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Stepping on Scott

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I trample Scott in the ring and cuckold him.
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Scott lay on the mat by the ring ropes where I'd put him, wearing his black trunks and boots. We were having a good match, giving the fans a good show. Scott's wife and manager Sara urged him to get up off the matt. He reached up for the second rope to pull himself up. "Come on, Scott," she coaxed.

She was beautiful, with long curly blonde hair, pretty features, very kissable mouth, with a good figure. She was full-figured, curvaceous, and worked out like a demon to keep herself in top shape and looking trim despite her body type. She was wrestling later in the same event. She was a very physical person: big hugs, jabs in the shoulder when she chided you, pinching your cheek in affection. She started to serve me up all of this physicality and more almost as soon as I met her and Scott a few months ago.

I stomped down on Scott's stomach to keep him down on the matt--a good, hard slap on his abs with the ball of my bare foot. Then I stepped right onto him, twisting my foot in his gut as I did. Scott let out a big "Ugh! as my foot landed, and grimaced as I put all my weight on his stomach with one foot. The fans booed and some laughed at my choice to just step on my opponent instead of picking him up off the matt or going to the ground to grapple him. I was a heel, and I loved it. That meant kicking my opponent when he was down. Or stepping on him.

I stayed standing on his stomach with one foot, my other leg kicked out like a ballerina doing a pirouette, making a show of humiliating Scott by pinning him to the mat.

Sara yelled at him, "Come on, Scott. Don't let this jackass step on you. Let's go!" She slapped the mat with both hands in mock frustration just next to where he lay. She wasn't frustrated. She was loving every aspect of my performance. My footwork.

I love to wrestle barefoot. I love ever part of it. Feeling the floor, dirty or clean, under my soles as I walk to the ring. Feeling the soft canvass of the ring underfoot. Most of all I love to feel people under me, pectoral muscles and thighs, nipples and breasts. The persona I've cultivated sees me wrestle women as often as I do men, always playing the rule-breaking, cheating, sadistic villain. I love to see lipstick smears on my feet when I use them on women, or the few men who wear lipstick. There are a few who dress in drag and I'm always just as happy to get their lipstick all over my feet when I step on their faces.

I felt Scott's corded abs under my toes and dug them into him with pleasure. Rather than step off Scott's stomach, I doubled down on my show of villainy. I made an even more embarrassing show of domination. I put my other foot down on his face. I pressed the ball of my foot onto his cheek, my toes curling over his lips. Scott wasn't hurting under my modest weight of 200 lbs. He was very strong and tough and most of my weight was still on his powerful abs. Besides, this was far from the first time I'd stood on him full weight. He loved it when I did it to him.

"Oh, come on ref! Get him off of him!" Sara complained to the referee. Trina, a referee who also wrestled on some cards under the name of "Gothica" was a friend of mine. She helped me come up with half of my most humiliating moves. She also had a massive crush on me that I'd let myself take advantage of once or twice.

I pressed down a little, playfully, on Scott's cheek and jaw with the ball of my foot and curled my toes into his lips. My toes are medium length, and Trina and Sara have both told me they're meaty despite my having a leaner build, with rounded ends at the tips. As I dug the tips of my toes into Scott's lips (Scott's Jamaican, and has very full, sensuous lips) I felt his tongue slip between my big toe and second toe, leaving a dollop of his spit between them.

It was quick, just a second of his tongue, but it felt just as good as a woman doing it. Scott was playing with me. No one in the audience could see it; though his face was turned to the audience, he just nudged his tongue between my toes without poking it through. I don't even think Sara saw it. Scott loved to watch me fuck Sarah, his wife, but he'd never mentioned he was at all interested in touching me himself. He was submissive as they come, and I knew he'd gotten some kinky satisfaction out of letting me bulldoze him in front of an audience, but I'd never thought he wanted to go as far as anything besides letting me bully him. I'd never done anything to him like I'd done to some of the gay wrestlers; I'd kept my feet out of his mouth and squarely on his face and body.

Sara slapped the mats with her palms again and yelled, "That's not a legal move, Ref. He can't just stand on him like that! Get on him!"

I was careful with my exit from Scott's body. I moved my right foot from his jaw and cheek to the side of his head, so that I could put all my weight on his skull and not his jaw. Then I picked my left foot up off his abs, standing for a full second right on his head, one-footed. The audience was speechless until I relented and took my other foot off his noggin. Scott performed the expected dance of pain, hugging his head in his hands as Trina gave me a warning not to repeat the act. Trina, of course, had worked with me and Scott to ensure I could step right on his head full-weight safely without risking breaking his jaw.

