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Straight Chris, One Who Got Away

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Chris stays over, slides in & takes me to POUND TOWN.
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This happened more than a decade ago, but perhaps this is how my obsession with straight guys got started. It certainly helped foster and feed my attraction for straight guys and encouraged me to push them to let down their guard and try new things.

NOTE: All characters in this story are over 18, and this story is owned, and written by me, so don't be a dick as i retain all rights to it and grant it's publication to this site alone.


As the closing manager at this chain restaurant, I had a ton of paperwork to do at night, and rather than sitting at this small desk in the back between the dishwasher and trash cans, I took a booth out in the lobby.

Sarah was one of my closers. She was a junior in college, using this job to help pay the ridiculous expenses hitting us struggling college students, just like me. It was weird being a boss at this young age, but it provided a way for me to go to college and get a degree WHILE not going deeper into debt. At the beginning of the shift, Sarah asked me if she could have her boyfriend come inside the store and hang out while he waited for her to finish her work. I said sure, not wanting to be a hard ass.

I was so fucking thankful that I said yes when she introduced me to Chris!

This guy was smoking hot. He is at least 6'4" with a smoking hot body and this perfect smile punctuated with two perfect dimples on his cheeks. I consciously burned the image of this hot man into my mind, adding him to my spank bank, confident I would be happy to enjoy over and over.

We started talking, and holy crap this guy was the full package. We were cutting up and realizing we had a lot in common. He was big into SciFi, everything from outer space stuff like Star Trek and Star Wars to superheroes. We both ran track in high school and now he was a junior in college working at Abercrombie and Fitch in the mall. What a perfect hire for them.

As time progressed, we became friends. He always got off work right at 9pm when the mall and our restaurant closed, and he came right over to wait for Sarah and to chat with me. It was nice. We all seemed to work the same schedules and so it was fun.

Sarah, Chris and I started hanging out together. They would come over to my apartment (they both still lived in the dorms) and we would have a beer, watch a movie or just study. The company was nice and they enjoyed getting away from the loud dorms.

I grew jealous of Sarah. She got to have this man anytime she wanted. Along with his perfect body and smile, I always got to hear just how big his cock is and how he took her to "pound town" as they would both laugh and carry on. They would leave my place and say that they were leaving to "got to pound town" and damn if that didn't fire up my jealousy and fuel my already abundant material in my spank bank.

As Christmas drew near Chris decided he was going to stay at college and not travel the three and a half hours to go home to his rather estranged family. My relationship with my family wasn't much better since coming out. It just worked out that we both could pick up extra hours at work over the busy holiday while Sarah went home for two weeks to catch up with her huge, close family.

Sarah lived three states over and was flying home. Chris lamented he would miss his frequently trips to "pound town," but was happy that Sarah was getting to see her family and we both admitted to being a bit jealous of her and her loving relationship with her family, a concept completely foreign to us.

Chris took her to the airport one morning and then headed to work. He texted me about 8:30 that night and asked if he could come over to hang out with me at the restaurant and maybe grab a beer with me after since Sarah was gone and his roommate informed him that there was going to be an "epic party" in his dorm that night. I agreed and told him I would see him soon.

It was an inventory night at work, so I was back counting stuff as Chris arrived at the restaurant. He was so congenial that everyone that worked with me really liked him and since he was coming round almost every night at closing, they just welcomed him in. I came out and joined him in the lobby to finish my work. I got to entering inventory so the big boss could place an order in the morning and closing out the books for the day as the team finished cleaning up and resetting things for the morning crew.

Truth be told, Chris was acting a bit funning tonight, I couldn't put my finger on it but just strange. Not as talkative or happy as he normally is, which had me concerned. I was happy that he was coming over for a beer tonight because our finals this semester were brutal for me and I needed to unwind. This wasn't the first time we have hung out sans Sarah, sometimes when she had group projects or the like, she would have to miss one of our hang outs.

I suppose I should point out here that everyone knew I was gay. I didn't hide that fact at all, but it just never seemed to be an issue. Chris thought it was cool to have a gay friend, he even called me his best friend, once, which had me feeling all warm inside. I have to admit that didn't stop me from having filthy thoughts about this man.

