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Stranger Things have Happened

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A woman catches a coworker panty sniffing.
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Stranger things

Julia and Dana


My friend Julia and I are building and home designers and we do a lot of construction supervision as well as a fair amount of actually swinging hammers if we have to, saving us money from time to time. Our current project had us working on renovating at a camp up in the woods. The camp was a series of cabins and buildings that provided administration and feeding for the kids who stayed in the cabins over the summer.

The kids were gone for the season as were the owner/administrators of the place, who had gone off for the next three months on a once in a decade vacation, so they had given us their house to stay in while we worked at the camp about a mile up the road which was really nice of them since it saved us a pile of dough. It was working out great having the house, but here was one compromise. There was only one big king size bed available in the house right now since the other two bedrooms in the place were being renovated by the owners and were in mid-construction.

It was OK for a while. Julia and I had been business partners for six years and we got along pretty well so the hardship of sharing the bed was only moderate. We worked together all day and into the early evenings when necessary. We were used to having nights to ourselves, but bunking together let us treat it like a slumber party and we had some laughs joking about, telling stories and drinking wine. Even though she snored like a steam freight train climbing a hill, I was usually beat by bedtime and went to sleep over the sound of her sawing away anyway.

It was fine for the first three weeks anyway until the obvious problem arose.

I am thirty-nine and Julia is something like forty-three. She is married and has admitted to me during a couple drinking rounds that her husband she only get together for sex a couple times a month. Frankly, I thought she wasn't missing it right now. I got the impression she did not like doing it very much with him.

Not me.

I have been in and out of relationships for years. Right now, I am out. So, my sex life is mostly YouPorn and a couple toys I own, but I have a pretty high libido and if I cannot hook-up with a passing penis, I am used to ripping one off solo every other night or so. It takes the edge off me and at least keeps me sane and on an even keel. Being around Julia day in and day out, out in this wilderness meant that I wasn't getting any hook ups, and I certainly am not the type of gal to pull out my vibrator and go buzz lightyear in front of a friend and business pal in bed at night. It would have been unimaginably embarrassing.

So, I was suffering a bit. I had only managed to sneak in a single quick jill off with my fingers in the bathroom around the end of week one so I tended to thrash around a bit at night -- having trouble getting to sleep and thinking a lot of naughty thoughts.

Then this morning I woke up about 3 AM.

Julia had a funny shoulder, and favored it when sleeping so she had reversed herself in the bed to me and was lying on her side facing away from me with a pillow clenched between her legs to 'keep her knees from clacking together' too. She had on blue cotton PJs that clung to her a bit and as I lay there in the dim light of the night light I could feel my mind drifting a bit and felt my clit give a familiar twitch. I fantasized about one of my lovers from a few years ago and his big cock and drifted off for a few minutes.

Then my eyes opened again unbidden. Some mental twitch. I found I had gone fetal and contrived to shift closer to Julia during that little sleep. My head on the pillow, I realized I was staring right at her ass. Her round buttocks framed by taut material of her pajamas. Pulled into her crotch and by the pillow she had clutched between her legs and now close to my face.

This happened before I realized that in my sleep, I had stuck my hand down my PJ bottoms anyway and was kind of stroking my clit a bit when I was surprised to realize I was visually still following the lines of her ass while playing with myself. The way the wrinkles of her pajamas settled into space where her thighs and buttocks met.

For no real reason, at the moment I imagined what the area of her body must look like without her clothes on. I stared at her ass and for the love of me, realized I was tracing her buttocks outlines with my eyes again. Then again. I want to be clear. I am not gay really, but at that particular moment I started to work my clit actively, thinking how lovely the curves of her hips and buttocks were.

Julia's body was a fantasy I had never had, I swear it, but the more I stared in that dim light, the more I imagined her naked and thought about what her labia must look like nestled there between her thighs. I was really horny and within a minute or two I was really going. I tried really hard to control my breathing. I wanted to pant and groan out loud, but was very afraid she would wake up. So, I bit my lower lip, held my breath and then just went to town rubbing my clit.