Scott crawled to the corner of the ring to recover as Trina held me back from moving on him. She was a big girl at two-fifty and six feet. It was believable that she could push me off. That gave me and Scott time to get set for the next act in the play. I dipped past Trina and pulled Scott by his boots until he lay flat on the mat, his head almost touching the corner post. Then I stepped on his chest, left foot on his right peck, right foot on his left. I loved the feeling of all that hard muscle under my heels, felt the resistant flesh under my toes as I dug them into Scott. He was a lion. Standing on his chest was turning me on, and doing it in front of an audience was an absolute thill. Scott's hands clasped my ankles as he made a show of struggling to lift me off his chest.

"Scott, don't just let him walk on you!" Sara cried out. For a moment, I let the fans wait to see what besides humiliating Scott I intended to do. Then I did as Scott and I had practiced the previous weekend. With a rapid cadence, not lifting my feet very high off each peck, I jogged on his chest, both feet slapping on him loud enough for the front rows of fans to hear. Slap, smack, slap. Scott and I weren't sweating much; this had been a squash match from the start, with a slow pace involving me doing little more than punish Scott as he lay prone on the matt. Scott was mostly dry, so I didn't have to worry about slipping on his chest.

I enjoyed dancing on my opponent for all to see, my feet working the flesh beneath me like a masseuse might work a client. Scott sold the audience on his pain. Trina soon put a warning on me and began to count to five, I had up to a four count to enjoy dancing all over the younger man's chest. I looked at Sara. She made a good show of outrage at my tactics, but I saw the pleasure in her eyes at what she was seeing.

I relented, and hopped gracefully off the young man's protruding chest. With other wrestlers, queer men and women, I agreed with them to grind my foot on their balls or pussies, and because of Scott's stated straightness, I'd kept my feet away from his balls, but because he'd slipped his tongue between my toes earlier, I thought about stepping on his crotch. But that would prolong the match and force us both to improvise. Better to stick to the plan.

Instead of risking making Scott uncomfortable, I played up my arrogance I walked over to the ring ropes and goaded the fans who were predictably starting to boo. After laughing at them, I walked back to Scott, who was hugging his chest after the stamping, and I pushed his face to the mat with my foot, toes on his cheek. Scott took the cue and took my foot, twisted it, and pulled me to the ground. He spun around on the mat and caught me in a sleeper hold from behind. I played up my surprise, and put up a fight, letting Scott slowly win as I dropped to one knee, then both, and then it was over. Trina called for the bell, and Scott had won, as he always did after I spent the first nine tenths of the match manhandling him, mostly with my feet. Scott smiled as Trina raised his hand, and I exited the ring, swearing and complaining, slinking off in defeat.


After the matches, I dressed in a T-shirt, jeans and boots, pulled on a brown leather bomber, and joined them at a local bar in town. It played a mix of rock and hip hop and catered to all ages. There were pool tables near one end of the venue and a dance floor by the other side. It was that kind of bar, so Scott, Sara and I sat at the bar on stools. When we were performing far from home, we usually went out for a few drinks to celebrate.

"Cheers, old man," Scott told me. I was forty-seven and starting to show some grey in my beard and the stubble on my shaved head.

"Old man," Sara said, clinking bottles with me.

"Another fun match. I love the formula we've been running, but I think it's time to change a few things," I told the two.

"We were thinking about changing a few things in the bedroom, too," Sara said, pinching my cheek. Scotty is too shy to say, so I'll say it for him. He'd like to be a little more involved in your fucking me." Her eyes widened and she grinned at my discomfort.

"Wow. That is news. I thought the arrangement was working pretty good as it was. But if it'll make you two happy, I can try to keep an open mind," I said.

"Scotty loves your feet as much as I do," she said. "What if he were to suck your toes while I was sucking your cock?" she said. I must have looked astonished, because she laughed and shot me one her grins. "We surprise from time to time, don't we?"

"I'll say."

Oh, come on, Mr. heterosexual. It's mostly men you love to trample underfoot. And the queer wrestlers--you can't get enough of feeding them your feet in a match and stepping on their cocks and balls. It's not like you're not comfortable with making a man suck your toes."

"You may have me there," I said. I noticed Scott smiled as he let his wife advocate for him. He looked a bit red in the face, as though he might be just a little nervous about how I'd take the proposal. "Still, Scott and I are have know each other as long as I've known you, Sara. We've been friends and bros, not lovers. I don't know if I could go much further than letting him suck my toes while you take care of everything else. No kissing. No blowjobs, rimming, or ass fucking. Just toe sucking."

"For now," she said. And Scotty did blush then. I shot her a look that must have yelled "Whoa!" because she laughed again. She patted me on the knee and told me, "Baby steps. There's nothing coming that you can't deal with." We drank a few rounds and then drove to our hotel rooms.


I'm as happy naked with a woman as I am happy barefoot in the ring. We opened a few beers in the hotel room and I got out of my clothes first. Sara followed, wriggling out of her gym pants and exposing her beautiful little pussy. Her tank top came of next revealing her full breasts. I told her to lay down on the bed. Scotty stayed dressed as I'd insisted and took his usual seat beside our bed and took sips from his beer.

