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Start the Revolution without Me Ch. 04

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Bruce and Nina find a new partner.
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Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/10/2019
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When Nina and I awoke again, we were famished, but we managed to shower and groom ourselves well enough first. Like any self-respecting lass, she freshened up quite well, even if she also teased me a bit in both the shower and vanity. More than once, she bent over in the shower and let me see the crack of her arse as well as her delectable buttocks. She even made a point of shaving her legs and her armpits, as if an act of defiance against the hairy underarm crowd now taking charge in London. What shocked me most was when she asked me to shave her cunny and her arsehole. She wanted to be smooth as silk and she was, much to my delight.

"It still tickles a bit, but I like it! Did you enjoy playing with my bum?" Nina winked at me as she asked me that, knowing very well that I did.

"Well, it's a rather nice bottom that you have, love. Very plush. Smooth, sleek ... earthy. Dusky, if you will. I must confess that I would enjoy plowing the backfield, to say the least. Though it's your bum, so I wouldn't presume to take it for granted," I said, even as I fondled it a little.

"No, darling, this is your arse now. You own it. Claim it. It's yours. Sure, I'll lend it out now and then to others, but never forget that I shall bring it right back home to its rightful owner, namely you. This cunny is yours, too, you know. All the others shall get your leavings. You get the top billing, love, of me, and probably of Tanveet when she arrives. Trust me, where I am, she'll pop up, sooner or later. Pretty pence to the wager that she'll present herself as soon as she can. She always shared my weakness for pale cock," Nina assured me as she joined me at the hotel kitchen for that continental breakfast.

"Are you British?" I heard a Yank lady ask both of us, to which we nodded.

"You're not ... going back after those silly cunts won that election, are you? It'd be a shame to lock that up and never use it again!" the woman pointed to my bulge, which was admittedly on display through my khakis.

"No, definitely not going back! Nor is she. My wife's none too happy, but she shouldn't have voted for New Order then, should she? I'd be a fool to go home to that kind of cold welcome," I admitted, putting a smile on the stranger's face.

"I should add, however, that Nina here is my new girlfriend, fiancee, even though she's the very understanding sort, as am I. We have an arrangement concerning others. We're both far too slutty to be faithful, I must confess. She's a better fit than Christine in so many different ways, aren't you darling? A good thing, as I'd miss her sweet Punjabi arse for sure," I elaborated, making the new lady go from disappointed to relieved just like that.

"Nina Kaur, incidentally. And yes, we have such a pact between us, though I maintain that he's still my King and I'm his princess. I belong to him first and would much rather service him than dominate some wimp back home," Nina offered her hand, which the other woman took and actually kissed.

"I actually hoped for two for the price of one. I'm definitely bi myself, and a bit on the slutty side. I'm married, but the hubby doesn't ask questions, basically looks the other way, so I return the favor. Are you bi, by any chance?" the woman asked Nina, "by the way, my name's Heather Sanchez."

"Bruce Alton," I formally introduced myself, "and Nina has told me that she is bi, though she hasn't mentioned a lot of ladies yet."

"No, but I'm more than willing to give it a good go. Why not? We can swim together, shower together, and then fuck together. You still want to swim, right, love?" Nina asked me over breakfast, giving me the best doey eyes and pouty lips.

"Naturally, not to mention other things that we can do, in fact. The three of us could make a whole day of it if you wish, Mrs. Sanchez," I assured both ladies.

"Okay, but I plan to keep my wedding band on the whole time. I love thinking of my hubby while I spread my legs for others. It reminds me of what a great man he is and why I always want to put him first, even as I cheat on him. Maybe I'll call him while you're fucking me, stud," Heather licked her lips at that prospect.

"Wow, you definitely have an interesting marriage, no doubt of that! I think that cheating makes you a lot happier with him than otherwise, so it works out for both of you. Society tells you that straying from the marriage bed is always harmful, but my life experience often says otherwise. If it weren't for New Order, Christine and I might well have continued for a while, though hopefully at some point, I'd have taken Nina as my lover. I think that she'll work out better, though, as a wife. She knows what kind of a bloke I am and I know what kind of dame she is. It just works!" I remarked while downing my orange juice.

