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Straight Cops Enslaved Pt. 02

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Another straight cop falls to brutal young stud.
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- Michael keeps making more and more friends on the Force. Officer Jensen is just trying to survive the experience. -

Work Text:

Lieutenant Keith Jensen woke up groggily. He was laying naked on a bare wooden floor next to his former partner, James Thompson, also naked, both sporting erections.

He felt an urgent need to ejaculate but knew better than to stroke himself off as he had done countless times since early adolescence. He knew there'd be... consequences if he dared to.

Dark circles under his eyes were a testament to how utterly exhausted he was. A gnawing hunger consumed his thoughts.

The lights in the room came on and he could see the iron bars separating the room he shared with Thompson from the rest of the cabin 1 hour away from their hometown of Freehold, NJ.

He had told his wife and kids that he had signed up for a professional development seminar for 5 days in Chicago to increase his opportunities for advancement within the police department. Thompson had told the same story to his own family.

Three days in and he wished that the lie had been true.

It took his nutritionally deprived mind a minute to realize that if the lights were on it might be feeding time again.

His mouth began to water as feelings of deep shame washed over him.

"Wake up, bitches. It's time to feast."

Thompson woke up instantly at the sound of Michael's commanding voice and they both turned to look at the irresistible alpha male that had brought them both here. He strode in like he owned the place (or owned the man who did), completely nude, his well-developed leg muscles leading your vision up to his pride and joy.

Both cops eyes' focused like lasers on the impossibly hard, 11 and a half inches of cock pointing straight at them.

Michael closed the distance to the bars, stuck his cock through them and didn't say a word.

Jensen and Thompson had promised each other last night in the late hours before they drifted off to troubled dreams that they would try to hold out this time. That they would draw strength from each other and from their faith. They had both prayed together that God and His son, Jesus Christ, would help deliver them from this foul tempter and cleanse them of their sins. It had rekindled some kind of hope that this nightmare might end.

Michael's cock twitched and a single dollop of precum formed at the slit in his cockhead and began to slowly fall towards the floor.

Jensen and Thompson both scrambled on their hands and knees to catch that drop of precum in their mouths before it did. Too late it hit the hardwood floor. Thompson dove on his belly and began licking the spot where it landed.

Jensen, seeing the source of it uncontested, kept crawling until he'd reached the reason for his downfall, opened his mouth and took seven inches of Michael's cock into his throat in one smooth motion.

Thompson, having lapped up that single drop of fluid, joined him in his efforts, moving his tongue up and down the remaining 4 inches on the left side of Michael's manhood, insanely jealous of Jensen's primary position until...


Jensen groaned "gno!" with Michael's dick in his mouth but obeyed, pulling himself off of the tip and working the right side with his tongue as Thompson assumed his position at the head, deep throating more of Michael than Jensen could consistently do.

"Oh, I think Officer Thompson's gonna earn the first bellyful. Don't you think he deserves it, Jensen?"

"Uh-uh" Jensen hated being made to beg and plead by Michael, especially in front of the fellow officer who had helped Michael enslave him. The worst thing was he knew deep down that he'd still be doing this if he wasn't starving and needed Michael's semen for what little nutritional value it had.

He just needed to make Michael cum now.

Thompson must have sensed that Michael wanted to feed them now because the pace of his deepthroating quickened and he was making these joyful sounds around Michael's cock.

With his mouth around the side of Michael's dick he could feel it pulse as it delivered the only kind of meal the two cops had had for the last three days. Thompson swallowed as much as he could but even a starving man's stomach could only take so much.

Cum shot out of Thompson's mouth as he fell backwards. Jensen began to move to the still cumming tip but Michael grabbed him by his hair to keep him locked onto the side of his cock.

"Don't stop that talented little mouth, Officer Cumslut."

Jensen did as he was told, holding back tears of frustration as Michael coated Thompson's prone body with another gallon of semen.

He hated being fed this way. Hated how hard he got from doing this.

But he hated this way more.

Finally, the stream of semen slowed and stopped. Michael still had him clamped on his manhood. Jensen didn't move. Good bitches got rewarded and he desperately needed Michael to think of him as one.

