't process what he'd said and it took me a few seconds to manage to articulate, "Are you saying you just had sex with Guy?"

He nodded glumly. "In spades."

"What do you mean, 'in spades'?"

He shrugged and then admitted, "It got really intense."

I perched myself back against the kitchen table, my mind reeling in shock that my son had just seduced the man I was coming to think of as my boyfriend.

"Wow," I said. "That's quite a revelation, Jake. You know how fond I am of Guy."

"I know... I didn't mean it to happen. It just sort of grew out of nothing."

"So what did happen?" I heard myself ask, although I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted to know.

"We were just joking around and then he went upstairs with me while I used the loo... and then whoomph! We were fucking really hard on his bed... and it got smelly and nasty and all the crud from our butts made us both even more horny..."

"Oh," I said. "Well that puts a very different slant on it..."

"Thing is... Simon came home unexpectedly at the end of it... kinda saw what we'd been up to."

"Guy's son saw all the... er... mess?" I asked, allowing myself a chuckle. "Gosh I wonder what his prissy little lordship made of seeing a bit of man-on-man shit-play?"

"He wasn't that impressed," Jake quipped. "Actually that's putting it mildly."

Then he asked, "Look, dad, are you like really pissed off with me? I mean, I'm sorry it happened but Guy made me promise I would tell you."

I walked over to pat my son on the shoulder.

"I like my sex with Guy to be gentle and affectionate," I began. "We still enjoy occasional anal, but we're experimenting more with kissing, caressing and even climaxing together during face-to-face frottage. I suppose we're moving into the realms of gay lovemaking rather than just having sex together as two detached men."

"You guys are into frot?" Jake chortled. "Oh my God... dick-rubbing is so for girls..."

I smiled. "If you ever meet another young man who you feel romantically attracted to, you might also find that penile frottage proves to be extremely erotic for you both."

"So you're romantically attracted to Guy? Does he feel the same way?"

"He told me that he's no longer looking for a girlfriend. He was like, 'Why am I looking for a girlfriend when I've already got one?'"

Jake grinned. "So he's basically telling you that you're his bitch."

"Given that he expressed the sentiment during a passionate bout of what you call dick-rubbing, I found it incredibly cute."

"So what's your point?" Jake asked. "I get it that you guys are getting all kissy-cuddly together... so does that make you even more angry that he goes and gets hot and heavy with me...?"

"On the contrary," I smiled. "We've agreed that we're both able to use other outlets to fulfil our more... well... bodily needs. What the two of you just did was clearly very different from what he and I have together."

"Well, yeah... there was nothing romantic about our sex... I can totally assure you of that."

I nodded. "I suppose it must be difficult to make it romantic when you're smeared in each other's shit."

"We weren't exactly smeared in it," Jake chuckled, "but it was pretty messy."

"Your sex clearly satisfied Guy in a very different way than the more tactile and sensual lovemaking he's growing to enjoy with me."

"So you're okay about it?" he asked.

"Guy has other lovers, both male and female... just as I do, of course. As long his sex with other men involves merely bending and bumming, I'm happy that the kissy-cuddly stuff is something he only does with me."

"Yeah, there was a lot of bending and bumming," my son grinned, "but absolutely nothing even remotely kissy-cuddly."

"I assume you were the one bending," I chuckled. "He's not so keen on bending himself."

"I managed to get it up him once," he chortled back. "I reckon he enjoys taking it up the butt a lot more than he lets on."

We laughed together and then smiled warmly at each other.

"Enjoy your fun," I told him. "But make sure it stays as just fun..."

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badbluebadblue8 months ago

This is one hot scat story!

Yesplease29Yesplease29almost 7 years ago
Love it, but hope for more

Nothing hotter than dad-son scat. Hope these two soon realise how well romance and shit go together.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Just an idea

Great story and good fun but agree with previous comment a good story could come from two friends and one of them having an accident in his pants and them both being turned in by the act. When I crapped myself it certainly turned my friend on - but sadly only the once.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
good literature!

This is not only good writing, it's a wonderful plot idea: raunchy sex with one guy doesn't conflict with having romantic sex with another guy. This idea is developed in a tantalizing way. But the focus is obviously more on the dirty relationship than the vanilla one--which is what the reader wants. We all want relationships to work, though, don't we? A relationship based on sex and involving the brown lubricant--how does it work? The reader will be thinking abut that. And as an introduction to gay raunchy sex, the story is excellent--the reader will be thinking that maybe he should try this after all.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

How about starting with two friends, one has an accident in his pants, and see where it takes you? I loved this tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Holy shit! (literally haha)

I'm not much into scat, but this story is making me rethink things!

Please include more farting <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Oh my!

I'm not into scat at all, but for some reason I just couldn't stop reading this story. Like a bad car crash in a highway, I had to read and find out more. Anyway, not one of my favorite stories of yours, but you are a good story teller. Keep them coming, thanks!

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