Sometime in the midst of all this I realized my face was only about two feet from her ass and I wondered, from some dark corner of my mind where imagination fills in same-sex dreams, not only what her pussy might look like in there, but what it must smell like. By then I had moved my head closer for a better view in the half light, rotating my body around my core while my fingers worked. My face was about a foot away from her round cheeks. I was frigging my fingers quite fast now, and then, right where the impulse originated, I cannot say, I got it into my head to smell her then and moved my head carefully across my pillow so my face hung there in mid-air about two inches from her ass and really close to her pussy.

By then I was really scared to do what my body demanded I do so badly. I was kind of afraid of what I was thinking of at that moment, but I was also beginning to shake with desire and buried that hesitation. If I had jerked off as violently as what I was imagining I wanted to, I would have been bouncing up and down on the mattress moaning and it would have certainly awoken her.

Instead, I froze my legs wide, lying there on my left side, my nose an inch from where her pussy was inside her PJ's and sniffed. I inhaled deeply but as quietly as I could and my nostrils, for the first time in my life, were filled with the aroma of another woman's crotch as I was approaching something like ultimate sexual satisfaction.

If was incredibly odd, sure. It was weird. It was not my usual thing imagining my business partner... another woman as an object of fantasy.

It was also too much. It was as if the inhalation of that smell was some kind of aphrodisiac. A scent that traveled along the erotic highway of my senses and into the sexual centers of my brain. I came! Within seconds. Every muscle in my body tightened and I went completely rigid except for my right palm and finger tips which were mashing and rotating my clit in frantic circles with varying pressures. My eyes closed and I inhaled again as hard as I could. I shuddered.

The orgasm that followed nearly killed me.

It dropped me like an elk to a bullet in the heart. I collapsed onto my back with her smell filling my nose. And lay there, first only just managing to mostly swallow the yell that I had wanted to let loose as a scream. Second, riding wave after wave of pleasure as aftershock orgasms rippled through me. Third, doing my best to make sure I kept my entire body rigidly still so as not to wake up the woman whose pussy I had just been smelling.

I passed out then in a wash of endorphins wondering what the hell had just happened.

I reiterate. I am no lesbian. Only once in a blue moon do I ever have any thought of a woman in my fairly frequent sexual fantasies. So almost never a woman. Never Julia.

That night changed that.

For the next three days I went back to work, burying myself in my work and trying not to think about sex and especially not about my masturbating while I sniffed my partner's pussy smell.

Ever try consciously not to think about something? All you end up doing is thinking about it.

I found myself checking out Julia as we worked in proximity over those 72 hours. My eyes would invariably drift to her butt as she stood a certain way, or bent over to string a wire or hammer something in. My eyes following the rounded curves in a way that somehow turned me on now which was definitely not an emotion I was used to undergoing with Julia. Or any other woman, for that matter.

I was really not ready for this kind of vision running around in my head. I kept glancing at her the way her seams on her jeans collected into her crotch. Outlining her fat little mound in there. All of my thoughts ended up with me in bed smelling her privates. Me! A straight woman. Getting turned on by another woman! The pressure was building up in me again. In my pants. I knew I was going to have to do something about it soon.

It was just too weird.

Then laundry day came around. I had the duty this week to make sure it got done. We had bought three trash bins when we moved in. One for trash. One for recycling. The last we used as a laundry hamper. I grabbed the hamper and went down into the basement. That cellar was an unusual one. It was a long basically, uninterrupted space that stretched the length of the house. There were bracing posts here and there to slightly break up the site lines to the far end where there were several soft chairs, a pair of couches and footstools arranged to roughly see a wide TV set.

For some reason, probably related to where the water pipes ran, the previous owners had plunked down the washer and dryer right in the middle of one of the long walls. I dumped half the contents of the hamper into the washing machine. I looked into the mass to see if I needed to even the load out or pull out some delicates for hand washing and there they were. It was a pair of purple satin panties in there. Smack dab in plain sight. Framed by the machine opening. Plain that is, except or a bit of lace that would sit below the navel. A more traditional 'sexy' cut, cut rather than something that went up into your crack... front or back. Not current generation man bait. Sort of a vaguely enticing 'mom' style you could wear any time rather than the bedroom.

