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Starting from Scratch Ep. 130: LEAN CUISINE

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Lunchroom antics! Reese was serving Josie on the MENu.
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Part 130 of the 178 part series

Updated 10/27/2021
Created 02/20/2020
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Ten minutes before Lunchtime...

Josie McKellen finished up her freshmen class without a hitch. Experiencing only minor jolts to her numerous burrowing lush toys up inside her holes. At the relentless mercy from either Reese Teller or one of his Four Musketeers sneaking from classes and striking like lightning to catch her off guard alerted her students that something was wrong. She played it off as sneezing when she squealed and tightened her muscles to embrace her lush inserts and clit stimulator. Reese and her 1st. Period class had spared no expense when buying the toys, high quality, high impact. The worst was yet to cum. Best in their eyes.

"Good lord! They're messing with me in small doses and my legs are already feeling like rubber." She thought as she hurried to finish writing on her black board. "I can only imagine what lengthy sessions might be. I'm afraid to even go pee, taking them out might not be so easy putting back in." With the dinner bell nearing she sat back at her desk and gave out a reading assignment mentioning a quiz tomorrow. That went over like a ton of bricks.

Just as the bell sounded and her class began filtering out Josie's cell received a text from Reese. "Lunchroom NOW!"

"Yikes! He intends to destroy me in the cafeteria. I better go pee first or I'll need a mop." Texting him her need to pee first he agreed and informed her she had 5 minutes. "Bless you!" She wrote back. "Be there shortly!"

Hurrying she hid her cell in her purse and locked it in her desk drawer. She needed to be free. Hurrying she tugged her dress down and headed to the main floor below. Seeing a bunch of students clustered by the lockers she wondered if maybe Piper was doing something devious. Nope! The crazy Counsellor was outside under her favorite tree. Being bad as usual! Shrugging off what was going on she hurried to the restroom and into a stall. Good thing she didn't get nosey she might have caught her daughter Dakota showing off with Angus Furlong. That would have gone over like borrowed bricks.

Pulling out her two lush vibrators and clit stimulator she tinkled with a sigh of relief, she had held it in waaaay too long. Once done she stuffed her twin terrors back up inside her cunt and toyed with the stimulator to make sure it was a tight fit. Once installed Josie washed her hands and let them air dry just to make it to the cafeteria on time. Pausing only briefly to look down the hallway at the wall of Football players she almost wished she had time to tease a few. No biggy! Dakota had their attention. Sable too having interrupted her sister briefly. At any rate Josie headed the other direction for the lunchroom. Wise decision!

"After this morning's rendezvous my hormones are on edge. Even more so after that freak encounter running into my old classmate Ted. After all these years to discover him on the school bus driving was incredible. I know he had a crush on me back in my teen years, who didn't? Still, it will be fun talking old times this afternoon. Kissing my hand tells me he was definitely driving down memory lane. Pretty handsome still I must say. If only Henry hadn't knocked me up, I might have... I know I would have... lots of boys back then." Ah the guilt of missing out.

Reaching the entrance to the cafeteria Josie stepped in to search for Reese. Seeing he and his crew on the Basketball team she realized she hadn't even mentioned helping their new Coach Tony Gunther get hired. Maybe she would just let Carl surprise them when he starts. Waving at them cautiously Reese pointed for her to get in line and grab a meal. With the line fifteen deep she frowned but did as motioned. So far so good! No unexpected buzzes in her holes. Wearing three vibrators, two up her pussy, one in her asshole she was fearing an eventual attack.

Noticing a few Ballers in line that had nailed her in the courtyard fountain at dawn, she snuck and cut in line. Students behind them were grumbling over how she rated but knew their arguments would go unnoticed. The students all loved Josie McKellen so their beef was simply waiting for the servers to fill their dinner trays.

What bothered Josie most was the Freshmen, Sophomore class. Juniors too, but at least a few of those Juniors were 18. She was eternally grateful that there were well over 600 students of age, so it kept things less stressful. Bad enough she was breaking the law in engaging sexually with a student. Old enough or not! With zero intent of playing with underclassmen Josie had her boundaries. Sadly, she was hooked on how badly she was wanted by those of legal age. Let others have their petty crush on her, she knew her limits.

