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SSBBW Barb - Pt. 07: Photo Finish

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Barb and I get photos taken, and our story ends, friends...
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"Mary Estes, M.E. Photography," Barb read aloud. "The number is..."

I dialed the number and waited. I was a little nervous. Not because it was the same woman who caught us in the bathroom a week before. But because there was photography involved.

"Hello?" said a receptionist-like voice.

"Hi," I said, "I'm calling you met my girlfriend Barb and myself at that sushi place?"

Barb watched me in anticipation. Her blue eyes were little pools of excitement.

"Oh," said the woman, "Yes! How could I forget? I didn't catch your--"

"We felt terrible," I said, cutting her off.

"No. No! I was surprised, sure. But I counted myself lucky. That was a very powerful moment."

"Oh, sure," I said nodding to Barb, "Right."

"I gave you my card because I want to do a shoot with the two of you. I specialize in... erotic photography. And I want you both to visit me at my studio. I'll text you the address. Could you be here next Saturday at noon?"

I whispered the date as a question to Barb, who nodded that she was free that day.

"Is Barb there? Would you mind putting me on speaker?"

I did just that. Not sure why I didn't in the first place.

"Hello, Mary," said Barb sweetly. She was such an angel.

"Hi Barb! So you're coming next week then, you two?"

We looked at each other.

"Yeah," said Barb, "Sounds exciting. What should we...bring?"

"Just yourselves. I prefer to shoot nude, so you don't even need fancy undies or anything. Is that okay with you guys?"

She had seen enough of us already for it not to seem too daunting.

"Totally," I said. "See you then!"

"Sounds good. We'll have some tea around noon, then take some pics! Wahoo!"

"Bye Mary!" said Barb.

We looked at each other.

"Pretty exciting," she said, brushing golden locks from her soft face.

"Very," I said. "A little prematurely self-conscious about having my photo taken."

"Our photos," Barb reminded me, "I'll be naked too! All of me!" She drifted her fingers over her rolls and curves.

Barb was just over 500 pounds now. She didn't seem to be gaining anymore, but she had gained quite a bit since we met.

"Do you think she'll want us to...recreate our anniversary night moment?" Barb said, straddling me on the couch. Her summer dress hiked up high on her hips. Her cushioned weight settled upon me.

"Maybe," I said, "That would be something I'd pay to get photos of."

"Slide down," she said, easing off me just enough that I could inch my way lower. She hopped up and down on me until she was sitting on my chest.

I struggled to speak, as my lungs were slowly squeezed tight. My chest was under amazing pressure.

"I love you," was all I could manage. My face was probably quite red.

"I love you too," she said, leaning against the couch and sitting up again slowly.


I did. She turned around. She didn't lift her dress when she sat down. The fabric coated my face. Then I was consumed by her giant ass, as her two heavenly bodies of flesh wrapped themselves around my head, and her massive weight followed.

Sure, we did something like this once a day. But was I bored? Never.

I reached for my cock and relished in the physical pleasure that I was entombed in.

It wasn't long until I tapped. Barb didn't budge an inch.

Boy, I loved her.

Mild panic set in. Predictable panic. I half-struggled under her. She knew me well enough to know I was playing reverse possum. Then my nails dug in to her thighs. Then I really started to thrash around.

My chest was on fire. She was smothering me to death.


She got up, as she always did, just in time. She had nearly perfected the art of bringing me to the edge of losing consciousness, but never took me too far. But the danger was always on the periphery.

"Breathe, love," she said softly.

This was pure intimacy. She could nearly smother me with her body, and I fully trusted her. We both got off on the simple fact that Barb was suffocating me with her ample backside, with the weight of her entirety.

She sat down again. This vicious cycle repeated for a bit, but it wasn't long before I came. I moaned loudly into her darkness, with stars twinkling behind my closed eyes. It was bliss to finish while being almost forcibly blacked out.

She sat up.

I took time to breathe, then watched as she got up and walked away.

"Shower?" she said playfully.

I crawled to my feet. It was my turn to get her off. She wanted to use the shower seat, more than likely. She wasn't done sitting on me yet. She loved me like crazy. I felt the same.

And we had been fucking WAY more lately. It was like...non-stop. No complaints from me. I was just a bald guy over the hill. This was more than I deserved.

A week later, with seldom interruption to our lovemaking, we drove into the country to meet up with Mary at her studio.