"Now, you may feed, faggot!"

He tore his mouth away from the penis that had destroyed his life and dove atop the man he had trained as a rookie on the Force. First, his mouth found Thompson's and he pressed hard against it and sucked the cum out of it. Some remained but his tongue glided over Thompson's teeth, gums and tongue to get every trace of it. Then he licked the facial Michael had unleashed on his former partner. Over the next 10 minutes, Jensen licked every square inch of Thompson's body to get as much of Michael's seed as possible.

"There's some on the inside, too, bitch. Better get that."

"Inside?" Jensen thought, confused for a moment. Then realization dawned and he began to weep softly. He trailed down his partner's body until he was staring directly at what he used to think was a good size for an erect penis.

Tears of abject humiliation fell from Jensen's eyes onto his friend's crotch as he began to suck him off.

Jensen could hear the key being inserted into the lock on the bars behind him and the cage creaking as it was opened. He thrust his ass in the air, eager for what was about to happen.

"What do you need, pussy?"

Sob, "I need to get fucked, Michael. Please."

"Since you said 'please'" Michael placed his dick at Jensen's thoroughly used asshole and pressed into him while he reached down, gripped Jensen's hair and shoved him all the way down on Thompson's cock.

Jensen struggled to breathe but couldn't stop himself from working Michael's dick with his ass. It felt soooooooooo good.

Was it really just 9 days since Michael entered his life like a force of nature, destroying everything in his path? Just 9 days since that first night of betrayal and ecstasy. Nine days since he had gone from straight officer of the law and member of local church leadership to hopelessly addicted cumbucket for Michael. As Michael's deep dicking triggered his first anal orgasm of the day (and far from his last) he remembered what had led him to this fate and struggled to believe that it had all been real....


Jensen actually encountered Michael two weeks before the events leading to his inevitable downfall and enslavement. And there had been signs of some ...disturbance at work in his precinct prior to that.

Li's normally flawless professionalism and efficiency as a dispatcher began to slip. Nothing that would immediately draw negative attention. Arriving late to his shift. Mixing up details like unit numbers, addresses and the circumstances that officers were called in to respond to. And those that knew him best noticed a marked change in his normally unflappable self-possession.

Then, there was the night of Thompson's high speed pursuit gone wrong. Chasing down a misdemeanor reckless driving suspect without calling in at least one other unit for backup was sloppy enough. But then Thompson had actually managed to slip and fall while chasing the suspect in a new development that had begun construction that spring, injuring himself so severely that he'd had to go off active duty for over a week.

And once he'd returned he seemed like a completely different person. The old Thompson would have laughed at the good-natured ball busting he'd gotten for fucking up that pursuit so royally and told everyone to blow him. Instead, he had gotten red in the face and responded meekly with "I tried..." visibly tearing up... "I tried that night... It was hopeless." And walked out of the locker room.

Jensen had looked at the other cops with a what-the-fuck look on his face before busting out laughing. As he laughed at how crazy his friend sounded he thought he heard Thompson say something like " you'll see" to him as he walked out. Which would have made him laugh even harder but for the haunted look on Thompson's face.

"Lighten up" he'd thought to himself. When you fucked up you had to expect to get roasted by everyone.

Looking back now he wished he'd asked what Thompson had meant. That he'd listened to his friend to maybe avoid the sheer madness that had followed.

Another voice inside whispered it was madness to not want Michael to have come into his life.

The first time he'd laid eyes on the much younger man had been in the precinct gym. A pretty extensive set of weights, exercise equipment and a mat for wrestling and grappling had been purchased and installed a few years prior and the Freehold pd prided itself on its commitment to the physical fitness of its officers.

At any time of day you'd find half a dozen cops bench pressing, doing pushups and frequently practicing how to put suspects into holds or break out of them on the mat.

Jensen had just finished his day shift, changed into his workout gear and walked into the gym when he noticed Li and Thompson spotting a young man he didn't recognize bench pressing about 345 lbs. The gym was supposed to be for cops only but sometimes family members would take advantage.