They were Julia's of course. I starred at them for a minute as my brain processed an idea. Then another minute while I tried to ignore that idea. Finally, almost reluctantly, I reached in and pulled them out, then prepped and started the washing cycle. I leaned there on the machine. My eyes kept drifting to those panties. I couldn't stop myself. I resisted for a while. Failed. The panties that had clung to Julia's curves. The curves I had imagined as I played with myself.

I picked them up. Staring at them like they were a snake. But my hand moved by its own volition. I pressed the panties to my nose and there it was, the secret scent of Julia. Clinging to the crotch piece. Right against my nose. Then the machine began to spin and the vibrations began.

It was as if I was controlled by a force I could not resist. Slowly... almost reluctantly... I pulled down my yoga pants.


So, I was sleeping three days ago when some atavistic center of my minds sensed movement and I opened my eyes to stare at the wall next to the bed. Less than a minute later I felt the mattress shifting rhythmically and I heard a long breath released through teeth with a keening sound underlying it as Dana had what was clearly an orgasm. A quivering one. Where the vibrations of her tense musculature passed through the mattress to me.

I was startled by this. It would never have occurred to me that she might think it OK to try and get away with masturbating in bed beside a business associate. At the same time, I knew what the breathing and keening and jiggling mattresses in the night meant. I had grown up with two sisters and we often got stuck in the same bed and when you are a teen, you just have to get your rocks off. But Dana was almost 40. You just don't expect it in someone more mature. Eventually, she jerked around a bit and swallowed some moans and eventually settled down and I soon heard her start to snore gently.

I didn't think about it much other than to regret that our work, and especially me, might be the one thing standing between her and her getting with whatever guy she might round up to scratch herself on. But then things got odder.

It took me a day or so to notice, but eventually I cottoned on and figured out that she was checking me out all the time lately. I thought I might be mistaken once, but I kept sensing her eyes on me in a way I had never encountered before, especially not from Dana anyway. Certainly not from my business partner. I decided to test if I was right. I waved my ass around a bit, but contrived to do so while in front of window or looking into something else shiny so I could scope out what was going on behind me.

I was soon sure that her eyes were definitely on me. It shocked me a bit, but I could clearly see her checking out my ass.

Then I woke up this morning and Dana was already out of bed. I did something I had not done since I was a kid. I touched myself. It was weird. It felt nice, but I was thinking about Dana when I did it. I shook my head and stopped, it felt good, but I was too embarrassed to continue.

Time to focus on work.

She had already taken the laundry down to the washer and dryer and I remembered she was going to order some lumber today and I thought I would make sure she had the correct dimensions. I went down the basement stairs. She was standing at the washing machine.

I froze.

Her pants and panties were down around her left ankle. She had splayed her legs wide and keeping her left sneaker on the floor. She had bent the other knee and straddled the edge of the machine which probably had a worn bearing set and was vibrating along -- juddering away as the drum spun.

I was immobile there on the bottom step. Stunned to see my business partner mounting a washing machine. Her naked buttocks were two white half-moons. Shapely orbs I thought. With her legs wide I could clearly see her shoving her pussy lips against the porcelain edge of the machine. Her white ass cheeks hanging out there in the open-air jiggling as she pressed herself front to back again and again. Masturbating.

I was utterly amazed and stood still in astonishment. She was bent forward. She would lift up and down and I could see her running her lower lips below along the vibrating enamel machine. The vibrations a foreplay along the soft flesh of her nether lips and the odd application of pressure downward to touch her clit to the impromptu vibrator.

Then she turned her head a bit. I realized her hand was held to her face. Then I saw the panties. My panties. MY dirty panties. Pressed to her face. Her nose. She was panting and gasping yet breathing deeply the smell of the crotch of my underpants.