"Yes, well, with my husband, when I get home from these little trips and rejoin him in bed, I go out of my way to rock his world. I don't ask if he's better with other women. I don't care to ask. I don't get all hypocritical and suspicious and start trailing him or whatever. Nor does he seem to do so with me. I think that he does cheat, though, but I'm not sure if it's for revenge or for fun. Either way, whatever makes him that easygoing, amorous man that he is, who never questions or interrogates me about my affairs, I'm more than happy with it.

"We Americans have a saying, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' This simply means, why mess with a good thing? My cheating makes me better company for everyone, more relaxed and satisfied, not frustrated. His cheating presumably has the same or a similar effect on him, mellows him out while still making him hot and bothered in all the right ways," Heather explained with a wink for both of us.

"Have you ever considered an open marriage? Or polyamory?" I wondered aloud.

"Sure, but at the moment, I'm just enjoying our little game of cat and mouse or whatever it is, between Fernando and myself. I sometimes think that denial is how he copes with it, the issue of pride or machismo in his case, the hot Latin blood coursing through his veins. It's just how he is. Like I said, why mess with it? We just close our eyes and say it isn't so. So, am I invited to join you guys, vato?" Heather asked me while playing footsie with both of us.

"Yes, love, you'll more than do," I assured her.

"Darling, he completely speaks for me, you know. I'm his princess, his slut, and quite frankly, his love slave. I'm absolutely in thrall to this chap. I'm his bitch and I don't care who knows it," Nina declared for Heather's benefit as well as mine, "in fact, I rather enjoy it."

"Well, in that case, we're still a bit too stuffed for the pool. How about we just sit here for a little while, chat, digest our breakfast, and watch some TV? The pool can wait for that," I proposed, getting plenty of support for that idea.

That was when the news anchor flashed an update, "This just in. A special session of the Russian Duma has been called to impose punitive sanctions on the United Kingdom for 'installing a government bent on self-destruction, unnatural practices, and the oppression of half of the populace.' Citing worries for Russian nationals in Great Britain, President Putin has ordered all Russians to come home and has even recalled the Ambassador from London as well as expelled the British Ambassador from Moscow. He has further declared that 'no Englishman living in fear of reprisals need stay in that godforsaken country. They can apply for asylum in Mother Russia, knowing that in her bosom, they shall have safety.'

"This has been taken as an invitation, even to British diplomats, to defect to Russia. For this and other such measures, the new British Prime Minister, in a very strident set of remarks, blasted President Putin for 'meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation-state, and a leading world power at that. It is typical machismo and bravado on his part, conventional MDDM, as in male-dominated decision-making. He should learn not to interfere with the superior social order created by our New Order, a gynocratic model of society built upon the truth of female supremacy.'

"This is, of course, one of a series of punitive measures by foreign governments of late to take what the South Korean President called 'corrective action against the fascist regime now taking over a once civilized and democratic nation.' Yes, South Korea's own actions have mirrored those of Japan, Russia, India, Turkey, Israel, Iran, and several other nations who, in the words of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran, 'must nip this wicked and despicable, Satanic, radical feminist agenda in the bud.'

"It has been far more difficult for Commonwealth countries with long-standing ties to the UK to take more drastic steps such as these, but already the European Union Commission has met in a secret session to consider its next moves toward Great Britain, and the Pope has issued an encyclical from Rome demanding that 'the human rights of all Britons and immigrants, including men, be respected in all aspects.' While few, if any, members of the new government are Catholic, and even fewer would be devout if they were, it is likely that the Vatican will take dramatic steps to discourage Catholics from staying in the UK and to encourage them to put up some kind of resistance to New Order rule.

"The Senate is already preparing hearings over the future of Anglo-American relations, with both parties eager to put distance between themselves and the New Order regime forming in the UK. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have issued a joint-communique denouncing the 'repressive measures intended to reduce half of the British population to slavery.' Former Vice-President Joe Biden, Senators Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, and Elizabeth Warren, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Congressman Beto O'Rourke, former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, businessman Andrew Yang, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg have all condemned the New Order regime, as have President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, former Congressman Joe Walsh, and former Massachusetts Governor William Weld.