The kid had done about 20 reps with what none but a handful of officers could put up once when he ended the set abruptly, lowering the bar onto the rack. Thompson and Li's spot had seemingly been unnecessary.

"Who do we have here?" Jensen strode over to make his introductions. It had been a few weeks since Thompson's return and it was good to see him getting back into his old routines.

"This is Michael _________, he's looking to join the academy in the fall and wanted to see how we all stay in such amazing shape" Thompson said in a nervous rush.

"Craig Jensen, pleased to meet you." I stuck my hand and Michael gripped it tight, almost too tight for a second.

"The pleasure is always mine" Michael said with a smile on his face and some hard to define gleam in his eye. "Hungry? Possessive? Predatory?" Jensen would later think to himself. At the time, he was just a little thrown by the odd phrasing and unusual facial expression.

"I met Li and Thompson a little while back and I was so impressed by their eagerness to serve the public that I knew I needed to get inside the Freehold pd."

Once again, something wasn't quite right about this. But Jensen couldn't place what it was.

"Well, it's not just the public facing stuff. There's also a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes that no one ever knows about." As a 20 year veteran, Jensen never shied away from sharing a little bit of the mundane reality of law enforcement with starry eyed civilians.

"Of course. These two have been showing me all kinds of hard work that no one knows about. I offered to tell everyone all the unbelievable things that they've done and they just wouldn't hear of it. They had to beg me not to. Isn't that right, boys?"

"Yeah, we really did." "Please don't." Thompson and Li said almost on top of one another.

Michael's words were full of adulation but there was a mocking undertone to them. Jensen had often used the same tone in high school when he was humiliating some faggoty little bookworm. But he could do that because he could and did kick the shit out of anyone that didn't meekly take it. Who did this kid think he was?

"What makes you think you'd be an asset to law enforcement, Michael?" Jensen asked in the no-nonsense tone that he'd used a hundred times on suspects.

"Lots of things, really. I've got a knack for getting men to comply no matter how much they might not want to. I'm strong and fast and my aim is amazingly accurate. I always hit my target again and again and again. And I think I can crack even the hardest man. In fact, that just makes it easier."

It was time to take this punk down a peg or two.

"You seem pretty impressed with yourself. Wanna roll around and see how tough you really are?"

"I don't know. You're so much more experienced than me. What do you think, fellas? Do you wanna see me and Officer Jensen wrestle a bit?"

"Sure" and "Uh-huhs" followed in rapid succession. Again, strange.

Michael got off from the bench and walked over to the large mat in the back of the gym. Li and Thompson scurried not far behind and Jensen began a little bit of shadow boxing to warm up.

He had done wrestling in high school and college, even making all state as a senior so he was looking forward to embarrassing this punk kid a bit.

Michael stood casually on the padded material. Not warming up or seemingly concerned by the prospect of facing off against a man with 20 years of experience and probably 30 pounds of muscle on him.

They squared off, hunkered down, and collided shoulder to shoulder, each man immediately seeking advantage.

Suddenly, Michael dropped down so fast that Jensen overshot him. As Jensen's center of mass traveled over him, Michael shot up, gripped his ankles and threw him ass over tea kettle onto his back.

Jensen landed hard, the breath leaving his body. He groaned.

"One point for me, Officer."

Jensen, his pride and back bruised, scrambled up and threw himself at the kid, again. They collided. This time Michael turned and twisted and threw Jensen to his side, landing in guard position. Immediately, Jensen wrapped his legs around Michael's hips to try to regain control.

Michael, instead of trying to reposition, thrusted his hips forward, moving him and Jensen forward a foot on the mat. He then grabbed each of Jensen's wrists and slammed them down. Jensen's hands felt numb from the shock. Michael, sensing vulnerability, brought Jensen's wrists together and gripped them in his large left hand.

Jensen struggled to free his arms but couldn't. "Fuck" he thought, "how strong is this asshole?"

Once again, instead of pressing his advantage to actually pin Jensen, Michael thrust his hips forward and Jensen was horrified to feel what felt like a huge erection, pressed into his ass.

