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Three Things You're Going To Do Ch. 02

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Stick Around.
3.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/01/2010
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"Trust me," he whispered, "you're going to want to stick around."

"Stick around?" I hissed this at him. I reached for a pillow and used this to cover my body. Bloody hell it was cold being naked. "I HATE you," I felt my chest puff up in anger. I was breathing so heavily that I could pump up an entire jumping castle if I wanted to.

"I know exactly what we should do," he held up his hands in a gesture to stop me from moving, "stay-just-there," he turned and opened his wardrobe. I stood there and watched, even though I should have probably run towards the door. Perhaps I was a sucker for punishment?

Jake swung open his wardrobe doors slowly and stepped aside. My jaw dropped open. Holly crap- it was a sex-wardrobe. No, seriously, it was filled with sex toys. I was trapped in a room with my music tutor, naked, with a large collection of sex toys!

"No way," I spoke softly under my breath, "No bloody way." I walked closer to the wardrobe and looked inside. I glanced back at Jake, who raised his eyebrows suggestively, and then looked back at his collection. The thing which amazed me the most was the size of this wardrobe. It was a walk-in, something which would hold many, many wonderful shoes if only it had not been filled with these sexual props.

"Jessica," he stepped closer to me, "while I have wondered many a time what I should do with you and your lack of musical talent, it has just occurred to me that there is something I can do with you." I watched this man step into the large sex-room and pull out something very interesting.

I frowned at him, "Balloons?" Who keeps a bag of balloons in a sex wardrobe? I clutched closer the pillow I was using to cover my private parts. I felt suddenly uncomfortable. What was this lunatic going to do with me now?

"Seriously Jess?" He gave me a look of concern, "you have absolutely no creative side to you at all do you?" He grinned evilly. "You're in for a surprise." He threw the bag out of the wardrobe and walked us back towards his bed. I considered for a moment the fact that this jerk was getting his way with me. I didn't want this- I needed to compose a plan of escape, fast.

There were three points of escape; the window, the door and murder. I was naked in all of these escape plans, this was bad. So I had to get dressed first. It sucks when I have the issue of his wardrobe being filled with NOT clothes, only sex-toys. Damn it.

"I'm cold," I said this in the most genuine voice I could muster. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. I even clutched tighter to the pillow and put on a good fake shiver.

"Nawww, Jessica, come here and I'll warm you up." He reached his arms out towards me as if asking me to step into them. Those deep brown eyes were tempting; but I had to stick to the plan.

"I was thinking," I gulped as I lied, "I could put on a show for you?"

"Oh?" He raised both his eyebrows, "this is unexpected."

"Yeah-so-if-you'll-let-me, I mean, -just-let-me-go-and-get-something," I started walking towards the wardrobe. Now perhaps I was speaking too fast, perhaps it was the expression on my face, but the moment I turned to open the wardrobe, his hand was pulling me back over to the bed.

"No, I don't think so," he laughed knowingly, "It was not only a moment ago, if you remember that far back, that you declared how you hated me." He took hold of my hand and led me closer to the bed, I pulled back a little, testing his strength against my own, but it was of no use. He was simply much stronger than I was.

Jake placed both his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto the floor. Holding my wrists tightly he positioned me to be leaning against the side of his bed. I couldn't think of what else to do, what other plans I could come up with...

"You are NOT tying me up again!" I said this angrily, with frustration. He yanked the pillow away from me then, exposing my entire body. I felt embarrassed to be sitting naked in front of him. He just looked at me and grinned too, not caring how I felt.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he reassured, then held my hand gently, "I only want to have my way with you and play with your pussy until you scream my name. At which point I will let you go home, hopefully before you orgasm. Since, it's much more fun that way." He winked.

"What?!!?!" Absolute shock fell over my little face. He didn't take much noticed though. Jake simply reached under the base of his bed and pulled out a wrist cuff, which was hidden and attached to the bed. He wrapped it around my wrist before I could say anything. Bloody hell, I should have just jumped out the window naked!