With her boy toys behind her she played it cool and simply bantered with them as a distraction. Showing her one of the lush remotes gave her pause, the second boy revealing that he had one of her Lush Puppies tied into his cell meant five remotes. A leer toward Reese watching she discovered his remote poising high, three others joining. As soon as they lowered theirs the rest of his table lifted their cells to show her, they too were tapped in as well. Her eyes bulged, "Sweet Jesus! They can attack me from every angle all day long." A moment of fear she turned to smiling, "Fire away!" That they did!

Storming her in waves of high-power vibrations she fell back into her behind the scenes bandit, and he pushed her away. "On your own Bitch!" Hearing him meant they wanted her to not have any safe zone. She was on her own and trying to cope without showing off her nerve endings making her crazy. Sucking on her lower lip she trembled, her fingers even struggling to maintain a hold on her empty food tray.

"FUCK!" Was her only breath as the vibrators destroyed her holes and sent a cascade of sensations throughout her entire body. They weren't slowing down either. The clit stimulator alone was making her faintly squeal, struggling to hide her reaction from those around her. Her back door man wouldn't have it carefully grabbing her arm as if concerned but offered no sympathy verbally. His whisper was authoritative enough that she looked up smiling as if nothing wrong. No words exchanged on her part she merely rode out the waves praying they might stop. Not a chance!

Forced to face the tray ledge and grip it with both hands her body shook dramatically. It was obvious something was wrong because her skirt was shaking along with her limbs. With her dresses hemline bordering her cheeks it was hard hiding those pink tails sticking from her cunt and asshole. Barely witnessed if at all, she was trying hard not to bend forward. There were just too many younger students who might see, and she couldn't allow that.

"God help me please don't let me faint." The assault was never ending even as the lunch line progressed. Finding the energy to shuffle sideways while maintaining her grip, she did her best to keep up. Eyelashes fluttering over white orbs Josie could not contain her juices. A sudden shower down between her legs went for the most part unnoticed. She simply stepped away from her tiny puddle. As did her snickering Ballers tailing her. Streaks down her legs easily visible were seen by some but ignored. Bellies growled!

"Rains it pours, huh Josie?" Backup boy Darren chuckled. "Keep moving!" While it was unnerving, she did like being punished like this. All of the times she requested her lover Coach Crandell to push her, he was in no league with Reese Teller or Angus Furlong. Roman was merely there when she needed him, which sadly was becoming less and less. She would never let him go but time spent would be few and far between. So many dicks so little time. Gangbangs were more her focus; it was that overpowering swarm that made her feel alive. One man alone was simply not enough, although she had no plans to reject any offers. Better one than none!

Reaching the kitchen area an Asian beauty served her slivers of turkey over mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing on the side. To her left a stunning African American girl with a million-dollar smile added dessert of tapioca pudding. Watching Josie's expressions both women shared glances between one another and knew very well that the English Teacher was masking pleasure. Realizing their observation Josie smiled and exhaled a gust of lust. "Thank you!" It was for her the second torrential rain from beneath her skirt, not the server's courteous offerings. They knew it as well. Even as Josie took her tray and tried walking her balance was off. The ladies knew the moment they spotted pink tails peeking out from beneath Josie's short skirt. Her life! More power to her! That's what Reese said.

Forced to walk toward Reese without any up-close caretakers she heard "JOSIE!" and deviated her gaze to seek out her gentleman caller. Shaking like a leaf the jolts ceased. Catching her breath, she spotted Science teacher Roger Dundee seated with Shop teacher Damon Rice off to themselves. A glance back at Reese the boy nodded for her to go join them. This was first contact with Roger since their night in jail together. Damon, she had seen when he brought Piper's Ford Edge home from police impound. She knew what the topic of conversation would be without much thought on it. Shuffling to their table Josie climbed over the bench and sat her tray down.

"Hello gentlemen!"

"How are you holding up Josie?" Damon chewed and spoke at the same time.

"Legs are shaky." She blushed, "Look under the table." In response both men sitting side by side across from her dared to dive their heads under to see her vibrators sticking out. With her legs wide and filled holes dripping it was a thing of beauty. Both men raising back up tried not to express laughter.

"They're killing me." She just wasn't admitting as to who her assassins were. Both teachers knew her behavior well so simply let it slide. It wasn't that difficult finding the culprits, their entire table watching them.

"That there is a whole lot of party balloons." Damon cocked an eyebrow referring to her lush devices.

Roger concurring with, "I know that's not a Bluetooth. Uhh? Pinktooth?", referring to her clit stimulator.