I'm 5'11 and seemingly taller than average for the folks we hang around with, but Chris was just massive at 6'4" and just solid muscle with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes he was just walking perfection. We recently started running together since we lived rather close to each other. Only a few times had I seen him with his shirt off, which by the way he was completely hairless save for this perfect 'happy trail" that met with his often-overworn boxers he claimed were "super comfortable" so much so he refused to cave to the pressures asserted by Sarah (and me) to change over to boxer briefs. He claimed his boys needed to fly free and if he could, he would be a professional nudist. Sarah and I looked at each other and said in unison "well don't let us stop you!" and we all laughed. This began my casual yet overt flirtations with him. My goal in life was to make him blush.

We continued with this theme, joking with him on and off about his grandpa undies. Sarah said it was super hard to sleep with him as he always slept in the nude which got her all hot and bothered. The lucky twat!

Anyhow, we wrapped up work in record time, even with the inventory, and Chris hoped into my car and we headed to the drive thru to pick up some beer and snacks to head back to my place. Weather had been unseasonably cold this year, but today it had gotten up to 68 degrees so it was rather pleasant outside as I clicked the lock open and pushed into my apartment.

Tossing my keys down on the counter and taking the beer and placing it into the fridge, grabbing two of them quickly and handed one to Chris.

"Damn, it's kinda hot in here, what's up?" Chris says to me.

"Shit, we have such an old heating system these old radiators once you turn them on they don't really turn off for the season. Here, help me throw open some windows and let's see if we can cool it down a bit!"

Completed with opening 4 of the windows, two in the kitchen and two in the living room I set my beer down on the table and tell him I am going to change quick and get out of my work clothes that wreaked of the restaurant, "Chris get comfortable, brother!"

"Don't mind if I do!" he says as he pulls off his over sweater that he was wearing. Doing so it lifted his tshirt too and you could see his perfect stomach and that happy trail and frankly always makes me REALLY happy to see it! He reaches up and pulls down his TSHIRT keeping that on and chucking his sweater as he follows me into my room talking to me.

"Sorry if I seem off today, Sarah and I got into a bit of a fight before she left. I guess I am just upset that it was so easy for her to just bugger off for two weeks without even pretending to want to spend Christmas with me... with us! It just kinda shocked me. It seems like she has been pulling away from me recently" he says tossing his sweater onto my bed and then without even thinking he start unbuttoning the fly to his jeans, kicks off his shoes and peels off his jeans laying them on my bed.

'Holy crap, this guy is down to his boxers and a super small tshirt in my bedroom. Whew! Keep it together, Logan!' I think to myself as I pull off my button-down shirt, tossing it into the hamper and pulling off my tshirt.

"No, I haven't noticed anything just her normal goofball self. She is rather flighty, scatterbrained at times and has been talking about missing her family and such, I wouldn't read much into it." I sit down on the bed and pull off my dress shoes and socks and then stand back up again and pull off my pants. I am now standing face to face with this ridiculously hot man in rather reveling boxer briefs kinda wishing I wore the grandpa boxers too. I walk past him, brushing my backside up against his front side so I can grab a tshirt from my closet. I was going to grab a pair of sweats to wear but as hot as it is, I figured what the hell, tshirt is good.

I walked back into the living room to grab my beer and he followed me and we both sat down on the couch together since it had the best vantage point to the TV. We both grabbed the sides of the couch but faced towards each other since we were still chatting. As Chris lifted his leg up to sit sideways his full package was on display to me through the gaping leg hole created in his boxers. I had a hard time focusing on the conversation and finally he caught me looking down at his crotch and as he stood up, he winked at me and then said "I need another beer, you?" He marched out to the fridge and returned with two beers in his hand. I couldn't help but notice there clearly has been some blood flowing to his ample dick because it was causing a slight tent in his shorts.

We turned on the TV and found there was a marathon of Star Trek TNG playing all night, so we clicked over to that and started to get comfortable as we cracked our second beers.

We hit the Star Trek TNG episode where the entire ship de-evolves and we started cutting up on it about how far special effects have moved forward and how cheesy this episode was, yet when we saw it when we were younger it scared the crap out of us!