"Now, I think I'll leave the other hand free for you," he gave me a mischievous smirk, "you may or may not wish to play with your breasts with it later."

Jake then did something very strange which I WISH I could hide from the world forever. It was something that I would never have expected him to do. He reached over to the bag of balloons he had thrown away before and removed two longish- finger like balloons from the pack.

"Do you prefer blue or green?" He held them both up for me. I didn't say a word; I simply turned my head and bit my lip in silence. I refused to communicate with THAT man. "No comment? Jessica, this will be much more pleasurable if you participate..."

I sat there in silence still, even as he caressed up my thigh, gently. I didn't even blink when he chose the blue one. I just watched as he placed his long index finger inside that balloon. I watched as he moved to open both my legs. THAT'S when I had something to say.

"Hey, what are you trying to do?" I snapped, and attempted to stop him from spreading my legs open. Of course, this was a futile attempt against his strength. I had tried to push his hand away, but he thrust his balloon-covered-finger deep inside me, with hardly any effort at all. Crap!

"This wont hurt at all Jess, trust me," He spoke, but I didn't listen to him. I slapped him. Hard. In the face. Twice.

"Okay, that's it," He reached out and pushed my hand roughly against his bed-

"Ouch!" I yelped. I pushed hard against his arm, against his body, but not long after all of this- BOTH my hands were tied to his bed. "Let me go!"

"Erm, let me think about that," he placed a finger to his chin and looked up in thought, "NO."

Okay, here is where it got weird. Jake got down and rested on his stomach, holding my legs wide apart with his body. I could feel his breath heating the tender area around my pussy. I could feel the slight graze of his beard tickling my inner thighs. I tried to close my legs- but his head was in the way. I was kind of stuck.

Light kisses ran around my deepest inner thigh. He nuzzled the section knowingly. I Giggled, and then frowned at the same time. That JERK! He couldn't do this to me. NO, he couldn't do this again. I felt his hands cup both my butt cheeks from the side, his thumbs pushing firmly into the opening of my pussy. And this is where it got weirder.

The blowing sound. Breathing in, and breathing out- breathing in and then again out. I felt his two lips gently intruding my own pussy lips. It tickled. It felt nice....- BUT HE WAS BLOWING UP THE FUCKEN BALLOON INSIDE MY VAGINA!

"Okay- you HAVE to stop Jake, please," I begged him. He looked up at me, pinching the end of the balloon while he paused.

"I was only joking before, you know," he simpered, "I'm going to make you climax." I could see again the caring side in his eyes; that warm brown that had tricked me before.

"I don't care!" I gave him a grumpy look, "I want out! Now!"

He considered for a moment, "I don't believe you," he concluded.

"You-don't-believe-me?" I repeated stiffly.

"That's right," he went back down for one last blow, "you would have screamed for help if it was true." He tied up the balloon, "How does that feel Bub?" He inquired.

"Uncomfortable! What do you think?" I spoke sarcastically," I mean, there's a balloon in my vagina!"

"Exactly," he nodded, "now here's the fun bit." He stood up and grabbed the blindfold from off his bed-side table. I felt him carefully place the blindfold over my eyes and there it was- pitch black.

"The fun bit is me being blind?" I asked, but there was no reply. In fact, there was no reply for about 5 entire minutes. "Hello? This isn't funny, Jake!"

Let me explain to you what happens when you are blind, tied up naked and holding a balloon in your vagina for five minutes. First of all, your naked body gets very cold. All your senses become heightened. I could feel the metal bar of his bed's boarder against my back. I could feel the budded fabric of the carpet beneath my bare bum. And I most certainly noticed the strange rubbery feeling inside my poor pussy.

Running through my mind were many thoughts. The first was- 'where the fuck was Jake?' The second was, 'is it sanitary to hold a balloon inside me like this?" But of everything that was happening to me in that moment, the worst of it was the waiting. Waiting for whatever was going to happen next. Because, believe me, I had no idea what was coming.