Michael's torso dropped down onto Jensen's and that's when he also began to notice Michael's scent. It was the smell of the locker room, sweat and testosterone, but amplified 5 fold. It made Jensen's head swim. Suddenly, it was very hard to focus.

"Two points for me, Officer Jensen."

Michael immediately let go of Jensen's wrists and sprang off of him. Jensen was scrambling to his knees when Michael put him in a guillotine head lock.

"Sorry, sometimes I have a hard time waiting."

Jensen could see an obscenely large bulge in Michael's workout shorts as he tried to wriggle free. Michael's grip was like iron.

"I'd tap out if you want to remain conscious."

Jensen kept wriggling for a few more seconds before rapidly tapping on the densely muscled forearm wrapped around his throat.

Michael continued the hold for 5 more seconds and just as Jensen's vision was getting spotty, he released suddenly.

Jensen fell face first onto the mat. He'd almost had time to bring his hands forward but it wasn't enough. There was a flare of pain as his nose began to bleed.

"Okay. Let's get you on your feet." Michael said in a falsely sympathetic tone of voice. Michael's large, strong hands grabbed Jensen by the shoulders and unceremoniously lifted him off the ground in one smooth motion.

Jensen wobbled on his feet. 5 minutes ago he was certain he was gonna show this punk kid what was what and he'd ended up on his back, totally humiliated right from the start.

"There, there. Don't feel bad. I put Li and Jensen on their backs very quickly, too. Ooh, sorry about the blood" Michael said while taking off his shirt, folding it neatly and placing it on Jensen's face without asking if he could help.

The pain in Jensen's almost broken nose flared again and he was once again assaulted by Michael's smell. But even more so, this time. Still, he couldn't complain. He was the one that had suggested that they roll together and now the man who had completely shown him up was literally offering the shirt off his back to help.

"You put up a good fight, though. So did these two. It's not your fault. I've got a lot of natural talent and I still really wanna use it on the Force. I gotta get going but I'd love to come back and really get into it with you again. " Michael said as he removed the t-shirt from Jensen's face, unfolded it and put it back on. A large blood stain covered the chest near Michael's right shoulder.

"That looks great. I should get trophies like this from all my conquests. Li, Thompson, let's get outta here. You can show me some more of what cops are capable of when they really work together. Doesn't that sound like fun?" There was an implied threat in Michael's last question like he was expecting enthusiastic "yes"s or else and he got them. The two other officers nodded their heads and "uh-huh"ed like agreeable children.

And with that they all left the gym out a side entrance. Jensen could see out the window as they got into Thompson's car. Strangely, Thompson was the only one in the front of the car. Li and Michael both got into the back. The car started up and Jensen could swear that Michael's movements were those of a man pulling down his shorts but the car was about a 100 feet away at this point. And was that Li moving his head down and to the side onto .... No! The car was too far away at this point to be sure of anything happening inside of it.


A few days passed and the weekend was upon Jensen. He'd been invited to have a few beers at Thompson's place and it had been so long and he had begun to miss his old friend and partner enough that he'd agreed readily, ignoring the strangeness of that encounter in the gym and what he'd thought he'd seen in the back of Thompson's car. It was a little last minute but Thompson had said that a lot of other officers were coming over, too and it seemed like a great time in the making.

He arrived a little late, about an hour after the festivities were to have begun. Rang the doorbell with a 12 pack of Yuengling in his hand. There didn't seem to be any cars in the driveway or street near Thompson's house, save for his own and Li's. Thompson opened the door almost immediately with a look of relief on his face.

"Oh, thank god you made it." Thompson said, visibly relaxing.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

Expecting to just see Li as he entered the living room, Jensen was a little shocked to see Michael, as well.

"Officer Jensen, so glad to see you. Come here. We were just about to have a shot of whiskey."

"Hey, Michael. How's it going?"

"Things are starting to really look up."

Jensen, Michael, Li, and Thompson gathered around Thompson's mini-bar. Michael poured 4 double shots of whiskey and raised his and toasted "To new experiences."

They all downed their shots, the whiskey burning their gullets. Jensen almost immediately felt warmth suffuse his body and a good feeling spread throughout it.

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