"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was also quick to denounce it, especially once centrist Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio declared that he was pulling out of the Presidential race to challenge her for Speaker again. Noticeably quiet in this field was Senator Kamala Harris of California, who has not made any public announcements since the New Order election victory. Also, former Congressman John Delaney of Maryland has pulled out of the Presidential race and left an anti-New Order paragraph in part of his suspension speech, calling it a 'permanent and irrevocable breach of our special relationship with the mother country.'

"Several Governors of both parties have denounced the New Order Party, but former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was rumored to be meeting with prominent feminists often opposed to her, possibly with the idea of setting up a New Order Party for the United States. Several prominent Canadian female politicians are whispered to be considering something similar in Canada, as are a few MPs in Australia. While radical feminism of this sort is usually considered to be something leftist in bent, there is a possible cross-over appeal to some women on the center and right," the anchorman nervously commented, afraid that the deadly contagion of radical feminist supremacy could spread to the USA and elsewhere.

"One time that I could understand the Yank preference for arming everyone to the teeth for once. Normally, it seems pointless and dangerous, but now. Well, the feeling that 'it can never happen here' is clearly wrong and naive, isn't it? Best hope for Great Britain is perhaps a general strike by all of the men. Maybe if they shut down the whole bloody country, something will happen. Best hope for men here ... well, it involves those much maligned assault rifles, doesn't it?

"One thing's for sure. New Order just finished off any chance of gun control in the States, ever again. Far too many guys will be resistant to it given it even a shot, if you'll pardon the expression. People are just gonna accept mass shootings as the alternative to a radical gynarchy," I predicted, quite convinced that maybe the Yanks weren't as stupid as they often seemed.

"Well, then, that hurts the more intensely anti-gun candidates as well as the most fiercely feminist ones. New Order's going to cost them votes, big time. Even more progressive men aren't gonna want to chance putting women like those bitches in power in DC or the statehouses. Yeah, I predict that in this present environment, it's gonna be very tough for female candidates to surge ahead. Gillibrand was already toast, but this would have finished her if she wasn't. I suspect that bitch Harris has New Order sympathies, and if she does, she's finished in Democratic politics. Warren will work overtime to distance herself from anything remotely New Order, but I still don't like her odds," Heather explained.

"So, Biden, Sanders, or Trump. Three old white guys. Fascinating, eh?" Nina laughed, "New Order crushed many a female candidate's dream of finishing Hillary's work. Of the three, I'm thinking that Bernie Sanders still has the best chance, though backlash against New Order could even help Biden or Trump. Sanders has a slightly more pro-gun history, so he's likely to come out on top, what with Trump increasingly an embarrassment. I'm no Yank, but that's just my impression. A lot of angry voters in the US, but they're going to take out their anger on the right sort of folks, such as robber barons."

"Plus, he just has more energy and vitality than either of the other old fogeys. He still seems in shape, can still rant and rave at the top of his lungs, and speaks to a lot of disgruntled folks. It's Sanders in the bag, I think, this time around. Even the DNC will take one look at either Trump or a New Order scenario, shrug, and accept that Bernie's time has come. As bad as he is for their bottom line, New Order means civil war in a country like the United States, and not even they are stupid enough to deny that. Biden's finished politically. Visibly confused. Trump is disgraced and discredited. It's gonna be Bernie Sanders in the White House, trouncing all of his opposition handily.

"Well, we're thinking of either India or Mexico. What do you think? Granted, an America turning somewhat Red or at least pink under a Sanders Presidency has a greater appeal than some other versions of America, but India and Mexico both have their upsides. But, yeah, if Bernie wins, America looks a lot better to me. Single-payer health care? Sweet! Scaled-back military commitments and a saner military budget, also great. Higher taxes that perhaps will force some heiresses to work rather than plan the demise of all men. Hell, yes!" I agreed.

"And lower student debt for sure. America could have a major economic boom, under democratic socialism, just as it did when the Great Depression ended with World War Two and after Ike didn't fuck with the New Deal. Just having millennials buy and sell things, work, marry, and have kids will spur growth in and of themselves, to say nothing of green jobs and infrastructure. What do you say, Nina, love?" I turned to my fiancee.