Chris stopped and said, "shit I almost forgot... do you party? I like to smoke from time to time but Sarah hates when I do, so I hide it from her. Wanna?"

"Shit, it has been a while," I said and quickly added "sure, let's light em up!" Chris shot up and ran into my bedroom to grab his pants and reach into his back pocket where he pulled out two already rolled joints in a small zip lock sandwich baggie. I had started boning up a bit so I was a bit nervous to hop up to grab a lighter from my junk drawer in the kitchen, but figured what the hell I already saw what he is packing.

I came back into the living room with my light blue boxer briefs hiding absolutely nothing of my nearly completely hard 7.5" cock. I had pushed it down so it was aimed south, but that seemed like the wrong idea as I swear it chubbed up a bit more and caused this noticeable pipe like bulge with a clearly circumcised head on the top of it. Chris looked at my cock and just shook his head and laughed as I handed him the lighter.

I grabbed my first empty and put a dent in the side of it to use as an ashtray for us, and so I would know not to try to drink out of it, I won't make that mistake a third time... I hope. And I plop down onto the couch and Chris, instead of grabbing the opposite side of the couch like before sits right beside me with his bare leg touching mine.

"Oh man, Logan I am so glad we are doing this, it is so nice to just get some time to relax. I feel like I can just be myself around you, and not be on guard like I am with Sarah. Afraid I am going to do something that will piss her off or start us down some sort of grumpy tirade of hers. Here, I will light it up!" He takes the lighter from me, just an old light blue Bic lighter, the same color as my boxer briefs, damn I guess I have a thing for light blue.

Chris takes a huge deep drag off the first light of the joint and he passes to me. He lets his right hand fall onto my left knee and just leaves it there as I take another huge drag myself and I too try to hold it but I am the first to exhale and cough just a little bit. Chris then pulls my head close to his and he blows his smoke that was just marinating in his lungs into my mouth as I take a huge gulp of air, his air, deep inside me. Fuck this guy is so damn hot.

"So, we only have three more semesters to go before we graduate. Are you going to take summer courses and graduate early?" Chris asks me, rather out of the blue.

"No, I don't think I want to do that. Over the summer I can make ton of money and bank it so that my senior year I can really dig in and get my GPA as high as I can so I can get ready to shop for where I wanna get my MBA." I tell him, rather matter of factly.

"Oh wow, well I am glad to hear that because that is exactly what I was thinking. In fact, I was going to propose something. What do you think about being roommates? I see you have an empty bedroom here, and it's super small but I could squeeze a small bed in there. I just can't take living in the dorms anymore." He says as he lights up again for another deep drag and then passes back to me, again leaving his land on my knee.

I take another deep drag and we are both holding it in and like before I let mine go, this time I don't cough and he goes to pull me in again like last time, well I lean in as well and this time our lips hit each other, and he just blows into my mouth as our lips are locked together. Fuck, well I am completely boned now, that is for sure, and I am starting to feel the buzz kick in.

"Holy shit, dude!" he says, laughing. "I guess I just kissed my first guy!" he continues laughing as he gets up and heads back to the kitchen as our second beers are empty.

I am sitting on the couch in disbelief of what just happened, with a very hard cock that is pointing down my leg and as I lower my head to check how inappropriate I am looking I realize that I smell kinda rank from work.

"Yo, I stink like hell from working in the kitchen tonight, I'm going to take a quick shower. Come and get me if I am in there too long and his buzz hits me too hard" I laugh and stand up and right as I do he turns his attention back to me in the living room from the kitchen and sees the massive tent with a forming wet spot at the tip of my cock.

"OK, bro! Don't go in there and pound one out, OK? We got another beer and the rest of these joints." he says half laughing and then says "Damn, nice cock bud! Didn't know you were packin that much!" he says with a giggle.

I make it into the bathroom and every inch of me is blushing as I fire up the shower. I take off my tshirt and peel off my boxer briefs, tossing them into the sink, and I jump into the shower. FUCK I forgot to turn on the exhaust fan, so I reach outside of the shower to the switch and hit it and doing so realize that I didn't really close the door all the way and it falls open a bit more. I am in the shower with a clear shower curtain in clear view of the couch in the living room. Shit, he is going to think I am putting on a show for him.