The drive was wonderful, and the sun was shining.

We pulled up to a large, modern house in the woods. This could be the start to a horror movie, I thought.

"She's harmless," said Barb, reading my mind.

"Sure, tell that to the people under the stairs," I said, ringing the doorbell.

Little, quirky, spunky Mary opened the door.

"Hi guys!" she shouted happily, looking surprised, as if she didn't expect us.

"Come in! So glad you came. Nice day for a drive?"

"Very," said Barb, following the tiny woman, hand in hand with me. "I love your house!"

"It's amazing," I added. She must do quite well shooting nudes.

"It's a property investment success story. I bought cheap, and sold my old house at the right time. Anyways, come."

We followed her to a spacious living room. There were several photos scattered on the walls. There were bodies of all shapes, colors, and sizes.

"I only do black and white, as you can tell."

They were fairly tame, monochromatic images for the most part. Even ones depicting sex acts. Tasteful, but steamy.

"Amazing work," Barb said, looking around.


We had some orange pekoe while we chatted, sitting comfortably on orange couches. I told Mary how we met, and how long we'd been dating.

"You seem older than a year," she said. "By that I mean, you seem like you've been together for ten!"

I thought that often, in the best way possible.

"Good chemistry," Barb said, grinning at me.

"So," she said, "Elephant in the room..."

You could tell that Mary wasn't making a fat joke. She seemed incapable of making that type of judgement, somehow.

"...The night I met you two."

We both glanced at the other, smiling. We turned our focus back to Mary.

"When I saw you under her, I thought that it was the most sexually powerful moment I'd ever seen in my life."

"Wow," said Barb, entranced by Mary's captivating intensity. She was small, and odd, but she knew sexuality. You could tell.

"Tell me, why do YOU love it?"

I didn't need her to clarify. I understood the question.

"I love her. And I love her body. And I love that her body can... almost...erase me."

It was a little esoteric, but it sounded right. Barb squeezed my arm. She wouldn't forget my words anytime soon.


She pondered for a moment. She answered slowly with her eyes closed.

"I'm big. I love that I can be big, and he still thinks I'm perfect, and I love that I can reward him, and sort of...rule him, at the same time. I feel whole when he's under me. Being pressed into me..."

I was getting hard. For a guy in his forties, I'll take it.

"How far do you take it?" she asked Barb.

She opened her eyes, and smiled mischievously.

"Pretty far," said Barb. "We're synced up pretty good, but it's...close, sometimes."

"But we love that aspect," I said, sitting at an odd angle.

"You can lose the clothes, if you want." said Mary. "Don't stress about the erection, I've seen lots of hard-on's. I usually suggest losing the clothes while we finish our tea. Makes the photo session after feel more...seamless? We can just chat throughout our whole visit!"

"Okay," I said, "Sounds good."

I looked at Barb, who wasted no time taking off her dress, and started to peel off her bra and panties.

I got naked too.

"I don't partake usually," said Mary, fully dressed. "If that's okay. This is about you guys, and your energy. Your passion. Tell me more. How's the sex?"

"Great," said Barb. "Tons, lately."

"Yup," I agreed, "Like rabbits. We normally do it a couple times a week. Plus the sitting, which we do almost daily."

I felt clunky calling it "The Sitting," as if it was a scary movie title.

"Facesitting is very intriguing to me," said Mary, seemingly oblivious that we were naked. "Especially with larger women. But I had never seen it up close before. To call it breathtaking feels a little cheesy, but I was truly in awe of you, dominating him like that.

"I thought: how would that feel? For you? For him? I thought about you both being here, and capturing that kind of moment on film. I couldn't resist giving you both my card. And here we all are."

"Wow," said Barb, "That's great. We can't wait."

"I clearly can't," I said, trying to make light of the fact I was hard.

"Don't let me slow you two down," she said, standing up, ushering us to follow.

We left our empty mugs and turned a new corner. A glass walled room surrounded in a verdant forest: it was impressive.

There was a single piece of furniture: a sturdy looking Plexiglas stool that was somehow ornate. The stool was heavily padded with a clear, memory foam-like gel material.

"Wow," I said, taking in my surroundings.

"I went minimal for props," said Mary. "This stool is brand new, never been used. Bought it for today, actually."

"Looks like it should hold," laughed Barb. Her curves wobbled around as she did.

"I thought we might start here, on this padded mat," Mary said, pointing to a thin but large square near the stool.