Something snapped in me then.

I am not at all sure what it was in retrospect. I think it was some kind of outrage mixed with embarrassment, mixed with other things I could not name, but I was just suddenly jogging forward. The thought in my mind? Another woman was sniffing my panties! It wasn't anger exactly. Perhaps there was a bit of outrage. The kind that comes from surprise at something seen suddenly out of context. In any case I was up on her before she was even aware I was there and I glanced into the hamper, saw a bra there and without any clear or conscious plan snatched it out.

My momentum carried me forward so that I pushed myself up behind her closely from behind. Following some atavistic desire, I reached around her and grabbed for my panties bunched up around her lower face. I instead snatched at the whole hand holding my knickers. She half turned her head in frozen astonishment, presumably at getting caught masturbating with my underwear, her face was stricken. I ended up dragging her whole hand, panties still clutched in it, behind her back.

"Julia!" She cried. "I...I..." She quavered. Extreme embarrassment plain in her voice.

I felt what I took to be some kind of confused sense of moral outrage driving me for some reason and I grabbed her other hand and pulled it back behind her back too. She did not resist. She was basically frozen in embarrassment and a watered down version of fear I suppose. The kind you get when acutely embarrassed.

My pulling her hands back had barely registered on her mind yet. Using the bra, her bra as it turned out, I wrapped its elastic material around her wrists twice in less than a second and then I tightened the bra straps a third time which was the limit of stretch in the elastic. Almost with a flourish I used the hooks and eyes to connect the improvised bonds -- tying her hands behind her back.

"Julia! No! Please. I was..." Dana was trying to dismount the machine, difficult with my weight pushing her forward. She was pleading with me and tugging to try to free her hands all at the same time. As a result, she accomplished none of these efforts.

"Please... Julia... I'm sorry..." She whimpered glancing fearfully over her shoulder.

I snorted in a kind of contempt. Then reached into the hamper again and extracted another bra. Mine as it happened.

"Julia... why are you..."

I pushed her forward with a hand between her shoulders so she was bent fully over.

"Stay there!" I commanded.

In a few seconds I repeated the wrapping with the second bra just above her elbows so that her wrists and elbows were fixed behind her with brassieres. I grabbed her wrists then, snaked the other arm around her from collar bone to collar bone and pulled her upright almost forcefully.

My timing was unfortunate.

The machine went into full on spin at the moment.

Dana was wriggling in her lingerie bondage, her arms welded together and pressed between our bodies. She gasped. I could envision that the position arched her back a bit and forced the bottom of her mons and top of her labia against the now heavily vibrating machine. I paused a bit myself because holding her in that difficult position as I was my own legs were spread a bit and my own mons was thrust forward and my clit resting on the corner of the machine so an unexpected tingle shot up through me and I gasped too.

"Uh! Oh! OH! Julia... I... I'm... untie...Oh!" Dana vocalized in a helpless feminine way that did something utterly astonishing to me. It went through me like a knife, straight to my own clitoris. Heat flooded me down below. More than I had felt in a long time. I knew if I touched myself I would be hard.

The sensation overwhelmed me. Now I was the disoriented one. We, both of us in our tableau, pressing our lower regions against the big cube shaped vibrator.

I am ashamed to say that I rubbed my own clit across that vibrating corner of the machine with little real thought and my breath caught even more. I moved my other hand down to grasp her thigh and quiet her quivering about a bit and felt her bound hands pinned there. One still limply holding my panties.

I took them from her and held them a second before some perverse corner of my mind kicked in and reached up and held them with both hands above her breasts.

"Sniff my panties, will you?"

"Uh. Uh. Julia. I'm... Sor... sorry. I didn't... I wasn't..." She might have been contrite, but her hips weren't, they were moving front to back as that machine worked. She had been well turned on already. Humping away. Horny, I realized. Trying to come. Now tied, with me holding her and pressing against her, she was not stopping. Not that she could do so very easily with me gripping her from behind. Pressed up against her.


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