Five minutes later a voice from the other side of the room finally spoke, "I'd be very careful if I was you," Jake spoke, "have you calmed down yet?"

"You're here still? Why didn't you say anything?" I grunted.

"I was giving you space to relax," I heard footsteps travelling towards me, "to not be sexually excited at first."

"Oh trust me- I have NOT been sexually excited." I spat at him.

"Great," his voice came very enthusiastically, "then you stand a good chance here." I felt him drop down and sit between my legs once more. "Would you say you have a tight pussy?"

"I don't know." I frowned, "what does that have to do with anything?"

"So impatient Jessica, you never were one for patience," he laughed at me, "actually I'm going to run a vibrator over your clit gently until you pop the balloon I've inserted inside you."

"I'm sorry, what?" I was finding it hard to register such a strange comment.

"You see, once that balloon pops, I'll know for sure that you're turned on, and it'll be hilarious since you have had a balloon inside your little pussy the entire time." I was in silent thought for a moment then, until he finished, "and I know how badly you're clit wont be able to handle a vibrator."

My stomach dropped. He was really going to use a vibrator. Crap. I could imagine the feeling now. That intense vibration that would send tingles down my spine. It could tickle and tingle until my toes curled and I would be forced to orgasm in front of Jake again!

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of!" I was so annoyed. I didn't want to simply BOW to his every move. I wanted to withstand his foreplay, but withstanding his use of a vibrator would be very VERY difficult.

"Nawww, don't worry Jessica," he spoke softly and touched my cheek with a gentle caress, "I'm sure it'll be over shortly. I mean, let's face it- the more turned on you are, the tighter your pussy is going to get. And the tighter your pussy is, the faster that balloon will pop." I heard him turn the vibrator on and a light buzzing enter the room.

"On the count of three, bub," he said cautiously, "three..."

This was the slowest countdown I had ever experienced. The tip of the vibrator made contact with my inner knee on the first count. It slid dangerously close down my leg and stopped just before it reached my sensitive bud. It was torture.

"Two..." and down the other leg it went, tingling against my skin the entire way. I felt the walls of my vagina tighten at the thought of that thing touching my clit. OH god! I was already getting turned on! I began to chew on my tongue in an attempt to stop it from happening. Certainly I could think of something gross that would turn me off.... there had to be something.

"You look a little tense Jessica," the tip of that tickling bullet touched the slit of my vaginal lips. He slowly, deliberately, moved the vibrator up towards where it would affect me most. "Can I make a suggestion?"

"If you must," I said casually, trying to sound as though the build up wasn't affecting me.

"Try and moan as loudly as you can," he instructed, which made me roll my eyes underneath the blindfold, "it will help me find this even more amusing- ONE."

Shivers...Oh god- shivers everywhere- sensual vibrations. It was too intense. The way his hand held the vibrator so gently yet so precisely. How it circled so specifically around my helpless clit. It made me clench my fists. It made my toes curl. - It was too gentle to make me orgasm yet!

Fuck it! Dilemma number two: Screw not orgasming. Screw the fact that I HATED this guy. I wanted- no I needed- to orgasm now! But I had to do it without getting turned on.... shit, shit, shit! Because the moment I got really turned on- that balloon would pop- and once the balloon popped... he might stop!

"I hate you!" I murmured, which made him laugh. Perhaps it was the fact that I moaned while I said it? "Mmm, I really hate you!"

"What's wrong princess?" He spoke to me as though I were a child, "getting a little too hot in here for you?" I felt my grip on the balloon tighten and then loosen just in time. My pussy was so wet now; he must have been able to see the sweet juices flowing from it. He was probably laughing at me for it. Thinking of how weak I had become.

"Shut up!" I demanded, "I don't even like the feeling of you doing that to me"- I lied. Also, I'm certain he could tell I was lying. I mean, my face felt hot. I kept biting my lip. I knew my breath had gotten away from my control.