I sat on Sara's chest, my swollen cock between her breasts, and I pushed them together hard and drove my cock between them until my glans was close enough to her lips to kiss. "Kiss my cock." I told her. She laughed and puckered up and gave the head of my cock a press. I squeezed her tits around my shaft and thrust it into her lips twice, then moved up and sat on her chest. I lifted her head off the pillow and pulled her face forward, then I pushed my cock into her mouth, holding her by her curls. "How do you like watching me fuck your wife's face, Scotty?"

"She loves it. I like to see you do it," he said.

I forced my cock into her mouth three more times. She squeezed the head of my cock with the back of her throat as I did. "Okay?" I asked her, withdrawing. She nodded.

"Let's switch it up." I dismounted from Sara, and lay down next to her. I took her head in my hand and guided it onto my cock. She sat beside my pelvis and began to make long sucking passes down my shaft. She was very good with her mouth. She kept lots of contact with my cock, making a tight seal with her lips and tongue as she made her passes. She kept her lips and tongue sopping wet. "You, Scotty, put my big toe in you mouth and start sucking it like it's my cock."

Scotty put his beer down and went to the foot of the bed. He took my foot in his hand like it were an expensive vase, then he wrapped his full lips around my toe. I reached deep into his mouth with it and hooked my other foot around his neck to pull him forward. As strange as it felt doing this to a male friend I'd hung out with for several months, I made myself stab my toe into his wide tongue and push it down to the floor of his mouth. He looked surprised to be manhandled as he was. "Did you think you were going to be in control?" I told him. "Think again. I'm fucking your mouth with my foot, junior," I told him." He got comfortable with it, and let me dig my big toe into his tongue and gums and lips.

I took my toe out of his mouth and then pulled his mouth wide with my foot. I pushed the whole thing into his mouth. He made an "Aw" sound like the dentist tells you make before he depresses your tongue. "Wash my foot," I told him. "And you, whore, watch your husband work on my foot with his mouth for a while," I pulled her off my cock by her hair none to gently. She looked a little annoyed to be taken from what she was doing, but she played with her nipples eagerly as she watched her husband with all my toes in his mouth and my foot buried to the arch. I felt him working his tongue hard, under my sole, scrubbing it, snaking between my toes, wetting them all with his saliva.

"Look at your man on my foot. You go and join him. Suck the other foot," I told her. She smiled and did as she was told. Her breast bounced as she walked over to the foot of the bed. I patted her tit with one foot before she took four toes, then worked by big toe, into her mouth. I stroked my cock as husband and wife went down on my feet. I watched them suck for a minute before I got bored. I took my feet back and pulled Sara up onto the bed with me. "She looked at me with delight, wondering what I had planned for her next. She loved being submissive and following orders, and she thrilled to be put to the next dirtier task.

"Fuck my ass with your tongue, whore," I told her. I turned over onto my stomach and let her move my buttocks apart with her hands. Soon I felt her long tongue in my anus, which I let open to her as she drilled deep inside me. "Scotty, while your wife eats my ass, you can scrub my feet with your tongue. Scrub hard."

For two pleasure-soaked minutes, I let the sensations from two tongues wash into me. Scotty worked my feet hard, on the soles and between my toes. Sara drilled into me like she was trying to strike oil. "How do my bowels taste, Sara?" She stopped tonguing my ass for long enough to whisper into my ear: "Like chocolate, beautiful man," she said. "I cant get deep enough inside you... I wish my tongue was longer."

I gave her face a hard slap. I was getting ready to come. Without warning either of them, I flipped over. I took Sara by a fistful of her hair and roughly yanked her head down onto my cock. I didn't put it in her mouth, just ground her face along the shaft hard. Then I pulled her up to level with me and told her to open her mouth. I spat in it. "Swallow it," I told her. She smiled and swallowed, as though I'd just given her a compliment. I was going to come.

I took her by the hair and pulled her down onto my cock. "Suck and swallow," I told her. I want you to swallow ever drop. If you let any come past you lips, I'll slap you stupid and stand on your tits for fifteen minutes."

"I don't know if that's such a bad idea, but I do want all your come in my belly," she said. "All right. I'll swallow," she promised. Soon after she spoke, I started to shoot strong jets of come into her mouth. I felt her seal her lips tight on my shaft to keep from letting any pass her lips. She swallowed once after a few sprays, then again, then a third time. After her third swallow, I was mostly finished. She dared to take her mouth of my cock and watch as little dollops of milky sperm rolled down my glans. She smiled a mischievous smile, as if she were deliberately risking punishment for missing some sperm, and she dutifully lifted each stream of it off my shaft with her tongue.

"What now?" she said.

"French kiss him. Give your husband a good taste of me."

She smiled and said "I think he'd really like that."

I relaxed and took up my beer and laid against the pillows and watched as Sara began to make out with her husband, Frenching him hard, the heavy load of my come still coating her tongue. Scotty went for it hard. He kissed her passionately, like he'd longed to taste my come for a long time.

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