"All very good points. I admit that Bernie is the sort of man who could reassure many folks and get things moving as they should, keep them from breaking down as they did back home. All we had were Johnson and that possible anti-Semite Corbyn. Not a lot of great choices, to be sure. An America led by Bernie Sanders is one that would never end up being ruled by anything as extreme as New Order. Hell, he can get the most militant feminists calling him 'Daddy.' He just has that kind of effect on people. And I think that Tulsi's ultimately a stand-in, surrogate candidate for Bernie, ready to give up her delegates at the convention," Nina noted.

"You're right about that, I think. Very astute of you to pick up on that. Many Americans don't even catch onto that much. Tulsi's a team player, but only on Team Progressive. The Ana Kasparians of the Left are going to have a lot of crow to eat once Tulsi helps Bernie win the nomination. And on that note, ready for a swim at last?" Heather offered.

"Yes, you want to meet us at the pool, or change in my suite?" I proposed.

"The latter, just in case I want to slip in some quickie fun," Heather suggested.

"I'm game for that!" Nina blurted, causing me to burst into laughter.

Sure enough, Heather indeed wanted a little quickie fun, as she showed while borrowing one of Nina's swimsuits in the bathroom. I found myself balls deep inside the sassy Latina's slick and juicy cunt, my cock throbbing with every stroke as I pounded her and she licked away greedily at Nina's dusky bum. The way that Heather tongued Nina's arse only excited me more, especially as the sight of women rimming each other was always one of my favourite scenes of Sapphic pleasure. Nina certainly didn't complain about that soft, wet tongue exploring her bottom, that much was clear to me.

On the contrary, Nina squirmed and creamed herself as she felt that tongue gliding along her butt-crack. Heather made a meal or dessert out of her arse or something and we could all sense how much that aroused my Punjabi love slave. Of course, I could completely understand. Both Heather and Nina had bums more than worth licking as well as spanking and fucking, that much was evident. I even played with Heather's pucker as I fucked her quim, much to her ecstasy. Her brown buttocks were very smooth and sleek to my touch as I cupped them, while her arsehole was very accommodating to my fingers as I probed her backdoor.

That was when Heather seemed to remember something.

"Oh ... fuck ... I'm not on the Pill! I ran out yesterday, long story on that! Don't you dare ... pull out, though! Fill me with your seed! Knock me up!" Heather tightened up like a real vise on my prick, all but squeezing out every last drop of my hot jizz from my balls.

Heather came almost immediately upon my spillage, just as Nina did. In fact, my fiancee creamed herself at least twice when she realised that I had likely just impregnated another man's wife. She all but dragged both of us to bed and planted her arse on my face. She knew what she wanted and so did Heather as well as myself. Swimming could wait a little longer. Nina wanted my swimmers to reach more of Heather's eggs. She wanted to make sure that I knocked the Latin cutie up.

"Come on, love ... we can swim afterward to unwind ... I want to see you put your bun in her happily married oven! Knock that bloody chica up!" Nina encouraged me to seed and breed sweet Heather, which I was happy enough to do.

Heather got the message loud and clear, sucking my cock while I rimmed the fuck out of Nina, devouring her luscious arse for my own satisfaction. Heather wanted to revive my dick as quickly as she could, so that she could mount me and ride me back to another chance to fill up her belly with my spawn. Sucking her own juices off my cock, slurping away at them, well, that was just another chance to get me nice and hard again for Nina and her. Tasting Nina's delectable bottom didn't hurt that cause in the least, either.

"I'm going to confess everything to Fernando when I get home, and see just what he does with his wayward wife, because this I don't dare to hide from him. Maybe it's time, right? Maybe it's time to let it all out into the open. Keep my number, please, just in case he kicks me out. If he does, I want to move in with the both of you," Heather told me as she inhaled my cock and brought it back to life one lick at a time.

"Fine bi me," Nina punned, "how about you, love?"

"Let's just say that I'd never kick you out of bed," I told them before I put my tongue back to work in eating Nina's arse.


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