"Call waiting regardless." She giggled and actually took a few bites of food in peace. "How is Patrice?"

"Still laughing over, it all." Damon sighed, "Not her first time in jail, only her first time cuffed spread eagle to the bars and bi-encounters. Who knew they still had bars in jail? I thought it was holding tanks these days. Rog and I got stuck in one of those."

"It was fun if not terrifying. We all have so much to lose if that story gets out."

"Luckily Carl cut it off at the pass. Guys got clout in Nashville I'll give him that. Military swagger!" Roger admitted.

"Piper's money though."

"Well, at least I got her SUV back from Impound free of charge and delivered in time for work this morning." Damon chimed in.

"That was perfect timing Damon. Your friend really came through for her. I guess that's a good sign the cops will keep their word. We were worried all day Sunday over it. OH!" A jolt struck her making her grasp the table and peer over her brows at them. Even feeling the vibrators on hyperdrive she continued her conversation. "Damon? Did Piper or Carl tell you we got you out of being the appointed Basketball Coach? Wrestling is all yours now."

"Wait! What? Who?" The big black man leaned toward her with interest.

"His name is Tony Gunther. He's built like Roger...there! Oh my God I'm going to squirt." Both men swiftly peered under the table into a greedy sight line to watch her pussy gush and flood the floor beneath her feet.

"Niiiice!" Damon puffed his lower lip.

"One of many I fear." She pants and coyly flips off Reese's table with a smile meant for Roger. Laughter was heard confirming the Shock Jocks.

"Teller's Hoopsters, huh?" Roger smirked and gave the boys a thumbs up. Josie mumbled her reaction to his approval with, "Whose side are you on?"

"Theirs!" He chuckled.

"So evil!" She flared her eyes riding the thunder inside her holes.

"So where did Carl find this Gunther guy?"

"He didn't! Piper and I did. He worked at Macy's at the mall. Quite fun." She winked.

"You two tag team the guy?" Roger just knew.

"We did! Right upstairs at Macy's bedding department. He starts this week but I'm not sure when. He's from West Memphis but moved this way. Coached basketball over there before...well...he can keep a few secrets I suppose."

"Bad as all of us?" Roger chuckled.

"We'll see."

"You want us to stop Teller from torturing you?" Damon took note of mischievous glares toward them.

"Don't you dare!" She panted and curled her fingers as if clawing toward both Damon and Roger. "I... want this."

"Piper sure has worn off on you, hasn't she?" Roger scowled.

"Jumpstarted what was already there." She cringed feeling an orgasm rising under persistence. "They're not letting up on me. I'm going to need carried back to my classroom."

"We offered. Your game McKellen."

"I know Damon. Thank you both for caring. I can't even eat the rest of my meal." She slides her tray away. Damon shrugging finished off her turkey and mashed potatoes. Eyeballs rolling back at her incoming climax Josie teetered in her seat. It was then Roger reached across the table and gripped her hands to prevent her losing balance and falling backwards over her bench. Squealing loudly all eyes found Roger holding Josie as she came hard beneath the table. Jolts fading Reese Teller and the Ballers gave her a moment of sympathy with Roger intervening. They weren't certain if he and Damon were going to stand up for her.

Tensing up the Seniors reacted as Damon took to his feet then looked their way. Instead of giving them hell the Wood Shop teacher stretched and smirked at the troublesome bunch. Turning away he took all their trays up toward the kitchen to be washed later. Leaving Roger white knuckled at Josie's grip she found reality in a devastating exhale. "That was a rough one."

"I need to get back to class. Dissection day so I need to unpack some frogs. You still need me? You know I'm always here for you."

"Don't tempt me." She blew a kiss his direction. He merely chuckled, "Hey! I fucked Piper after my 3rd. period class. So, I'm slightly horny still."

"Oh my God! I never thought I'd say this Roger, but... please, please, please ask me another day?"

"I was only joking Josie."

"You know I'm not. Piper wouldn't be upset. The only person she forbids my pursuing is her nephew Mace. Let me tell you, that's not easy. He tries all the time to get me to defy her."

"As you said earlier...we'll see. Honestly, I'm shocked we haven't hooked up in all the years we've worked together. I guess you being married made me shy off."

"Henry won't say a word. You should know that after he ate Piper alongside you the other day after Sable had her braces removed."