"Oh really now?" He laughed, removed the rubber balloon from inside me, and turned off the vibrator. "And yet your pussy just told me otherwise."

"Wait, no please wait," I pleaded, but refused to ask him to continue with what he was doing. I was a stubborn child, I knew it.

"What's wrong Jessica?" He asked gently, "Are you desperate once again for me to make you orgasm?" I felt sudden warmth over my clit. Oh god, he was licking it. OH god and it felt good.

"Mmmm, oh god." I wanted to deny it, but he had me. There was nothing I could do to stop him. My hands tied, my clit in desperate need... he had me really bad.

"You're entirely powerless to me Jessica," Jake said in a deeply arousing tone. His tongue then flicked across my clit so precisely, so warmly... I couldn't help but start to push closer to him. OH- and his finger found its way to my opening. Teasing the edges, constantly circling, constantly massaging, constantly-

"Mmmmmm, oh shit, please don't stop- please just"-

He stopped.

My jaw stiffened in complete frustration. What was this? One second he was torturing me, then next he was... well, torturing me!

"Jessica, may I ask you a simple question?" He spoke gently.

"No." I snapped.

"Jessica," he suddenly found my nipples and pinched- forcing a moan from my very lips, "May I ask you a simple question?" He repeated himself more forcefully.

"Mmmm," I replied weakly.

"Let's be honest here," his lips came close to my ear, his breath so hot, "How badly are you drowning in lust for me right now?"

My breath caught. Somehow the word 'honest' had shocked me. Honestly? My pussy was tight, wet and craving his touch. Honestly? His voice had begun to tantalise my senses. Honestly? I didn't hate how he was playing with me. I loved it.

"I..." I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to think, "I want you." Quickly Jake unchained both my wrists and then lifted me off the floor. I was placed tenderly onto his bed and simply ravaged. Kisses found their way across all inches of my skin. Light kiss, deep kisses... and his fingers lightly making my skin tingle all over.

My hands grabbed hold of the bed stand above my head, and I held tightly to this in preparation for what was to come. Jake's tongue found my clit again, circling my clit evilly. His hand found its way up to one of my nipples and pinched teasing. My hips pushed up closer to him as the tension continued to build.....

"Ohhhh..." a moan escaped my lips, "I'm coming! Oh god yes, I'm coming!" I began to thrust my hips up and down involuntarily because the pleasure was sooo intense. It felt almost as though it was travelling through my entire body! Jake certainly knew how to make a woman cum.

Then it was over. Reality crashed back into me, and once more I was with my worst enemy. A music tutor, a kidnapper, a bully and a.... stupid person- or some other fitting insult! Damn it.

"Time to go Jessica," he pulled the blindfold off my face. I looked into his eyes and frowned because I had so many conflicting emotions towards him now. Hate and arousal seemed to smother me.

"Time to go?" I sat up slowly with a frown. He was letting me go? Just like that?

"Yep. Time to go, I believe I've proven my point." He handed me a shirt from his bedside table. I have no idea why it hadn't occurred to me to look inside his bedside table before. I took the shirt tentatively and then quickly pulled it over my head.

"But you're holding me captive?" I was so confused. He smiled at me a little, and shook his head.

"Jessica," he sat down next to me, "you're going to go home, and be mad at me. Then you're going to dream about me, and then you're going to come back." I looked at him, trying fiercely to understand what the hell he was on about.

"No I'm not," I shook my head. Jake stood up and pulled me off of his bed. He nudged me towards his door and turned me to face him once more. Just before he pushed me out the door, just before his kissed my forehead and said goodbye, I said, "I'm not coming back."

"Oh bub, trust me," he whispered knowingly, "you're going to want to stick around."

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Strange story but maybe n next time try filling the balloon with water, maybe while in the bath. It won't pop then lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Just as good as the first one! Please right a third chapter :))

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