"I may make suggestions from time to time, but otherwise I'd prefer to continue our conversation as you do what you would if I wasn't here. Though you might be tight lipped at times," she said looking at me, smiling.

"Of course," I said, returning the smile.

"I can answer for him if needed," Barb giggled.

We crawled to the floor, and I found the mat to be much more giving that at first glance. It might not be much, but it would reduce discomfort on my soon to be squished cue ball.

"Take your time, and do what you like," said Mary, grabbing an expensive looking camera from a shelf.

"Excited?" Barb whispered to me.

"Very. How do you wanna...?"

"Slowly. Maybe a little...belly... for a warm up?"

"Perfect," I said.

I laid down, and already I heard snaps from Mary's camera. Barb came around by my head, at a right angle. She crawled on all fours, bringing her enormous stomach directly over my face.

"Wonderful," said Mary in approval, coming in closer for a better shot.

Barb slowly lowered herself. Her belly pooled around my face, and all went dark.

It was the second largest part of Barb, but by far the softest. Sure, her skin was swollen as opposed to saggy, but inside her belly, I was surrounded by a marshmallow world of flesh.

Her stomach gurgled, and the sound was all around me. I was fully sealed in, and my oxygen was dwindling.

Mary asked her a question, and I could just barely make out their conversation.

"We don't do this as often," Barbs words resonated louder than Mary's. I felt her body move as Barb spoke them.

"Do you enjoy the feeling?"

"Not as much as when he's somewhere...lower, but I love that my belly is big enough to seal him inside."

"Does he tap you for air?"

"Yes, but I take my time," she said, giggling and sending waves of undulations through her body.

As if on cue, I tapped her. But I tapped too lightly for how desperate I already was for air, and I slapped her hip harder so she knew I was in peril.

She lifted, and cool, fresh air hit my face as Mary took several photos in succession as I gasped for oxygen under her heaving belly.

"How is it?" Mary asked, sounding the tiniest bit...jealous?

"So...good." I was panting like a dog.

"Maybe let's mix it up, honey?" Barb asked, leaning back. Man, I was painfully hard.

I remained where I was as Barb straddled my chest. Her enormous ass was resting on my ribcage.

Mary changed her angle, and sat close to my head, getting a great view of Barb's front. Her massive breasts that were unusually perky for her age. Hard nipples the size of jellybeans. Her epic belly which threatened to bury my chin once more.

"I consider myself heterosexual," Mary said, "but I envy him."

More photos taken.

Barb scooted forward, slowly edging towards my face. I was only loosely aware of the fact that this was a photoshoot anymore.

"Do you enjoy performing cunnilingus?" she asked me.

"Oh, you bet," I said with much difficulty. The padded floor was brutal on my body compared to a bed. But the imagery of Barb resting all of her weight on me was probably more impressive on a seemingly flat surface.

"Remember, pleasure yourself if you desire, it reinforces the message here: this is for both of you. There is love alongside the domination."

I took my cock in my hand immediately, and Barb slid completely over my face. Our eyes met right before her swollen belly eclipsed my line of sight. Her shaved pussy covered my mouth.

I began to tongue her wet slit like crazy, enjoying the familiar flavors and jacking off while I did it.

"Smothering him with your sex," Mary asked Barb, "Tell me how it feels."

"So good," she answered. "I can come pretty quickly this way."

She started to rock against me to illustrate her point. The back of my skull was a little sore, but I was enjoying being smothered by her soaking wet pussy. I stole air now and again as she grinded around.

Then she slid forward, sealing my nose inside her slick entrance. No air for me now.

She sat still. Teasing herself. Suffocating me. I heard the camera taking several shots. I didn't want this to be a snuff shoot. I struggled. I tapped her ass, all the while jerking off.

She slid back, allowing me to breathe.

"...The stool?"

"Sorry...what?" I cried out, my vision blurred and head aching.

"She wants us to use the stool, honey," Barb said softly, fully aware that I needed a minute to catch my breath.

"Okay," I said, sitting up.

"I thought we should finish with the stool," said Mary. "You both seem like you might climax soon!"

I could, easily. I was merely lasting so Barb was fulfilled as much as I could provide. As long as I could survive.

"We usually come at the same time," said Barb. "I come hardest when he's...well... I like the feeling of his nose, inside my...asshole."

If she wasn't already flushed I would have swore she was blushing.