"Man, you are missing it! This is one of my favorite Star Trek episodes! Hurry up in here!" He says and I realize that he is standing in the doorway of the bathroom looking right at me as he takes another sip of his beer. "Fuck, how are you taking such a hot shower, it's so hot in here!" he places his third beer on the counter inside the bathroom and pulls off his super small tshirt, wiping his pits as he does. "Man, I am kinda ripe too! I am going to hop in after you, if you don't mind."

"Sure, I will be done in just a minute," I say as I am soaping up everywhere and even take a few swipes at my ass. Just in case. Fuck, what was I thinking? This is my straight, friend. My best friend! There is no way in hell we are going to fuck! I think as I slide a finger into my ass and my cock throbs and belches out a drop or two of precum. Clean as a whistle, just in case.

I rinse off as I look outside the shower and Chris has already flung his boxers into the sink with mine. "Hey can I borrow something to wear? I don't wanna put those back on!"

"Sure, but all I have are boxer briefs, you wanna come over to my side grandpa? You can be one of the cool kids!" I say as I get the first look at his perfect cock as well as a fully unobstructed view of his entire body.

He is near hairless save for his arm pits and his perfect happy trail that leads down to a perfectly manscaped crotch. Sarah frequently told me how "metrosexual" he was and that he kept himself perfectly put together, and damn he was. His cock, while certainly not completely soft and having some heft showed a lot of promise. Sarah frequently complained that he was rather big and was hard for her to take especially when he took her to "pound town. Fuck this man was just walking perfection, standing not three feet away from me.

I left the shower running for him, and grabbed my towel as I exited the shower. I had to pass him in the extremely small bathroom and he flicked my cock with the palm of his hand and said "careful, don't want to put an eye out there buddy!" And he started giggling, and I followed.

"What can I say, it has a mind of its own!" I said as he moved into the shower and I continued to dry off.

As he starts soaping up and I realize I didn't bring any clean clothes into the bathroom, he says to me, "Hey, you don't mind if I crash here tonight, do you? I really wanna finish that other joint and that beer isn't going to drink itself!"

"Of course! Happy to have you! Boys night!" I say to him as I enter my bedroom. Wow, so he is staying the night. I am still solidly boned up. Fuck, where is he going to sleep? I can't make him sleep on the couch, that thing was OLD when my mom got it from my grandparents. I guess he can sleep in my bed. It's only a queen though, so that could be weird. Fuck, if he stays and sleeps in bed with me, how am I going to control myself? At this point I look over at my nightstand where I have a large bottle of lube sitting there. Allowing the horny to get too firm a grip on me I walk over there and take a huge pump of the silicone lube and then rub it right into my ass. Surely we are not going to fool around, but just in case. If I need to pound one out while he sleeps, I know I will want to play with my ass a bit.

"Hey, you have a towel for me?" I hear from the bathroom as I slide on a pair of red boxer briefs, and I grab a pair of light blue ones for him. Rounding the corner, I reach into the closet and pull out a big white bath towel for him as he shuts off the water, pulls back the curtain and it just takes the breath out of me. He is perfection. That cock of his must have enjoyed the hot water and attention he gave it because it was at half-staff by now and just getting longer and thicker. That thing must be huge when it is ready to go!

"Yo! Towel?" he says as he laughs at me. I hand him the towel and I don't know what I was thinking but I say.

"Damn, Sarah is one lucky bitch!" and I just stand there deadly afraid of how he is going to react, and he starts laughing as he says "I know, right?"

He finishes toweling himself off, and I grab my beer from the living room that he got for me and come back to the bathroom to hand him the pair of boxer briefs. "Come on stud, I wanna see how you handle these!" Clearly my inhibitions have been lowered and he got a laugh out of that as well.

"OK, here I go!" as he steps into them. Clearly these as at least a size too small for him with his thick runners legs and ample package, but he slides into them. "What do I do with my cock man?" he says as he looks over to me.

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