"Heard he tapped Piper. I didn't know that at the time he and I joined forces. Pretty crazy day."

"Three times that I'm aware of. I'm fine letting him do anything he wants seeing as he lets me play too. It's my daughters I worry about. They're growing up in their sexuality of late. I taught Dakota how to be with boys, using a dildo. Am I a bad Mother?" No worse than Henry being a bad father.

"Naaaa! If not you it would be somebody else." Namely her father. Henry was struggling extremely hard to keep from going all the way with Dakota. Thankfully his girls were determined to wait until Saturday at the latest before losing their virginities. Birthday presents to themselves! At least Henry had informed Dakota that under no circumstances was he going to be the taker. If ever! Secrets kept! On everybody's end! Roger Dundee didn't even have it in him to rat out her kids, knowing that they were already pushing boundaries in school themselves. Yep! Those secrets kept on mounting.

"I suppose! Thank you for being my wingman." She giggled and reclaimed her hands to rub circulation back into them. "Have fun with the frogs." She herself hopping up.

Waiting for Roger to step away she turned to check out any damage control needed. Strangely the students in the cafeteria seemed calm and into their own thing. "Wow! I guess they presumed my squealing had to do with Roger and our conversation." Looking to the ceiling she mumbled, "Thank you. I know I'm a bad influence." Prayer enough for a woman who really wasn't religious outside of saying, "Oh God!" quite often.

Reese motioning her over Josie joined the table sitting right between Reese and another boy, Terrance. She noticed the shoulder-to-shoulder wall of hoopsters on the opposite side of the dinner table and presumed they were blocking her from the underclassmen. It was truly amazing how the bunch were always on the defense. Basketball traits! Seated she stared at Reese with sparkling eyes, "Are we having fun yet?"

"Not over by a jump shot! Wear that shit until school is over for the day."

"I might need help to my car later my legs are like silly string."

"Crawl then!" He winced as he then instructed, "Stretch your legs out." Obedient she found her feet snatched up by boys across from her from beneath the table. Legs widening at their instruction, her balance led her body to recline backwards slightly, hands forced to grip the bench to sustain balancing act. "Hands off the bench. Unbutton that dress."

"What? Reese there are younger students in here."

"If you don't, I'll pop those buttons off myself. I guarantee they won't be of any further use to you when I'm done." Eyes trembling, she took a deep breath and began unfastening her dress one button at a time until it the material fanned open on both sides. Only the Lush tucked up inside her anal pucker and the clit stimulator were rocking her world at present but those were enough under the conditions. "Lay back toward the wall behind us and remove your arms from the dress. You do not touch anything after the dress. No bench, not me or TC", Terrance Carter by name, "Not the wall or the floor. Not even your tits."

"Oh fuck!"

She was trickling up a storm at the sensations which accompanied her adrenalized fear. This was so very risky with so many younger students present. Yet her heart pounded with rejoice, the boundaries were being pushed. Easing back, she lost her dress to gravity it draping to the floor like Supergirl's cape. Reese and his buddy then pinched her nipples hard and used them to keep her aloft. Then came the two vibrators in her cunt, alive and terrorizing.

Storming her senses, she just closed her eyes and hoped for the best. Josie McKellen was nude in the cafeteria. Moaning under her breath she tried her best not to scream. It was going to be impossible. While in tune with her hormones Josie hadn't noticed two newcomers. To each side of her stood April and Vanessa from her 1st. period lovers.

"Let it out! Loud and proud." Reese commanded. Eyes opening at the thought, she discovered the guardian girls and their warm smiles.

"We got you Josie! We're here as backup singers." Vanessa chuckled. The girls then knelt next to Josie and joined forces in choking her, one hand to each side of her throat. Let the chorus begin. Josie closed in on a massive orgasm, possibly a triple, her most extensive yet today. The idea of being this free soared through her body like a surfer on a turbulent wave, her hormones crying at her to prove she could get away with this. It was going to happen no matter what the outcome.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! HARDER! DEAR GOD! YESSSS! SHIT! KEEP PRESSING! SO GOOD! SO GOOOOOD! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" At her shrill scream both Vanessa and April joined in mimicking her. Every eye in the cafeteria looked their way until Josie stopped screaming and cumming in tidal waves. Even the cafeteria workers studied the outburst until April and Vanessa released Josie's neck and stood up laughing. Their reaction to the onlookers was to wave them on.


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