"And I love it more," I said, which might not have been exactly true. She fucking loved me shoved up there. "It means I'm in her ass as deep as I can possibly go."

"Show me," Mary said.

I approached the clear stool, appraising it. Sure it would hold, but it wasn't adjustable. I had to sit with my back to it, and lean my head back. It would make for a dramatic shot, but I'd have a stiff neck for days.

I leaned back, and found that it was very well padded. My head felt like it was resting on a gelatin cushion.

Another gelatin cushion approached me: Barb's colossal ass. She was moist with sweat. She positioned herself.

"Let's show Mary how we finish things," said my beautiful partner.

She lowered her ass upon me gently. I smelled her pheromones, and the sweet musk of her deepest crevice. Photos were taken as I was buried alive. I was pushed into a canyon of warm cellulite.

She shifted her hips from side to side, and I was forced in deeper. Her sexual juices coated my face. I slid in deeper. My nose touched her tight, sweaty asshole. I wiggled in further, pushing my nose inside.

There was no light.

No air. The heat was tremendous.

I was buried inside her deep darkness.

Her huge thighs parted slightly, so she could masturbate to the sensation of my face crammed tightly inside her ass.

No air was given.

None would come, until Barb had come, I knew that much.

I didn't even bother struggling. I just jacked myself off as I reflected on where I was. When I started to twitch, and attempted and failed at sucking in air, I wasn't scared.

When it felt like the entire world was trying to crush the life out of me, I knew that it was just Barb-- my entire world-- smothering me with love.

I came.

But not Barb. She was going to push this further than ever before. But I had no fear.

Things got trippy. I started to feel like I was being pushed even deeper inside her. Like I was being forced headfirst into her asshole, which intended to swallow me whole.

But it was all mental. My lungs twisted and screamed, and I sensed her motions increasing. She was going to come, and hard. My arms went limp, and I felt myself fading.

I came to just as her orgasm erupted all around me. She stood, and light poured in.

Barb screamed out loudly into the beautiful room.

I almost forgot to breathe, but I finally gasped in air, just as Barb released a jet of warm fluid over my face, some of which splashed into my gasping maw.

Photos were taken. I looked through squinted eyes to see Barb STILL rubbing her clit while she moaned in loud, guttural, feminine mewls of pleasure that seemed to last forever.

Finally, she eased off, and looked at me.

"I squirted!" she said with a glow emanating from her, as if her aura was visible.

"I know," I gasped, "I drank some, I think."

I slumped to my side. That had been probably the hardest Barb had come, and the cost of it being my closest brush with death.

"Just amazing."

Mary stood there, small but iconic. Smiling like she had just witnessed a small miracle.

"I haven't seen something that impressive in...well, maybe never."

Barb sat beside me, and kissed my cheek.

"You survived again," she said, sounding like she never doubted my safety for a second. She had truly mastered the art of nearly ending me, and had zero guilt about it all the same. I wouldn't want her any other way.

"I have an idea for a book," Mary said, "I think we could bring this type of thing to the forefront. You two could be the faces of...all this," she said, holding up her camera like it was worth its weight in gold.

"Would I have your permission? I would guarantee you a substantial cut of the sales. I just think this could be huge. People are going to be blown away."

We looked at each other. It could lead to nothing. Or it could blow up our whole lives.

"Well?" I said, "Take the chance?"

"I used to get off on secret facesitting," said Barb, "now I'm showing off to everybody? Who am I?" She laughed.

"You're my perfect woman," I said. "As long as your all mine, I don't care who sees us."

We nodded to Mary.

"Make your book," I said smiling. "Make sure we get a copy.

"Oh, no doubt. That and more. But I do have a request: would it be possible, just briefly, if Barb..."

I smiled, as my suspicions were correct: Mary wanted Barb to sit on her face.

"I'm a little...juicy," said Barb, knowing full well what Mary wanted. "But I don't mind. Do you, honey?"

I laughed.

"I kind of want to see this, actually."

Mary beamed, and laid down.

I watched as Barb crawled on top of her. She was way smaller than me. She looked only a little nervous as Barb's huge ass got into position.

Barb was straddling Mary's shoulders, and slowly brought her ass down on her face. It was pretty hot. Mary was small, and not my type. But to see my sweet, enormous Barbara completely consume her face from a third person perspective was...

To quote Mary, it was powerful.

Like our photoshoot, her personal facesitting session was over before I knew it.


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